blob: 5c9b9d8181d703484899c7eff972fb2ce398969d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* TVM JS Wasm Runtime library.
import { Pointer, PtrOffset, SizeOf, ArgTypeCode } from "./ctypes";
import { Disposable } from "./types";
import { Memory, CachedCallStack } from "./memory";
import { assert, StringToUint8Array } from "./support";
import { Environment } from "./environment";
import { WebGPUContext } from "./webgpu";
import * as compact from "./compact";
import * as ctypes from "./ctypes";
* Type for PackedFunc inthe TVMRuntime.
export type PackedFunc = ((...args: any) => any) &
Disposable & { _tvmPackedCell: PackedFuncCell };
* @internal
* FFI Library wrapper, maintains most runtime states.
class FFILibrary implements Disposable {
wasm32: boolean;
memory: Memory;
exports: Record<string, Function>;
webGPUContext?: WebGPUContext;
private wasmInstance: WebAssembly.Instance;
private recycledCallStacks: Array<CachedCallStack> = [];
wasmInstance: WebAssembly.Instance,
imports: Record<string, any>
) {
this.wasmInstance = wasmInstance;
this.memory = new Memory(this.detectWasmMemory(this.wasmInstance, imports));
this.wasmInstance.exports !== undefined,
"Expect the library module contains exports"
this.exports = this.wasmInstance.exports as Record<string, Function>;
this.wasm32 = this.memory.wasm32;
dispose(): void {
while (this.recycledCallStacks.length != 0) {
(this.recycledCallStacks.pop() as Disposable).dispose();
sizeofPtr(): number {
return this.memory.sizeofPtr();
checkCall(code: number): void {
if (code != 0) {
const msgPtr = (this.exports
.TVMGetLastError as ctypes.FTVMGetLastError)();
throw new Error("TVMError: " + this.memory.loadCString(msgPtr));
getOrAllocCallStack(): CachedCallStack {
if (this.recycledCallStacks.length != 0) {
return this.recycledCallStacks.pop() as CachedCallStack;
return new CachedCallStack(
this.exports.TVMWasmAllocSpace as ctypes.FTVMWasmAllocSpace,
this.exports.TVMWasmFreeSpace as ctypes.FTVMWasmFreeSpace
recycleCallStack(callstack: CachedCallStack): void {
private validateInstance(): void {
this.checkExports(["TVMWasmAllocSpace", "TVMWasmFreeSpace", "TVMFuncFree"]);
private checkExports(funcNames: Array<string>): void {
const missList = [];
for (const name of funcNames) {
const f = this.exports[name];
if (!(f instanceof Function)) {
if (missList.length != 0) {
throw new Error("Cannot find " + missList + " in exports");
private detectWasmMemory(
instance: WebAssembly.Instance,
imports: Record<string, any>
): WebAssembly.Memory {
if (instance.exports.memory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory) {
return instance.exports.memory;
if (imports.env && imports.env.memory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory) {
return imports.env.memory;
throw new Error(
"Cannt detect wasm memory from imports " +
imports +
" or exports" +
* A typed scalar constant used to represent a typed number
* argument to PackedFunc calls.
export class Scalar {
/** The value. */
value: number;
/** The data type of the scalar. */
dtype: string;
constructor(value: number, dtype: string) {
this.value = value;
this.dtype = dtype;
* Cell holds the PackedFunc object.
class PackedFuncCell implements Disposable {
handle: Pointer;
private lib: FFILibrary;
constructor(handle: Pointer, lib: FFILibrary) {
this.handle = handle;
this.lib = lib;
dispose(): void {
if (this.handle != 0) {
(this.lib.exports.TVMFuncFree as ctypes.FTVMFuncFree)(this.handle)
this.handle = 0;
const DeviceEnumToStr: Record<number, string> = {
1: "cpu",
2: "gpu",
4: "opencl",
8: "metal",
15: "webgpu"
const DeviceStrToEnum: Record<string, number> = {
cpu: 1,
gpu: 2,
cuda: 2,
cl: 4,
opencl: 4,
vulkan: 7,
metal: 8,
webgpu: 15
* Represent a runtime context where a NDArray can reside.
