[UIMA-5612] update the build for signed eclipse update site

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/build/trunk/parent-pom@1816888 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 0fe2a53..ad894c2 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -1791,12 +1791,16 @@
 		                  <arg line="-outputDir ${eusWork}/plugins" />

 		                  <arg line="${toBePacked}" />



-		                <!-- copy also the original unpacked jars to the subsite in the plugins dir -->               

-		                <copy todir="${eusWork}/plugins" failonerror="true">

-		                  <fileset dir="${toBePacked}" />

-		                </copy>


+				            <echo>Save conditioned Jars prior to signing, in case of redo</echo>

+		                <echo>-------------------------------------------------------</echo> 

+		                <copy todir="${project.build.directory}/saved/features" failonerror="true">

+		                  <fileset dir="${eusWork}/features" includes="*.jar" />                 

+		                </copy>

+		                <copy todir="${project.build.directory}/saved/plugins" failonerror="true">

+		                   <fileset dir="${eusWork}/plugins" includes="*.jar" />                 

+		                </copy>



 		                       manually publish - eusWork to subsite

 		                       rename to follow Eclipse conventions 

@@ -1931,6 +1935,180 @@




+              <!-- ================================================= -->

+              <!--   Rerun pack,publish and sign after jar-signing   -->

+              <!--   Has NO GOAL or PHASE, so doesn't run normally   -->

+              <!--   run using mvn                                   -->   

+              <!--      antrun:run@make-subsite-after-signing        -->

+              <!-- ================================================= -->


+		          <execution>

+                <id>make-subsite-after-signing</id>

+                <configuration>

+                  <target>

+                    <taskdef name="if" classname="net.sf.antcontrib.logic.IfTask" />


+                    <!-- =================================== -->

+                    <!--   Check we can access build tools   -->

+                    <!-- =================================== -->

+                    <!-- if the property uima-maven-build-eclipse-home is set, use it, otherwise don't -->

+                    <condition property="eclipse.home" value="${uima-maven-build-eclipse-home}">

+                      <not>

+                        <equals arg1="${uima-maven-build-eclipse-home}" arg2="$${uima-maven-build-eclipse-home}" />

+                      </not>

+                    </condition>


+                    <property environment="envVar" />

+                    <condition property="eclipse.home" value="${envVar.ECLIPSE_HOME}">

+                      <isset property="envVar.ECLIPSE_HOME" />

+                    </condition>


+		                <echo>deleting previous version of packed files from work</echo>

+		                <echo>---------------------------------------------------</echo>

+		                <delete verbose="true">

+		                  <fileset dir="${eusWork}/plugins" includes="*.pack.gz" />

+		                </delete>


+		                <echo> </echo>

+		                <echo>Compressing signed plugin Jars in eus-work using pack200 - this may take a minute or 2</echo>

+		                <echo>======================================================================================</echo>

+                    <java jar="${uima-eclipse-jar-processor}" fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="256m">

+                      <arg line="-pack" />

+                      <arg line="-verbose" />

+                           <!--  only pack the plugins.  The publisher won't copy packed "features", 

+                                 they are tiny anyways --> 

+                      <arg line="-outputDir ${eusWork}/plugins" />

+                      <arg line="${eusWork}/plugins" />

+                    </java>


+		                <echo> </echo>

+		                <echo>Resetting the content and artifacts for the site</echo>

+		                <echo>------------------------------------------------</echo>


+		                <!-- This is needed because the previous pre-build step already

+		                     updated the content and artifacts jar with the new versions -->


+	                  <delete verbose="true">

+		                  <fileset dir="${eclipseUpdateSubSite}" includes="content.jar,artifacts.jar" />

+		                </delete>

+		                <copy todir="${eclipseUpdateSubSite}" failonerror="false">

+		                  <fileset dir="${project.build.directory}/saved" includes="content.jar,artifacts.jar" />

+		                </copy>                          


+		                <echo> </echo>

+                    <echo>Generate the p2 metadata and publish new artifacts</echo>

+		                <echo>--------------------------------------------------</echo>

+                     <!-- Append is needed because category info is incremental with each additional release -->

+                    <!-- publishArtifacts is needed to generate p2 metadata for the pack.gz forms -->

+                    <!--   - tried and failed: using ANT to copy artifacts to the target - doesn't update metadata

+                             for pack.gz form ! if you don't publish artifacts

+                             - doesn't update artifacts.jar 

+                           - deleting SNAPSHOT jars in the eclipse update subsite 

