blob: 421d7bf7fa99a4d3572a5fccd6637161ede7c8a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.launcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.agent.NodeAgent;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.DuccLogger;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.Utils;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.transport.event.common.IDuccProcessType.ProcessType;
* Manages cgroup container on a node
* Supported operations: - cgcreate - creates cgroup container - cgset - sets
* max memory limit for an existing container
* This code supports both new and old cgconfig. The old configuration adds cgroups
* to <cgroup location>/ducc where the new adds it to:
* <cgroup location/cpu/ducc and <cgroup location>/memory/ducc.
* On startup the agent detects which cgconfig is active and adjusts accordingly.
public class CGroupsManager {
private DuccLogger agentLogger = null;
private static final String SYSTEM = "ducc";
// the following three properties are only used for the new cgconfig
private static final String CGDuccMemoryPath = "/memory/"+SYSTEM+"/";
private static final String CGDuccCpuPath = "/cpu/"+SYSTEM+"/";
private static final String CGProcsFile = "/cgroup.procs";
// private static final String CGDuccCpuAcctPath = "/cpu/"+SYSTEM+"/";
// legacy means that the cgonfig points to <cgroup location>/ducc
private boolean legacyCgConfig = false;
enum CGroupCommand {
String cmd;
CGroupCommand(String cmd ) {
this.cmd = cmd;
public String cmd() {
return cmd;
// manages list of 'active' cgroup containers by container id
private Set<String> containerIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
// stores cgroup base location
private String cgroupBaseDir = "";
// stores cgroup utils location like cgcreate, cgset, etc
private String cgroupUtilsDir=null;
// stores comma separated list of subsystems like cpu,memory
private String cgroupSubsystems = ""; // comma separated list of subsystems
private long retryMax = 4;
private long delayFactor = 2000; // 2 secs in millis
private long maxTimeToWaitForProcessToStop;
private static String fetchCgroupsBaseDir(String mounts) {
String cbaseDir=null;
BufferedReader br = null;
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(mounts);
//Construct BufferedReader from InputStreamReader
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
String line = null;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if ( line.trim().startsWith("cgroup") ) {
String[] cgroupsInfo = line.split(" ");
if ( cgroupsInfo[1].indexOf("/memory") > -1 ) {
// return the mount point minus the memory part
cbaseDir = cgroupsInfo[1].substring(0, cgroupsInfo[1].indexOf("/memory") );
} else if ( cgroupsInfo[1].indexOf("cpu") > -1){
// return the mount point minus the memory part
cbaseDir = cgroupsInfo[1].substring(0, cgroupsInfo[1].indexOf("/cpu") );
} else {
cbaseDir = cgroupsInfo[1].trim();
} catch( Exception e) {
} finally {
if ( br != null ) {
try {
} catch( Exception ex ) {}
return cbaseDir;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// String cgBaseDir = "/cgroup"; //"/sys/fs/cgroup";//fetchCgroupsBaseDir("/proc/mounts");
String cgBaseDir = "/sys/fs/cgroup";//fetchCgroupsBaseDir("/proc/mounts");
CGroupsManager cgMgr = new CGroupsManager("/usr/bin",cgBaseDir, "memory",
null, 10000);
System.out.println("Cgroups Accounting Enabled:"+cgMgr.isCpuReportingEnabled());
cgMgr.validator(cgBaseDir, "test2", System.getProperty(""),false)
System.out.println("Cgroups Installed:"
+ cgMgr.cgroupExists("/cgroup/ducc"));
Set<String> containers = cgMgr.collectExistingContainers();
for (String containerId : containers) {
System.out.println("Existing CGroup Container ID:"
+ containerId);
cgMgr.createContainer(args[0], args[2], cgMgr.getUserGroupName(args[2]),true);
cgMgr.setContainerMaxMemoryLimit(args[0], args[2], true,
synchronized (cgMgr) {
cgMgr.destroyContainer(args[0], args[2], NodeAgent.SIGKILL);
} catch (Exception e) {
public CGroupsManager(String cgroupUtilsDir, String cgroupBaseDir, String cgroupSubsystems,
DuccLogger agentLogger, long maxTimeToWaitForProcessToStop) {
this.cgroupUtilsDir = cgroupUtilsDir;
this.cgroupBaseDir = cgroupBaseDir;
this.cgroupSubsystems = cgroupSubsystems;
this.agentLogger = agentLogger;
this.maxTimeToWaitForProcessToStop = maxTimeToWaitForProcessToStop;
// determine what cgroup base location should be. For legacy cgconfig
// it will be <cgroup folder>/ducc
try {
// check if the new (standard) cgconfig is active. It should have
// the following format <cgroup location>/memory
File f = new File(cgroupBaseDir+"/memory");
if ( !f.exists()) {
// legacy cgconfig is active
this.cgroupBaseDir += "/"+SYSTEM+"/";
legacyCgConfig = true;
} else {
// new (standard) cgconfig is active
} catch(Exception e) {
// if there is an error here, the new cgconfig is assumed and subject
// to additional testing on agent startup.
