blob: 2829e666751d5f94033fdd2f01fefb156a058840 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ruta.rule;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationFS;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.RutaBlock;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.RutaElement;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.RutaStream;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ScriptApply;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.engine.RutaEngine;
public class RuleMatch extends AbstractRuleMatch<RutaRule> {
private static class RuleMatchComparator implements Comparator<RuleElementMatch> {
public int compare(RuleElementMatch rem1, RuleElementMatch rem2) {
AnnotationFS fs1 = rem1.getTextsMatched().get(0);
AnnotationFS fs2 = rem2.getTextsMatched().get(0);
return fs1.getBegin() < fs2.getBegin() ? -1 : 1;
private boolean applied = false;
private Map<RutaElement, ScriptApply> delegateApply;
// private Map<RuleElement, List<RuleElementMatch>> map;
private ComposedRuleElementMatch rootMatch;
public RuleMatch(RutaRule rule) {
delegateApply = new HashMap<RutaElement, ScriptApply>(0);
public boolean matchedCompletely() {
return matched && rootMatch.matched();
public List<AnnotationFS> getMatchedAnnotationsOf(RuleElement element) {
return getMatchedAnnotations(element.getSelfIndexList(), element.getContainer());
public AnnotationFS getLastMatchedAnnotation(RuleElement element, boolean direction,
AnnotationFS annotation, RutaBlock parent, RutaStream stream) {
List<AnnotationFS> matchedAnnotations = getMatchedAnnotationsOf(element);
if (matchedAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
if (element.getQuantifier().isOptional(parent, stream)) {
return annotation;
} else {
return null;
if (direction) {
return matchedAnnotations.get(matchedAnnotations.size() - 1);
} else {
return matchedAnnotations.get(0);
public List<AnnotationFS> getMatchedAnnotationsOfRoot() {
return getMatchedAnnotationsOf(((RutaRule) getRule()).getRoot());
public List<AnnotationFS> getMatchedAnnotations(List<Integer> indexes,
RuleElementContainer container) {
List<AnnotationFS> result = new ArrayList<AnnotationFS>();
indexes = extendIndexes(indexes);
if (container == null) {
container = ((RutaRule) rule).getRoot();
// TODO refactor this!
if (indexes == null) {
List<RuleElement> ruleElements = container.getRuleElements();
indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (RuleElement ruleElement : ruleElements) {
indexes.add(ruleElements.indexOf(ruleElement) + 1);
// TODO refactor this
// this method should not be called by elements that need the actual annotation, e.g, for
// accessing theirs features.
// this is a hotfix for that case...
if (indexes.size() == 1) {
RuleElement ruleElement = container.getRuleElements().get(indexes.get(0) - 1);
List<List<RuleElementMatch>> matchInfo = getMatchInfo(ruleElement);
if (matchInfo.size() == 1) {
List<RuleElementMatch> list = matchInfo.get(0);
if (list != null && list.size() == 1) {
List<AnnotationFS> textsMatched = list.get(0).getTextsMatched();
if (textsMatched.size() == 1) {
AnnotationFS firstNormal = getFirstNormal(textsMatched);
if (firstNormal != null) {
return textsMatched;
List<List<List<RuleElementMatch>>> reverseList = new ArrayList<List<List<RuleElementMatch>>>();
for (Integer index : indexes) {
if (index > container.getRuleElements().size()) {
RuleElement ruleElement = container.getRuleElements().get(index - 1);
List<List<RuleElementMatch>> matchInfo = getMatchInfo(ruleElement);
int i = 0;
for (List<RuleElementMatch> list : matchInfo) {
if (reverseList.size() <= i) {
reverseList.add(new ArrayList<List<RuleElementMatch>>());
List<List<RuleElementMatch>> l = reverseList.get(i);
CAS cas = null;
for (List<List<RuleElementMatch>> list : reverseList) {
int begin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int end = 0;
for (List<RuleElementMatch> list2 : list) {
if (list2 != null) {
for (RuleElementMatch ruleElementMatch : list2) {
List<AnnotationFS> textsMatched = ruleElementMatch.getTextsMatched();
if (textsMatched != null && !textsMatched.isEmpty()) {
AnnotationFS first = getFirstNormal(textsMatched);
if (first != null) {
begin = Math.min(first.getBegin(), begin);
AnnotationFS last = getLastNormal(textsMatched);
if (last != null) {
end = Math.max(last.getEnd(), end);
if (cas == null && first != null) {
