blob: e1f9319e5f378ff59edd7e3433e0957a87e0363f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ruta.engine;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.uima.UimaContext;
import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationIndex;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.Annotation;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.UIMAConstants;
import org.apache.uima.util.CasCopier;
import org.apache.uima.util.Level;
import org.htmlparser.Parser;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeList;
import org.htmlparser.util.ParserException;
* This Analysis Engine is able to convert html content from a source view into a plain string
* representation stored in an output view. Especially, the Analysis Engine transfers annotations
* under consideration of the changed document text and annotation offsets in the new view. The copy
* process also sets features, however, features of type annotation are currently not supported.
* Note that if an annotation would have the same start and end positions in the new view, i.e., if
* it would be mapped to an annotation of length 0, it is not moved to the new view.
* The HTML Converter also supports heuristic and explicit conversion patterns which default to
* html4 decoding, e.g., "{@literal }", "{@literal <}", etc. Concepts like tables or
* lists are not supported.
* Note that in general it is suggested to run an html cleaner before any further processing to
* avoid problems with malformed html.
* A descriptor file for this Analysis Engine is located in the folder <code>descriptor/utils</code>
* of a UIMA Ruta project.
public class HtmlConverter extends JCasAnnotator_ImplBase {
public static final String NAMESPACE = "org.apache.uima.ruta.type.html.";
public static final String DEFAULT_MODIFIED_VIEW = "plaintext";
public static final String LINEBREAK = "\n";
* This string parameter specifies the name of the new view. The default value is
* <code>plaintext</code>.
public static final String PARAM_OUTPUT_VIEW = "outputView";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_OUTPUT_VIEW, mandatory = false, defaultValue = DEFAULT_MODIFIED_VIEW)
private String modifiedViewName;
* This string parameter can optionally be set to specify the name of the input view.
public static final String PARAM_INPUT_VIEW = "inputView";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_INPUT_VIEW, mandatory = false)
private String inputViewName;
* This boolean parameter determines if linebreaks inside the text nodes are kept or removed. The
* default behavior is <code>true</code>.
public static final String PARAM_REPLACE_LINEBREAKS = "replaceLinebreaks";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_REPLACE_LINEBREAKS, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "true")
private Boolean replaceLinebreaks;
* This boolean parameter determines if the converter should skip whitespaces. Html documents
* often contains whitespaces for indentation and formatting, which should not be reproduced in
* the converted plain text document. If the parameter is set to false, then the whitespces are
* not removed. This behavior is useful, if not Html documents are converted, but XMl files. The
* default value is true.
public static final String PARAM_SKIP_WHITESPACES = "skipWhitespaces";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_SKIP_WHITESPACES, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "true")
private Boolean skipWhitespaces;
* If this boolean parameter is set to true, then the tags of the complete document is processed
* and not only those within the body tag.
public static final String PARAM_PROCESS_ALL = "processAll";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_PROCESS_ALL, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "false")
private Boolean processAll;
* If this boolean parameter is set to true, then zero-length annotation will not be dropped, but
* they will be assigned to the offset of the "nearest" annotation. In that case, a boolean
* feature names offsetsExpanded will be set to true if available.
public static final String PARAM_EXPAND_OFFSETS = "expandOffsets";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_EXPAND_OFFSETS, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "false")
private Boolean expandOffsets;
* This string parameter determines the character sequence that replaces a linebreak. The default
* behavior is the empty string.
public static final String PARAM_LINEBREAK_REPLACEMENT = "linebreakReplacement";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_LINEBREAK_REPLACEMENT, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "")
private String linebreakReplacement;
* This string array parameter sets the names of the html tags that create linebreaks in the
* output view. The default is <code>br, p, div, ul, ol, dl, li, h1, ..., h6, blockquote</code>.
public static final String PARAM_NEWLINE_INDUCING_TAGS = "newlineInducingTags";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_NEWLINE_INDUCING_TAGS, mandatory = false, defaultValue = {
"br", "p", "div", "ul", "ol", "dl", "li", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "blockquote" })
private String[] newlineInducingTags;
* This string parameter contains a regular expression for HTML/XML elements. If the pattern
* matches, then the element will introduce a new line break similar to the element of the
* parameter <code>newlineInducingTags</code>.
