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\HCode{<a name='DUCC_RM'></a>}
\chapter{Resource Management}
The DUCC Resource Manager is responsible for allocating cluster resources among the various
requests for work in the system. DUCC recognizes several categories of work:
\item[Managed Jobs]
Managed jobs are Java applications implemented in the UIMA framework
and are scaled out by DUCC as some number of discrete processes. Processes which
compose managed jobs are always restartable and usually preemptable. Preemption
occurs as a consequence of enforcing fair-share scheduling policies.
Services are long-running processes which perform some (common) function on behalf of
jobs or other services. Services are scaled out as a set of, from the RM point of view,
unrelated non-preemptable processes.
A reservation provides non-preemptable, persistent, dedicated use of a full machine or
some part of a machine to a specific user.
\item[Arbitrary Processes]
An {\em arbitrary process} or {\em managed reservation} is any process at all, which may
or may not have anything to do with UIMA. These processes are typically used to
run non-UIMA tasks such as application builds, large Eclipse workspaces for debugging,
etc. These processes are usually scheduled as non-preemptable allocations,
occupying either a dedicated machine or some portion of a machine.
To apportion the cumulative memory resource among requests the Resource Manager
defines some minimum unit of memory and allocates machines such that a "fair" number of "memory
units" are awarded to every user of the system. This minimum quantity is called a share quantum,
or simply, a share. The scheduling goal is to award an equitable number of memory shares to
every user of the system. The memory shares in a system are divided equally among all the users
who have work in the system. Once an allocation is assigned to a user, that user's jobs are then
also assigned an equal number of shares, out of the user's allocation. Finally, the Resource
Manager maps the share allotments to physical resources. To map a share allotment to physical
resources, the Resource Manager considers the amount of memory that each job declares it
requires for each process. That per-process memory requirement is translated into the minimum
number of collocated quantum shares required for the process to run.
To compute the memory requirements for a job, the declared memory is rounded up to the nearest
multiple of the share quantum. The total number of quantum shares for the job is calculated,
and then divided by the number of quantum shares declared for the job to arrive at the number of
processes to allocate. The output of each scheduling cycle is always in terms of processes,
where each process is allowed to occupy some number of shares. The DUCC agents implement a
mechanism to ensure that no user's job processes exceed their allocated memory assignments.
For example, suppose the share quantum is 15GB. A job that declares it requires 14GB per process
is assigned one quantum share per process. If that job is assigned 20 shares, it will be allocated 20
processes across the cluster. A job that declares 28GB per process would be assigned two quanta
per process. If that job is assigned 20 shares, it is allocated 10 processes across the cluster. Both
jobs occupy the same amount of memory; they consume the same level of system resources. The
second job does so in half as many processes.
Some work may be deemed to be more "important" than other work. To accommodate this, the RM
implements a weighted fair-share scheduler. During the fair share
calculations, jobs with higher weights are assigned more shares proportional to their weights; jobs
with lower weights are assigned proportionally fewer shares. Jobs with equal weights are assigned
an equal number of shares.
The abstraction used to organized jobs by fair-share weight is the
job class or simply {\em class}. All job submissions must included a declared job class; if none
is declared, a default class is chosen by DUCC. As jobs enter the system they are
grouped with other jobs of the same class weight. The class abstraction
and its attributes are described in \hyperref[sec:rm.job-classes]{subsequent sections}.
The scheduler executes in three primary phases:
\item The How-Much phase: every job is assigned some number of
quantum shares, which is converted to the number of
processes of the declared size.
\item The What-Of phase: physical machines are found which can
accommodate the number of processes allocated by the
How-Much phase. Jobs are mapped to physical machines such
that the total declared per-process amount of memory for all
jobs scheduled to a machine do not exceed the physical
memory on the machine.
\item Defragmentation. If the what-of phase cannot allocate
space according to the output of the how-much phase, the
system is said to be {\em fragmented.} The RM scans for
``rich'' jobs and will attempt to preempt some small number
of processes sufficient to guarantee every job gets at least
one process allocation. (Note that sometimes this is not possible,
in which case unscheduled work remaims pending until such
time as space is freed-up.)
The How-Much phase is itself subdivided into three phases:
\item Class counts:Apply weighed fair-share to all the job classes that have jobs assigned to
them. This apportions all shares in the system among all the classes according to their
weights. This phase takes into account all users and all jobs in the system.
\item User counts: For each class, collect all the users with
jobs submitted to that class, and apply fair-share (with
equal weights) to equally divide all the class shares among
the users.
\item Job counts: For each user, collect all jobs
assigned to that user and equally divide all the user's shares among
the jobs. This apportions all shares given to this user for each class among the user's
jobs in that class.