cas = first.getCAS();
if (cas != null && end != 0) {
AnnotationFS annotation = cas.createAnnotation(cas.getAnnotationType(), begin, end);
return result;
private AnnotationFS getFirstNormal(List<AnnotationFS> textsMatched) {
// hotfix for invisible dummy matches
int pointer = 0;
AnnotationFS annotationFS = null;
if (textsMatched.size() == 0) {
return null;
} else if (textsMatched.size() == 1) {
AnnotationFS fs = textsMatched.get(0);
if (fs.getType().getName().equals(RutaEngine.OPTIONAL_TYPE)) {
return null;
while (pointer < textsMatched.size() && (annotationFS = textsMatched.get(pointer)) != null
&& annotationFS.getType().getName().equals(RutaEngine.OPTIONAL_TYPE)) {
if (pointer < textsMatched.size()) {
return annotationFS;
return null;
private AnnotationFS getLastNormal(List<AnnotationFS> textsMatched) {
// hotfix for invisible dummy matches
int pointer = textsMatched.size() - 1;
AnnotationFS annotationFS = null;
while (pointer >= 0 && (annotationFS = textsMatched.get(pointer)) != null
&& annotationFS.getType().getName().equals(RutaEngine.OPTIONAL_TYPE)) {
if (pointer >= 0) {
return annotationFS;
return null;
public static List<Integer> extendIndexes(List<Integer> indexes) {
if (indexes == null || indexes.size() <= 1) {
return indexes;
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int pointer = indexes.get(0);
for (Integer each : indexes) {
while (pointer < each - 1) {
pointer = each;
return result;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append((matched ? "Matched : " : "Not Matched :"));
return result.toString();
public Map<RutaElement, ScriptApply> getDelegateApply() {
return delegateApply;
public void addDelegateApply(RutaElement element, ScriptApply scriptApply) {
delegateApply.put(element, scriptApply);
public void setMatched(boolean matched) {
this.matched = matched;
public RuleMatch copy(ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch, boolean after) {
RuleMatch copy = new RuleMatch(rule);
if (extendedContainerMatch.getContainerMatch() == null) {
} else {
copy.setRootMatch(rootMatch.copy2(extendedContainerMatch, after));
Map<RutaElement, ScriptApply> newDelegateApply = new HashMap<RutaElement, ScriptApply>(
return copy;
public RuleMatch copy() {
RuleMatch copy = new RuleMatch(rule);
Map<RutaElement, ScriptApply> newDelegateApply = new HashMap<RutaElement, ScriptApply>(
return copy;
public void update(ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch) {
if (extendedContainerMatch.getContainerMatch() == null) {
} else {
public void setDelegateApply(Map<RutaElement, ScriptApply> delegateApply) {
this.delegateApply = delegateApply;
public boolean isApplied() {
return applied;
public void setApplied(boolean applied) {
this.applied = applied;
public ComposedRuleElementMatch getRootMatch() {
return rootMatch;
public void setRootMatch(ComposedRuleElementMatch rootMatch) {
this.rootMatch = rootMatch;
public List<List<RuleElementMatch>> getMatchInfo(RuleElement element) {
return getMatchInfo(rootMatch, element);
public List<List<RuleElementMatch>> getMatchInfo(RuleElementMatch rootMatch, RuleElement element) {
List<List<RuleElementMatch>> result = new ArrayList<List<RuleElementMatch>>();
RuleElement root = rootMatch.getRuleElement();
if (element.equals(root)) {
List<RuleElementMatch> list = new ArrayList<RuleElementMatch>(1);
} else if (rootMatch instanceof ComposedRuleElementMatch) {
ComposedRuleElementMatch crem = (ComposedRuleElementMatch) rootMatch;
Set<Entry<RuleElement, List<RuleElementMatch>>> entrySet = crem.getInnerMatches().entrySet();
for (Entry<RuleElement, List<RuleElementMatch>> entry : entrySet) {
List<RuleElementMatch> value = entry.getValue();
if (element.equals(entry.getKey())) {
} else {
if (value != null) {
for (RuleElementMatch eachMatch : value) {
result.addAll(getMatchInfo(eachMatch, element));
return result;
public RuleElementMatch getLastMatch(RuleElement ruleElement, boolean direction) {
List<List<RuleElementMatch>> matchInfo = getMatchInfo(ruleElement);
if (matchInfo == null || matchInfo.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (direction) {
List<RuleElementMatch> list = matchInfo.get(matchInfo.size() - 1);
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
return list.get(list.size() - 1);
} else {
List<RuleElementMatch> list = matchInfo.get(0);
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
return list.get(0);
return null;