blob: d1dec07d9445cd2aeca4a073745b4fa7c5892d4f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ruta.rule;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationFS;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.RutaBlock;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.RutaStream;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.action.AbstractRutaAction;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.condition.AbstractRutaCondition;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.engine.RutaEngine;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.expression.string.IStringExpression;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.type.RutaBasic;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.type.RutaFrame;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.visitor.InferenceCrowd;
public class WildCardRuleElement extends AbstractRuleElement {
public WildCardRuleElement(List<AbstractRutaCondition> conditions,
List<AbstractRutaAction> actions, RuleElementContainer container, RutaBlock parent) {
super(null, conditions, actions, container, parent);
public List<RuleMatch> startMatch(RuleMatch ruleMatch, RuleApply ruleApply,
ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch, RuleElement entryPoint, RutaStream stream,
InferenceCrowd crowd) {
List<RuleMatch> result = continueMatch(true, null, ruleMatch, ruleApply, containerMatch, null,
entryPoint, stream, crowd);
return result;
public List<RuleMatch> continueMatch(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation, RuleMatch ruleMatch,
RuleApply ruleApply, ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch,
RutaRuleElement sideStepOrigin, RuleElement entryPoint, RutaStream stream,
InferenceCrowd crowd) {
RuleElement nextElement = null;
RuleElement current = this;
int nextDepth = -1;
while (nextElement == null && current != null && current.getContainer() != null) {
nextElement = current.getContainer().getNextElement(after, current);
RuleElementContainer container = current.getContainer();
if (container instanceof RuleElement) {
current = (RuleElement) container;
} else {
if (nextElement == null) {
nextDepth = 0;
List<RuleMatch> result = tryWithNextRuleElement(nextElement, after, annotation, ruleMatch,
ruleApply, containerMatch, nextDepth, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
return result;
private List<RuleMatch> tryWithNextRuleElement(RuleElement nextElement, boolean after,
AnnotationFS annotation, RuleMatch ruleMatch, RuleApply ruleApply,
ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch, int nextDepth, RutaRuleElement sideStepOrigin,
RuleElement entryPoint, RutaStream stream, InferenceCrowd crowd) {
List<RuleMatch> result = new ArrayList<RuleMatch>();
// what is the next stuff that should match?
if (nextElement == null) {
AnnotationFS afs = getCoveredByWildCard(after, annotation, null, stream);
doMatch(afs, ruleMatch, containerMatch, annotation == null, stream, crowd);
ComposedRuleElement composed = (ComposedRuleElement) getContainer();
result = composed.fallbackContinue(after, ruleMatch.matched(), afs, ruleMatch, ruleApply,
containerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else if (nextElement instanceof RutaRuleElement) {
RutaRuleElement re = (RutaRuleElement) nextElement;
RutaMatcher matcher = re.getMatcher();
if (matcher instanceof RutaTypeMatcher) {
result = tryWithNextType(after, annotation, nextElement, null, ruleMatch, ruleApply,
containerMatch, nextDepth, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else if (matcher instanceof RutaLiteralMatcher) {
result = tryWithNextLiteral(after, annotation, re, ruleMatch, ruleApply, containerMatch,
nextDepth, sideStepOrigin, stream, crowd);
} else if (nextElement instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
ComposedRuleElement cre = ((ComposedRuleElement) nextElement);
result = tryWithNextComposed(after, annotation, cre, ruleMatch, ruleApply, containerMatch,
nextDepth, sideStepOrigin, stream, crowd);
} else if (nextElement instanceof WildCardRuleElement) {
