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Public properties are in a primary configuration file is called
and always resides in the directory
Private properties are in a secondary configuration file call
and always resides in the directory
\section{Properties merging}
With DUCC 2.0.0 the shipped DUCC properties file is designed to be read-only. Installations
create a local properties file which is automatically merged with the default properties file
as part of system startup.
The shipped DUCC properties file is called {\em}. This file should
never be edited or modified.
The local site override properties file is called {\em}. This is a
normal Java properties file containing override and additional properties. An initial
{\em} is created on installation of DUCC 2.0.0 by {\em ducc\_post\_install}.
On startup
(\hyperref[subsec:admin.start-ducc]{\em start\_ducc}),
(\hyperref[subsec:admin.check-ducc]{\em check\_ducc}),
and RM reconfiguration
(\hyperref[subsec:admin.rm-reconfigure]{\em rm\_reconfigure}),
the two properties files are
merged, with {\em} taking preference, to create the operational file,
{\em}, which is used by all DUCC components. This file should not be
edited as it will be over-written whenever {\em start\_ducc} or {\em check\_ducc} is run.
Some of the properties in are intended as the "glue" that brings the various
DUCC components together and lets then run as a coherent whole. These types of properties should
be modified only by developers of DUCC itself. In the description below these properties are
classified as "Private".
Some of the properties are tuning parameters: timeouts, heartbeat intervals, and so on. These
may be modified by DUCC administrators, but only after experience is gained with DUCC, and only
to solve specific performance problems. The default tuning parameters have been chosen by the
DUCC system developers to provide "best" operation under most reasonable situations. In the
description below these properties are classified as "Tuning".
Some of the properties describe the local cluster configuration: the location of the ActiveMQ
broker, the location of the Java JRE, port numbers, etc. These should be modified by the DUCC
administrators to configure DUCC to each individual installation. In the description below these
properties are classified as "Local".
See also
\subsection{General DUCC Properties}
\item[ducc.authentication.implementer] \hfill \\
This specifies the class used for WebServer session authentication. If unconfigured,
the Web Server enforces no authentication.
\item[Default] org.apache.uima.ducc.common.authentication.LinuxAuthenticationManager
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.authentication.users.include] \hfill \\
Specify users allowed to log in to the web server. This is used only
if {\em ducc.authentication.implementor} is the LinuxAuthenticationManager.
\item[Default] All users may log in.
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.authentication.users.exclude] \hfill \\
Specify users not allowed to log in to the webserver. This is used only
if {\em ducc.authentication.implementor} is the LinuxAuthenticationManager.
\item[Default] No users are excluded.
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.authentication.groups.include] \hfill \\
Specify groups allowed to log in. Groups are defined by Unix authentication. Only
users in the groups specified here may log in to the web server. This is used only
if {\em ducc.authentication.implementor} is the LinuxAuthenticationManager.
\item[Default] Users in all groups may log in.
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.authentication.groups.exclude] \hfill \\
Specify groups not allowed to log in. Groups are defined by Unix authentication.
Users in the groups specified here may not log in to the web server. This is used only
if {\em ducc.authentication.implementor} is the LinuxAuthenticationManager.
\item[Default] No users are excluded due to group membership.
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.admin.endpoint] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint name used for DUCC administration messages.
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.admin.endpoint.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS message type used for DUCC administration requests. If changed DUCC
admin may not work.
\item[Default] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
If set to ``true'', DUCC will start and stop the ActiveMQ broker as part of its normal start/stop
\item[Default] true
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the ActiveMQ configuration file to use, for auto-managed brokers only. The path
must be specified relative to the ActiveMQ installation directory.
\item[Default] conf/activemq-ducc.xml
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the ActiveMQ credentials file used to authenticate DUCC daemons with the broker, for
auto-managed brokers only.
\item[Default] \${ducc.private.resources}/
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
For DUCC auto-managed brokers only, this names the location where ActiveMQ is installed
Note that the DUCC installation includes a default ActiveMQ.
\item[Default] \duccruntime/activemq
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
For DUCC auto-managed brokers only, this names the ActiveMQ configuration file. The configuration
file is assumed to reside in the directory specified by {\em}, so the path must be relative
to that location.
\item[Default] conf/activemq-ducc.xml
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
The property is used by the DUCC Job Driver processes to modify the ActiveMQ broker URL
when connecting to the Job Processes.
The supplied default is used to disable broker connection timeouts. From the ActiveMQ
documentation: "The maximum inactivity duration (before which the socket is considered
dead) in milliseconds. On some platforms it can take a long time for a socket to appear to
die, so we allow the broker to kill connections if they are inactive for a period of
time. Use by some transports to enable a keep alive heart beat feature. Set to a value
less-than-or-equal0 to disable inactivity monitoring. Declare the wire protocol used to
communicate with ActiveMQ."
This decoration is used to keep the broker connection alive while a JVM is in a
long garbage collection. The applications that DUCC is designed to support can
spend significant time in garbage collection, which can cause spurious timeouts. By
default the DUCC configuration disables the timeout by setting it to 0.
\item[Default] wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration=0
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
This declares the node where the ActiveMQ broker resides. It MUST be updated to
the actual node where the broker is running as part of DUCC installation. The default value
will not work.
\item[Default] \$\{ducc.head\}. The default is defined in the ducc property, {\em ducc.head}.
If you want to run the ActiveMQ broker on the ``ducc head'', this parameter need not
be changed.