export class DLContext {
/** The device type code of the context. */
deviceType: number;
/** The device index. */
deviceId: number;
private lib: FFILibrary;
constructor(deviceType: number | string, deviceId: number, lib: FFILibrary) {
const tp = typeof deviceType;
if (tp == "string") {
this.deviceType = DeviceStrToEnum[deviceType];
if (this.deviceType == undefined) {
throw new Error("Cannot recogonize deviceType " + deviceType);
} else if (tp == "number") {
this.deviceType = deviceType as number;
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot take type " + tp + " as deviceType");
this.deviceId = deviceId;
this.lib = lib;
* Synchronize the context
async sync(): Promise<void> {
if (this.deviceType == DeviceStrToEnum.webgpu) {
assert(this.lib.webGPUContext !== undefined);
await this.lib.webGPUContext.sync();
toString(): string {
return (
DeviceEnumToStr[this.deviceType] + "(" + this.deviceId.toString() + ")"
* The data type code in DLDataType
export const enum DLDataTypeCode {
Int = 0,
UInt = 1,
Float = 2,
OpaqueHandle = 3
const DLDataTypeCodeToStr: Record<number, string> = {
0: "int",
1: "uint",
2: "float",
3: "handle",
* Runtime data type of NDArray.
export class DLDataType {
/** The type code */
code: number;
/** Number of bits in the data type. */
bits: number;
/** Number of vector lanes. */
lanes: number;
constructor(code: number, bits: number, lanes: number) {
this.code = code;
this.bits = bits;
this.lanes = lanes;
toString(): string {
const ret = DLDataTypeCodeToStr[this.code] + this.bits.toString();
if (this.lanes != 1) {
return ret + "x" + this.lanes.toString();
} else {
return ret;
numStorageBytes(): number {
return (this.bits * this.lanes + 7) >> 3;
* n-dimnesional array.
export class NDArray implements Disposable {
/** Internal array handle. */
handle: Pointer;
/** Number of dimensions. */
ndim: number;
/** Data type of the array. */
dtype: string;
/** Shape of the array. */
shape: Array<number>;
/** Context of the array. */
context: DLContext;
/** Whether it is a temporary view that can become invalid after the call. */
private isView: boolean;
private byteOffset: number;
private dltensor: Pointer;
private dataPtr: Pointer;
private lib: FFILibrary;
private dlDataType: DLDataType;
constructor(handle: Pointer, isView: boolean, lib: FFILibrary) {
this.handle = handle;
this.isView = isView;
this.lib = lib;
if (this.isView) {
this.dltensor = handle;
} else {
this.dltensor = this.getDLTensorFromArrayHandle(this.handle);
// constant offsets.
const arrayOffsetData = 0;
const arrayOffsetContext = arrayOffsetData + this.lib.sizeofPtr();
const arrayOffsetDevType = arrayOffsetContext;
const arrayOffsetDevId = arrayOffsetContext + SizeOf.I32;
const arrayOffsetNdim = arrayOffsetContext + SizeOf.DLContext;
const arrayOffsetDtype = arrayOffsetNdim + SizeOf.I32;
const arrayOffsetDtypeCode = arrayOffsetDtype;
const arrayOffsetDtypeBits = arrayOffsetDtype + SizeOf.U8;
const arrayOffsetDtypeLanes = arrayOffsetDtypeBits + SizeOf.U8;
const arrayOffsetShape = arrayOffsetDtype + SizeOf.DLDataType;
const arrayOffsetStrides = arrayOffsetShape + this.lib.sizeofPtr();
const arrayOffsetByteOffset = arrayOffsetStrides + this.lib.sizeofPtr();
// dataPtr
this.dataPtr = lib.memory.loadPointer(this.dltensor);
// ndim
this.ndim = lib.memory.loadI32(this.dltensor + arrayOffsetNdim);
// shape
const cshapePtr = lib.memory.loadPointer(this.dltensor + arrayOffsetShape);
this.shape = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.ndim; ++i) {
this.shape.push(lib.memory.loadI64(cshapePtr + i * SizeOf.I64));
// dtype
const code = lib.memory.loadU8(this.dltensor + arrayOffsetDtypeCode);
const bits = lib.memory.loadU8(this.dltensor + arrayOffsetDtypeBits);
const lanes = lib.memory.loadU16(this.dltensor + arrayOffsetDtypeLanes);
this.dlDataType = new DLDataType(code, bits, lanes);
this.dtype = this.dlDataType.toString();
// ctx
const deviceType = lib.memory.loadI32(this.dltensor + arrayOffsetDevType);
const deviceId = lib.memory.loadI32(this.dltensor + arrayOffsetDevId);
this.context = new DLContext(deviceType, deviceId, lib);
// byte_offset
this.byteOffset = lib.memory.loadI64(this.dltensor + arrayOffsetByteOffset);
dispose(): void {
if (this.handle != 0 && !this.isView) {
(this.lib.exports.TVMArrayFree as ctypes.FTVMArrayFree)(this.handle)
this.handle = 0;
* Copy data from another NDArray or javascript array.