// another wildcard? seriously? then just assume its an "Annotation" type
CAS cas = stream.getCas();
result = tryWithNextType(after, annotation, nextElement, cas.getAnnotationType(), ruleMatch,
ruleApply, containerMatch, nextDepth, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
return result;
private List<RuleMatch> tryWithNextComposed(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation,
ComposedRuleElement cre, RuleMatch ruleMatch, RuleApply ruleApply,
ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch, int nextDepth, RutaRuleElement sideStepOrigin,
RutaStream stream, InferenceCrowd crowd) {
List<RuleMatch> result = new ArrayList<RuleMatch>();
AnnotationFS nextOne = annotation;
boolean doneHere = false;
while (!doneHere && (nextOne = getNextPositionForComposed(cre, after, nextOne, stream)) != null) {
int pointer = after ? nextOne.getBegin() : nextOne.getEnd();
RutaBasic anchor = stream.getAnchor(!after, pointer);
ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch = containerMatch.copy();
RuleMatch extendedMatch = ruleMatch.copy(extendedContainerMatch, after);
AnnotationFS coveredByWildCard = getCoveredByWildCard(after, annotation, nextOne, stream);
doMatch(coveredByWildCard, extendedMatch, extendedContainerMatch, annotation == null, stream,
if (extendedMatch.matched()) {
ComposedRuleElementMatch nextContainerMatch = getContainerMatchOfNextElement(
extendedContainerMatch, nextDepth);
// Hotfix for UIMA-3002
int applied = ruleApply.getApplied();
if (anchor == null) {
result = cre.startMatch(extendedMatch, ruleApply, nextContainerMatch, cre, stream, crowd);
} else {
result = cre.continueMatch(after, anchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply, nextContainerMatch,
sideStepOrigin, cre, stream, crowd);
List<RuleElementMatch> nextList = nextContainerMatch.getInnerMatches().get(cre);
boolean matched = hasMatched(nextList);
if (!matched) {
// Hotfix for UIMA-3002
if (ruleApply.getApplied() > applied) {
doneHere = true;
// end hotfix
nextOne = stream.getAnchor(after, getNextPointer(!after, nextOne));
} else {
doneHere = true;
} else {
// conditions of wildcard element did not match, try the next possible anchor for the
// next rule element
nextOne = annotation;
if (!doneHere) {
ComposedRuleElementMatch nextContainerMatch = getContainerMatchOfNextElement(containerMatch,
result = cre.continueMatch(after, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply, nextContainerMatch,
sideStepOrigin, null, stream, crowd);
return result;
private boolean hasMatched(List<RuleElementMatch> nextList) {
if (nextList == null || nextList.isEmpty()) {
return false;
boolean result = true;
for (RuleElementMatch each : nextList) {
result &= each.matched();
return result;
private AnnotationFS getNextPositionForComposed(ComposedRuleElement cre, boolean after,
AnnotationFS annotation, RutaStream stream) {
RuleElement element = getNextAtomicRuleElement(cre, after);
AnnotationFS result = null;
Boolean conjunct = cre.getConjunct();
if (element instanceof WildCardRuleElement) {
if (after) {
return stream.getAnchor(after, annotation.getEnd());
} else {
return stream.getAnchor(after, annotation.getBegin());
} else if (conjunct != null && !conjunct) {
// disjunctive
List<RuleElement> ruleElements = cre.getRuleElements();
List<AnnotationFS> nextPostions = new ArrayList<AnnotationFS>();
for (RuleElement ruleElement : ruleElements) {
if (ruleElement instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
AnnotationFS nextPositionForComposed = getNextPositionForComposed(
(ComposedRuleElement) ruleElement, after, annotation, stream);
if (nextPositionForComposed != null) {
} else if (ruleElement instanceof RutaRuleElement) {
AnnotationFS nextPositionForAtomic = getNextPositionForAtomic(after, annotation, stream,
ruleElement, result);
if (nextPositionForAtomic != null) {
if (!nextPostions.isEmpty()) {
Collections.sort(nextPostions, new AnnotationComparator());
if (after) {
result = nextPostions.get(0);
} else {
result = nextPostions.get(nextPostions.size() - 1);