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the port used to make JMX connections to the broker. This should only
be changed by administrators familiar with ActiveMQ configuration.
\item[Default] 1100
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
For DUCC auto-managed brokers only, this sets the {\tt -Xmx} heap size for the broker.
\item[Default] -Xmx2G
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the internal name of the broker, used to locate Broker's MBean in JMX Registry.
It is NOT related to any node name. When using the ActiveMQ distribution supplied with
DUCC it should always be set to ``localhost''. The default should be changed only by
administrators familiar with ActiveMQ configuration.
\item[Default] localhost
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
This declares the port on which the ActiveMQ broker is listening for
messages. It MAY be updated as part of DUCC installation. ActiveMQ ships with port
61616 as the default port, and DUCC uses that default.
\item[Default] 61617
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
Declare the wire protocol used to communicate with ActiveMQ.
\item[Default] tcp
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
For DUCC auto-managed brokers only, this configures ActiveMQ Server url decoration.
\item[Default] transport.soWriteTimeout=45000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.cli.httpclient.sotimeout] \hfill \\
This is the timeout used by the CLI to communicate with DUCC, in milliseconds. If no
response is heard within this time, the request times out and is aborted. When set to 0 (the
default), the request never times out.
\item[Default] 0
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is a string used in the Web Server banner to identify the local cluster. It is used
for informational purposes only and may be set to anything desired.
\item[Default] Apache UIMA-DUCC
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.head] \hfill \\
This property declares the node where the DUCC adminstrative processes run (Orchestrator,
Resource Manager, Process Manager, Service Manager). This property is required and MUST be
configured in new installation. The installation script
\hyperref[subsec:admin.ducc-post-install]{ducc\_post\_install} initializes this property to the
node the script is executed on.
\item[Default] There is no default, this must be configured during system installation.
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.jms.provider] \hfill \\
Declare the type of middleware providing the JMS service used by DUCC.
\item[Default] activemq
\item[ducc.jmx.port] \hfill \\
Every process started by DUCC has JMX enabled by default. When more than one process
runs on the same machine this can cause port conflicts. The property "ducc.jmx.port" is
used as the base port for JMX. If the port is busy, it is incremented internally until a free
port is found.
The web server's \hyperref[sec:system-details.daemons]{"System $->$ Daemons"} tab is used
to find the JMX URL that gets assigned to each of the DUCC management processes. The web
server's \hyperref[sec:ws-job-details]{Job details} page for each job is used to find the
JMX URL that is assigned to each JP.
\item[Default] 2099
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.jvm] \hfill \\
This specifies the full path to the JVM to be used by the DUCC processes. This MUST be
configured. The installation script
\hyperref[subsec:admin.ducc-post-install]{ducc\_post\_install} initializes this property to
full path to ``java'' in the installer's environment. (If the ``java'' command cannot
be found, ducc\_post\_install exits with error.)
\item[Default] None. Must be configured during installation.
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.local.jars] \hfill \\
This may be used to list site-specific jars that are required by local
customizations, e.g. authentication. The value must be a blank-delimited list of jars
relative to the {\em DUCC\_HOME/lib} directory.
\item[Default] (unconfigured)
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.node.min.swap.threshold] \hfill \\
Specify a minimum amount of free swap space available on a node.
If an agent detects free swap space dipping below the value defined
below, it will find the fattest (in terms of memory) process in its
inventory and kill it. The value of the parameter below is expressed
in bytes.
If set to 0, the threshold is disabled.
\item[Default] 0
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.jvm.args] \hfill \\
This specifies the list of arguments passed to the JVM when spawning the Agent.
\item[Default] -Xmx100M
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.driver.jvm.args] \hfill \\
If enabled, the arguments here are automatically added to the JVM arguments specified for
the Job Driver process.
Note: if the user-supplied JVM arguments contain a -Xmx entry then
any -Xmx value specified here will be ignored.
\item[Default] (unconfigured)
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.driver.jetty.max.threads] \hfill \\
Max number of threads in Jetty thread pool servicing incoming HTTP requests.
\item[Default] 100
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.driver.jetty.thread.idletime] \hfill \\
Max idle time for jetty threads (in milliseconds). When a thread exceeds
its idle time it will be terminated.
\item[Default] 60000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.orchestrator.jvm.args] \hfill \\
This specifies the list of arguments passed to the JVM when spawning the Orchestrator.
\item[Default] -Xmx1G
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This specifies the list of arguments passed to the JVM when spawning the Process Manager.
\item[Default] -Xmx1G
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.process.jvm.args] \hfill \\
If enabled, the arguments here are added by DUCC to the JVM arguments in the user's job
\item[Default] (unconfigured)
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.rm.jvm.args] \hfill \\
This specifies the list of arguments passed to the JVM when spawning the Resource
\item[Default] -Xmx1G
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This directory holds the encryption keys used for request validation.
By default DUCC employs {\em \$\{user.home\}} as the user's security directory.
When is specified, DUCC will instead employ {\em \$\{\}/\$\{\}}
\item[Default] (unconfigured)
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
This specifies the list of arguments passed to the JVM when spawning the Service Manager.
\item[Default] -Xmx1G
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
specifies the list of arguments passed to the JVM when spawning the
\item[Default] -Xmx8G
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.locale.language] \hfill \\
Establish the language for national language support of messages. Currently only "en" is
\item[Default] en
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
Establish the country for National Language Support of messages. Currently only "us" is
\item[Default] us
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.runmode] \hfill \\
When set to "Test" this property bypasses userid and authentication checks. It is intended
for use ONLY by DUCC developers. It allows developers of DUCC to simulate a multiuser
environment without the need for root privileges.