public static final String PARAM_NEWLINE_INDUCING_TAG_REGEXP = "newlineInducingTagRegExp";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_NEWLINE_INDUCING_TAG_REGEXP, mandatory = false)
private String newlineInducingTagRegExp;
* This string array parameter sets the names of the html tags that create additional text in the
* output view. The acutal string of the gap is defined by the parameter <code>gapText</code>.
public static final String PARAM_GAP_INDUCING_TAGS = "gapInducingTags";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_GAP_INDUCING_TAGS, mandatory = false)
private String[] gapInducingTags;
* This string parameter determines the character sequence that is introduced by the html tags
* specified in the <code>gapInducingTags</code>.
public static final String PARAM_GAP_TEXT = "gapText";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_GAP_TEXT, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "")
private String gapText;
* This boolean parameter sets the value of the parameter <code>gapText</code> to a single space.
public static final String PARAM_USE_SPACE_GAP = "useSpaceGap";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_USE_SPACE_GAP, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "")
private Boolean useSpaceGap;
* This string array parameter can be used to apply custom conversions. It defaults to a list of
* commonly used codes, e.g., {@literal&nbsp;}, which are converted using html 4 entity
* unescaping. However, explicit conversion strings can also be passed via the parameter
* <code>conversionReplacements</code>. Remember to enable explicit conversion via
* <code>conversionPolicy</code> first.
public static final String PARAM_CONVERSION_PATTERNS = "conversionPatterns";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_CONVERSION_PATTERNS, mandatory = false, defaultValue = {
"&nbsp;", "&laquo;", "&raquo;", "&quot;", "&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&apos;", "&sect;",
"&uml;", "&copy;", "&trade;", "&reg;", "&ouml;", "&auml;", "&uuml;", "&#160;" })
private String[] conversionPatterns;
* This string parameter determines the conversion policy used, either "heuristic", "explicit", or
* "none". When the value is "explicit", the parameters <code>conversionPatterns</code> and
* optionally <code>conversionReplacements</code> are considered. The "heuristic" conversion
* policy uses simple regular expressions to decode html4 entities such as "{@literal&nbsp;}".
* The default behavior is "heuristic".
public static final String PARAM_CONVERSION_POLICY = "conversionPolicy";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_CONVERSION_POLICY, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "heuristic")
private String conversionPolicy;
* This string array parameter corresponds to <code>conversionPatterns</code> such that
* <code>conversionPatterns[i]</code> will be replaced by <code>conversionReplacements[i]</code>;
* replacements should be shorter than the source pattern. Per default, the replacement strings
* are computed using Html4 decoding. Remember to enable explicit conversion via
* <code>conversionPolicy</code> first.