* Return location where cgroups utils like cgcreate can be found
* @return - absolute path to cgroup utils
public String getCGroupsUtilsDir( ){
return cgroupUtilsDir;
* Return cgroup base dir for legacy cgconfig or base dir/subsystem
* for the new cgconfig. The old looks like <cgroup folder>/ducc where
* the new looks like <cgroup folder>/memory
private String getCGroupLocation(String subsystem) {
String location = cgroupBaseDir.trim();
if ( legacyCgConfig ) {
return location;
} else if (!cgroupBaseDir.endsWith(System.getProperty("file.separator") )) {
location += System.getProperty("file.separator");
return location + subsystem;
public void configure(NodeAgent agent ) {
if ( agent != null ) {
if ( agent.configurationFactory.maxRetryCount != null ) {
retryMax = Integer.valueOf(agent.configurationFactory.maxRetryCount);
if ( agent.configurationFactory.retryDelayFactor != null ) {
delayFactor = Integer.valueOf(agent.configurationFactory.retryDelayFactor);
public Validator validator( String cgroupsBaseDir,String containerId, String userName, boolean useDuccling) throws Exception {
return new Validator(this, getCGroupLocation("memory"), containerId, userName, getUserGroupName(userName),useDuccling);
public String[] getPidsInCgroup(String cgroupName) throws Exception {
// File f = new File(cgroupBaseDir + CGDuccMemoryPath + cgroupName + CGProcsFile);
File f = new File(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath)+ cgroupName + CGProcsFile);
// collect all pids
return readPids(f);
private String[] readPids(File f) throws Exception {
List<String> pids = new ArrayList<String>();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
return pids.toArray(new String[pids.size()]);
* Finds all stale CGroups and cleans them up. The code only
* cleans up cgroups folders with names that follow
* ducc's cgroup naming convention: <id>.<id>.<id>.
* First, each cgroup is checked for still running processes in the
* cgroup by looking at /<cgroup base dir>/<id>/cgroup.proc file which
* includes PIDs of processes associated with the cgroups. If
* processes are found, each one is killed via -9 and the cgroup
* is removed.
* @throws Exception
public void cleanup() throws Exception {
Set<NodeProcessInfo> processes = getProcessesOnNode();
// Match any folder under /cgroup/ducc that has syntax
// <number>.<number>.<number>
// This syntax is assigned by ducc to each cgroup
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("((\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+))");
File cgroupsFolder = new File(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath));
String[] files = cgroupsFolder.list();
if ( files == null || files.length == 0 ) {
for (String cgroupFolder : files) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(cgroupFolder);
// only look at ducc's cgroups
if (m.find()) {
try {
// open proc file which may include PIDs if processes are
// still running
File f = new File(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath) + cgroupFolder+ CGProcsFile);
// collect all pids
String[] pids = readPids(f);
if ( pids != null && pids.length > 0 ) {"cleanupOnStartup", null,"Agent found "+pids.length+" cgroup proceses still active. Proceeding to remove running processes");
int zombieCount=0;
// kill each runnig process via -9
if (pids != null && pids.length > 0) {
for (String pid : pids) {
// Got cgroup processes still running. Kill them
for (NodeProcessInfo proc : processes) {
// Dont kill zombie process as it is already dead. Just increment how many of them we have
if ( proc.isZombie() ) {
} else if (proc.getPid().equals(pid)) {
// kill process hard via -9
kill( proc.getUserid(), proc.getPid(), NodeAgent.SIGKILL);
long logCount = 0;
// it may take some time for the cgroups to udate accounting. Just cycle until
// the procs file becomes empty under a given cgroup
while( true ) {
pids = readPids(f);
// if the cgroup contains no pids or there are only zombie processes dont wait
// for cgroup accounting. These processes will never terminate. The idea
// is not to enter into an infinite loop due to zombies
if ( pids == null || pids.length == 0 || (zombieCount == pids.length)) {
} else {
try {
synchronized(this) {
// log every ~30 minutes (10000 * 200), where 200 is a wait time in ms between tries
if ( logCount % 10000 == 0) {"cleanupOnStartup", null,
"--- CGroup:" + cgroupFolder+ " procs file still showing processes running. Wait until CGroups updates acccounting");
} catch( InterruptedException ee) {
// Don't remove CGroups if there are zombie processes there. Otherwise, attempt
// to remove the CGroup may hang a thread.
