blob: 72a8dbd5f2532ecd9748897bbd080990b400f156 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
import re
import os
import sys
import time
import getopt
import subprocess
import string
# Must be self-contained using only the DUCC_HOME runtime
# Python-based CLI equivalent of the API tests
class DuccPropertiesException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.msg)
class DuccProperties:
# copied in from ducc_base to read maybe should make into its own file some day
def __init__(self):
self.props = {}
self.builtin = {}
# Expand all ${} values from env or from this properties file itself
# The search order is:
# 1 look in this properties file
# 2 look in the environment
def do_subst(self, st):
key = None
p = re.compile("\\$\\{[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\-]+\\}")
ndx = 0
response = st.strip()
m =, ndx)
while ( m != None ):
key =[2:-1]
val = None
if ( self.has_key(key) ):
val = self.get(key)
elif (self.builtin.has_key(key) ):
val = self.builtin[key]
if ( val != None ):
response = string.replace(response, , val)
ndx = m.start()+1
m =, ndx)
return response
def mkitem(self, line):
ndx = line.find('#') # remove comments - like the java DuccProperties
if ( ndx >= 0 ):
line = line[0:ndx] # strip the comment
ndx = line.find('//') # remove comments - like the java DuccProperties
if ( ndx >= 0 ):
line = line[0:ndx] # strip the comment
line = line.strip() # clear leading and trailing whitespace
if ( line == '' ): # empty line?
mobj ='[ =:]+', line)
if ( mobj ):
key = line[:mobj.start()].strip()
val = line[mobj.end():].strip()
#print 'NEXT', mobj.start(), 'END', mobj.end(), 'KEY', key, 'VAL', val
# val = self.do_subst(val) # we'll do lazy subst on get instead
self.props[key] = val
self.props[line] = None
# Load reads a properties file and adds it contents to the
# hash. It may be called several times; each call updates
# the internal has, thus building it up. The input file is
# in the form of a java-like properties file.
def load(self, propsfile, ducchome=None):
if ( not os.path.exists(propsfile) ):
raise DuccPropertiesException(propsfile + ' does not exist and cannot be loaded.')
if (ducchome != None):
self.props['DUCC_HOME'] = ducchome
f = open(propsfile);
for line in f:
def load_from_manifest(self, jarfile):
z = zipfile.ZipFile(jarfile)
items ='META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').split('\n')
for item in items:
# Try to load a properties file. Just be silent if it doesn't exist.
def load_if_exists(self, propsfile):
if ( os.path.exists(propsfile) ):
return self.load(propsfile)
# Put something into the hash.
def put(self, key, value):
self.props[key] = value
# Get something from the hash.
def get(self, key):
if ( self.props.has_key(key) ):
return self.do_subst(self.props[key]) # we'll do lazy subst on get instead
return None
# Remove an item if it exists
def delete(self, key):
if ( self.props.has_key(key) ):
del self.props[key]
# Write the has as a Java-like properties file
def write(self, propsfile):
f = open(propsfile, 'w')
items = self.props.items()
for (k, v) in items:
#print 'WRITING', k, '=', v
f.write(k + ' = ' + str(v) + '\n')
# return a shallow copy of the dictionary
def copy_dictionary(self):
return self.props.copy()
# return the entries in the dictionary
def items(self):
return self.props.items()
# check to see if the key exists in the dictionary
def has_key(self, key):
return self.props.has_key(key)
# Return the length of the dictionary
def __len__(self):
return len(self.props)
def usage(msg):
if ( msg != None ):
print msg
print "Usage: -d <DUCC_HOMe>"
print " DUCC_HOME is the full path to your installed, working, and running ducc installation."