Note: WARNING! Enabling this feature in a production DUCC system is a serious
security breach. It should only be set by DUCC developers running with an un-privileged
\item[Default] Unconfigured. When unconfigured, test mode is DISABLED.
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.ssh] \hfill \\
When set to "False" this property bypasses use of ssh.
It is intended for use ONLY by DUCC developers. It allows developers of DUCC
to simulate a multinode environment without the need for ssh to "remote" nodes
for a single host deployment.
Note: WARNING! Enabling this feature in a production DUCC system is a serious
distributed computing usability hinderance. It should only be set by DUCC developers
for testing or demo purposes.
\item[Default] True
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.signature.required] \hfill \\
When set, the CLI signs each request so the Orchestrator can be sure the requestor is
actually who he claims to be.
\item[Default] on
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.job.max.pipelines.count] \hfill \\
This enforces a maximum number of pipelines per job, over all its processes. No
job will have more active work-items than this dispatched.
The value is related to the size of the Job Driver heap and the real memory consumed by JD.
If the JD is consuming too much memory, try reducing this value.
Note: formerly ducc.threads.limit
\item[Default] 5000
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.environment.propagated] \hfill \\
This specifies the environmental variables whose values will be merged with the
user-specified environment option on job, process and service submissions.
\item[Type] Local
\subsection{Web Server Properties}
\item[] \hfill \\
The name of the pluggable java class used to implement the Web Server.
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the name of the node the web server is started on. If not specified, the web server is
started on {\tt \$\{ducc\.head\}}.
\item[Default Value] (unconfigured)
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
In multi-homed systems it may be necessary to specify to which of the multiple addresses
the Web Server listens for requests. This property is an IP address that specifies to which
address the Web Server listens.
\item[Default Value] (unconfigured)
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the port on which the DUCC Web Server listens for requests.
\item[Default Value] 42133
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the port that the Web Server uses for SSL requests (such as authentication).
\item[Default Value] 42155
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
A message to be displayed under the banner of each main page.
Changes are effective immediately.
Can be used, for example, to post a notice that the cluster will
be down for maintenenace.
\item[Default Value] None
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
Once authenticated, this property determines the lifetime of the authenticated session to the
Web Server.
\item[Default Value] 60
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
DUCC maintains a history of all jobs. The state of jobs, both old and current are shown
in the Webserver's Jobs Page. To avoid overloading this page and the Web Server, the maximum
number of entries that can be shown is regulated by this parameter.
\item[Default Value] 4096
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
If true, users are allowed to login to Webserver. If false, users are
not allowed to login to Webserver. Shipped value set to false.
However, default value if property not specified is true.
\item[Default Value] true
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is a choice between updating the sorted internal representation of the
Machines page as each Agent publication arrives (true, somewhat CPU intensive
in a large cluster but fast browser response time) and updating only upon viewer
demand (false, CPU intensive for each browser request with slower response time).
\item[Default Value] true
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \ Optionally configure the webserver job
automatic cancel timeout. To disable this feature specify 0. This is employed when a user
specifies {\em$--$wait\_for\_completion} flag on job submission, in which case the job
monitor program must visit
within this expiry time. Otherwise the job will be automatically canceled.
This provides a safeguard against runaway jobs or managed reservations, if the
submitter gets disconnected from DUCC in some way.
If the feature is disabled by specifing ``0'', no work is canceled even if the
monitor itself disappears.
\item[Default Value] 10
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This specifies the temporary used by the Web Server's JSP engine to compile its JSPs.
The directory contents are removed each time the Web Server is restarted.
\item[Default Value] /tmp/ducc/jsp
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
Optionally configure the webserver request log, default, if not configured, is 0 (meaning no request logging).
Logs are written to DUCC\_HOME/logs/webserver.
\item[Default Value] 30
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
If set, the visualization will strip domain names from nodes to present a cleaner visualization.
\item[Default Value] true
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the name of the JMS endpoint through which the Webserver broadcasts its state messages.
These messages are broadcast to self to determine viability of the broker.
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used for the state messages sent by the Webserver.
\item[Default Value] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
The interval in milliseconds between Webserver publications of its state.
\item[Default Value] 5000
\item[Type] Private
\subsection{Job Driver Properties}
\item[ducc.jd.configuration.class] \hfill \\
The name of the pluggable java class used to implement the Job Driver (JD).
\item[Default Value] org.apache.uima.ducc.jd.config.JobDriverConfiguration
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.jd.state.update.endpoint] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint name by the Job Driver to send state to the Orchestrator.
\item[Default Value] ducc.jd.state
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.jd.startup.initialization.error.limit] \hfill \\
For a newly started Job, the number of Job Process (JP) initialization failures
allowed until at least one JP succeeds - otherwise, the Job self-destructs.
\item[Default Value] 1
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.jd.state.update.endpoint.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS message type used to send state to the Orchestrator.
\item[Default Value] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.jd.state.publish.rate] \hfill \\
The interval in milliseconds between JD state publications to the Orchestrator.
A higher rate (smaller number)
may slightly increase system response but will increase network load. A lower rate will
somewhat decrease system response and lower network load.
\item[Default Value] 15000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.jd.share.quantum] \hfill \\
When CGroups are enabled, this is the RSS, in MB, that is reserved for each JD process, and enforced
by the CGroup support. Larger JDs are permitted, but the CGroup support will force the excess
RSS onto swap. This potentially slows the performance of that JD, but preserves the resources
for other, better-behaved, JDs.