if ( zombieCount == 0 ) { // no zombies in the container
destroyContainer(cgroupFolder, SYSTEM, NodeAgent.SIGTERM);"cleanupOnStartup", null,
"--- Agent Removed Empty CGroup:" + cgroupFolder);
} else {"cleanupOnStartup", null,"CGroup "+cgroupFolder+" Contains Zombie Processing. Not Removing the Container");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// noop. Cgroup may have been removed already
} catch (Exception e) {
agentLogger.error("cleanupOnStartup", null, e);
public boolean isPidInCGroup(String pid) throws Exception {
String[] pids = getAllCGroupPids();
for( String p : pids ) {
if ( p.equals(pid)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns an array of PIDs managed by cgroups.
* @return - String array of PIDs
* @throws Exception
public String[] getAllCGroupPids() throws Exception {
List<String> cgroupPids = new ArrayList<String>();
// Match any folder under <cgroup base dir> that has syntax
// <number>.<number>.<number>
// This syntax is assigned by ducc to each cgroup
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("((\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+))");
File cgroupsFolder = new File(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath));
String[] files = cgroupsFolder.list();
if ( files == null || files.length == 0 ) {
return new String[0]; // empty better than NULL
for (String cgroupFolder : files) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(cgroupFolder);
// only look at ducc's cgroups
if (m.find()) {
try {
// open proc file which may include PIDs if processes are
// still running
File f = new File(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath) + cgroupFolder+ CGProcsFile);
// collect all pids
String[] pids = readPids(f);
for( String pid : pids ) {
} catch (Exception e) {
agentLogger.error("getAllCGroupPids", null, e);
throw e;
String[] pids = new String[cgroupPids.size()];
return cgroupPids.toArray(pids);
public void kill(final String user, final String pid, final int signal) {
final String methodName = "kill";
String c_launcher_path="";
try {
boolean useDuccling = false;
String useSpawn = System.getProperty("ducc.agent.launcher.use.ducc_spawn");
if (useSpawn != null && useSpawn.toLowerCase().equals("true")) {
useDuccling = true;
c_launcher_path = Utils.resolvePlaceholderIfExists(
String cmdLine;
String arg;
if (Utils.isWindows()) {
cmdLine = "taskkill";
arg = "/PID";
} else {
cmdLine = "/bin/kill";
arg = "-"+signal;
String[] command;
if (useDuccling) {
command = new String[] { c_launcher_path, "-u", user,
"--", cmdLine, arg, pid };
} else {
command = new String[] { cmdLine, arg, pid };
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (String part : command) {
sb.append(part).append(" ");
if (agentLogger == null) {
System.out.println("--------- Killed Process:" + pid
+ " Owned by:" + user + " Command:" + sb.toString());
} else {, null,
"--------- Killed CGroup Process:" + pid + " Owned by:" + user
+ " Command:" + sb.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
agentLogger.error(methodName, null,e );
public String getContainerId(ManagedProcess managedProcess) {
String containerId;
if ( managedProcess.getDuccProcess().getProcessType().equals(ProcessType.Service)) {
containerId = String.valueOf(managedProcess.getDuccProcess().getCGroup().getId());
} else {
containerId = managedProcess.getWorkDuccId().getFriendly()+"."+managedProcess.getDuccProcess().getCGroup().getId();
return containerId;
* Creates cgroup container with a given id and owner.