* The number of elements must match.
* @param data The source data array.
* @returns this
copyFrom(data: NDArray | Array<number> | Float32Array): this {
if (data instanceof NDArray) {
(this.lib.exports.TVMArrayCopyFromTo as ctypes.FTVMArrayCopyFromTo)(
return this;
} else {
const size = this.shape.reduce((a, b) => {
return a * b;
}, 1);
if (data.length != size) {
throw new Error(
"data size and shape mismatch data.length" +
data.length +
" vs " +
let buffer: ArrayBuffer;
if (this.dtype == "float32") {
buffer = Float32Array.from(data).buffer;
} else if (this.dtype == "float64") {
buffer = Float64Array.from(data).buffer;
} else if (this.dtype == "int32") {
buffer = Int32Array.from(data).buffer;
} else if (this.dtype == "int8") {
buffer = Int8Array.from(data).buffer;
} else if (this.dtype == "uint8") {
buffer = Uint8Array.from(data).buffer;
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported data type " + this.dtype);
return this.copyFromRawBytes(new Uint8Array(buffer));
* Copy data from raw bytes.
* @param data Uint8Array of bytes.
* @returns this
copyFromRawBytes(data: Uint8Array): this {
const size = this.shape.reduce((a, b) => {
return a * b;
}, 1);
const nbytes = this.dlDataType.numStorageBytes() * size;
if (nbytes != data.length) {
throw new Error("Expect the data's length equals nbytes=" + nbytes);
const stack = this.lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const tempOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(nbytes);
const tempPtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(tempOffset);
this.lib.memory.storeRawBytes(tempPtr, data);
(this.lib.exports.TVMArrayCopyFromBytes as ctypes.FTVMArrayCopyFromBytes)(
return this;
* Return a copied Uint8Array of the raw bytes in the NDArray.
* @returns The result array.
toRawBytes(): Uint8Array {
if (this.context.deviceType != DeviceStrToEnum.cpu) {
throw new Error("Can only synchronize copy for GPU array, use copyfrom instead.");
const size = this.shape.reduce((a, b) => {
return a * b;
}, 1);
const nbytes = this.dlDataType.numStorageBytes() * size;
const stack = this.lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const tempOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(nbytes);
const tempPtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(tempOffset);
(this.lib.exports.TVMArrayCopyToBytes as ctypes.FTVMArrayCopyToBytes)(
const ret = this.lib.memory.loadRawBytes(tempPtr, nbytes);
return ret;
* Return a TypedArray copy of the NDArray, the specific type depends on
* the dtype of the NDArray.
* @returns The result array.
toArray(): Float32Array | Float64Array | Int32Array | Int8Array | Uint8Array {
const stype = this.dtype;
if (stype == "float32") {
return new Float32Array(this.toRawBytes().buffer);
} else if (stype == "float64") {
return new Float64Array(this.toRawBytes().buffer);
} else if (stype == "int32") {
return new Int32Array(this.toRawBytes().buffer);
} else if (stype == "int8") {
return new Int8Array(this.toRawBytes().buffer);
} else if (stype == "uint8") {
return new Uint8Array(this.toRawBytes().buffer);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported data type " + this.dtype);
private getDLTensorFromArrayHandle(handle: Pointer): Pointer {
// Note: this depends on the NDArray C ABI.