public static final String PARAM_CONVERSION_REPLACEMENTS = "conversionReplacements";
@ConfigurationParameter(name = PARAM_CONVERSION_REPLACEMENTS, mandatory = false)
private String[] conversionReplacements;
private int[] map;
public void initialize(UimaContext aContext) throws ResourceInitializationException {
inputViewName = (String) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_INPUT_VIEW);
inputViewName = StringUtils.isBlank(inputViewName) ? null : inputViewName;
modifiedViewName = (String) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_OUTPUT_VIEW);
modifiedViewName = StringUtils.isBlank(modifiedViewName) ? DEFAULT_MODIFIED_VIEW
: modifiedViewName;
replaceLinebreaks = (Boolean) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_REPLACE_LINEBREAKS);
replaceLinebreaks = replaceLinebreaks == null ? true : replaceLinebreaks;
skipWhitespaces = (Boolean) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_SKIP_WHITESPACES);
skipWhitespaces = skipWhitespaces == null ? true : skipWhitespaces;
processAll = (Boolean) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_PROCESS_ALL);
processAll = processAll == null ? true : processAll;
linebreakReplacement = (String) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_LINEBREAK_REPLACEMENT);
linebreakReplacement = linebreakReplacement == null ? "" : linebreakReplacement;
String conversionPolicy = (String) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_CONVERSION_POLICY);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(conversionPolicy) || conversionPolicy.equals("heuristic")) {
conversionPolicy = "heuristic";
} else if (conversionPolicy.equals("explicit")) {
} else if (conversionPolicy.equals("none")) {
} else {
throw new ResourceInitializationException("illegal conversionPolicy parameter value",
new Object[0]);
String[] nlTags = (String[]) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_NEWLINE_INDUCING_TAGS);
if (nlTags == null) {
newlineInducingTags = new String[] { "br", "p", "div", "ul", "ol", "dl", "li", "h1", "h2",
"h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "blockquote" };
// check assertions
if (modifiedViewName.equals(inputViewName)) {
throw new ResourceInitializationException("input and output view names must differ!",
new Object[0]);
conversionPatterns = (String[]) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_CONVERSION_PATTERNS);
if (conversionPatterns == null) {
conversionPatterns = new String[] { "&nbsp;", "&laquo;", "&raquo;", "&quot;", "&amp;",
"&lt;", "&gt;", "&apos;", "&sect;", "&uml;", "&copy;", "&trade;", "&reg;", "&ouml;",
"&auml;", "&uuml;", "&#160;" };
conversionReplacements = (String[]) aContext
if (conversionReplacements == null) {
conversionReplacements = new String[conversionPatterns.length];
for (int i = 0; i < conversionPatterns.length; i++) {
String c = conversionPatterns[i];
String rep = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(c);
conversionReplacements[i] = rep;
gapText = (String) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_GAP_TEXT);
gapText = gapText == null ? "" : gapText;
useSpaceGap = (Boolean) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_USE_SPACE_GAP);
useSpaceGap = useSpaceGap == null ? false : useSpaceGap;
if(useSpaceGap) {
gapText = " ";
gapInducingTags = (String[]) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_GAP_INDUCING_TAGS);
gapInducingTags = gapInducingTags == null ? new String[0] : gapInducingTags;
expandOffsets = (Boolean) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_EXPAND_OFFSETS);
expandOffsets = expandOffsets == null ? false : expandOffsets;
newlineInducingTagRegExp = (String) aContext.getConfigParameterValue(PARAM_NEWLINE_INDUCING_TAG_REGEXP);
public void process(JCas jcaz) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
JCas jcas;
try {
if (inputViewName != null) {
jcas = jcaz.getView(inputViewName);
} else {
jcas = jcaz;
} catch (CASException e1) {
throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e1.getCause());
// init:
String documentText = jcas.getDocumentText();
String splitSeq = documentText.contains("\r\n") ? "\r\n" : "\n";
map = new int[documentText.length() + 1];
JCas modview = null;
try {
// check if view already exists:
Iterator<JCas> viewIterator = jcas.getViewIterator();
while (viewIterator.hasNext()) {
JCas jCas2 = (JCas);
if (jCas2.getViewName().equals(modifiedViewName)) {
modview = jCas2;
"view with name \"" + modifiedViewName + "\" already exists.");
if (modview == null) {
modview = jcas.createView(modifiedViewName);
} catch (CASException e) {
SortedSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> visibleSpansSoFar = new TreeSet<HtmlConverterPSpan>();
SortedSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> linebreaksFromHtmlTags = new TreeSet<HtmlConverterPSpan>();
SortedSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> gapsFromHtmlTags = new TreeSet<HtmlConverterPSpan>();
// process
try {
Parser parser = new Parser(documentText);
NodeList list = parser.parse(null);
HtmlConverterVisitor visitor = new HtmlConverterVisitor(newlineInducingTags, newlineInducingTagRegExp, gapInducingTags,
gapText, skipWhitespaces, processAll);
visibleSpansSoFar = visitor.getTextSpans();
linebreaksFromHtmlTags = visitor.getLinebreaksFromHtmlTags();
gapsFromHtmlTags = visitor.getGapsFromHtmlTags();
} catch (ParserException e) {
throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e);
if (replaceLinebreaks) {
visibleSpansSoFar = this.handleLinebreaksInDocumentText(visibleSpansSoFar, splitSeq);
if (conversionPolicy.equals("heuristic")) {
visibleSpansSoFar = this.htmlDecoding(visibleSpansSoFar);
} else if (conversionPolicy.equals("explicit")) {
for (int i = 0; i < conversionPatterns.length; i++) {
String pat = conversionPatterns[i];
String rep = conversionReplacements[i];
visibleSpansSoFar = this.handleConversion(visibleSpansSoFar, pat, rep);
// create new doc-text and the map from deletions and visible-text-spans:
StringBuffer sbu = new StringBuffer(documentText.length());
int originalOffsetI = 0;
int outOffset = 0;
for (HtmlConverterPSpan vis : visibleSpansSoFar) {
final int begin = vis.getBegin();
final int end = vis.getEnd();
// map text before annotation:
while (originalOffsetI < begin) {
map[originalOffsetI++] = outOffset;
// get and map text/replacement:
String s = "";
if (vis instanceof HtmlConverterPSpanReplacement) {
// conversion/replacement:
s = vis.getTxt();
// asserts that s is shorter than the original source
while (originalOffsetI < begin + s.length()) {
map[originalOffsetI++] = outOffset++;
while (originalOffsetI < end) {
map[originalOffsetI++] = outOffset;
} else {
// simple annotation:
s = documentText.substring(begin, end);
while (originalOffsetI < end) {
map[originalOffsetI++] = outOffset++;
while (originalOffsetI < documentText.length()) {
map[originalOffsetI++] = outOffset;
map[documentText.length()] = outOffset + 1; // handle doc end separately
String modTxt = sbu.toString();
// copy annotations using the 'map':
try {
mapAnnotations(jcas, map, modifiedViewName);
} catch (CASException e) {
private void mapAnnotations(JCas fromJcas, int[] map, String toView) throws CASException {
JCas modview = fromJcas.getView(toView);
Set<Annotation> indexedFs = new HashSet<Annotation>();
Set<Annotation> toExpand = new HashSet<Annotation>();
AnnotationIndex<Annotation> annotationIndex = fromJcas.getAnnotationIndex();
TypeSystem typeSystem = fromJcas.getTypeSystem();
Type docType = typeSystem.getType(UIMAConstants.TYPE_DOCUMENT);
CasCopier casCopier = new CasCopier(fromJcas.getCas(), modview.getCas());
for (Annotation annotation : annotationIndex) {
// TODO be careful here, because some people inherit from DocumentAnnotation
if (typeSystem.subsumes(docType, annotation.getType())) {
Annotation clone = (Annotation) casCopier.copyFs(annotation);
// change the view/sofa of the new annotation...