All non-preemptable allocations are restricted to one allocation per request. If space is
available, the request succeeds immediately. If space can be made for the request through
preemptions, the preemptions are scheduled and the reservation is deferred until space
is available. If space cannot be found by means of preemption, the reservation remains
pending until it either succeeds (by cancelation of other non-preemptive work, by
adding resources to the system, or by increasing the user's non-preemptive allotment), or until
it is canceled by the user or an administrator.
\section{Preemption vs Eviction}
The RM makes a subtle distinction between {\em preemption} and {\em eviction}.
{\em Preemption} occurs only as a result of fair-share
calculations or defragmentation. Preemption is the process of
deallocating shares from jobs beloing to users whose current
allocation exceeds their fair-share, and conversely, only processes
belonging to fair-share jobs can be preempted. This is generally
dynamic: more jobs in the system result in a smaller fair-share
for any given user, and fewer jobs result in a higher fair-share
{\em Eviction} occurs only as a result of system-detected errors,
changes in node configuration, or changes in class
configuration. Eviction may affect both preemptable work and some
types of non-preemptable work.
Work that is non-preemptable, but restartable can be evicted. Such work consists of service
processes (which are automatically resubmitted by the Service Manager), and managed reservations,
which can be resubmitted by the user.
Unmanaged reservations are never evicted for any reason. If something occurs that
would result in the reservation being (fatally) misplaced, the node is marked
unschedulable and remains as such until the condition is corrected or the reservation
is canceled. Once the condition is repaired (either the reservaiton is canceled, or
the problem is corrected), the node becomes schedulable again.
\section{Scheduling Policies}
The Resource Manager implements three scheduling policies. Scheduling policies are
associated with \hyperref[sec:rm.job-classes]{\em classes}.
\item[FAIR\_SHARE] This is weighted-fair-share. All processes scheduled under
fair-share are always {\em preemptable}.
\item[FIXED\_SHARE] The FIXED\_SHARE policy is used to allocate non-preemptable
shares. The shares might be {\em evicted} as described above, but they are
never {\em preempted}. Fixed share alloations are restricted to one
allocation per request and may be subject to \hyperref[sec:rm.allotment]{allotment caps}.
FIXED\_SHARE allocations have several uses:
\item Unmaged reservations. In this case DUCC starts no work in the share(s); the user must
log in (or run something via ssh), and then manually release the reservation to free
the resources. This is often used for testing and debugging.
\item Services. If a service is registered to run in a FIXED\_SHARE allocation,
DUCC allocates the resources, starts and manages the service, and releases the
resource if the service is stopped or unregistered.
\item UIMA jobs. A ``normal'' UIMA job may be submitted to a FIXED\_SHARE
class. In this case, the processes are never preempted, allowing constant and
predictable execution of the job. The resources are automatically released when
the job exits.
\item Managed reservations. The \hyperref[sec:cli.viaducc]{\em viaducc} utility is provided
as a convenience for running managed reservations.
\item[RESERVE] The RESERVE policy is used to allocate a full, dedicated machine.
The allocation may be {\em evicted} but it is never {\em preempted}. It is
restricted to a single machine per request. The memory size
specified in the reservation must match machine size
exactly, within the limits of rounding to the next highest multiple of the
quantum. DUCC will not ``promote'' a reservation request to a larger machine
than is asked for. A reservation that does not adequately match any
machine remains pending until resources are made available or it is
canceled by the user or an administrator. Reservations may be
subject to \hyperref[sec:rm.allotment]{allotment caps}.
Allotment is a new concept introduced with DUCC 2.0.0 to prevent non-preemptable
requests from dominating a cluster. This replaces the DUCC version 1 class
policies of max-processes and max-machines.
It is possible to associate a maximum share allotment with any non-preemptable class.
Allotment is assigned per user and is global across all non-preemptable classes. It is configured
\hyperref[]{} with {\em\_allotment}.
A simple user registry provides per-user overrides of the global allotment as needed. The
registry may be included in the class definition file (specified in under
ducc.rm.class.definitions), or in a separate file, specified in as
{\em ducc.rm.user.registry}.
\section{Priority vs Weight}
It is possible that the various policies may interfere with each other. It is also possible that
the fair share weights are not sufficient to guarantee sufficient resources are allocated to
high importance jobs. Class-based priorities are used to resolve these conflicts.
Simply: priority is used to specify the order of evaluation of the
job classes. Weight is used to proportionally allocate the number
of shares to all classes of the same priority under the weighted
fair-share policies.
When a scheduling cycle starts, the scheduling classes are ordered from "best" to "worst" priority.
The scheduler then attempts to allocate ALL of the system's resources to the "best" priority class.
If any resources are left, the scheduler proceeds to schedule classes in the next best
priority, and so on, until either all the
resources are exhausted or there is no more work to schedule.