// keep this function in case of ABI change.
return handle;
* Runtime Module.
export class Module implements Disposable {
handle: Pointer;
private lib: FFILibrary;
private makePackedFunc: (ptr: Pointer) => PackedFunc;
handle: Pointer,
lib: FFILibrary,
makePackedFunc: (ptr: Pointer) => PackedFunc
) {
this.handle = handle;
this.lib = lib;
this.makePackedFunc = makePackedFunc;
dispose(): void {
if (this.handle != 0) {
(this.lib.exports.TVMModFree as ctypes.FTVMModFree)(this.handle)
this.handle = 0;
* Get a function in the module.
* @param name The name of the function.
* @returns The result function.
getFunction(name: string): PackedFunc {
const stack = this.lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const nameOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(name.length + 1);
stack.storeRawBytes(nameOffset, StringToUint8Array(name));
const outOffset = stack.allocPtrArray(1);
const outPtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(outOffset);
(this.lib.exports.TVMModGetFunction as ctypes.FTVMModGetFunction)(
const handle = this.lib.memory.loadPointer(outPtr);
if (handle == 0) {
throw Error("Cannot find function " + name);
const ret = this.makePackedFunc(handle);
return ret;
* Import another module into the current runtime module.
* @param mod The module to be imported.
importModule(mod: Module): void {
(this.lib.exports.TVMModImport as ctypes.FTVMModImport)(
* Graph runtime.
* This is a thin wrapper of the underlying TVM module.
* you can also directly call set_input, run, and get_output
* of underlying module functions
class GraphRuntime implements Disposable {
module: Module;
private packedSetInput: PackedFunc;
private packedRun: PackedFunc;
private packedGetOutput: PackedFunc;
private packedLoadParams: PackedFunc;
* COnstructor
* @param module The underlying module.
constructor(module: Module) {
this.module = module;
this.packedSetInput = module.getFunction("set_input");
this.packedRun = module.getFunction("run");
this.packedGetOutput = module.getFunction("get_output");
this.packedLoadParams = module.getFunction("load_params");
dispose(): void {
* Set input to the executor.
* @param key The input key.
* @param value The value to get set.
setInput(key: number | string, value: NDArray): void {
if (typeof key == "number") {
this.packedSetInput(new Scalar(key, "int32"), value);
} else {
this.packedSetInput(key, value);
* Execute the underlying graph.
run(): void {
* Get index-th output.
* @param index The index number.
* @param out The optional output storage parameters.
* @returns The output array.
getOutput(index: number, out: NDArray | undefined = undefined): NDArray {
if (out !== undefined) {
this.packedGetOutput(new Scalar(index, "int32"), out)
return out;
} else {
return this.packedGetOutput(new Scalar(index, "int32"));
* Load parameters from parameter binary.
* @param paramBinary The parameter binary.
loadParams(paramBinary: Uint8Array): void {
* Benchmark stable execution of the graph(without data copy).
* @params ctx The context to sync during each run.
* @number The number of times to compute the average.
* @repeat The number of times to repeat the run.
async benchmarkRuns(ctx: DLContext, number=10, repeat=4): Promise<number[]> {
// Skip first run as it can involve GPU warmup and module loading time.
const perf = compact.getPeformance();
const results = [];;
await ctx.sync();
for (let k = 0; k < repeat; ++k) {
const tstart =;
for (let i = 0; i < number; ++i) {;
await ctx.sync();
const tend =;
results.push((tend - tstart) / number);
return results;
/** Code used as the first argument of the async callback. */
const enum AyncCallbackCode {
kReturn = 4,
kException = 5,
* TVM runtime instance.
export class Instance implements Disposable {
memory: Memory;
exports: Record<string, Function>;
private lib: FFILibrary;
private env: Environment;
* Internal function(registered by the runtime)
private wasmCreateLibraryModule?: PackedFunc &
((getFunc: PackedFunc, getGlobal: PackedFunc) => PackedFunc);
* Constructor
* importObject can also be a {@link LibraryProvider} object,
* a WASI object, or an object containing wasmLibraryProvider field.
* @param wasmModule The input module or instance.
* @param importObject The imports to initialize the wasmInstance if it is not provided.
* @param wasmInstance Additional wasm instance argument for deferred construction.
* @param env Directly specified environment module.