// see:
.getFeatureByFullName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_SOFA), modview.getSofa());
final int mappedBegin = map[clone.getBegin()];
final int mappedEnd = map[clone.getEnd()];
if (mappedBegin < mappedEnd) {
if (mappedEnd > fromJcas.getCas().getDocumentAnnotation().getEnd()) {
getContext().getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "illegal annotation offset mapping");
} else {
int max = modview.getCas().getDocumentAnnotation().getEnd();
if (mappedBegin < max && mappedEnd <= max && mappedBegin >= 0 && mappedEnd > 0) {
// TODO handle nested annotation features
} else {
getContext().getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "illegal annotation offset mapping");
} else if (expandOffsets) {
for (Annotation each : toExpand) {
Annotation nextBestAnnotation = getNextBestAnnotation(each, modview);
if (nextBestAnnotation != null) {
Feature expandedOffsetsFeature = each.getType().getFeatureByBaseName("expandedOffsets");
if (expandedOffsetsFeature != null) {
each.setBooleanValue(expandedOffsetsFeature, true);
private Annotation getNextBestAnnotation(Annotation source, JCas jcas) {
FSIterator<Annotation> iterator = jcas.getAnnotationIndex().iterator(source);
Annotation best = null;
if (iterator.isValid()) {
Annotation annotation = iterator.get();
best = annotation;
} else {
Annotation dummy = new Annotation(jcas, source.getBegin(), source.getBegin() + 1);
iterator = jcas.getAnnotationIndex().iterator(dummy);
if (!iterator.isValid()) {
if ((jcas.getDocumentText().length() / 2) > source.getBegin()) {
if (iterator.isValid()) {
Annotation annotation = iterator.get();
best = annotation;
} else {
if (iterator.isValid()) {
Annotation annotation = iterator.get();
best = annotation;
return best;
private SortedSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> handleLinebreaksInDocumentText(
SortedSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> visibleSpansSoFar, String splitSeq) {
return this.handleConversion(visibleSpansSoFar, splitSeq, linebreakReplacement);
private SortedSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> htmlDecoding(SortedSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> visibleSpansSoFar) {
TreeSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> copy = new TreeSet<HtmlConverterPSpan>(visibleSpansSoFar);
Pattern patt = Pattern.compile("(&[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,6};)|(&#\\d{2,5};)");
for (HtmlConverterPSpan pSpan : visibleSpansSoFar) {
String spanTxt = pSpan.getTxt();
Matcher matcher = patt.matcher(spanTxt);
if (matcher.find()) {
int pSpanBegin = pSpan.getBegin();
int ioff = pSpan.getBegin();
do {
String sourceString =;
String replacement = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(sourceString);
HtmlConverterPSpanReplacement replacementSpan = new HtmlConverterPSpanReplacement(
pSpanBegin + matcher.start(), pSpanBegin + matcher.end(), replacement);
int replacementLength = sourceString.length();
if (pSpanBegin + matcher.end() > ioff + replacementLength) {
int ib = ioff;
int ie = pSpanBegin + matcher.start();
String newTxt = spanTxt.substring(ib - pSpanBegin, ie - pSpanBegin);
copy.add(new HtmlConverterPSpan(ib, ie, newTxt));
ioff = ie;
ioff += replacementLength; //
} while (matcher.find());
if (ioff < pSpan.getEnd()) {
int ib = ioff;
int ie = pSpan.getEnd();
String newTxt = spanTxt.substring(ib - pSpanBegin, ie - pSpanBegin);
copy.add(new HtmlConverterPSpan(ioff, pSpan.getEnd(), newTxt));
return copy;
private SortedSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> handleConversion(
SortedSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> visibleSpansSoFar, String patternString, String replacement) {
TreeSet<HtmlConverterPSpan> copy = new TreeSet<HtmlConverterPSpan>(visibleSpansSoFar);
Pattern patt = Pattern.compile(patternString);
int replacementLength = patternString.length();
for (HtmlConverterPSpan pSpan : visibleSpansSoFar) {
String spanTxt = pSpan.getTxt();
Matcher matcher = patt.matcher(spanTxt);
if (matcher.find()) {
int pSpanBegin = pSpan.getBegin();
int ioff = pSpan.getBegin();
do {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(replacement)) {
HtmlConverterPSpanReplacement replacementSpan = new HtmlConverterPSpanReplacement(
pSpanBegin + matcher.start(), pSpanBegin + matcher.end(), replacement);
if (pSpanBegin + matcher.end() > ioff + replacementLength) {
int ib = ioff;
int ie = pSpanBegin + matcher.start();
String newTxt = spanTxt.substring(ib - pSpanBegin, ie - pSpanBegin);
copy.add(new HtmlConverterPSpan(ib, ie, newTxt));
ioff = ie;
ioff += replacementLength; //
} while (matcher.find());
if (ioff < pSpan.getEnd()) {
int ib = ioff;
int ie = pSpan.getEnd();
String newTxt = spanTxt.substring(ib - pSpanBegin, ie - pSpanBegin);
copy.add(new HtmlConverterPSpan(ioff, pSpan.getEnd(), newTxt));
return copy;