blob: 864ce42d8c4d95c880f0010612166bad00f50cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ducc.cli;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.crypto.Crypto;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.DuccProperties;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.DuccPropertiesResolver;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.Utils;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.transport.dispatcher.IDuccEventDispatcher;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.transport.event.AbstractDuccOrchestratorEvent;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.transport.event.IDuccContext.DuccContext;
* Define common methods and data used by all the DUCC API and CLI.
public abstract class CliBase
implements IUiOptions
private String myClassName = "N/A";
private boolean init_done = false;
protected String ducc_home;
protected IDuccEventDispatcher dispatcher;
protected CommandLine commandLine;
protected long friendlyId = -1;
protected int returnCode = 0;
protected DuccProperties cli_props;
protected ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
protected ArrayList<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>();
protected ArrayList<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>();
protected boolean debug;
private boolean load_defaults = true;
protected ConsoleListener console_listener = null;
protected boolean suppress_console_log;
protected String host_address = "N/A";
protected boolean console_attach = false;
protected IDuccCallback consoleCb = null;
protected MonitorListener monitor_listener = null;
CountDownLatch waiter = null;
protected Properties userSpecifiedProperties;
* All extenders must implement execute - this method does whatever processing on the input
* is needed and passes the CLI request to the internal DUCC processes.
* @return Return true if execution works, and false otherwise.
* @throws java.lang.Exception The specific exception is a function of the implementor.
public abstract boolean execute() throws Exception;
protected void inhibitDefaults()
this.load_defaults = false;
* Make the log directory absolute if necessary and check that it is usable.
* If not provided it will have been given a default value.
* UIMA-4617 Make it relative to the run-time working directory, not HOME
String getLogDirectory(String working_directory) throws IOException {
String log_directory = cli_props.getProperty(UiOption.LogDirectory.pname());
File f;
if (log_directory.startsWith(File.separator)) {
f = new File(log_directory);
} else {
f = new File(working_directory, log_directory); // Relative to working directory
log_directory = f.getCanonicalPath();
cli_props.setProperty(UiOption.LogDirectory.pname(), log_directory);
* make sure the logdir is actually legal.
* JD may also be creating it so to reduce any race or NFS delay blindly create and then test
if ( ! f.isDirectory() || ! f.canWrite()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified log_directory is not a writable directory: " + log_directory);
return log_directory;
* Ensure the working directory exists and is absolute
String getWorkingDirectory() throws IOException {
String working_directory = cli_props.getProperty(UiOption.WorkingDirectory.pname());
File f = new File(working_directory);
if ( ! f.exists() ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Working directory " + working_directory + " does not exist.");
if ( ! f.isAbsolute() ) {
working_directory = f.getCanonicalPath();
cli_props.setProperty(UiOption.WorkingDirectory.pname(), working_directory);
return working_directory;
* Check the syntax & if a service refers to itself -- place-holders already resolved
* Strip any broker URL decorations
boolean check_service_dependencies(String endpoint)
String deps = cli_props.getProperty(UiOption.ServiceDependency.pname());
try {
String dependencies = DuccUiUtilities.check_service_dependencies(endpoint, deps);
if (dependencies != null) {
cli_props.setProperty(UiOption.ServiceDependency.pname(), dependencies);
return true;
} catch ( Throwable t ) {
message("ERROR:", t.toString());
return false;
* Check if -Xmx value is >= memory size ... if both are specified
void check_heap_size(String argsOption) {
String jvmArgs = cli_props.getProperty(argsOption);
String memSize = cli_props.getProperty(UiOption.ProcessMemorySize.pname());
if (jvmArgs == null || memSize == null) {
// The numbers may be terminated by a units factor, white-space, or the end of the string
// The units factor may be any of kKmMgG ... if omitted is bytes
// Match -Xmx###[units-flag] and take the last one specified (IBM & Oracle JREs do this)
String xmxRegex = "-Xmx([0-9]+)($|[\\skKmMgG])";
Pattern patn = Pattern.compile(xmxRegex);
Matcher matcher = patn.matcher(jvmArgs);
Long size = null;
String unit = null;
while (matcher.find()) {
size = Long.valueOf(;
unit =;
if (size == null) {