} else {
result = getNextPositionForAtomic(after, annotation, stream, element, result);
return result;
private AnnotationFS getNextPositionForAtomic(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation,
RutaStream stream, RuleElement element, AnnotationFS result) {
RutaRuleElement re = (RutaRuleElement) element;
RutaMatcher matcher = re.getMatcher();
if (matcher instanceof RutaTypeMatcher) {
FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator = getIterator(after, annotation, re, null, stream);
if (iterator == null) {
return null;
if (iterator.isValid()) {
result = iterator.get();
if (annotation != null && (after && result.getEnd() == annotation.getEnd())
|| (!after && result.getBegin() == annotation.getBegin())) {
moveOn(after, iterator, stream);
if (iterator.isValid()) {
result = iterator.get();
} else {
result = null;
} else if (matcher instanceof RutaLiteralMatcher) {
RutaLiteralMatcher lm = (RutaLiteralMatcher) matcher;
IStringExpression expression = lm.getExpression();
String stringValue = expression.getStringValue(parent, annotation, stream);
AnnotationFS documentAnnotation = stream.getDocumentAnnotation();
int delta = documentAnnotation.getBegin();
String document = documentAnnotation.getCoveredText();
int pointer = annotation.getEnd() - delta;
int indexOf = document.indexOf(stringValue, pointer);
if (indexOf < 0) {
return null;
} else {
return stream.getAnchor(after, indexOf);
return result;
private RuleElement getNextAtomicRuleElement(ComposedRuleElement cre, boolean after) {
if (after) {
RuleElement firstElement = cre.getFirstElement();
if (firstElement instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
return getNextAtomicRuleElement((ComposedRuleElement) firstElement, after);
} else {
return firstElement;
} else {
RuleElement lastElement = cre.getLastElement();
if (lastElement instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
return getNextAtomicRuleElement((ComposedRuleElement) lastElement, after);
} else {
return lastElement;
private List<RuleMatch> tryWithNextType(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation,
RuleElement nextElement, Type defaultType, RuleMatch ruleMatch, RuleApply ruleApply,
ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch, int nextDepth, RutaRuleElement sideStepOrigin,
RuleElement entryPoint, RutaStream stream, InferenceCrowd crowd) {
List<RuleMatch> result = new ArrayList<RuleMatch>();
FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator = getIterator(after, annotation, nextElement, defaultType,
// already matched something maybe, but now at the end of the document
if (iterator == null || !iterator.isValid()) {
RuleElementContainer c = getContainer();
if (c instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
ComposedRuleElement cre = (ComposedRuleElement) c;
cre.fallbackContinue(after, true, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply, containerMatch,
sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
return result;
if(iterator.isValid() && !stream.isVisible(iterator.get())) {
moveOn(after, iterator, stream);
boolean doneHere = false;
while (!doneHere && iterator.isValid() && stream.isVisible(iterator.get())) {
AnnotationFS nextOne = iterator.get();
int pointer = after ? nextOne.getBegin() : nextOne.getEnd();
RutaBasic anchor = stream.getAnchor(!after, pointer);
ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch = containerMatch.copy();
RuleMatch extendedMatch = ruleMatch.copy(extendedContainerMatch, after);
AnnotationFS coveredByWildCard = getCoveredByWildCard(after, annotation, nextOne, stream);
doMatch(coveredByWildCard, extendedMatch, extendedContainerMatch, annotation == null, stream,
if (extendedMatch.matched()) {
ComposedRuleElementMatch nextContainerMatch = getContainerMatchOfNextElement(
extendedContainerMatch, nextDepth);
if (anchor == null) {
result = nextElement.startMatch(extendedMatch, ruleApply, nextContainerMatch,
nextElement, stream, crowd);
} else {
// TODO match and containermatch should be on the correct level!
