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* Loop unrolling as in Halide pipeline.
* \file
// Unrolls the loop as in Halide pipeline.
#include <tvm/arith/analyzer.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/tir/expr.h>
#include <tvm/tir/op.h>
#include <tvm/tir/stmt_functor.h>
#include <tvm/tir/transform.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "ir_util.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace tir {
struct UnrollLoopConfigNode : public tvm::AttrsNode<UnrollLoopConfigNode> {
int auto_max_step;
int auto_max_depth;
int auto_max_extent;
int explicit_unroll;
TVM_DECLARE_ATTRS(UnrollLoopConfigNode, "tir.transform.UnrollLoopConfig") {
.describe("Threshold of number of steps in the loop to be automatically unrolled")
.describe("The maximum nested level of loops that can be automatically unrolled.")
.describe("The maximum extent of loop that will be unrolled.")
.describe("Whether to explicitly unroll the loop instead of setting a pragma")
class UnrollLoopConfig : public Attrs {
TVM_DEFINE_NOTNULLABLE_OBJECT_REF_METHODS(UnrollLoopConfig, Attrs, UnrollLoopConfigNode);
TVM_REGISTER_PASS_CONFIG_OPTION("tir.UnrollLoop", UnrollLoopConfig);
class LoopUnroller : public StmtExprMutator {
explicit LoopUnroller(int auto_max_step, int auto_max_depth, int auto_max_extent,
bool explicit_unroll)
: auto_max_step_(auto_max_step),
explicit_unroll_(explicit_unroll) {}
Stmt VisitStmt_(const AttrStmtNode* op) final {
if (op->attr_key == "pragma_auto_unroll_max_step") {
int value = static_cast<int>(Downcast<Integer>(op->value)->value);
std::swap(value, auto_max_step_);
Stmt ret = this->VisitStmt(op->body);
std::swap(value, auto_max_step_);
return ret;
} else if (op->attr_key == "pragma_unroll_explicit") {
bool explicit_unroll = Downcast<Integer>(op->value)->value;
std::swap(explicit_unroll, explicit_unroll_);
Stmt ret = this->VisitStmt(op->body);
std::swap(explicit_unroll, explicit_unroll_);
return ret;
} else {
return StmtExprMutator::VisitStmt_(op);
Stmt VisitStmt_(const ForNode* op) {
Stmt stmt = StmtExprMutator::VisitStmt_(op);
op =<ForNode>();
int value = GetExtent(op);
// condition for auto unroll
bool auto_unroll = (op->for_type == ForType::Serial && value >= 0 && normal_loop_depth_ == 0 &&
unroll_depth_ <= auto_max_depth_);
auto_unroll =
auto_unroll && (value * step_count_ <= auto_max_step_ || value <= auto_max_extent_);
if (op->for_type == ForType::Unrolled) {
CHECK_GE(value, 0) << "Cannot unroll non-constant loop";
auto_unroll = true;
if (auto_unroll) {
step_count_ *= value;
unroll_depth_ += 1;
} else {
normal_loop_depth_ += 1;
if ((auto_unroll && explicit_unroll_) ||
// unroll loops with extent = 1, no matter how many steps in body
(0 <= value && value <= auto_max_extent_ && auto_max_extent_ == 1)) {
return Unroll(op);
} else {
if (auto_unroll) {
if (op->for_type != ForType::Unrolled) {
return For(op->loop_var, op->min, op->extent, ForType::Unrolled, op->device_api,
return stmt;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const StoreNode* op) final {
return StmtExprMutator::VisitStmt_(op);
Stmt VisitStmt_(const EvaluateNode* op) final {
return StmtExprMutator::VisitStmt_(op);
Stmt VisitStmt_(const SeqStmtNode* op) final {
auto fmutate = [this](const Stmt& s) {
int step_count = step_count_;
int unroll_depth = unroll_depth_;
int normal_loop_depth = normal_loop_depth_;
step_count_ = 0;
unroll_depth_ = 0;
normal_loop_depth_ = 0;
Stmt ret = this->VisitStmt(s);
step_count_ += step_count;
normal_loop_depth_ = std::max(normal_loop_depth, normal_loop_depth_);
unroll_depth_ = std::max(unroll_depth_, unroll_depth);
return ret;
return StmtMutator::VisitSeqStmt_(op, false, fmutate);
Stmt Unroll(const ForNode* op) {
int value = GetExtent(op);
// For loop must have a constant integer extent
CHECK_NE(value, -1) << "loop doesn't have a constant integer extent";
if (value == 0) return Evaluate(0);
Stmt body = op->body;
Map<Var, PrimExpr> vmap;
Array<Stmt> unrolled;
for (int i = 0; i < value; ++i) {
vmap.Set(op->loop_var, op->min + make_const(op->loop_var.dtype(), i));
Stmt step = Substitute(body, vmap);
return SeqStmt::Flatten(unrolled);
// returns the extent of the loop if it's a constant integer, otherwise return -1
int GetExtent(const ForNode* op) {
// constant folding.
PrimExpr extent = analyzer_.Simplify(op->extent);
const IntImmNode* v1 =<IntImmNode>();
int value = -1;
// integers that do not fit in int32_t are treated as symbolic,
// as it's impossible to unroll such large loops
if (v1 != nullptr && v1->value <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
value = static_cast<int>(v1->value);
return value;
// maximum number of step to perform auto unroll.
int auto_max_step_;
int auto_max_depth_;
// max extent of loop to auto unroll
// this not not count the total steps, only count the number of loops
int auto_max_extent_;
bool explicit_unroll_;
// Number of normal loops in scope
int normal_loop_depth_{0};
// number of unrolled cases in current scope.
int unroll_depth_{0};
// Number of total steps unrolled
int step_count_{0};
// analyzer
arith::Analyzer analyzer_;
Stmt UnrollLoop(Stmt stmt, UnrollLoopConfig cfg) {
Stmt ret = LoopUnroller(cfg->auto_max_step, cfg->auto_max_depth, cfg->auto_max_extent,
if (!ret.same_as(stmt)) {
return ConvertSSA(ret);
} else {
return ret;
namespace transform {
Pass UnrollLoop() {
auto pass_func = [=](PrimFunc f, IRModule m, PassContext ctx) {
auto* n = f.CopyOnWrite();
auto cfg = ctx->GetConfig<UnrollLoopConfig>("tir.UnrollLoop");
if (!cfg.defined()) {
cfg = AttrsWithDefaultValues<UnrollLoopConfig>();
n->body = UnrollLoop(std::move(f->body), cfg.value());
return f;
return CreatePrimFuncPass(pass_func, 0, "tir.UnrollLoop", {});
} // namespace transform
} // namespace tir
} // namespace tvm