* @see Please use the async version {@link instantiate} when targeting browsers.
wasmModule: WebAssembly.Module,
importObject: Record<string, any> = {},
wasmInstance?: WebAssembly.Instance,
env?: Environment
) {
if (wasmInstance instanceof WebAssembly.Instance) {
env instanceof Environment,
"env must be provided when passing in instance"
} else {
assert(env === undefined);
env = new Environment(importObject);
wasmInstance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule, env.imports);
this.env = env;
this.lib = new FFILibrary(wasmInstance, env.imports);
this.memory = this.lib.memory;
this.exports = this.lib.exports;
dispose(): void {
* Get system-wide library module in the wasm.
* System lib is a global module that contains self register functions in startup.
* @returns The system library module.
systemLib(): Module {
const getSysLib = this.getGlobalFunc("runtime.SystemLib");
const mod = getSysLib() as Module;
return mod;
* List all the global function names registered in the runtime.
* @returns The name list.
listGlobalFuncNames(): Array<string> {
const stack = this.lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const outSizeOffset = stack.allocPtrArray(2);
const outSizePtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(outSizeOffset);
const outArrayPtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(
outSizeOffset + this.lib.sizeofPtr()
(this.exports.TVMFuncListGlobalNames as ctypes.FTVMFuncListGlobalNames)(
const size = this.memory.loadI32(outSizePtr);
const array = this.memory.loadPointer(outArrayPtr);
const names: Array<string> = [];
for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
this.memory.loadPointer(array + this.lib.sizeofPtr() * i)
return names;
* Register function to be global function in tvm runtime.
* @param name The name of the function.
* @param f function to be registered.
* @param override Whether overwrite function in existing registry.
name: string,
func: PackedFunc | Function,
override = false
): void {
const packedFunc = this.toPackedFunc(func);
const ioverride = override ? 1 : 0;
const stack = this.lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const nameOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(name.length + 1);
stack.storeRawBytes(nameOffset, StringToUint8Array(name));
(this.lib.exports.TVMFuncRegisterGlobal as ctypes.FTVMFuncRegisterGlobal)(
* Get global PackedFunc from the runtime.
* @param name The name of the function.
* @returns The result function.
getGlobalFunc(name: string): PackedFunc {
const stack = this.lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const nameOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(name.length + 1);
stack.storeRawBytes(nameOffset, StringToUint8Array(name));
const outOffset = stack.allocPtrArray(1);
const outPtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(outOffset);
(this.exports.TVMFuncGetGlobal as ctypes.FTVMFuncGetGlobal)(
const handle = this.memory.loadPointer(outPtr);
if (handle == 0) {
throw Error("Cannot find global function " + name);
const ret = this.makePackedFunc(handle);
return ret;
* Check if func is PackedFunc.
* @param func The input.
* @returns The check result.
isPackedFunc(func: unknown): boolean {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
return typeof func == "function" && func.hasOwnProperty("_tvmPackedCell");
* Convert func to PackedFunc
* @param func Input function.
* @returns The converted function.
toPackedFunc(func: Function): PackedFunc {
if (this.isPackedFunc(func)) return func as PackedFunc;
return this.createPackedFuncFromCFunc(this.wrapJSFuncAsPackedCFunc(func));
* Convert dtype to {@link DLDataType}
* @param dtype The input dtype string or DLDataType.
* @returns The converted result.
toDLDataType(dtype: string | DLDataType): DLDataType {
if (dtype instanceof DLDataType) return dtype;
if (typeof dtype == "string") {
let pattern = dtype;
let code,
bits = 32,
lanes = 1;
if (pattern.substring(0, 5) == "float") {
pattern = pattern.substring(5, pattern.length);
code = DLDataTypeCode.Float;
} else if (pattern.substring(0, 3) == "int") {
pattern = pattern.substring(3, pattern.length);
code = DLDataTypeCode.Int;
} else if (pattern.substring(0, 4) == "uint") {
pattern = pattern.substring(4, pattern.length);
code = DLDataTypeCode.UInt;
} else if (pattern.substring(0, 6) == "handle") {
pattern = pattern.substring(5, pattern.length);
code = DLDataTypeCode.OpaqueHandle;
bits = 64;
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown dtype " + dtype);
const arr = pattern.split("x");
if (arr.length >= 1) {
const parsed = parseInt(arr[0]);
if (parsed + "" == arr[0]) {
bits = parsed;
if (arr.length >= 2) {
lanes = parseInt(arr[1]);
return new DLDataType(code, bits, lanes);
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown dtype " + dtype);
* Create a new {@link Scalar} that can be passed to a PackedFunc.