* @param containerId
* - new cgroup container id
* @param userId
* - owner of the cgroup container
* @param useDuccSpawn
* - use duccling to run 'cgcreate' command
* @return - true on success, false otherwise
* @throws Exception
public boolean createContainer(String containerId, String userName, String groupName,
boolean useDuccSpawn) throws Exception {
String message = "";"createContainer", null, "Creating CGroup Container:" + containerId);
String[] command = new String[] { cgroupUtilsDir+"/cgcreate", "-t",
userName+":"+groupName, "-a", userName+":"+groupName, "-g",
cgroupSubsystems + ":"+SYSTEM+"/" + containerId };
int retCode = launchCommand(command);
// first fetch the location of cgroups on this system. If cgroups is configured
// with newer cgconfig add 'memory' to the base dir
if ( cgroupExists(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath) + containerId)) {
// Starting with libcgroup v.0.38, the cgcreate fails
// with exit code = 96 even though the cgroup gets
// created! The following code treats such return code
// as success. In case there is an error, subsequent
// cgset or cgexec will fail.
if (retCode == 0 || retCode == 96) {
containerIds.add(containerId);"createContainer", null, ">>>>"
+ "SUCCESS - Created CGroup Container:" + containerId+". The cgcreate return code:"+retCode);
return true;
} else {
message = ">>> CGroup Container:"+containerId+ " not found in "+getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath)+containerId;
agentLogger.error("createContainer", null, message);
return false;
private String composeCpuAccountingFileName(String id) {
String location = getCGroupLocation("cpuacct").trim();
if ( !location.endsWith(System.getProperty("file.separator"))) {
location = location + System.getProperty("file.separator");
if ( !legacyCgConfig ) {
location += SYSTEM+System.getProperty("file.separator");
return location+id+"cpuacct.usage";
public boolean isCpuReportingEnabled() {
// String file = getCGroupLocation("cpuacct")+System.getProperty("file.separator")+"cpuacct.usage";
File f = new File(composeCpuAccountingFileName(""));
return f.exists();
public long getCpuUsage(String containerId ) throws Exception {
long usage = 0;
if (!containerId.endsWith(System.getProperty("file.separator"))) {
containerId = containerId + System.getProperty("file.separator");
String file = composeCpuAccountingFileName(containerId.trim());"getCpuUsage", null, "CPUACCT.USAGE file:"+file);
File f = new File(file);
if ( f.exists() ) {
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f));
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line;
try {
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
agentLogger.trace("getCpuUsage", null, "CPUACCT.USAGE Line:"+line);
usage = Long.parseLong(line.trim());
} catch ( Exception e) {
agentLogger.error("getCpuUsage", null, e);
finally {
if (isr != null) {
agentLogger.trace("getCpuUsage", null, "Done Reading cpuacct.stat file:"+file);
} else {"getCpuUsage", null, "CPUACCT.USAGE file:"+file+" Not Found - Process CPU Usage is Unavailable");
usage = -1; // cgroups accounting not configured
return usage;
* Sets the max memory use for an existing cgroup container.
* @param containerId
* - existing container id for which limit will be set
* @param userId
* - container owner
* @param useDuccSpawn
* - run 'cgset' command as a user
* @param containerMaxSize
* - max memory limit
* @return - true on success, false otherwise
* @throws Exception
public boolean setContainerMaxMemoryLimit(String containerId,
String userId, boolean useDuccSpawn, long containerMaxSize)
throws Exception {
try {
String[] command = new String[] { cgroupUtilsDir+"/cgset", "-r",
"memory.limit_in_bytes=" + containerMaxSize,
SYSTEM+"/" + containerId };
int retCode = launchCommand(command);
if (retCode == 0) {"setContainerMaxMemoryLimit", null, ">>>>"
+ "SUCCESS - Created CGroup Limit on Container:"
+ containerId);
return true;
} else {"setContainerMaxMemoryLimit", null, ">>>>"
+ "FAILURE - Unable To Create CGroup Container:"
+ containerId);
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
agentLogger.error("setContainerMaxMemoryLimit", null, ">>>>"
+ "FAILURE - Unable To Set Limit On CGroup Container:"
+ containerId, e);
return false;
* Sets the cpu shares use for an existing cgroup container.
* @param containerId
* - existing container id for which limit will be set
* @param userId
* - container owner
* @param useDuccSpawn
* - run 'cgset' command as a user
* @param containerCpuShares
* - cpu shares
* @return - true on success, false otherwise
* @throws Exception
public boolean setContainerCpuShares(String containerId,
String userId, boolean useDuccSpawn, long containerCpuShares)
throws Exception {
try {
String[] command = new String[] { cgroupUtilsDir+"/cgset", "-r",
"cpu.shares=" + containerCpuShares,
SYSTEM+"/" + containerId };
int retCode = launchCommand(command);
if (retCode == 0) {"setContainerCpuShares", null, ">>>>"
+ "SUCCESS - Created CGroup with CPU Shares="+containerCpuShares+" on Container:"
+ containerId);
return true;
} else {"setContainerCpuShares", null, ">>>>"
+ "FAILURE - Unable To Set CPU shares on CGroup Container:"
+ containerId);
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
agentLogger.error("setContainerCpuShares", null, ">>>>"
+ "FAILURE - Unable To Set CPU shares On CGroup Container:"
+ containerId, e);
return false;
* Sets the memory swappiness for an existing cgroup container.