\item[Default Value] 400
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
The maximum length of a work-item name returned by CAS.getDocumentText().
Truncation is enforced beyond this limit.
If not specified, there is no limit.
\item[Default Value] (unconfigured)
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.jd.error.handler.class] \hfill \\
The error handler class employed when work items fail or time-out in order
to determine what to do next in three dimensions:
job kill or continue, process kill or continue, work item kill or continue.
User specified $--$driver\_exception\_handler <class> prevails.
\item[Default Value] org.apache.uima.ducc.ErrorHandler
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.jd.error.handler.args] \hfill \\
The error handler args passed to the error handler class (see above).
These values, if any, are combined with any specified by the user.
Individual user specified $--$driver\_exception\_handler\_arguments <args>
\item[Default Value] max\_job\_errors=15 max\_timeout\_retrys\_per\_workitem=0
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.default.process.per.item.time.max] \hfill \\
This property specifies the default value for the time, in minutes, that the JD should
wait for a work-item to be processed. If processing has not completed in this time the
process is terminated and the job's error handler decides whether to retry the
work-item or not.
\item[Default Value] 1440
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.default.process.init.time.max] \hfill \\
This property specifies the default value for the time, in minutes, that the agent should
wait for a JP to complete initialization. If initialization is not completed in this time
the process is terminated and and InitializationTimeout status is sent to the JD
which decides whether to retry the process or terminate the job.
\item[Default Value] 120
\item[Type] Local
\subsection{Service Manager Properties}
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the name of the pluggable java class used to implement the Service Manager.
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the name of the default UIMA-AS ping/monitor class. The default class issues
{\em get-meta} to a service and uses JMX to fetch queue statistics for presentation in
the web server.
This name is either
\item The fully qualified name of the class to use as the default UIMA-AS pinger. It may
be necessary to include the class or jar file in the classpath used to start the SM.
(The reccomended way to do this is add an entry to the {\em ducc.local.jars} property
in {\em}
\item The name of a pinger registration file. This is the reccomended way to
provide installation-customized pingers. See the \hyperref[chap:sm]{Service Management}
chapter for details of setting up this file. In short, it resides in {\em}
and contains the full set of ping-related properties needed to run a pinger.
\item[Default Value] org.apache.uima.ducc.cli.UimaAsPing
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint name used for state messages sent by the Service Manager.
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the JMS message type used for state messages sent by the Service Manager.
\item[Default Value] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the time, in milliseconds, between pings by the Service Manager
to each known, running service.
\item[Default Value] 60000
\item[Typ] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the number of consecutive pings that may be missed before a
service is considered unavailable.
\item[Default Value] 10
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the time in milliseconds the SM waits for a response to a ping. If the service does
not respond within this time the ping is accounted for as a "missed" ping.
\item[Default Value] 15000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the HTTP port used by the Service Manager to field requests from the CLI / API.
\item[Default Value] 19989
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the node where the Service Manager runs. It MUST be configured as part of DUCC
setup. The {\em ducc\_post\_install} procedures initialize this to {\em \$\{ducc.head\}}.
\item[Default Value] \$\{ducc.head\}
\item[Type] Local
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the length of time, in milliseconds, that the SM allows a service to remain alive after
all jobs that reference it have exited. If no new job referencing it enters the system before this time has
expired, the SM stops the service.
\item[Default Value] 300000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the maximum number of consecutive failures of service instance initialization
permitted before DUCC stops creating new instances. When this cap is hit the SM
will disable autostart for the service. It may be overridden by the service
registration's {\em instance\_failures\_limit} parameter.
NOTE: This was {\em} which is now deprecated.
\item[Default Value] 2
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the maximum number of instance failures allowed within some period of
time before the Service Manger disables {\em autostart} and ceases to restart
instances automatically. The time window for failures is defined with the
property {\em}.
This may be overridden by individual service pingers using the registration
property {\em instance\_failures\_limit}. See the
\hyperref[subsec:cli.ducc-services.register]{service registration options}
for details.
\item[Default Value] 5
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This specifies a window of time in minutes over which some number of service instance
failures are tolerated. If the maximum number of tolerated failures is
exceeded within this time window the Service Manager ceases to restart
instances automatically. The maximum tolerated failures is defined in
This may be overridden by individual service pingers using the registration
property {\em instance\_failures\_window}. See the
\hyperref[subsec:cli.ducc-services.register]{service registration options}
for details.
\item[Default Value] 30 (minutes)
\item[Type] Tuning
\subsection{Orchestrator Properties}
\item[ducc.orchestrator. configuration.class] \hfill \\
This is the name of the pluggable java class used to implement the DUCC Orchestrator.
\item[Default Value] org.apache.uima.ducc.orchestrator.config.OrchestratorConfiguration
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.orchestrator.start.type] \hfill \\
This indicates the level of recovery to be taken on restarting a
system. There are two levels of startup:
\item[cold] All reservations are canceled, all currently running
jobs (if any) are terminated. All services are terminated. The
system starts with no jobs, reservations, or services active.
\item[warm] All unmanaged reservations are restored. All currently
running jobs (if any) are terminated. All services are started or
restarted as indicated by their state when the system went down.
The system starts with no jobs active, but unmanaged reservations
and services are preserved.