result = nextElement.continueMatch(after, anchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply,
nextContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, nextElement, stream, crowd);
List<RuleElementMatch> nextList = nextContainerMatch.getInnerMatches().get(nextElement);
if (nextList == null || nextList.isEmpty() || !nextList.get(nextList.size() - 1).matched()) {
moveOn(after, iterator, stream);
} else {
doneHere = true;
} else {
// conditions of wildcard element did not match, try the next possible anchor for the
// next rule element
moveOn(after, iterator, stream);
return result;
private ComposedRuleElementMatch getContainerMatchOfNextElement(
ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch, int nextDepth) {
ComposedRuleElementMatch result = extendedContainerMatch;
for (int i = 0; i < nextDepth; i++) {
result = result.getContainerMatch();
return result;
private FSIterator<AnnotationFS> getIterator(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation,
RuleElement nextElement, Type defaultType, RutaStream stream) {
FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator = null;
if (defaultType == null) {
RutaRuleElement re = (RutaRuleElement) nextElement;
RutaMatcher matcher = re.getMatcher();
if (matcher instanceof RutaTypeMatcher) {
RutaTypeMatcher typeMatcher = (RutaTypeMatcher) re.getMatcher();
List<Type> types = typeMatcher.getTypes(parent, stream);
Type type = types.get(0);
iterator = getIteratorOfType(after, type, annotation, stream);
} else {
// should not happen
} else {
iterator = getIteratorOfType(after, defaultType, annotation, stream);
if (iterator != null && iterator.isValid() && iterator.get().equals(annotation)) {
moveOn(after, iterator, stream);
return iterator;
private FSIterator<AnnotationFS> getIteratorOfType(boolean after, Type type,
AnnotationFS annotation, RutaStream stream) {
CAS cas = stream.getCas();
FSIterator<AnnotationFS> result = null;
if (stream.getDocumentAnnotation().equals(cas.getDocumentAnnotation())) {
// no windowing needed
if (annotation == null) {
result = cas.getAnnotationIndex(type).iterator();
} else {
AnnotationFS pointer = stream.getAnchor(after, annotation);
result = cas.getAnnotationIndex(type).iterator(pointer);
if (!after) {
if (annotation != null && result.isValid()) {
// hotfix for index overflow...
AnnotationFS a = result.get();
// not greater equal because caller method will fix it for same positions, should be fixed
// right here
if (after) {
if (a.getBegin() < annotation.getBegin()) {
return null;
} else {
if (a.getEnd() > annotation.getEnd()) {
return null;
} else {
JCas jcas = null;
try {
jcas = cas.getJCas();
} catch (CASException e) {
RutaFrame window = new RutaFrame(jcas, stream.getDocumentAnnotation().getBegin(), stream
if (annotation == null) {
result = cas.getAnnotationIndex(type).subiterator(window);
} else {
result = cas.getAnnotationIndex(type).subiterator(window);
AnnotationFS pointer = stream.getAnchor(after, annotation);
if (!after) {
return result;
private List<RuleMatch> tryWithNextLiteral(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation,
RutaRuleElement nextElement, RuleMatch ruleMatch, RuleApply ruleApply,
ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch, int nextDepth, RutaRuleElement sideStepOrigin,
RutaStream stream, InferenceCrowd crowd) {
List<RuleMatch> result = new ArrayList<RuleMatch>();
RutaLiteralMatcher matcher = (RutaLiteralMatcher) nextElement.getMatcher();
IStringExpression expression = matcher.getExpression();
String stringValue = expression.getStringValue(parent, null, stream);
AnnotationFS documentAnnotation = stream.getDocumentAnnotation();
int delta = documentAnnotation.getBegin();
String document = documentAnnotation.getCoveredText();
int pointer = 0;
if (annotation != null) {
pointer = annotation.getEnd() - delta;
int indexOf = 0;
boolean doneHere = false;
// TODO matching direction not included in document.indexOf(). Need another method here
while (!doneHere && (indexOf = document.indexOf(stringValue, pointer)) < document.length()) {
if (indexOf < 0) {
// can't match, the next next element will see it.