if (unit.isEmpty()) { // Was last option in list
unit = " ";
char factor = unit.toLowerCase().charAt(0);
int shift = "gmk".indexOf(factor); // Number of 1024's to divide size by to get GB
if (shift < 0) { // No explicit unit factor ... white-space => bytes
shift = 3;
long sizeGB = size >> (10 * shift); // Shift 10 bits per K
int memGB = Integer.valueOf(memSize);
if (sizeGB >= memGB) {
String text = "WARNING - process_memory_size is " + memSize + "G but the max heap is " + size + unit + " --- swapping may occur";
void setUser()
throws Exception
* marshal user
String user = DuccUiUtilities.getUser();
cli_props.setProperty(UiOption.User.pname(), user);
String property = DuccPropertiesResolver.getInstance().getProperty(DuccPropertiesResolver.ducc_signature_required);
if(property != null) {
String signatureRequiredProperty = property.trim().toLowerCase();
if(signatureRequiredProperty.equals("on")) {
Crypto crypto = new Crypto(user, true);
byte[] cypheredMessage = crypto.getSignature();
cli_props.put(UiOption.Signature.pname(), cypheredMessage);
* Standard init for all except the Service calls that are sent to the SM
protected synchronized void init(String myClassName, UiOption[] opts, String[] args, DuccProperties cli_props,
IDuccCallback consoleCb) throws Exception {
this.init (myClassName, opts, args, null, cli_props, consoleCb, "orchestrator");
protected synchronized void init(String myClassName, UiOption[] opts, Properties props, DuccProperties cli_props,
IDuccCallback consoleCb) throws Exception {
this.init (myClassName, opts, null, props, cli_props, consoleCb, "orchestrator");
* @param myClassName Name of the class invoking me, for help string
* @param uiOpts Array of IUioptions permitted for this command
* @param args Arguments from the command line (or null)
* @param props Properties passed in from the API (or null)
* @param cli_props (Initially) empty properties file to be filled in
* @param consoleCb Console callback object (optional)
* @param servlet The name of the http servlet that will serve this request
* @throws Exception If initialization fails, e.g. invalid arguments or properties
protected synchronized void init(String myClassName, IUiOption[] uiOpts, String[] args, Properties props,
DuccProperties cli_props, IDuccCallback consoleCb, String servlet)
throws Exception
// Either args or props passed in, not both
if (args != null) {
CliFixups.cleanupArgs(args, myClassName);
} else {
CliFixups.cleanupProps(props, myClassName);
if ( init_done ) return;
if ( consoleCb == null ) {
this.consoleCb = new DefaultCallback();
} else {
this.consoleCb = consoleCb;
this.myClassName = myClassName;
ducc_home = Utils.findDuccHome();
this.cli_props = cli_props;
commandLine = new CommandLine(args, uiOpts, props);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if ( commandLine.contains(UiOption.Help)) {
debug = commandLine.contains(UiOption.Debug);
// Load the specification file, if given on the command line. Note that registration
// bypasses the somewhat redundant --specification option so we check two options.
// Cannot have both as --specification && --register are never both valid.
String fname = null;
for (IUiOption spec : new IUiOption[]{ UiOption.Specification, UiOption.Register }) {
if ( commandLine.isOption(spec) && commandLine.contains(spec)) { // legal for this command, and also specified?
fname = commandLine.get(spec);
if (fname.length() == 0) { // Check if --register has no value
fname = null;
// If have a specification file re-parse using it for default values
if ( fname != null ) {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(fname));
Properties defaults = new Properties();
CliFixups.cleanupProps(defaults, myClassName); // May correct or drop deprecated options
// If invoked with overriding properties add to or replace the defaults
if (props != null) {
commandLine = new CommandLine(args, uiOpts, defaults);
commandLine.verify(); // Insure all the rules specified by the IUiOpts are enforced
// Copy options into cli_props
// Save a copy of the user-specified ones by cloning the underlying properties
userSpecifiedProperties = (Properties)((Properties)cli_props).clone();
// May need to suppress logging in console listener, or in the DUCC process.
suppress_console_log = cli_props.containsKey(UiOption.SuppressConsoleLog.pname());
// This is not used by DUCC ... allows ducc-mon to display the origin of a job
cli_props.setProperty(UiOption.SubmitPid.pname(), ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName());
// Apply defaults for and fixup the environment if needed
// -- unless default loading is inhibited, as it must be for modify operations
// What this routine does is fill in all the options that weren't specified
// on the command line with their defaults. For 'modify' we want to bypass
// this because ONLY the options from the command line should be set.