\item[Default Value] warm
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.orchestrator.state.endpoint] \hfill \\
This is the name of the JMS endpoint through which the Orchestrator broadcasts its full
state messages. These messages include full job information and can be large. This state is
used by the Process Manager and the Webserver.
\item[Default Value] ducc.orchestrator.request
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.orchestrator.state.update.endpoint.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used for the "full" state messages sent by the Orchestrator.
\item[Default Value] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.orchestrator.state.publish.rate] \hfill \\
The interval in milliseconds between Orchestrator publications of its non-abbreviated
\item[Default Value] 10000
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.orchestrator.maintenance.rate] \hfill \\
This is the interval in milliseconds between Orchestrator maintenance cycles, which check
and update history and state.
\item[Default Value] 60000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.orchestrator.http.port] \hfill \\
This is the HTTP port used by the Orchestrator to field requests from the CLI / API.
\item[Default Value] 19988
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.orchestrator.http.node] \hfill \\
This is the node where the Orchestrator runs. It MUST be configured as part of DUCC
setup. The {\em ducc\_post\_install} procedures initialize this to {\em \$\{ducc.head\}}.
\item[Default Value] \$\{ducc.head\}
\item[Type] Local
\item[ducc.orchestrator.unmanaged.reservations.accepted] \hfill \\
This flag controls whether the Orchestrator will accept requests for
unmanaged reservations (true) or deny request for unmanaged reservations
\item[Default Value] true
\item[Type] Local
\subsection{Resource Manager Properties}
\item[ducc.rm.configuration.class] \hfill \\
This is the name of the pluggable java class used to implement the DUCC Resource
\item[Default Value] org.apache.uima.ducc.rm.config.ResourceManagerConfiguration
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.rm.state.update.endpoint] \hfill \\
This is the name of the JMS endpoint through which the Resource Manager broadcasts its
abbreviated state.
\item[Default Value] ducc.rm.state
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.rm.state.update.endpoint.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used for state messages sent by the Resource Manager.
\item[Default Value] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.rm.state.publish.ratio] \hfill \\
This specifies the frequency of RM schedules, relative to the number of Orchestrator publications. If
the value is set to 1, RM runs and publishes a schedule immediately on receipt of OR state. If set to
some number N, RM runs a schedule after receipt of every N Orchestrator publications.
\item[Default Value] 1
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.share.quantum] \hfill \\
The share quantum is the smallest amount of RAM that is schedulable for jobs, in GB.
Jobs are scheduled based entirely on their memory requirements. Memory is allocated in
multiples of the share quantum.
See the \hyperref[chap:rm]{Resource Management} section for more information on the share quantum.
\item[Default Value] 1
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This specifies the maximum non-preemptable shares any user may be awarded, in GB. If not configured,
there is no maximum enforced. This can be overridden on a per-user basis in the user registry.
See the \hyperref[chap:rm]{Resource Management} section for more information on the share quantum.
\item[Default Value] (not set, no limit imposed)
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.scheduler] \hfill \\
The component that implements the scheduling algorithm is pluggable. This specifies the
name of that class.
\item[Default Value] org.apache.uima.ducc.rm.scheduler.NodepoolScheduler
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.rm.user.registry] \hfill \\
This names the file with the user registr, within the DUCC\_HOME/resources directoryy.
As of this version of DUCC, the registry is used
only to override the global allotments. The registry entries may also be placed in the
\hyperref[sec:ducc.classes]{\em ducc.classes} file if desired.
\item[Default Value] ducc.users
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.rm.class.definitions] \hfill \\
This specifies the name of the file that contains the site's class definitions. This file is
described in detail in the \hyperref[sec:ducc.classes]{\em ducc.classes} section.
\item[Default Value] ducc.classes
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.node.stability] \hfill \\
The RM receives regular "heartbeats" from the DUCC agents in order to know what
nodes are available for scheduling. The node.stability property configures the number of
consecutive heartbeats that may be missed before the Resource Manager considers the
node to be inoperative.
If a node becomes inoperative, the Resource Manager deallocates all processes on that
node and attempts to reallocate them on other nodes. The node is marked offline and is
unusable until its heartbeats start up again.
The default configuration declares the agent heartbeats to occur at 1 minute intervals.
Therefore heartbeats must be missed for five minutes before the Resource Manager takes
corrective action.
\item[Default Value] 5
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.init.stability] \hfill \\
During DUCC initialization the Resource Manager must wait some period of time for
all the nodes in the cluster to check-in via their "heartbeats". If the RM were to start
scheduling too soon there would be a period of significant "churn" as the perceived cluster
configurations changes rapidly. As well, it would be impossible to recover work in a warm
or hot start if the affected nodes had not yet checked in.
The init.stability property indicates how many heartbeat intervals the RM must wait before
it starts scheduling after initialization.
\item[Default Value] 2
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.eviction.policy] \hfill \\
The alternative value is SHRINK\_BY\_MACHINE.
The eviction.policy is a heuristic to choose which processes of a job to preempt because of
competition from other jobs.
The SHRINK\_BY\_INVESTMENT policy attempts to preempt processes such that the
least amount of work is lost. It chooses candidates for eviction in order of:
\item Processes still initializing, with the smallest time spent in the initializing step.
\item Processes whose currently active work items have been executing for the shortest
The SHRINK\_BY\_MACHINE policy attempts to preempt processes so as to minimize
fragmentation on machines with large memories that can contain multiple job processes.
No consideration of execution time or initialization time is made.
