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\HCode{<a name='DUCC_CLI_PROCESS_SUBMIT'></a>}
Use {\em ducc\_process\_submit} to submit a Managed Reservation, also known as an
{\em arbitrary process} to DUCC. The intention
of this function is an alternative to utilities such as {\em ssh}, in order to allow the
spawned processes to be fully managed by DUCC. This allows the DUCC scheduler to allocate
the necessary resources (and prevent over-allocation), and the DUCC run-time environment
to manage process lifetime.
If {\em attach\_console} is specified, Stdin, Stderr, and Stdout of the remote
process are redirected to the submitting console. It is thus possible to run interactive
sessions with remote processes where the resources are managed by DUCC.
\item[Script wrapper] \ducchome/bin/ducc\_process\_submit {\em options}
\item[Java Main] java -cp \ducchome/lib/uima-ducc-cli.jar\\org.apache.uima.ducc.cli.DuccManagedReservationSubmit {\em options}
\item[$--$attach\_console] If specified, remote process stdout and stderr are
redirected to, and stdin redirected from, the local submitting console.
\item[$--$cancel\_on\_interrupt] If specified, the remote process is monitored
and will be canceled if the submit command is interrupted, e.g. with CTRL-C.
This option always implies $--$wait\_for\_completion.
\item[$--$description {[text]}] The text is any string used to describe the process. It is
displayed in the Web Server. When specified on a command-line the text usually must be
surrounded by quotes to protect it from the shell.
\item[$--$debug ] Prints internal debugging information, intended for DUCC developers or
extended problem determination.
\item[$--$environment {[env vars]}] Blank-delimited list of environment variables and variable
Entries will be copied from the user's environment if just the variable name is
specified, optionally with a final '*' for those with the same prefix.
If specified, this is used for all DUCC processes in the job. Example:
--environment TERM=xterm DISPLAY=:1.0 LANG UIMA_*
Additional entries may be copied from the user's environment based on the setting of
ducc.submit.environment.propagated in the global DUCC configuration
Note: When used as a CLI option, the environment string must usually be
quoted to protect it from the shell.
\item[$--$help] Prints the usage text to the console.
\item[$--$log\_directory {[path-to-log directory]} ]
This specifies the path to the directory for the user logs. If not specified, the default
is \$HOME/ducc/logs. Example:
--log_directory /home/bob
Within this directory DUCC creates a sub-directory for each process, using the numerical
ID of the job. The format of the generated log file names as described
Note: Note that $--$log\_directory specifies only the path to a directory where
logs are to be stored. In order to manage multiple processes running in multiple
machines DUCC, sub-directory and file names are generated by DUCC and may
not be directly specified.
\item[$--$process\_executable {[program name]}] This is the full path to a program to be
executed. (Required)
\item[$--$process\_executable\_args {[argument list]}] This is a list of arguments for
{\em process\_executable}, if any. When specified on a command-line the text usually must be
surrounded by quotes to protect it from the shell.
\item[$--$process\_memory\_size {[size]} ] This specifies the maximum amount of RAM in GB to
be allocated to each process. This value is used by the Resource Manager to allocate
resources. if this amount is exceeded by a process the Agent terminates the process with a
ShareSizeExceeded message.
\item[$--$scheduling\_class {[classname]} ] This specifies the name of the scheduling class the
RM will use to determine the resource allocation for each process. The names of the
classes are installation dependent.
If not specified, the FIXED\_SHARE default is taken from the site class definitions file
described \hyperref[subsubsec:class.configuration]{here.}
\item[$--$specification, $-$f {[file]} ] All the parameters used to submit a process may be placed
in a standard Java properties file. This file may then be used to submit the process
(rather than providing all the parameters directory to submit).
For example,
ducc_process_submit --specification job.props
ducc_process_submit -f job.props
where job.props contains:
working_directory = /home/bob/projects
environment = AE_INIT_TIME=10000 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/a/bogus/path
log_directory = /home/bob/ducc/logs/
description = Simple Process
scheduling_class = fixed
process_memory_size = 15
\item[$--$suppress\_console\_log] If specified, suppress creation of the log files that
normally hold the redirected stdout and stderr.
\item[$--$timestamp ]
If specified, messages from the submit process are timestamped. This is intended primarily
for use with a monitor with --wait\_for\_completion.
\item[$--$wait\_for\_completion ]
If specified, the submit command monitors the remote process and prints periodic
state and progress information to the console. When the process completes, the monitor
is terminated and the submit command returns. If the command is interrupted, e.g. with CTRL-C,
the request will not be canceled unless $--$cancel\_on\_interrupt is also specified.
\item[$--$working\_directory ] This specifies the working directory to be set by the Job
Driver and Job Process processes. If not specified, the current directory is used.