tree: d9701332d4638dc05f9182bba20cd4ed15c75db2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. markdown/
  2. resources/
  4. site.xml

Apache Twill Site Update Instructions

  1. Publish snapshot artifacts to maven

     git checkout master
     mvn clean deploy -DskipTests -Dremoteresources.skip=true -P hadoop-2.6 -P apache-release
  2. Build javadocs for the newly released version

     git checkout branch-${RELEASE_VERSION}
     mvn javadoc:aggregate
  3. Copy the javadocs generated in previous step to site directory

     git checkout site
     cp -r target/site/apidocs src/site/resources/apidocs-${RELEASE_VERSION}
  4. Update release version and link in src/site/markdown/

  5. Create new release page markdown file src/site/markdown/release/${RELEASE_VERSION}.md. You can base on the previous release page and update accordingly.

  6. Update the src/site/site.xml file to add new release information.

  7. Build the site

     mvn clean site -DskipTests -P site,hadoop-2.6

    All Twill website files will be generated at the target/site directory

  8. Update and check-in changes in SVN