\item[Default Value] SHRINK\_BY\_INVESTMENT
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.initialization.cap] \hfill \\
The type of jobs supported by DUCC generally have very long and often fragile
initialization periods. Errors in the applications and other problems such is missing or
errant services can cause processes to fail during this phase.
To avoid preempting running jobs and allocating a large number of resources to jobs only
to fail during initialization, the Resource Manager schedules a small number of processes
until it is determined that the initialization phase will succeed.
The initialization.cap determines the maximum number of processes allocated to a job
until at least one process successfully initializes. Once any process initializes the Resource
Manager will proceed to allocate the job its full fair share of processes.
The initialization cap can be overridden on a class basis by configuration via
\item[Default Value] 1
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
When a job expands because its fair share has increased, or it has completed initialization,
it may be desired to govern the rate of expansion. If is set to "true",
rather than allocate the full fair share of processes, the number of processes is doubled
each scheduling cycle, up to the maximum allowed. can be overridden on a class basis by configuration via
\item[Default Value] true
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.prediction] \hfill \\
Because initialization time may be very long, it may be the case that a job that might be
eligible for expansion will be able to complete in the currently assigned shares before any
new processes are able to complete their initialization. In this case expansion results in
waste of resources and potential eviction of processes that need not be evicted.
The Resource Manager monitors the rate of task completion and attempts to predict the
maximum number of processes that will be needed at a time in the future based on the
known process initialization time. If it is determined that expansion is unnecessary then it
is not done for the job.
Prediction can be overridden on a class basis by configuration via
\item[Default Value] true
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.prediction.fudge] \hfill \\
When ducc.rm.prediction is enabled, the known initialization time of a job's processes plus
some "fudge" factor is used to predict the number of future resources needed. The "fudge"
is specified in milliseconds.
The default "fudge" is very conservative. Experience and site policy should be used to set a
more practical number.
Prediction.fudge can be overridden on a class basis by configuration via
\item[Default Value] 120000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.defragmentation.threshold] \hfill \\
If {\em ducc.rm.defragmentation} is enable, limited defragmentation of resources is
performed by the Resource Manager to create sufficient space to schedule work
that has insufficient resources (new jobs, for example.). The term
{\em insufficient} is defined as ``needing more processes than the defragmentation
threshold, but currently having fewer processes than the defragmentation
threshold.'' These are called ``needy'' jobs. Additionally, the Resource Manager
will never evict processes from ``needy'' jobs for the purpose of defragmentation.
This property allows installations to customize the value used to determine if a
job is ``needy''. Jobs with fewer processes than this are potentially needed, and
jobs with more processes are never needy.
\item[Default Value] 8
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.rm.admin.endpoint] \hfill \\
This JMS endpoint used for RM administrative requests.
\item[Default Value] ducc.rm.admin.channe.
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.rm.admin.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used for RM administrative requests.
\item[Default Value] ducc.rm.admin.channe.
\item[Type] Private
\subsection{Agent Properties}
\item[ducc.agent.configuration.class] \hfill \\
This is the name of the pluggable java class used to implement the DUCC Agents.
\item[Default Value] org.apache.uima.ducc.nodeagent.config.AgentConfiguration
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.request.endpoint] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint through which agents receive state from the Process Manager.
\item[Default Value] ducc.agent
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.request.endpoint.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used for state messages sent by the Process Manager.
\item[Default Value] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.managed.process.state.update.endpoint] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint used to communicate from the managed process to the Agent
(Job Process).
\item[Default Value] ducc.managed.process. state.update
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.managed.process.state.update.endpoint.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used to communicate from the managed process (Job
Process) to the Agent.
\item[Default Value] socket
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.managed.process. state.update.endpoint.params] \hfill \\
These are configuration parameters for the Agent-to-JP communication socket. These
should only be modified by DUCC developers.
\item[Default Value] transferExchange=true\&sync=false
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.node.metrics.endpoint] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint used to send node metrics updates to listeners. Listeners
are usually the Resource Manager and Web Server. These messages serve as node
"heartbeats". As well, the node metrics heartbeats contain the amount of RAM on the node
and the number of processors.
\item[Default Value] ducc.node.metrics
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.node.metrics.endpoint.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used to send node metrics updates from the agents.
\item[Default Value] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.node.metrics.publish.rate] \hfill \\
The interval in milliseconds between node metric publications.
Every agent publishes its updates at this rate. On large clusters, a high rate (small
interval) can be a burden on the network.
Note: the Resource Manager uses the data in the node metrics for scheduling.
\item[Default Value] 60000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.node.inventory.endpoint] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint used to send node inventory messages to listeners. Listeners are
usually the Orchestrator and Web Server. Information in these messages include a map of
processes being managed on the node.
\item[Default Value] ducc.node.inventory
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.node.inventory.endpoint.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used to send node inventory updates from the agents.
\item[Default Value] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.agent.node.inventory.publish.rate] \hfill \\
The interval in milliseconds between node inventory publications.
If the inventory has not changed since the last update the agent bypasses sending the
update, up to a maximum of ducc.agent.node.inventory.publish.rate.skip times.
\item[Default Value] 10000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.node.inventory.publish.rate.skip] \hfill \\
This is the number of times the agent will bypass publishing its node inventory if the
inventory has not changed.
\item[Default Value] 30
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.thread.pool.size] \hfill \\
This is establishes the size of the agent's threadpool used to manage spawned processes.