* @param value The number value.
* @param dtype The dtype string.
* @returns The created scalar.
scalar(value: number, dtype: string): Scalar {
return new Scalar(value, dtype);
* Create a new {@link DLContext}
* @param deviceType The device type.
* @param deviceId The device index.
* @returns The created context.
context(deviceType: number | string, deviceId = 0): DLContext {
return new DLContext(deviceType, deviceId, this.lib);
* Create a new cpu {@link DLContext}
* @param deviceId The device index.
cpu(deviceId = 0): DLContext {
return this.context("cpu", deviceId);
* Create a new webgpu {@link DLContext}
* @param deviceId The device index.
webgpu(deviceId = 0): DLContext {
return this.context("webgpu", deviceId);
* Create an empty {@link NDArray} with given shape and dtype.
* @param shape The shape of the array.
* @param dtype The data type of the array.
* @param ctx The context of the ndarray.
* @returns The created ndarray.
shape: Array<number> | number,
dtype: string | DLDataType = "float32",
ctx: DLContext = this.context("cpu", 0)
): NDArray {
dtype = this.toDLDataType(dtype);
shape = typeof shape == "number" ? [shape] : shape;
const stack = this.lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const shapeOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(shape.length * SizeOf.I64);
for (let i = 0; i < shape.length; ++i) {
stack.storeI64(shapeOffset + i * SizeOf.I64, shape[i]);
const outOffset = stack.allocPtrArray(1);
const outPtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(outOffset);
(this.exports.TVMArrayAlloc as ctypes.FTVMArrayAlloc)(
const ret = new NDArray(this.memory.loadPointer(outPtr), false, this.lib);
return ret;
* Create a new graph runtime.
* @param graphJson The graph runtime json file.
* @param lib The underlying library.
* @param ctx The execution context of the graph.
graphJson: string,
lib: Module,
ctx: DLContext
): GraphRuntime {
const fcreate = this.getGlobalFunc("tvm.graph_runtime.create");
const module = fcreate(
this.scalar(ctx.deviceType, "int32"),
this.scalar(ctx.deviceId, "int32")) as Module;
return new GraphRuntime(module);
* Register an asyncfunction to be global function in the server.
* @param name The name of the function.
* @param func function to be registered.
* @param override Whether overwrite function in existing registry.
* @note The async function will only be used for serving remote calls in the rpc.
name: string,
func: Function,
override = false
): void {
const asyncVariant = (...args: Array<any>): void => {
const fargs = args.slice(0, args.length - 1);
const callback = args[args.length - 1] as PackedFunc;
const promise: Promise<any> = func(...fargs);
promise.then((rv: any) => {
callback(this.scalar(AyncCallbackCode.kReturn, "int32"), rv);
this.registerFunc("__async." + name, asyncVariant, override);
* Initialize webgpu in the runtime.
* @param device The given GPU device.
initWebGPU(device: GPUDevice): void {
const webGPUContext = new WebGPUContext(
this.memory, device
this.registerFunc("wasm.WebGPUDeviceAPI", (name: string) => {
return webGPUContext.getDeviceAPI(name);
this.registerFunc("wasm.WebGPUCreateShader", (info: string, data: Uint8Array) => {
return webGPUContext.createShader(info, data);
this.registerAsyncServerFunc("wasm.WebGPUWaitForTasks", async () => {
await webGPUContext.sync();
this.lib.webGPUContext = webGPUContext;
/** Register global packed functions needed by the backend to the env. */
private registerEnvGlobalPackedFuncs(): void {
// Register the timer function to enable the time_evaluator.