def mkcmd(CMD, props):
CMD = os.environ['DUCC_HOME'] + '/bin/' + CMD
for k in props.keys():
v = props[k]
if ( v == None ):
CMD = CMD + ' --' + k
CMD = CMD + ' --' + k + ' ' + "'" + props[k] + "'"
return CMD
def mkBrokerUrl(ducc_home):
props = DuccProperties()
props.load(ducc_home + '/resources/')
protocol = props.get('')
host = props.get('ducc.head')
port = props.get('')
return protocol + '://' + host + ':' + port
def waitForState(state, sid):
print 'Waiting for state', state
while True:
CMD = mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid})
proc = subprocess.Popen(CMD, bufsize=0, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout = proc.stdout
for line in stdout:
line = line.strip()
if ( 'Service State' in line ):
if ( state in line ):
print ' ...', line
def waitForEnable(sid):
print 'Waiting for service to be Enabled'
while True:
CMD = mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid})
proc = subprocess.Popen(CMD, bufsize=0, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout = proc.stdout
for line in stdout:
line = line.strip()
if ( 'Start Mode' in line ):
if ( 'Enabled' in line ):
print line
def waitForDisable(sid):
print 'Waiting for service to be Disabled'
while True:
CMD = mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid})
proc = subprocess.Popen(CMD, bufsize=0, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout = proc.stdout
for line in stdout:
line = line.strip()
if ( 'Start Mode' in line ):
if ( 'Disabled' in line ):
print line
def waitForStartState(state, sid):
print 'Waiting for service start state', state
while True:
CMD = mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid})
proc = subprocess.Popen(CMD, bufsize=0, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout = proc.stdout
for line in stdout:
line = line.strip()
if ( 'Start Mode' in line ):
if ( state in line ):
print ' ...', line
def main(argv):
ducc_home = None
testno = 0
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'd:', ['ducc='])
usage("Invalid arguments " + ' '.join(argv))
for ( o, a ) in opts:
if o in ('-d', '--ducc'):
ducc_home = a
usage("Illegal arguments")
if ( ducc_home == None ):
usage('No ducc home')
os.environ['DUCC_HOME'] = ducc_home
print 'Starting test'
broker = mkBrokerUrl(ducc_home)
print broker
props = {
"process_jvm_args" : "-Xmx100M -DdefaultBrokerURL=" + broker,
"classpath" : "${DUCC_HOME}/lib/uima-ducc/examples/*:${DUCC_HOME}/apache-uima/lib/*:${DUCC_HOME}/apache-uima/apache-activemq/lib/*:${DUCC_HOME}/examples/simple/resources/service",
"service_ping_arguments": "broker-jmx-port=1099",
"environment" : "AE_INIT_TIME=5000 AE_INIT_RANGE=1000 INIT_ERROR=0 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/yet/a/nother/dumb/path",
"process_memory_size" : "15",
"process_DD" : "${DUCC_HOME}/examples/simple/resources/service/Service_FixedSleep_1.xml",
"scheduling_class" : "fixed",
"working_directory" : "${HOME}",
"service_linger" : "30000",
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Clear services at start ------------------------------'
CMD = mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':None})
proc = subprocess.Popen(CMD, bufsize=0, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout = proc.stdout
for line in stdout:
line = line.strip()
print line
if ( 'Service Class' in line ):
toks = line.split()
sid = toks[6]
user = re.split('[\[\]]', toks[7] )[1]
if ( user == os.environ['LOGNAME'] ):
print 'Unregister service', user, sid, line
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'unregister':sid}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Register ------------------------------'
props['description'] = 'Service test ' + str(testno)
props['register'] = None
CMD = mkcmd('ducc_services', props)
proc = subprocess.Popen(CMD, bufsize=0, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout = proc.stdout
for line in stdout:
line = line.strip()
print line
if ( 'succeeded' in line ):
toks = line.split()
sid = re.split('[\[\]]', toks[7] )[1]
print '======= service id', sid
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':None}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Start ------------------------------'
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'start':sid}))
waitForState("Available", sid)
print "Service is started:"
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Stop ------------------------------'
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'stop':sid}))
waitForState("Stopped", sid)
print "Service is stopped:"
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Enable ------------------------------'
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'enable':sid}))
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Disable ------------------------------'
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'disable':sid}))
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Modify ------------------------------'
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'enable':sid})) # first enable it
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'modify':sid, 'autostart':'true'}))
print 'Waiting for service to start'
waitForState("Available", sid)
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Switch to reference start 1 ------------------------------'
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'modify':sid, 'autostart':'false'}))
waitForStartState('manual', sid) # this can take a few moments
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'observe_references':sid})) # first enable it
waitForStartState('reference', sid)
print 'Waiting for service to linger stop'
waitForState("Stopped", sid)
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Switch to reference start 2 ------------------------------'
print 'Start service in manual mode then switch to reference'
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'start':sid} ))
waitForState("Available", sid)
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'observe_references':sid})) # first enable it
waitForStartState('reference', sid)
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
print 'Waiting for service to linger stop'
waitForState("Stopped", sid)
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Switch to reference start 3 ------------------------------'
print 'Start service in manual mode then switch to reference, then back before it stops'
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'start':sid} )) # start in manual
waitForState("Available", sid)
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'observe_references':sid})) # swith to reference
waitForStartState('reference', sid)
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'ignore_references':sid})) # switch back to manual
waitForStartState('manual', sid)
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'stop':sid} )) # done, stop
print 'Waiting for service to linger stop'
waitForState("Stopped", sid)
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'query':sid}))
testno = testno + 1
print '------------------------------ Test', testno, 'Unregister ------------------------------'
print 'Unregisteres the service before completion of the test.'
os.system(mkcmd('ducc_services', {'unregister':sid} )) # start in manual
print '------------------------------ Service Testing Complete ------------------------------'