It is possible to have multiple job classes of the same priority. What this means is that resources
are allocated for the set of job classes from the same set of resources at the same time, usually
under weighted fair-share. (It would be unusual to have multiple non-preemptable classes at the
same priority. If this is configured, the class requests are filled arbitrarily with no attempt
to divide the resources fairly or equitably). Resources for higher priority
classes will have already been allocated, resources for lower priority classes may never become
To constrain high priority jobs from completely monopolizing the
system, fair-share weights are used for FAIR\_SHARE classes, and
allotment is used for non-preemptable classes.
\paragraph{Weight.} Weight is used to determine the relative importance of jobs in a set of job classes of
the same priority when doing fair-share allocation. All job classes of the same priority are assigned
shares from the full set of available resources according to their weights using weighted fair-share.
Weights are used only for fair-share allocation.
\section{Node Pools}
It may be desired or necessary to constrain certain types of resource allocations to a specific
subset of the resources. Some nodes may have special hardware, or perhaps it is desired to
prevent certain types of jobs from being scheduled on some specific set of machines. Nodepools
are designed to provide this function.
Nodepools impose hierarchical partitioning on the set of available machines. A nodepool is a
subset of the full set of machines in the cluster. Nodepools may not overlap. A nodepool may
itself contain non-overlapping subpools.
Job classes are associated with nodepools. The scheduler treates preemptable work and
non-preemptable work differently with regards to nodepools:
\item[Preemptable work.] The scheduler will attempt to allocate preemptable work in
the nodepool associated with the work's class. If this nodepool becomes exhausted,
and there are subpools, the scheduler proceeds to try to allocate resources within
the subpools, recursively, until either all work is scheduled or there is no more
work to schedule. (Allocations made within subpools are referred to as ``squatters'';
aloocations made in the directly associated nodepool are referred to as ``residents''.)
During eviction, the scheduler attempts to evict squatters first and only evicts
residents once all the squatters are gone.
\item[Non-Preemptable work.] Non-preemptable work can only be allocated directly
in the nodepool associated with the work's class. Such work can never become a
squatter. The reason is that non-preemptbable squatters cannot be evicted, and so
could dominate pools intended for other work.
More information on nodepools and their configuration can be \hyperref[subsec:nodepools]{found here}.
\section{Scheduling Classes}
The primary abstraction to control and configure the scheduler is the {\em class}. A class is simply a set
of rules used to parametrize how resources are assigned to work requests. Every request that enters the system is
associated with a single class.
The scheduling class defines the following rules:
\item[Priority] This is the order of evaluation and assignment of resources to this class. See
the discussion of priority vs Weight for details.
\item[Weight] This is used for the weighted fair-share calculations.
\item[Scheduling Policy] This defines the policy, fair share, fixed share, or reserve used to
schedule the jobs in this class.
\item[Nodepool] A class may be associated with exactly one nodepool. Fair-share jobs submitted to the class
are assigned only resources which lie in that nodepool, or in any of the subpools defined
within that nodepool. Non-preemptable requests must always be fulfilled from the nodepool
assigned to the class; subpools are exempt from non-preemptable requests submitted to higher-level
\item[Prediction] For the type of work that DUCC is designed to run, new processes typically take
a great deal of time initializing. It is not unusual to experience 30 minutes or more of
initialization before work items start to be processed.
When a job is expanding (i.e. the number of assigned processes is allowed to dynamically
increase), it may be that the job will complete before the new processes can be assigned and
the analytics within them complete initialization. In this situation it is wasteful to allow the
job to expand, even if its fair-share is greater than the number of processes it currently has
By enabling prediction, the scheduler will consider the average initialization time for processes
in this job, current rate of work completion, and predict the number of processes needed to
complete the job in the optimal amount of time. If this number is less than the job's fair, share,
the actual allocation is capped by the predicted needs.
\item[Prediction Fudge] When doing prediction, it may be desired to look some time into the
future past initialization times to predict if the job will end soon after it is expanded.
The prediction fudge specifies a time past the expected initialization time that is used to
predict the number of future shares needed. This avoids wasteful preemption of work to make space
for other work that will be completing very soon anyway.
\item[Initialization cap] Because of the long initialization time of processes in most DUCC jobs,
process failure during the initialization phase can be very expensive in terms of wasted
resources. If a process is going to fail because of bugs, missing services, or any other
reason, it is best to catch it early.
The initialization cap is used to limit the number of processes assigned to a job until it is
known that at least one process has successfully passed from initialization to running. As soon
as this occurs the scheduler will proceed to assign the job its full fair-share of resources.
\item[Expand By Doubling] Even after initialization has succeeded, it may be desired to throttle
the rate of expansion of a job into new processes.
When expand-by-doubling is enabled, the scheduler allocates either twice the number of
resources a job currently has, or its fair-share of resources, whichever is smallest.
If expand-by-doubling is disabled, jobs are allocated their full fair-share immediately.
More information on nodepools and their configuration can be \hyperref[subsubsec:class.configuration]{found here}.