// So modify must not change the log directory.
if ( load_defaults ) {
setDefaults(uiOpts, suppress_console_log);
//NodeIdentity ni = new NodeIdentity(); UIMA-3899, use getHostAddress() directly. jrc
host_address = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
// AllInOne doesn't dispatch requests (and local doesn't need a running DUCC!)
if (!cli_props.containsKey(UiOption.AllInOne.pname())) {
dispatcher = DispatcherFactory.create(cli_props, servlet);
init_done = true;
* Save options as properties after resolving any ${..} placeholders
void setOptions(IUiOption[] uiOpts)
throws Exception
// Find the environment variables that are always propagated
List<String> envNameList;
String envNames = DuccPropertiesResolver.get(DuccPropertiesResolver.ducc_environment_propagated);
if (envNames != null) {
envNameList = Arrays.asList(envNames.split("\\s+"));
} else {
envNameList = new ArrayList<String>(0);
Map<IUiOption, String> parsed = commandLine.allOptions();
for (IUiOption opt : parsed.keySet() ) {
// If a "flexible" boolean that accepts various true/false values, add it only if true
String val;
if (opt.optargs() && "true".equals(opt.deflt())) {
boolean bval = commandLine.getBoolean(opt);
if (bval) {
val = "";
} else {
if (debug) System.out.println("CLI omitted boolean " + opt.pname() + " = '" + parsed.get(opt) + "'");
} else {
val = parsed.get(opt);
if (val == null) { // Should only happen for no-arg options
val = "";
} else {
if (val.contains("${")) {
val = resolvePlaceholders(val, envNameList);
val = val.trim();
cli_props.put(opt.pname(), val);
if (debug) System.out.println("CLI set " + opt.pname() + " = '" + val + "'");
* Check for missing required options, set defaults, and validate where possible
* Also fixup the environment for all that use it.
void setDefaults(IUiOption[] uiOpts, boolean suppress_console) throws IOException {
String logDir = null, workingDir = null;
ArrayList<String> envNameList = new ArrayList<String>(0); // Why this when are resolving against use caller's environment?
for (IUiOption uiopt : uiOpts) {
if (!cli_props.containsKey(uiopt.pname())) {
// here deal with stuff that wasn't given explicitly in the command
// our convention - optargs() implies boolean, but it does't have to.
// If the arg is not expllicitly specified, we assume
// it is (boolean,false) for the sake of dealing with defaults.
// -- and then just leave it out --
// similarly - noargs() is definitely boolean, same treatement
if ( (! uiopt.optargs()) && (! uiopt.noargs() ) && uiopt.deflt() != null) {
String deflt = uiopt.deflt();
if (deflt.startsWith("$$")) { // Lookup default in
deflt = DuccPropertiesResolver.get(deflt.substring(2));
if (deflt == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid default (undefined property) for " + uiopt.pname());
} else if (deflt.contains("${")) {
deflt = resolvePlaceholders(deflt, envNameList);
if (debug) System.out.println("CLI set default: " + uiopt.pname() + " = " + deflt);
cli_props.put(uiopt.pname(), deflt);
} else {
// here clean up stuff that was specified but we want to validate it
if (uiopt == UiOption.ProcessMemorySize || uiopt == UiOption.ReservationMemorySize) {
String val = cli_props.getStringProperty(uiopt.pname());
if (!val.matches("^\\d+$")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid non-numeric value for " + uiopt.pname() + ": " + val);
// NOTE: These 3 options must be in this order so each depends on the previous
if (uiopt == UiOption.WorkingDirectory) {
workingDir = getWorkingDirectory();
} else if (uiopt == UiOption.LogDirectory) {
logDir = getLogDirectory(workingDir);
} else if (uiopt == UiOption.Environment) {
// If this request accepts the --environment option may need to augment it by
// renaming LD_LIBRARY_PATH & propagating some user values
// Pass in the log directory so DUCC_UMASK may be set. UIMA-5328
String environment = cli_props.getProperty(uiopt.pname());
String allInOne = cli_props.getProperty(UiOption.AllInOne.pname());
environment = DuccUiUtilities.fixupEnvironment(environment, allInOne, logDir);
cli_props.setProperty(uiopt.pname(), environment);
* Resolve any ${..} placeholders against user's system properties and environment
* NOTE - this resolves against the caller's sys-props & environment ... the one in DuccUiUtilities
* resolves against the process JVM args to match what is done by Spring in UIMA-AS.
