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"""Relay to ONNX target test cases"""
import pytest
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime as rt
import tvm
from tvm import relay
from import to_onnx
import tvm.relay.testing
from tvm.relay.op.annotation import compiler_begin, compiler_end
from import IRModule
from tvm.relay import transform
def func_to_onnx(mod, params, name):
onnx_model = to_onnx(mod, params, name, path=None)
return onnx_model.SerializeToString()
def run_onnx(mod, params, name, input_data):
onnx_model = func_to_onnx(mod, params, name)
sess = rt.InferenceSession(onnx_model)
input_names = {}
for input, data in zip(sess.get_inputs(), input_data):
input_names[] = data
output_names = [ for output in sess.get_outputs()]
res =, input_names)
return res[0]
def get_data(in_data_shapes, dtype="float32"):
in_data = OrderedDict()
for name, shape in in_data_shapes.items():
in_data[name] = np.random.uniform(size=shape).astype(dtype)
return in_data
def run_relay(mod, params, in_data):
target = "llvm"
ctx = tvm.context("llvm", 0)
intrp = relay.create_executor("graph", mod, ctx=ctx, target=target)
in_data = [tvm.nd.array(value) for value in in_data.values()]
return intrp.evaluate()(*in_data, **params).asnumpy()
def _verify_results(mod, params, in_data):
a = run_relay(mod, params, in_data)
b = run_onnx(mod, params, "test_resent", in_data.values())
np.testing.assert_allclose(a, b, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-7)
def test_resnet():
num_class = 1000
in_data_shapes = OrderedDict({"data": (1, 3, 224, 224)})
in_data = get_data(in_data_shapes, dtype="float32")
for n in [18, 34, 50, 101]:
mod, params = tvm.relay.testing.resnet.get_workload(1, num_class, num_layers=n)
_verify_results(mod, params, in_data)
def test_squeezenet():
in_data_shapes = OrderedDict({"data": (1, 3, 224, 224)})
in_data = get_data(in_data_shapes, dtype="float32")
for version in ["1.0", "1.1"]:
mod, params = tvm.relay.testing.squeezenet.get_workload(1, version=version)
_verify_results(mod, params, in_data)
@pytest.mark.skip("USE_TARGET_ONNX should be ON")
def test_partition():
in_1 = relay.var("in_1", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
in_2 = relay.var("in_2", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
in_3 = relay.var("in_3", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
in_4 = relay.var("in_4", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
in_5 = relay.var("in_5", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
in_6 = relay.var("in_6", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
in_7 = relay.var("in_7", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
in_8 = relay.var("in_8", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
in_9 = relay.var("in_9", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
in_10 = relay.var("in_10", shape=(10, 10), dtype="float32")
begin0 = compiler_begin(in_1, "onnx")
begin1 = compiler_begin(in_2, "onnx")
begin2 = compiler_begin(in_3, "onnx")
begin3 = compiler_begin(in_4, "onnx")
node0 = relay.add(begin0, begin1)
node1 = relay.add(begin2, begin3)
end0 = compiler_end(node0, "onnx")
end1 = compiler_end(node1, "onnx")
begin4 = compiler_begin(end0, "onnx")
begin5 = compiler_begin(end1, "onnx")
node2 = relay.add(begin4, begin5)
end2 = compiler_end(node2, "onnx")
dbegin0 = compiler_begin(in_5, "default")
dbegin1 = compiler_begin(in_6, "default")
node3 = relay.subtract(dbegin0, dbegin1)
dbegin2 = compiler_begin(in_7, "default")
dend1 = compiler_end(node3, "default")
dbegin3 = compiler_begin(dend1, "default")
node4 = relay.subtract(dbegin2, dbegin3)
dend2 = compiler_end(node4, "default")
begin6 = compiler_begin(end2, "onnx")
begin7 = compiler_begin(dend2, "onnx")
node5 = relay.add(begin6, begin7)
end3 = compiler_end(node5, "onnx")
end4 = compiler_end(node5, "onnx")
dbegin4 = compiler_begin(in_8, "default")
dbegin5 = compiler_begin(end3, "default")
node6 = relay.subtract(dbegin4, dbegin5)
begin8 = compiler_begin(in_9, "onnx")
begin9 = compiler_begin(end4, "onnx")
node7 = relay.multiply(begin8, begin9)
end5 = compiler_end(node7, "onnx")
dend3 = compiler_end(node6, "default")
begin10 = compiler_begin(dend3, "onnx")
begin11 = compiler_begin(end5, "onnx")
node8 = relay.add(begin10, begin11)
end6 = compiler_end(node8, "onnx")
begin12 = compiler_begin(in_10, "onnx")
begin13 = compiler_begin(end6, "onnx")
node9 = relay.add(begin12, begin13)
end7 = compiler_end(node9, "onnx")
func = relay.Function([in_1, in_2, in_3, in_4, in_5, in_6, in_7, in_8, in_9, in_10], end7)
target = "llvm"
mod = IRModule.from_expr(func)
mod = transform.PartitionGraph()(mod)
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3, disabled_pass=["FuseOps"]):
graph_json, mod1, params =, target)
assert mod1.type_key == "metadata"
assert mod1.imported_modules[0].type_key == "llvm"
assert mod1.imported_modules[0].get_source()
assert mod1.imported_modules[1].type_key == "onnx"
assert mod1.imported_modules[1].get_source()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_partition needs USE_TARGET_ONNX to be ON