const perf = compact.getPeformance();
// Helper function to time the finvoke
const timeExecution = async (
finvoke: PackedFunc,
ctx: DLContext,
nstep: number,
repeat: number,
minRepeatMs: number
): Promise<Uint8Array> => {
finvoke(this.scalar(1, "int32"));
await ctx.sync();
const result = [];
let setupNumber: number = nstep;
for (let i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) {
let durationMs = 0.0;
do {
if (durationMs > 0.0) {
setupNumber = Math.floor(
Math.max(minRepeatMs / (durationMs / nstep) + 1, nstep * 1.618)
const tstart: number =;
finvoke(this.scalar(setupNumber, "int32"));
await ctx.sync();
const tend: number =;
durationMs = tend - tstart;
} while (durationMs < minRepeatMs);
const speed = durationMs / setupNumber / 1000;
const ret = new Float64Array(result.length);
return new Uint8Array(ret.buffer);
const addOne = async (x: number): Promise<number> => {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
return x + 1;
this.registerAsyncServerFunc("wasm.TimeExecution", timeExecution);
this.registerAsyncServerFunc("testing.asyncAddOne", addOne);
private createPackedFuncFromCFunc(
func: ctypes.FTVMWasmPackedCFunc
): PackedFunc {
let findex = this.env.packedCFuncTable.length;
if (this.env.packedCFuncTableFreeId.length != 0) {
findex = this.env.packedCFuncTableFreeId.pop() as number;
} else {
this.env.packedCFuncTable[findex] = func;
const stack = this.lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const outOffset = stack.allocPtrArray(1);
const outPtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(outOffset);
.TVMWasmFuncCreateFromCFunc as ctypes.FTVMWasmFuncCreateFromCFunc)(
const ret = this.makePackedFunc(this.memory.loadPointer(outPtr));
return ret;
* Set packed function arguments into the location indicated by argsValue and argsCode.
* Allocate new temporary space from the stack if necessary.
* @parma stack The call stack
* @param args The input arguments.
* @param argsValue The offset of argsValue.
* @param argsCode The offset of argsCode.
stack: CachedCallStack,
args: Array<any>,
argsValue: PtrOffset,
argsCode: PtrOffset
): void {
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
let val = args[i];
const tp = typeof val;
const valueOffset = argsValue + i * SizeOf.TVMValue;
const codeOffset = argsCode + i * SizeOf.I32;
if (val instanceof NDArray) {
stack.storePtr(valueOffset, val.handle);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.TVMNDArrayHandle);
} else if (val instanceof Scalar) {
if (val.dtype.startsWith("int") || val.dtype.startsWith("uint")) {
stack.storeI64(valueOffset, val.value);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.Int);
} else if (val.dtype.startsWith("float")) {
stack.storeF64(valueOffset, val.value);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.Float);
} else {
assert(val.dtype == "handle", "Expect handle");
stack.storePtr(valueOffset, val.value);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.TVMOpaqueHandle);
} else if (val instanceof DLContext) {
stack.storeI32(valueOffset, val.deviceType);
stack.storeI32(valueOffset + SizeOf.I32, val.deviceType);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.TVMContext);
} else if (tp == "number") {
stack.storeF64(valueOffset, val);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.Float);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
} else if (tp == "function" && val.hasOwnProperty("_tvmPackedCell")) {
stack.storePtr(valueOffset, val._tvmPackedCell.handle);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.TVMPackedFuncHandle);
} else if (val === null || val == undefined) {
stack.storePtr(valueOffset, 0);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.Null);
} else if (tp == "string") {
stack.allocThenSetArgString(valueOffset, val);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.TVMStr);
} else if (val instanceof Uint8Array) {
stack.allocThenSetArgBytes(valueOffset, val);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.TVMBytes);
} else if (val instanceof Function) {
val = this.toPackedFunc(val);
stack.storePtr(valueOffset, val._tvmPackedCell.handle);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.TVMPackedFuncHandle);
} else if (val instanceof Module) {
stack.storePtr(valueOffset, val.handle);
stack.storeI32(codeOffset, ArgTypeCode.TVMModuleHandle);
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported argument type " + tp);
private wrapJSFuncAsPackedCFunc(func: Function): ctypes.FTVMWasmPackedCFunc {
const lib = this.lib;
return (
argValues: Pointer,
argCodes: Pointer,