* 2.0: Leave unresolved entries as is & warn if not one of the always-propagated ones
private String resolvePlaceholders(String contents, List<String> envNameList) {
// Placeholders syntax ${<placeholder>}
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{(.*?)\\}"); // Stops on first '}'
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(contents);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while (matcher.find()) {
final String key =;
String value = System.getProperty(key);
if (value == null) {
value = System.getenv(key);
if (value != null) {
matcher.appendReplacement(sb, value);
} else {
matcher.appendReplacement(sb, ""); // Can't include the value as it looks like a group specification
value = "${" + key + "}";
if (!envNameList.contains(key)) {
message("WARN: undefined placeholder", value, "not replaced");
return sb.toString();
* Undocumented feature:
* Existence of environment variable DUCC_SAVE_SPECIFICATION
* will result in specification written to filesystem,
* otherwise not. Orchestrator writes specifications to DB.
private boolean isSaveSpecification() {
boolean retVal = false;
String savespec = System.getenv("DUCC_SAVE_SPECIFICATION");
if ( savespec != null ) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
* If DB is disabled, then save specification to filesystem
private boolean isDbDisabled() {
boolean retVal = false;
String dbHost = DuccPropertiesResolver.get(DuccPropertiesResolver.ducc_database_host, "?");
if(dbHost.equals(DuccPropertiesResolver.ducc_database_disabled)) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
* Save specification to filesystem if:
* 1. User requested or
* 2. DB is disabled
private boolean isSavable() {
boolean retVal = false;
if(isSaveSpecification()) {
retVal = true;
else if(isDbDisabled()) {
retVal = true;
return retVal;
void saveSpec(String name, DuccProperties props)
throws Exception
if ( ! isSavable() ) {
String directory = props.getProperty("log_directory") + File.separator + friendlyId;
String fileName = directory + File.separator + name;
File f = new File(directory);
if ( ! f.exists() ) {
throw new IllegalStateException("saveSpec: Cannot create log directory: " + f.toString());
// Save the specification (but exclude the 'signature' entry)
String comments = null;
OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName));
String key = UiOption.Signature.pname();
if ( props.containsKey(key) ) {
Object value = props.remove(key);, comments);
props.put(key, value);
} else {, comments);
// Also save just the values the user provided
fileName = directory + File.separator + DuccUiConstants.user_specified_properties;
out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName));, comments);
* Extract messages and job pid from reply. This sets messages and errors into the appropriate
* structures for the API, and extracts the numeric id of the [job, ducclet, reservation, service]
* returned by the Orchestrator.
* @param reply - an Orchestrator reply event
* @return true if the action succeeded and false otherwise. The action in this case, is whatever
* the Orchestrator was asked to do: submit something, cancel something, etc.
boolean extractReply(AbstractDuccOrchestratorEvent reply)
* process reply
boolean rc = true;
Properties properties = reply.getProperties();
ArrayList<String> value_submit_warnings = (ArrayList<String>) properties.get(UiOption.SubmitWarnings.pname());
if(value_submit_warnings != null) {
message("Job warnings:");
Iterator<String> reasons = value_submit_warnings.iterator();
while(reasons.hasNext()) {
ArrayList<String> value_submit_errors = (ArrayList<String>) properties.get(UiOption.SubmitErrors.pname());
if(value_submit_errors != null) {
message("Job errors:");
Iterator<String> reasons = value_submit_errors.iterator();
while(reasons.hasNext()) {
rc = false;
String pid = reply.getProperties().getProperty(UiOption.JobId.pname());
if (pid == null ) {
message("ERROR: Request ID not found in reply");
rc = false;
} else {
friendlyId = Long.parseLong(pid);
if ( friendlyId < 0 ) {
message("ERROR: Invalid Request ID", pid);
rc = false;
return rc;
void usage(String message)
if ( message != null ) {
* Set a property via the API. This method allows the API user to
* build up or override properties after the initial API object is constructed.