\item[Default Value] 10
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.ducc\_spawn\_path] \hfill \\
This property specifies the full path to the ducc\_ling utility. During installation ducc\_ling
is normally moved to local disk and given setuid-root privileges. Use this property to tell
the DUCC agents the location of the installed ducc\_ling. The default location is within
an architecture dependent subdiretory of DUCC\_HOME/admin.
The arcitecture is derived from
the JRE property {\em os.arch}. During DUCC installation the {\em ducc\_ling} utility is
compiled for the architecture of the host where DUCC is installed. In heterogeneous
clusters, the system administrator should run the utility {\em build\_duccling} once on
a machine of each architecture to insure this utility gets correctly installed.
\item[Default Value] \ducchome/admin/\${os.arch}/ducc\_ling
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.process.stop.timeout] \hfill \\
This property specifies the time, in milliseconds, the agent should wait before forcibly
terminating a job process (JP) after an attempted graceful shutdown. If the child process
does not terminate in the specified time, it is forcibly terminated with kill -9.
This type of stop can occur because of preemption or system shutdown.
\item[Default Value] 60000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.process.init.timeout] \hfill \\
This property specifies the time, in milliseconds, that the agent should wait for a job
process (JP) to complete initialization. If initialization is not completed in this time the
process is terminated and and InitializationTimout status is send to the job driver (JD)
which decides whether to retry the process or terminate the job.
\item[Default Value] 7200000
\item[Type] Tuning
Deprecated. Replaced by ducc.default.process.init.time.max (in minutes)
\item[ducc.agent.share.size.fudge.factor] \hfill \\
The DUCC agent monitors the size of the resident memory of its spawned processes. If a
process exceeds its declared memory size by any significant amount it is terminated and
a ShareSizeExceeded message is sent. The Job Driver counts this towards the maximum
errors for the job and will eventually terminate the job if excessive such errors occur.
This property defines the percentage over the declared memory size that a process is
allowed to grow to before being terminated.
To disable this feature, set the value to -1.
\item[Default Value] 5
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.rogue.process.user.exclusion.filter] \hfill \\
The DUCC Agents scan nodes for processes that should not be running; for example,
a job may have left a 'rogue' process alive when it exits, or a user may log in to a node
unexpectedly. These processes are reported to the administrators via the webserver for
possible action.
This configuration parameter enumerates userids which are ignored by the rogue-process
\item[Default Value] root,posstfix,ntp,nobody,daemon,100
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.rogue.process.exclusion.filter] \hfill \\
The DUCC Agents scan nodes for processes that should not be running; for example,
a job may have left a 'rogue' process alive when it exits, or a user may log in to a node
unexpectedly. These processes are reported to the administrators via the webserver for
possible action.
This configuration parameter enumerates processes by name which are ignored by the
rogue process detector.
\item[Default Value] sshd:,-bash,-sh,/bin/sh,/bin/bash,grep,ps
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.cgroups.enable] \hfill \\
Enable or disable CGroups support.
If CGroups are not installed on a specific machine, this is ignored.
With CGroups the RSS for a managed process (plus any children processes it may spawn) is
limited to the allocated share size. Additional memory use goes to swap space. DUCC
monitors and limits swap use to the same proportion of total swap space as allocated
share size is to total RAM. If a process exceeds its allowed swap space it is terminated
and a ShareSizeExceeded message is sent to the Job Driver.
Nodes not using CGroups fall back to the ducc.agent.share.size.fudge.factor.
\item[Default Value] true
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.cgroups.utils.dir] \hfill \\
Location of CGroups programs, like cgexec. If CGroups are not
installed on a specific machine, this is ignored.
Depending on the OS, CGroups programs may be installed in different places.
Provide a comma separated list of directories the agent should search to find the programs.
\item[Default Value] /usr/bin
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.cgroups.basedir] \hfill \\
Location where ducc related CGroups will be created.
\item[Default Value] /cgroup/ducc
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.cgroups.max.retry.count] \hfill \\
Defines how many times an agent attempts to create a cgroup after
a failure.
\item[Default Value] 10
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.cgroups.retry.delay.factor] \hfill \\
Defines a delay factor in millis an agent will use to determine how long it
should sleep between cgroup create retries. Each time cgcreate fails
an agent will increment the delay by adding the delay factor to a previous
delay. If the delay factor is 2000, on first cgcreate failure an agent will
wait 2000 ms, on second failure the wait time will be 4000, on third 6000, and
so on.
\item[Default Value] 2000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.launcher.cgroups.swappiness] \hfill \\
Defines cgroup swappiness.
\item[Default Value] 10
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.agent.exclusion.file] \hfill \\
This specifies the exclusion file to enable node based exclusion for various
features. Currently only CGroup exclusion is supported.
The exclusion file has one line per agent of the form:
If the keyword ``cgrouops'' is found, the node is excluded from CGroup
\item[Default Value] Not configured.
\item[Type] Tuning
\subsection{Process Manager Properties}
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the name of the pluggable java class used to implement the DUCC Process
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the endpoint through which process manager receive state from the Orchestrator.
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used for state messages sent by the Orchestrator.
\item[Default Value] queue
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the endpoint through which process manager sends its heartbeat. The main receiver
is the Web Server for it's daemon status page.
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used for process manager heartbeats. The primary receiver
is the Web Server for its daemon status page.
\item[Default Value] topic
\item[Type] Private
\item[] \hfill \\
The interval in milliseconds between process manager heartbeat publications.
\item[Default Value] 25000
\item[Type] Private
\subsection{Job Process Properties}
\item[ducc.uima-as.configuration.class] \hfill \\
This is the name of the pluggable java class that implements the the UIMA-AS service
shell for job processes (JPs).
