blob: 20a25f626977f060c67b6cd4742452dd37118718 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.twill.api;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Defines keys and default values constants being used for configuration.
public final class Configs {
* Defines keys being used in configuration.
public static final class Keys {
* Size in MB of reserved memory for Java process (non-heap memory).
public static final String JAVA_RESERVED_MEMORY_MB = "";
* Configurable ratio between Heap and Reserved Memory.
public static final String HEAP_RESERVED_MIN_RATIO = "";
* Set this to false to disable the secure store updates done by default.
public static final String SECURE_STORE_UPDATE_LOCATION_ENABLED = "";
* Specifies the local directory for twill to store files generated at runtime.
public static final String LOCAL_STAGING_DIRECTORY = "twill.local.staging.dir";
* Setting caching directory name for location cache.
public static final String LOCATION_CACHE_DIR = "twill.location.cache.dir";
* Setting the expiration time in milliseconds of unused files in the location cache.
* The value should be as long as the period when the same application will get launched again.
public static final String LOCATION_CACHE_EXPIRY_MS = "";
* Setting the expiration time in milliseconds of unused files created by older runs in the location cache.
* The value should be relatively short as those cache files won't get reused after those applications
* that are using files completed. This expiry is mainly to workaround the delay that twill detects
* the set of all running applications from ZK.
public static final String LOCATION_CACHE_ANTIQUE_EXPIRY_MS = "";
* Size in MB for the memory size of the YARN application master container.
public static final String YARN_AM_MEMORY_MB = "";
* Size in MB for the reserved non-heap memory size for the YARN application Java process.
* The actual reserved memory size is limited by the {@link #HEAP_RESERVED_MIN_RATIO}.
public static final String YARN_AM_RESERVED_MEMORY_MB = "";
* Maximum number of attempts to run the application by YARN if there is failure.
public static final String YARN_MAX_APP_ATTEMPTS = "";
* Interval time in milliseconds for the attempt failures validity interval in YARN. YARN only limit to
* the maximum attempt count for failures in the given interval.
* Setting for enabling log collection.
public static final String LOG_COLLECTION_ENABLED = "twill.log.collection.enabled";
* The maximum number of FileContext object cached by the FileContextLocationFactory.
public static final String FILE_CONTEXT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = "twill.file.context.cache.max.size";
private Keys() {
* Defines default configuration values.
public static final class Defaults {
* Default have 200MB reserved for Java process.
public static final int JAVA_RESERVED_MEMORY_MB = 200;
public static final double HEAP_RESERVED_MIN_RATIO = 0.7d;
* Default use the system temp directory for local staging files.
public static final String LOCAL_STAGING_DIRECTORY = System.getProperty("");
* Default expiration is one day for location cache.
public static final long LOCATION_CACHE_EXPIRY_MS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1);
* Default expiration is five minutes for location cache created by different twill runner.
public static final long LOCATION_CACHE_ANTIQUE_EXPIRY_MS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5);
* Default AM container memory size.
public static final int YARN_AM_MEMORY_MB = 512;
* Default AM JVM reserved memory.
public static final int YARN_AM_RESERVED_MEMORY_MB = 150;
* Default to enable log collection.
public static final boolean LOG_COLLECTION_ENABLED = true;
* Default size of the file context cache.
public static final int FILE_CONTEXT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 100;
private Defaults() {
private Configs() {