* @param key This is the property name.
* @param value This is the value of the property.
* @return true if the property is set. Returns false if the property is not legal for this API.
public boolean setProperty(String key, String value)
if ( ! commandLine.isOptionName(key)) {
return false;
cli_props.setProperty(key, value);
return true;
protected IDuccCallback getCallback()
return consoleCb;
* NOTE: We do NOT want to be intentionally throwing from the CLI. Pls pass e.getMessage() or
* e.toString() to this instead of throwing.
synchronized void message(String ... e )
if ( e.length > 1 ) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < e.length - 1; i++) {
sb.append(' ');
} else {
* This returns the return code from the execution of the requested work. Return code is only
* available when the monitor wait completes ... if not waiting then assume success.
* @return The exit code of the job, process, etc.
public int getReturnCode()
return returnCode;
* This returns the unique numeric id for the requested work. For submissions (job, reservation, etc)
* this is the newly assigned id.
* @return The unique numeric id of the job, reservation, etc.
synchronized public long getDuccId()
return friendlyId;
synchronized void consoleExits()
if ( waiter != null ) waiter.countDown();
synchronized void monitorExits(int rc)
this.returnCode = rc;
if ( waiter != null ) waiter.countDown();
if ( console_listener != null ) {
// TODO TODO TODO - do we have to support lots of these for multi-threaded stuff? Hope not ...
protected synchronized void startMonitors(boolean start_stdin, DuccContext context)
throws Exception
int wait_count = 0;
if ( console_listener != null ) {
boolean monitor_attach =
cli_props.containsKey(UiOption.WaitForCompletion.pname()) ||
if ( monitor_attach ) {
// Probably over-cautious but create the waiter before starting the threads that use it
if ( wait_count > 0 ) {
waiter = new CountDownLatch(wait_count);
if ( console_listener != null ) {
if ( monitor_attach ) {
protected synchronized void startMonitor(DuccContext context)
monitor_listener = new MonitorListener(this, friendlyId, cli_props, context);
Thread mlt = new Thread(monitor_listener); //MonitorListenerThread
* Needs to be done before submitting the job because the job needs the ports. We'll
* just define the listener, but not start it until the job monitor starts, in case the
* submission fails.
protected void initConsoleListener() throws Exception {
String value;
console_attach = cli_props.containsKey(UiOption.AttachConsole.pname());
if (console_attach) {
console_listener = new ConsoleListener(this, consoleCb);
value = console_listener.getConsoleHostAddress();
if (myClassName.equals(DuccManagedReservationSubmit.class.getName())) {
value += "?splitstreams"; // Add a query string so APs have separate streams
} else if (suppress_console_log) {
value = "suppress";
} else {
// Set the console "suppress" flag or the host:port for the console listener into the env
String key = UiOption.Environment.pname();
String env = cli_props.getProperty(key);
if (env == null) {
env = "DUCC_CONSOLE_LISTENER=" + value;
} else {
env += " DUCC_CONSOLE_LISTENER=" + value;
cli_props.setProperty(key, env);
* Be sure to call this BEFORE submission, to insure the callback address is set in properties.
protected synchronized void startConsoleListener(boolean start_stdin)
throws Exception
if ( console_attach ) {
Thread t = new Thread(console_listener);
} else {
message("WARN: Attermpt to start console but no console listener is defined.");
protected synchronized void stopListeners()
if ( console_listener != null ) {
console_listener = null;
if ( monitor_listener != null ) {
monitor_listener = null;
* This is used to find if the remote console is redirected to the local process, and if so, is it still
* active.
* @return True if the console is still attached to the remote process, false otherwise.
public boolean isConsoleAttached()
return ( (console_listener != null ) && ( !console_listener.isShutdown()));
* Wait for the listeners - maybe a console listener, maybe a job listener, maybe both.
* @return true if a monitor wait was done, false otherwise. A monitor wait
* results in a return code from the process. In all other cases
* the return code is spurious.
public boolean waitForCompletion()
try {
if ( waiter != null ) {
return true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return false;