+                             - fails because the previous metadata has info about those jars  

+                               and that isn't deleted, and continues to be used

+                    -->

+                    <java jar="${eclipse-equinox-launcher}" fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="256m">

+                      <arg line="-application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher" />

+                      <arg line="-metadataRepository file:///${eclipseUpdateSubSite}" />

+                      <arg line="-artifactRepository file:///${eclipseUpdateSubSite}" />

+                      <arg line="-source ${eusWork}" />

+                      <arg line="-configs ANY.ANY.ANY" />

+                      <arg line="-publishArtifacts" />

+                      <arg line="-reusePack200Files" />

+                      <arg line="-compress" />

+                      <arg line="-append" />     

+                    </java>


+                    <echo>Augment p2 metadata with category information</echo>

+		                <echo>---------------------------------------------</echo>

+                    <java jar="${eclipse-equinox-launcher}" fork="true" failonerror="true" maxmemory="256m">

+                      <arg line="-application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.CategoryPublisher" />

+                      <arg line="-metadataRepository file:///${eclipseUpdateSubSite}" />

+                      <arg line="-categoryDefinition file:///${basedir}/category.xml" />

+                      <arg line="-categoryQualifier apache-uima" />

+                      <arg line="-compress" />

+                    </java>  



+		                <echo> </echo>

+		                <echo>Clearing previous checksums and signatures for eusWork plugins</echo>

+		                <delete dir="${eusWork}">

+		                  <include name="**/*.sha1" />

+		                  <include name="**/*.md5" />

+		                  <include name="**/*.asc" />

+		                </delete>


+		                <echo message="Generating checksums for signed plugins" />


+                    <checksum algorithm="sha1" format="MD5SUM">

+                      <fileset dir="${eusWork}">

+                        <include name="**/*.gz" />

+                        <include name="**/*.jar" />

+                      </fileset>

+                    </checksum>

+                    <checksum algorithm="md5" format="MD5SUM">

+                      <fileset dir="${eusWork}">

+                        <include name="**/*.gz" />

+                        <include name="**/*.jar" />

+                      </fileset>

+                    </checksum>


+                    <echo message="Generating gpg signatures for new features and plugins" />

+                    <apply executable="gpg" dir="${eusWork}" failonerror="true"> 

+                      <arg value="--detach-sign" />

+                      <arg value="--armor" />

+                      <!-- batch flag needed to avoid gpg hang up -->

+                      <arg value="--batch" />

+                      <fileset dir="${eusWork}">

+                        <include name="**/*.jar" />

+                        <include name="**/*.jar.pack.gz" />

+                      </fileset>

+                    </apply> 


+                    <echo message="Copying the checksums and signatures to the update subsite" />

+                    <copy todir="${eclipseUpdateSubSite}" failonerror="true">

+                      <fileset dir="${eusWork}">

+                        <include name="**/*.asc" />

+                        <include name="**/*.md5" />

+                        <include name="**/*.sha1" />

+                      </fileset>

+                    </copy>


+		                <echo> </echo>

+                    <echo message="Clearing previous checksums and signatures for update artifacts.jar and content.jar" />

+                    <delete dir="${eclipseUpdateSubSite}">

+                      <include name="*.sha1" />

+                      <include name="*.md5" />

+                      <include name="*.asc" />

+                    </delete> 


+                    <echo message="Generating checksums for updated artifacts.jar and content.jar" />

+                    <checksum algorithm="sha1" format="MD5SUM">

+                      <fileset dir="${eclipseUpdateSubSite}">

+                         <include name="*.jar" />

+                      </fileset>

+                    </checksum> 


+                    <checksum algorithm="md5" format="MD5SUM">

+                      <fileset dir="${eclipseUpdateSubSite}">

+                        <include name="*.jar" />

+                      </fileset>

+                    </checksum>


+                    <echo message="Generating gpg signatures for artifacts.jar and content.jar" />

+                    <apply executable="gpg" dir="${eclipseUpdateSubSite}" failonerror="true"> 

+                      <arg value="--detach-sign" />

+                      <arg value="--armor" />

+                      <!-- batch flag needed to avoid gpg hang up -->

+                      <arg value="--batch" />

+                      <fileset dir="${eclipseUpdateSubSite}">

+                        <include name="*.jar" />

+                      </fileset>

+                    </apply> 

+                  </target>

+                </configuration>

+              </execution>


