blob: 10b2b97ac2d219ccae6e46750d6e04781fc029dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.twill.api;
import org.apache.twill.api.logging.LogEntry;
import org.apache.twill.api.logging.LogHandler;
import org.apache.twill.discovery.Discoverable;
import org.apache.twill.discovery.ServiceDiscovered;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* For controlling a running application.
public interface TwillController extends ServiceController {
* Adds a {@link LogHandler} for receiving application log.
* @param handler The handler to add.
void addLogHandler(LogHandler handler);
* Discovers the set of {@link Discoverable} endpoints that provides service for the given service name.
* @param serviceName Name of the service to discovery.
* @return A {@link org.apache.twill.discovery.ServiceDiscovered} object representing the result.
ServiceDiscovered discoverService(String serviceName);
* Changes the number of running instances of a given runnable.
* @param runnable The name of the runnable.
* @param newCount Number of instances for the given runnable.
* @return A {@link Future} that will be completed when the number running instances has been
* successfully changed. The future will carry the new count as the result. If there is any error
* while changing instances, it'll be reflected in the future.
Future<Integer> changeInstances(String runnable, int newCount);
* Get a snapshot of the resources used by the application, broken down by each runnable.
* @return A {@link ResourceReport} containing information about resources used by the application or
* null in case the user calls this before the application completely starts.
ResourceReport getResourceReport();
* Restart all instances of a particular {@link TwillRunnable}.
* @param runnable The name of the runnable to restart.
* @return A {@link Future} that will be completed when the restart operation has been done.
Future<String> restartAllInstances(String runnable);
* Restart instances of some {@link TwillRunnable}.
* @param runnableToInstanceIds A map of runnable ID to list of instance IDs to be restarted.
* @return A {@link Future} that will be completed when the restart operation has been done.
Future<Set<String>> restartInstances(Map<String, ? extends Set<Integer>> runnableToInstanceIds);
* Restart instances of some {@link TwillRunnable}.
* @param runnable The name of the runnable to restart.
* @param instanceId The main instance id to be restarted.
* @param moreInstanceIds The optional instance ids.
* @return A {@link Future} that will be completed when the restart operation has been done.
Future<String> restartInstances(String runnable, int instanceId, int... moreInstanceIds);
* Restart instances of some {@link TwillRunnable}.
* @param runnable The name of the runnable to restart.
* @param instanceIds Instances to be restarted
* @return A {@link Future} that will be completed when the restart operation has been done.
Future<String> restartInstances(String runnable, Set<Integer> instanceIds);
* Update the log levels for requested logger names for Twill applications running in a container.
* The log level for a logger name can be {@code null} except for the root logger, which will reset the log level for
* the specified logger.
* @param logLevels The {@link Map} contains the requested logger names and log levels that need to be updated.
* @return A {@link Future} that will be completed when the log level update has been done. It will carry the
* {@link Map} of log levels as the result.
Future<Map<String, LogEntry.Level>> updateLogLevels(Map<String, LogEntry.Level> logLevels);
* Update the log levels for requested logger names for a {@link TwillRunnable}.
* The log level for a logger name can be {@code null} except for the root logger,
* which will reset the log level for
* the specified logger.
* @param runnableName The name of the runnable to update the log level.
* @param logLevelsForRunnable The {@link Map} contains the requested logger name and log level that
* need to be updated.
* @return A {@link Future} that will be completed when the log level update has been done. It will carry the
* {@link Map} of log levels as the result.
Future<Map<String, LogEntry.Level>> updateLogLevels(String runnableName,
Map<String, LogEntry.Level> logLevelsForRunnable);
* Reset the log levels of all runnables.
* The log levels will be the same as when the runnables start up.
* @param loggerNames The optional logger names to be reset for all runnables, if not provided, all log levels will
* be reset.
* @return A {@link Future} that will be completed when the set log level operation has been done. The future result
* is the logger names provided in the parameter.
Future<String[]> resetLogLevels(String...loggerNames);
* Reset the log levels of the given runnable.
* The log levels will be same as when the runnable starts up.
* @param loggerNames The optional logger names to be reset for the runnable, if not provided, all log levels will
* be reset.
* @return A {@link Future} that will be completed when the set log level operation has been done. The future result
* is the logger names provided in the parameter.
Future<String[]> resetRunnableLogLevels(String runnableName, String...loggerNames);