* @param containerId
* - existing container id for which limit will be set
* @param userId
* - container owner
* @param useDuccSpawn
* - run 'cgset' command as a user
* @param swappiness
* - swappiness
* @return - true on success, false otherwise
* @throws Exception
public boolean setContainerSwappiness(String containerId,
String userId, boolean useDuccSpawn, long swappiness)
throws Exception {
try {
String[] command = new String[] { cgroupUtilsDir+"/cgset", "-r",
"memory.swappiness=" + swappiness,
SYSTEM + "/" + containerId };
int retCode = launchCommand(command);
if (retCode == 0) {"setContainerSwappiness", null, ">>>>"
+ "SUCCESS - Updated CGroup with Memory Swappiness="+swappiness+" on Container:"
+ containerId);
return true;
} else {"setContainerSwappiness", null, ">>>>"
+ "FAILURE - Unable To Set Swappiness on CGroup Container:"
+ containerId);
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
agentLogger.error("setContainerSwappiness", null, ">>>>"
+ "FAILURE - Unable To Set Swappiness On CGroup Container:"
+ containerId, e);
return false;
private int killChildProcesses(String containerId, String userId, int signal) throws Exception {
int childCount=0;
String[] pids = getPidsInCgroup(containerId);
if ( pids != null ) {
if ( pids.length > 0 ) {
childCount = pids.length;"killChildProcesses", null,"Found "+pids.length+" child processes still in container:"+containerId+" - killing all");
for( String pid : pids ) {
try {
kill(userId, pid, signal);
} catch(Exception ee) {
agentLogger.warn("killChildProcesses", null, "Unable to kill child process with PID:"+pid+" from cgroup:"+containerId+"\n"+ee);
return childCount;
* Removes cgroup container with a given id. Cgroups are implemented as a
* virtual file system. All is needed here is just rmdir.
* @param containerId
* - cgroup to remove
* @return - true on success, false otherwise
* @throws Exception
public boolean destroyContainer(String containerId, String userId, int signal) throws Exception {
try {
if (cgroupExists(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath) + containerId)) {
if ( signal == NodeAgent.SIGTERM ) {"destroyContainer", null, "Destroying Container "+containerId+" Using signal:"+signal +" to kill child processes if any still exist in cgroups container");
// before removing cgroup container, make sure to kill
// all processes that still may be there. User process
// may have created child processes that may still be running.
// First use kill -15, than wait and any process still standing
// will be killed hard via kill -9
int childProcessCount =
killChildProcesses(containerId, userId, NodeAgent.SIGTERM);
if ( childProcessCount > 0 ) {"destroyContainer", null, "Killed "+childProcessCount+"Child Processes with kill -15");
try {
} catch( InterruptedException ie) {
// Any process remaining in a cgroup will be killed hard
killChildProcesses(containerId, userId, NodeAgent.SIGKILL);
String[] command = new String[] { cgroupUtilsDir+"/cgdelete",cgroupSubsystems + ":"+SYSTEM+"/" + containerId };
int retCode = launchCommand(command);
if ( cgroupExists(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath) + containerId)) {"destroyContainer", null, "Failed to remove Container "+containerId+" Using cgdelete command. Exit code:"+retCode);
return false;
} else {
return true;
// if (retCode == 0) {
// containerIds.remove(containerId);
// return true;
// } else {
// return false;
// }
return true; // nothing to do, cgroup does not exist
} catch (Exception e) {"destroyContainer", null, e);
return false;
public String getUserGroupName(String userName) throws Exception {
String groupName="";
InputStreamReader isr = null;
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
