blob: c833c380ab4108797813509819926af28ad392a2 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to
you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at Unless required
by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -->
<!-- project -->
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>${uima.ducc} ${project.artifactId}</name>
<!-- Special inheritance note even though the <scm> element that follows
is exactly the same as those in super poms, it cannot be inherited because
there is some special code that computes the connection elements from the
chain of parent poms, if this is omitted. Keeping this a bit factored allows
cutting/pasting the <scm> element, and just changing the following two properties -->
<!-- By default ducc-duccdocs is not built. To enable the build, first install latex -->
<!-- and run maven as follows: mvn clean install -Pbuild-duccdocs -->
<!-- The above defines a profile build-duccdocs which triggers the latex plugin defined -->
<!-- below to do the actual latex build. -->
<!-- If the environment variable BUILD_DUCCDOCS is defined the default will be to build -->
<!-- the documents, unless the profile is explicitly deactivated with -P-build-duccdocs -->
<!-- filter the template for the version.tex file
to insert the version from properties -->
<!-- Run latex commands pdflatex and htlatex to produce pdf and html -->
<!-- for the various documents authored in latex -->
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<mkdir dir="target/site/duccbook-install" />
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<delete file="src/site/tex/duccbook/duccbook.log" />
<delete file="src/site/tex/duccbook/duccbook.tmp" />
<delete file="src/site/tex/duccbook/duccbook.xref" />
<echo message="Completed duccbook HTML" />
<echo message="Building duccbook Installation HTML" />
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<arg value="-interaction=errorstopmode" />
<arg value="installation.tex" />
<!-- must be run twice to correctly gen the xrefs, TOC, etc. -->
<!-- htlatex by default runs enough to get xrefs and TOC -->
<exec executable="pdflatex" dir="src/site/tex/duccbook" output="/dev/null">
<arg value="-output-directory=../../../../target/site/duccbook-pdf" />
<arg value="installation.tex" />
<echo message="Completed duccbook Installation PDF" />
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<arg value="installation.tex" />
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<delete file="target/site/duccbook-pdf/installation.log" />
<delete file="target/site/duccbook-pdf/installation.out" />
<echo message="Completed duccbook Installation PDF" />
<!-- must be run twice to correctly gen the xrefs, TOC, etc. -->
<!-- htlatex by default runs enough to get xrefs and TOC -->
<exec executable="dvi2tty" dir="target/site/duccbook-install" output="/dev/null">
<arg value="-oINSTALL" />
<arg value="-w132" />
<arg value="-l" />
<arg value="installation.dvi" />
<delete file="target/site/duccbook-install/installation.aux" />
<delete file="target/site/duccbook-install/installation.log" />
<delete file="target/site/duccbook-install/installation.out" />
<delete file="target/site/duccbook-install/installation.dvi" />
<echo message="Completed duccbook Installation Text file as INSTALL" />
<echo message="Building duccbook PDF" />
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<exec executable="pdflatex" dir="src/site/tex/duccbook" output="target/site/duccbook-pdf/duccbook.cons" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-output-directory=../../../../target/site/duccbook-pdf" />
<arg value="-interaction=errorstopmode" />
<arg value="duccbook.tex" />
<!-- must be run twice to correctly gen the xrefs, TOC, etc. -->
<!-- htlatex by default runs enough to get xrefs and TOC -->
<exec executable="pdflatex" dir="src/site/tex/duccbook" output="/dev/null">
<arg value="-output-directory=../../../../target/site/duccbook-pdf" />
<arg value="duccbook.tex" />
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<delete file="target/site/duccbook-pdf/duccbook.out" />
<delete file="target/site/duccbook-pdf/duccbook.toc" />
<delete file="target/site/duccbook-pdf/duccbook.cons" />
<echo message="Completed duccbook PDF" />