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<h1>UIMA-AS Testing Utilities</h1>
<h4>A brief guide to the utilities for helping
to construct uima-as test cases</h4>
<p>Last updated: October, 2013</p>
<p>Test cases run lots of asynchronous parts. The main flow is to have a test case set things up, and then
set up 1 or more monitor threads that will await various latch countdowns (EXCEPTION, CPC, PROCESS).
The monitor threads are "joined" back in the main thread. There's an extra semiphore that is used to delay
sending the first CAS until all monitor threads have started up.
<p>CASes in the system are assigned Cas Ref Ids, which are UUIDs.</p>
<p>There are 2 support / utility classes, with this inheritance:<br/>
<code style="margin-left:2em">BaseTestSupport -> ActiveMQSupport -> TestCase</code></p>
<h3>Starting / stopping broker(s)</h3>
<p><mthd>setup()</mthd> creates and starts <code>broker</code>
<actn>creates, starts broker, addHttpConnector(port = 18888)</actn>
<actn>Sets system properties:
DefaultBrokerUrl = broker:()/localhost?persistent=false
DefaultHttpBrokerUrl = http://localhost:[portNumber]
<p><mthd>teardown</mthd> clears two System properties and stops <code>broker</code>
<fld>clear System properties <code>, BrokerURL</code></fld>
<p><mthd>cleanBroker(BrokerService broker)</mthd> sometimes done before stopping
<actn>deleteAllMessages - removes messages from all queues</actn>
<actn>goes thru all known Client connections and "stop()"s them</actn>
<actn>goes thru all non-topic destinations and removes them</actn>
Typical use:
<p><mthd>stopBroker()</mthd> stops main <code>broker</code>
<fld><code>broker, tcpConnector</code></fld>
<actn>stop <code>tcpConnector</code>, removeConnector from broker, removeHttpConnector, deleteAllMessages, stop broker, waitUtilStopped</actn>
<p><mthd>addHttpConnector( [broker], port-number)</mthd> returns Uri String
<fld>set-field <code>TransportConnector httpConnector</code></fld>
<actn>Iterates with increasing port-number in case port in use</actn>
<p><mthd>getHttpURI()</mthd> returns Uri String of field <code>httpConnector</code>
<actn>stops <code>httpConnector</code></actn>
<actn>removes <code>httpConnector</code> from broker</actn></p>
<p><mthd>addConnector(broker, type, basePort)</mthd> returns <code>TransportConnector</code>
<actn>starting with basePort, incr port till get a good return from broker.addConnector using localhost:port</actn></p>
<p><mthd>getConnection()</mthd> returns <code>Connection</code> from <code>uri</code></p>
<p><mthd>createBroker( [port, useJmx, isSecondaryBroker])</mthd> returns BrokerService, used for main broker and 2ndry broker
<actn>broker uri <code>broker:()/localhost?persistent=false</code></actn>
<fld>sets <code>tcpConnector</code> to a tcp style connector at the port (default 61617)</fld>
<actn>if isSecondaryBroker, changes tcpConnector name and JmxDomainName gets ".test" added</actn>
<p><mthd>setupSecondaryBroker(boolean addProperty)</mthd> returns broker instance
<actn>sets system property <code> = org.apache.activemq.test</code></actn>
<actn>creates a secondary broker (calls <code>createBroker(61620, true, treu)</code> and starts it.</actn>
<actn>if addProperty, adds system property <code>BrokerURL</code></actn>
<!-- ********************************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Base Test Support -->
<!-- ********************************************************************************************** -->
<p>Inherits from ActiveMQSupport</p>
<p><mthd>deployService(asyncEngine - to hold ref, deploydescriptorPath)</mthd> returns UUID string
<actn>uses SystemProp: BrokerURL or tcp://localhost:8118, sets defaultBrokerURL</actn></p>
<p><mthd>addxceptionToIgnore, ignoreException</mthd></p>
<p><mthd>initialize(asyncEngine, appCtx)</mthd> calls initialize on engine after adding statusCallbackListener of <code>listener</code>
which is set to a new instance of UimaAsTestCallbackListener, a subclass of this class</p>
<p><mthd>buildContext(top-level-svc-broker-uri, top-level-queue-name, [timeout default 0])</mthd> returns appCtx map
<actn>sets CasPoolSize to 4, ReplyWindow to 15</actn></p>
<p><mthd>spinMonitorThread(ctrlSemaphore, howMany, kind)</mthd> returns thread that will wait
for howMany count-downs; returned threads are typically joined.
<fld>Kind/latches: <code>cpcLatch, exceptionCountLatch, processCountLatch</code></fld> </p>
<p><mthd>waitUntilInitialized()</mthd> signalled by callback, set up for one use per test instantiation
<fld><code>initializeMonitor, initialized</code></fld>
<p><mthd>waitOnMonitor(Semaphore)</mthd> used to wait until all monitor threads are spun</p>
<p><mthd>runTestWithMultipleThreads(svc-deploy-descr, q-name, how-many-CASes=per-thread, how-many-threads,
timeout, getmeta-timeout, [fail-on-timeout])</mthd>
<fld><code>engine</code> = new asyncEngine</fld>
<actn>deploy into engine, initialize engine</actn>
<actn>if <code>fail-on-timeout</code>, set timer task to undeploy in 5 seconds</actn>
<actn>spin up runner threads and have them send CASes, one at a time</actn>
<actn>wait till all CASes received, then wait till CPC done</actn>
<p><mthd>runCrTest(engine, howMany)</mthd> Run using collection reader
<fld>set <code>engine</code> from the passed-in engine</fld>
<actn>The engine needs to be set up with a collection reader and
the standard listeners to count down the
<p><mthd>runTest(2)(appCtx, engine, brokerUri, q-name, howMany, latchKind, is-async-send)</mthd>
<fld>sets <code>engine</code></fld>
<actn>if latchKind is EXCEPTION_LATCH, use 1 thread for running client,
else use 2 - one for client, and one for CPC</actn>
<actn>if runTest, send all CASes at once (up to pool limit) up to howMany.
If runTest2, send each CAS 1 at a time, and wait until it is complete including CPC.</actn>
<actn>After <code>howMany</code> CASes, send CPC and wait for completion.</actn>
<p><mthd>sendCAS(engine, howMany, isAsync)</mthd>
<actn>Gets CAS from casPool, sets doc txt, calls sendCas or SendAndReceiveCAS</actn></p>
<p><mthd>spinShutdownThread(asyncEngine, when, [springContainerIds, stop_now or quiesce])</mthd>
<actn>after specified delay, tops either the async engine, or the deployed things. Used
to test recovery from svcs dying</actn></p>
<p><mthd>onBeforeProcessCAS</mthd> writes logmsg to sysout</p>
<p><mthd>onBeforeMessageSend</mthd> writes Received ... notivication with CAS [casRefId]
<fld>sets casSent to casRefId)
<p><mthd>onUimaAsServiceExit</mthd> logs msg with cause</p>
<p><mthd>entityProcessComplete</mthd> might have performance metrics or not...
<actn>verifies (on exception) <code>receivedExpectedParentReferenceId</code></actn>
<actn>For successful test, gets processTraceEvents, checks duration is what's expected <code>expectedProcessTime</code>
<actn>For perform metrics: add per-component-performance-metrics to sysout log</actn>
<p>extends UimaTestCallbackListener, overrides entityProcessComplete with a much simpler check/report</p>