String cmd[] = {"/usr/bin/id","-g","-n",userName};;//System.getProperty("")};
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (String s : cmd) {
sb.append(s).append(" ");
}"getuserGroupName", null, "Launching Process - Commandline:"+sb.toString());
ProcessBuilder processLauncher = new ProcessBuilder();
java.lang.Process process = processLauncher.start();
isr = new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream());
reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line;"getUserGroupName", null, "Consuming Process Streams");
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {"getUserGroupName", null, ">>>>" + line);
groupName = line.trim();
}"getUserGroupName", null, "Waiting for Process to Exit");
int retCode = process.waitFor();"getUserGroupName", null, "Pocess Exit Code="+retCode);
} catch( Exception e) {
agentLogger.error("getUserGroupName", null, e);
} finally {
if ( reader != null ) {
return groupName;
private int launchCommand(String[] command/*, String userId*/) throws Exception {
int retryCount=0;
Object sleepMonitor = new Object();
if ( command == null) {
return -1;
synchronized(CGroupsManager.class) {
long delay = delayFactor;//
while( retryCount <= retryMax ) {
String message = "";
InputStreamReader in = null;
BufferedReader reader = null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if ( command != null ) {
for (int i = 0; i < command.length; i++) {
sb.append(command[i]).append(" ");
try {"launchCommand", null, "Launching Process - Commandline:"+sb.toString());
ProcessBuilder processLauncher = new ProcessBuilder();
java.lang.Process process = processLauncher.start();
in = new InputStreamReader(
reader = new BufferedReader(in);
String line;"launchCommand", null, "Consuming Process Streams");
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
// per team discussin 6/23/ dont need to log "Operation not permitted"
// which is logged by cgcreate erroneously. The cgroup is actually created
// but cgcreate still dumps this msg to stdout. If we log this, a user
// may get confused. If thercannot remove groupe is a legitimate problem a subsequent test
// for existence of cgroup will catch a missing cgroup and report it as
// error.
if ( line.indexOf("Operation not permitted") > -1 ) {
continue; // dont log if the above string is in the stdout stream
} else if ( line.indexOf("cannot remove group") > -1 ) {
continue; // could be false positive. Validation will catch if unable to remove
}"launchCommand", null, ">>>>" + line);
}"launchCommand", null, "Waiting for Process to Exit");
int retCode = process.waitFor();
// Starting with libcgroup v.0.38, the cgcreate fails
// with exit code = 96 even though the cgroup gets
// created! The following code treats such return code
// as success. In case there is an error, subsequent
// cgset or cgexec will fail.
if (retCode == 0 || retCode == 96) {
System.out.println("--------- Returning Code:"+retCode+" Command:"+sb.toString());
return retCode;
} else {
message = ">>>>"
+ "FAILURE - return code:"+retCode+" Unable To exec command:"+sb.toString()
+ " Retrying in "+delay+" millis - retry#"+(retryCount+1);
} catch (Exception e) {
message = ">>>>"
+ "FAILURE - Unable To exec command:"+sb.toString()
+" Retrying in "+delay+" millis - retry#"+(retryCount+1);
} finally {
if ( reader != null ) {
try {
} catch( Exception exx) {}
if ( retryMax == 0 ) {
agentLogger.error("launchCommand", null, ">>>>"
+ "Not configured to retry command:"+sb.toString());
agentLogger.error("launchCommand", null, message);
try {
synchronized(sleepMonitor) {
} catch( InterruptedException ie) {}
delay += delayFactor;
} // while
return -1; // failure
* Return a Set of existing cgroup Ids found in the filesystem identified by
* 'cgroupBaseDir'.