ComposedRuleElementMatch nextContainerMatch = getContainerMatchOfNextElement(
containerMatch, nextDepth);
nextElement.continueMatch(after, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply, nextContainerMatch,
sideStepOrigin, null, stream, crowd);
doneHere = true;
RutaBasic anchor = stream.getAnchor(after, indexOf + delta);
RutaBasic endAnchor = stream.getAnchor(!after, indexOf + delta);
ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch = containerMatch.copy();
RuleMatch extendedMatch = ruleMatch.copy(extendedContainerMatch, after);
AnnotationFS coveredByWildCard = getCoveredByWildCard(after, annotation, anchor, stream);
doMatch(coveredByWildCard, extendedMatch, extendedContainerMatch, annotation == null, stream,
if (extendedMatch.matched()) {
ComposedRuleElementMatch nextContainerMatch = getContainerMatchOfNextElement(
extendedContainerMatch, nextDepth);
if (endAnchor == null) {
result = nextElement.startMatch(extendedMatch, ruleApply, nextContainerMatch,
nextElement, stream, crowd);
} else {
result = nextElement.continueMatch(after, endAnchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply,
nextContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, nextElement, stream, crowd);
List<RuleElementMatch> nextList = nextContainerMatch.getInnerMatches().get(nextElement);
if (nextList == null || nextList.isEmpty()) {
pointer = getNextPointer(after, anchor);
} else {
doneHere = true;
} else {
pointer = getNextPointer(after, anchor);
return result;
private int getNextPointer(boolean after, AnnotationFS anchor) {
if (after) {
return anchor.getEnd();
} else {
return anchor.getBegin();
private void moveOn(boolean after, FSIterator<AnnotationFS> iterator, RutaStream stream) {
if (after) {
} else {
while(iterator.isValid() && !stream.isVisible(iterator.get())) {
if (after) {
} else {
private AnnotationFS getCoveredByWildCard(boolean after, AnnotationFS last, AnnotationFS next,
RutaStream stream) {
CAS cas = stream.getCas();
Type type = cas.getAnnotationType();
AnnotationFS documentAnnotation = stream.getDocumentAnnotation();
// order like in the index
AnnotationFS before = last;
AnnotationFS later = next;
if (!after) {
before = next;
later = last;
// without any information, match on everything
int begin = documentAnnotation.getBegin();
int end = documentAnnotation.getEnd();
// limit offsets
if (before != null) {
begin = before.getEnd();
if (later != null) {
end = later.getBegin();
int filteredBegin = begin;
int filteredEnd = end;
RutaBasic beginAnchor = stream.getBeginAnchor(begin);
RutaBasic endAnchor = stream.getEndAnchor(end);
if (beginAnchor != null && !stream.isVisible(beginAnchor)) {
beginAnchor = stream.getBasicNextTo(false, beginAnchor);
if (beginAnchor != null) {
filteredBegin = beginAnchor.getBegin();
if (endAnchor != null && !stream.isVisible(endAnchor)) {
endAnchor = stream.getBasicNextTo(true, endAnchor);
if (endAnchor != null) {
filteredEnd = endAnchor.getEnd();
if (filteredBegin < filteredEnd) {
begin = filteredBegin;
end = filteredEnd;
} else {
type = cas.getTypeSystem().getType(RutaEngine.OPTIONAL_TYPE);
AnnotationFS afs = cas.createAnnotation(type, begin, end);
return afs;
private void doMatch(AnnotationFS annotation, RuleMatch ruleMatch,
ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch, boolean ruleAnchor, RutaStream stream,
InferenceCrowd crowd) {
RuleElementMatch result = new RuleElementMatch(this, containerMatch);
List<EvaluatedCondition> evaluatedConditions = new ArrayList<EvaluatedCondition>(
boolean base = true;
List<AnnotationFS> textsMatched = new ArrayList<AnnotationFS>(1);
if (base) {
for (AbstractRutaCondition condition : conditions) {
crowd.beginVisit(condition, null);
EvaluatedCondition eval = condition.eval(annotation, this, stream, crowd);
crowd.endVisit(condition, null);
if (annotation != null) {
result.setMatchInfo(base, textsMatched, evaluatedConditions, stream);
ruleMatch.setMatched(ruleMatch.matched() && result.matched());
public List<RuleMatch> continueOwnMatch(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation,
RuleMatch ruleMatch, RuleApply ruleApply, ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch,
RutaRuleElement sideStepOrigin, RuleElement entryPoint, RutaStream stream,
InferenceCrowd crowd) {
// won't happen
return Collections.emptyList();
public Collection<AnnotationFS> getAnchors(RutaStream symbolStream) {
// shouldn't happen
// really? what about anchoring at start?
return Collections.emptyList();
public long estimateAnchors(RutaStream stream) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public String toString() {
return "#" + (conditions.isEmpty() ? "" : "(" + conditions.toString() + ")" + "\\n")
+ (actions.isEmpty() ? "" : "{" + actions.toString() + "}");