nargs: number,
ret: Pointer,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
_handle: Pointer
): number => {
const jsArgs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nargs; ++i) {
const valuePtr = argValues + i * SizeOf.TVMValue;
const codePtr = argCodes + i * SizeOf.I32;
let tcode = lib.memory.loadI32(codePtr);
if (
tcode == ArgTypeCode.TVMObjectHandle ||
tcode == ArgTypeCode.TVMObjectRValueRefArg ||
tcode == ArgTypeCode.TVMPackedFuncHandle ||
tcode == ArgTypeCode.TVMModuleHandle
) {
(lib.exports.TVMCbArgToReturn as ctypes.FTVMCbArgToReturn)(
tcode = lib.memory.loadI32(codePtr);
jsArgs.push(this.retValueToJS(valuePtr, tcode, true));
const rv = func(...jsArgs);
if (rv !== undefined && rv !== null) {
const stack = lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const valueOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(SizeOf.TVMValue);
const codeOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(SizeOf.I32);
this.setPackedArguments(stack, [rv], valueOffset, codeOffset);
const valuePtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(valueOffset);
const codePtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(codeOffset);
(lib.exports.TVMCFuncSetReturn as ctypes.FTVMCFuncSetReturn)(
return 0;
private makePackedFunc(handle: Pointer): PackedFunc {
const cell = new PackedFuncCell(handle, this.lib);
const packedFunc = (...args: any): any => {
const stack = this.lib.getOrAllocCallStack();
const valueOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(SizeOf.TVMValue * args.length);
const tcodeOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(SizeOf.I32 * args.length);
this.setPackedArguments(stack, args, valueOffset, tcodeOffset);
const rvalueOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(SizeOf.TVMValue);
const rcodeOffset = stack.allocRawBytes(SizeOf.I32);
const rvaluePtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(rvalueOffset);
const rcodePtr = stack.ptrFromOffset(rcodeOffset);
// commit to wasm memory, till rvalueOffset (the return value don't need to be committed)
(this.exports.TVMFuncCall as ctypes.FTVMFuncCall)(
const ret = this.retValueToJS(rvaluePtr, this.memory.loadI32(rcodePtr), false);
return ret;
// Attach attributes to the function type.
// This is because javascript do not allow us to overload call.
const ret: any = packedFunc;
ret.dispose = (): void => {
ret._tvmPackedCell = cell;
return ret as PackedFunc;
private retValueToJS(rvaluePtr: Pointer, tcode: number, callbackArg: boolean): any {
switch (tcode) {
case ArgTypeCode.Int:
case ArgTypeCode.UInt:
return this.memory.loadI64(rvaluePtr);
case ArgTypeCode.Float:
return this.memory.loadF64(rvaluePtr);
case ArgTypeCode.TVMOpaqueHandle: {
return this.memory.loadPointer(rvaluePtr);
case ArgTypeCode.TVMNDArrayHandle: {
return new NDArray(this.memory.loadPointer(rvaluePtr), false, this.lib);
case ArgTypeCode.TVMDLTensorHandle: {
return new NDArray(this.memory.loadPointer(rvaluePtr), true, this.lib);
case ArgTypeCode.TVMPackedFuncHandle: {
return this.makePackedFunc(this.memory.loadPointer(rvaluePtr));
case ArgTypeCode.TVMModuleHandle: {
return new Module(
(ptr: Pointer) => {
return this.makePackedFunc(ptr);
case ArgTypeCode.Null: return undefined;
case ArgTypeCode.TVMContext: {
const deviceType = this.memory.loadI32(rvaluePtr);
const deviceId = this.memory.loadI32(rvaluePtr + SizeOf.I32);
return this.context(deviceType, deviceId);
case ArgTypeCode.TVMStr: {
const ret = this.memory.loadCString(this.memory.loadPointer(rvaluePtr));
return ret;
case ArgTypeCode.TVMBytes: {
return this.memory.loadTVMBytes(this.memory.loadPointer(rvaluePtr));
throw new Error("Unsupported return type code=" + tcode);
* Asynchrously instantiate a new {@link Instance}.
* importObject can also be a {@link LibraryProvider} object,
* a WASI object, or an object containing wasmLibraryProvider field.
* We can take benefit of syslib implementations from the Emscripten
* by passing its generated js Module as the imports.
* @param bufferSource The source to be compiled.
* @param importObject The import objects.
* @param logger The system logger.
export function instantiate(
bufferSource: ArrayBuffer,
importObject: Record<string, any> = {},
logger: (msg: string) => void = console.log
): Promise<Instance> {
const env = new Environment(importObject, logger);
return WebAssembly.instantiate(bufferSource, env.imports).then(
(result: WebAssembly.WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource): Instance => {
return new Instance(result.module, {}, result.instance, env);