* @return - set of cgroup ids
* @throws Exception
public Set<String> collectExistingContainers() throws Exception {
// File duccCGroupBaseDir = new File(cgroupBaseDir);
File duccCGroupBaseDir = new File(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath));
if (duccCGroupBaseDir.exists()) {
File[] existingCGroups = duccCGroupBaseDir.listFiles();
if ( existingCGroups != null ) {
for (File cgroup : existingCGroups) {
if (cgroup.isDirectory()) {
return containerIds;
public String getDuccCGroupBaseDir() {
return cgroupBaseDir;
public String getSubsystems() {
return cgroupSubsystems;
public boolean cgroupExists(String cgroup) throws Exception {
File duccCGroupBaseDir = new File(cgroup);
return duccCGroupBaseDir.exists();
public Set<NodeProcessInfo> getProcessesOnNode() throws Exception {
String location = "getProcessesOnNode";
Set<NodeProcessInfo> processList = new HashSet<NodeProcessInfo>();
InputStream stream = null;
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("ps", "-Ao",
"user:12,pid,ppid,args,stat", "--no-heading");
java.lang.Process proc = pb.start();
// spawn ps command and scrape the output
stream = proc.getInputStream();
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
String line;
String regex = "\\s+";
// read the next line from ps output
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String tokens[] = line.split(regex);
String user = tokens[0];
String pid = tokens[1];
String ppid = tokens[2];
String stat = tokens[4];
if (tokens.length > 0) {
processList.add(new NodeProcessInfo(pid, ppid, user, stat));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (agentLogger == null) {
} else {
agentLogger.error(location, null, e);
} finally {
if ( reader != null ) {
return processList;
public class NodeProcessInfo {
private String pid;
private String ppid;
private String userid;
private String stat;
NodeProcessInfo(String pid, String ppid, String uid, String stat) { = pid;
this.ppid = ppid;
this.userid = uid;
this.stat = stat;
public boolean isZombie() {
return (stat == "Z") ? true : false;
public String getPid() {
return pid;
public String getPpid() {
return ppid;
public String getUserid() {
return userid;
public void setUserid(String userid) {
this.userid = userid;
public class CGroupsException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String command;
private String msg;
public CGroupsException() {
public CGroupsException(Exception e) {
public CGroupsException addCommand(String command) {
this.command = command;
return this;
public CGroupsException addMessage(String msg) {
this.msg = msg;
return this;
public String getCommand() {
return command;
public String getMessage() {
return msg;
public class Validator {
private CGroupsManager cgmgr=null;
String containerId;
String userName;
String userGroupName;
boolean useDuccling;
String cgroupsBaseDir;
Validator(CGroupsManager instance, String cgroupsBaseDir,String containerId, String uid, String usergroup, boolean useDuccling) {
cgmgr = instance;
this.containerId = containerId;
this.userName= uid;
this.useDuccling = useDuccling;
this.userGroupName = usergroup;
this.cgroupsBaseDir = cgroupsBaseDir;
public Validator cgcreate() throws CGroupsException {
String msg1 = "------- CGroups cgcreate failed to create a cgroup - disabling cgroups";
String msg2 = "------- CGroups cgcreate failed to validate a cgroup - disabling cgroups";
String msg3 = "------- CGroups cgcreate failed - disabling cgroups";
try {
if ( !cgmgr.createContainer(containerId, userName, userGroupName, useDuccling) ) {
throw new CGroupsException().addCommand(CGroupCommand.CGCREATE.cmd())
// if (!cgmgr.cgroupExists(cgroupsBaseDir + "/memory/ducc/" + containerId)) {
if (!cgmgr.cgroupExists(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccMemoryPath)+ containerId)) {
throw new CGroupsException().addCommand(CGroupCommand.CGCREATE.cmd())
} catch( Exception e) {
throw new CGroupsException(e).addCommand(CGroupCommand.CGCREATE.cmd())
return this;
public Validator cgset( long cpuShares) throws CGroupsException {
String msg1 = "------- Check cgconfig.conf CPU control. The cgset failed to set cpu.shares";
String msg2 = "------- Check cgconfig.conf CPU control. The cgset failed to find cpu.shares file";
String msg3 = "------- Check cgconfig.conf CPU control. The cgset failed to write to cpu.shares file. Expected 100 shares found ";
BufferedReader reader = null;
String shares = "";
try {
if (!cgmgr.setContainerCpuShares(containerId, userName, useDuccling, cpuShares) ) {
throw new CGroupsException().addCommand(CGroupCommand.CGSET.cmd())
// now try to read created file
// File f = new File(cgroupsBaseDir + "/cpu/ducc/" + "test/cpu.shares");
File f = new File(getCGroupLocation(CGDuccCpuPath)+ containerId+"/cpu.shares");
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
// read 1st line. It should be equal to cpuShares
if ( reader != null ) {
shares = reader.readLine();
if ( shares != null ) {
shares = shares.trim();
System.out.println("----- Cgroup cgset verifier - cpu.shares read from file:"+shares);
if ( !String.valueOf(cpuShares).equals(shares)) {
throw new CGroupsException().addCommand(CGroupCommand.CGSET.cmd())
} catch( FileNotFoundException e ) {
throw new CGroupsException(e).addCommand(CGroupCommand.CGSET.cmd())
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new CGroupsException(e).addCommand(CGroupCommand.CGSET.cmd())
} finally {
if ( reader != null ) {
try {
} catch( Exception ee) {}
return this;