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.uima-as.endpoint] \hfill \\
This is the endpoint through which job processes (JPs) receive messages from the Agents.
\item[Default Value] ducc.job.managed.service
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.uima-as.endpoint.type] \hfill \\
This is the JMS endpoint type used for messages sent to the JPs from the Agents.
\item[Default Value] socket
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.uima-as.endpoint.params] \hfill \\
This configures the JP-to-Agent communication socket. It should be changed only by
DUCC developers.
\item[Default Value] transferExchange=true\&sync=false
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.uima-as.saxon.jar.path] \hfill \\
This configures the path the required Saxon jar.
\item[Default Value] file:\ducchome/apache-uima/saxon/saxon8.jar
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.uima-as.dd2spring.xsl.path] \hfill \\
This configures the path the required dd2spring xsl definitions.
\item[Default Value] \ducchome/apache-uima/bin/dd2spring.xsl
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.uima-as.flow-controller.specifier] \hfill \\
This configures the pluggable class that implements the default flow controller used in the
DUCC job processes (JPs).
\item[Default Value] org.apache.uima.ducc.FlowController
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.process.request.timeout] \hfill \\
This is the maximum amount of time to wait for a response from a JD, in milliseconds. This value
is used by a JP when sending requests to the JD.
\item[Default Value] 30000
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
Define process container class for DD jobs to instantiate and invoke via reflection.
The container provides classpath isolation for user defined analytics.
The container is instantiated with classes from a System classloader.
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.process.uima.container.class] \hfill \\
Define process container class for non-DD jobs to instantiate and invoke via reflection.
The container provides classpath isolation for user defined analytics.
The container is instantiated with classes from a System classloader.
\item[Default Value]
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.process.thread.sleep.time] \hfill \\
Define the sleep time in milliseconds for JP to use when JD sends empty CAS. In this case the
JD's CR has processed its collection. The JP threads need to slow down sending
\item[Default Value] 3000
\item[Type] Tuning
\subsection{Database Configuration Properties}
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the name of the host where the database is run. It usually defaults to the
same host as the ducc.head. Those knowledgable of the database can install the
database elsewhere. Use this parameter to specify that location.
To disable use of the database, set this parameter to the string {\em --disabled--}.
\item[Default Value] The same as your ducc.head.
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the name of the database host for JMX access. If it is ``localhost'' then only local
JMX access is supported. If it is set to the real name of the database host then remote JMX
access is possible.
\item[Default Value] localhost
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.database.jmx.port] \hfill \\
This is the JMX port used by the database. Normally it need not be changed.
It is set via the script so must not be in the range of values used by the
other daemons, i.e. values just above {\em ducc.jmx.port}.
\item[Default Value] 7199
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.database.mem.heap] \hfill \\
This is the value used to set {\em Xmx and Xms} when the database starts. The
Cassandra database makes an attempt to determine the best value of this. The
default is one-half of real memory, up to a maximum of 8G. It is recommended that
the default be used. However, small installations may reduce this to as little
as 512M. Note that both Xmx and Xms are set.
\item[Default Value] Determined by Cassandra, up to 8G max.
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the default for the ``young'' generation when the JVM needs more memory.
In general, the default is correct. If you're not familiar with Java's memory
management it is safest to not modify this.
\item[Default Value] Determined by Cassandra.
\item[Type] Tuning
\item[ducc.service.persistence.impl] \hfill \\
This specifies the class used to implement persistence for the Service Manager's registry.
The installation procedures for the database automatically update your {\em}
to use the correct default.
are two supported values:
The first value implements the service registry in the file system in the directory
{\tt DUCC\_HOME/state/services}.
When the database is installed, the service registry is implemented over the database.
\item[Default Value] When the database is enabled:
When the database is not enabled:
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.job.history.impl] \hfill \\
This specifies the class used to implement persistence for job history and the
Orchestrator checkpoint.
The installation procedures for the database automatically update your {\em}
to use the correct default.
The two supported values are:
The first value causes job history to be stored in {\tt DUCC\_HOME/history}
and the Orchestrator checkpoint to be stored in {\tt DUCC\_HOME/orchestrator.ckpt}.
The second causes both history and checkpoint to be saved in the database.
\item[Default Value] If the database is enabled:
If the database is not enabled:
\item[Type] Private
\item[ducc.rm.persistence.impl] \hfill \\
This specifies the class used to implement persistence for the Resource Manager's
dynamic state.
The installation procedures for the database automatically update your {\em}
to use the correct default.
The two supported values are:
The first value implements RM's use of the database to store its dynamic state. The second
disables RM state persistence. There is no implementation that persists RM state
in the filesystem.
\item[Default Value] If the
database is enabled:
If the database is not enabled:
\item[Type] Private
\subsection{Web Server Properties}
\item[] \hfill \\
This is the password used to generate the Web Server's keystore used for HTTPS requests. Usually
this keystore is created at initial installation time using \hyperref[subsec:admin.ducc-post-installl]{ducc\_post\_install.}
\item[Default Value] Randomly generated at install time.
\item[Type] Local
\subsection{Database Properties}
\item[db\_password] \hfill \\
This is the database superuser password. It is set during {\em ducc\_post\_install} or {\em db\_create}. Both
these procedures randomly generate the password.
NOTE: The database superuser ID is always ``ducc'', and is set during database installation.
\item[Default Value] Randomly generated at install time.
\item[Type] Local