blob: 8892c322acd89e301272cd5cba86835ab194b28a [file] [log] [blame]
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* Lower warp memory to use local memory
* and shuffle intrinsics.
* \file
// Thanks to Andrew Adams and Vinod Grover for
// explaining the concept of warp shuffle.
#include <tvm/arith/analyzer.h>
#include <tvm/arith/pattern.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/target/target.h>
#include <tvm/tir/analysis.h>
#include <tvm/tir/builtin.h>
#include <tvm/tir/expr.h>
#include <tvm/tir/op.h>
#include <tvm/tir/stmt_functor.h>
#include <tvm/tir/transform.h>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "../../arith/pattern_match.h"
#include "../../runtime/thread_storage_scope.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace tir {
// Rewrite Rule
// There is no special warp memory in most GPUs.
// Instead, we can stripe the data into threads
// and store the data into local memory.
// This requires us to do the following rewriting:
// - Rewrite allocation to use local memory.
// - Rewrite store of warp memory to local store.
// - Rewrite load of warp memory to local plus a shuffle.
// Define a generic shuffle intrinsic warp_shuffle(data, warp_index).
// We can use the following rewriting rule
// Before rewrite,
// alloc warp warp_mem[n * width * m]
// store warp_mem[m * warp_index + (width * m) * y + x]
// load warp_mem[m * z + (width * m) * y + x]
// subject to x \in [0, m), y \in [0, n)
// where width equals to the extent of threadIdx.x, which should
// be no larger than the warp size
// After rewrite:
// alloc local local_mem[n * m]
// store warp_mem[m * y + x]
// warp_shuffle(load warp_mem[m * y + x], z)
// subject to (m * y + x) is invariant to warp_index
// If width == warp size, we are shuffling on full warps.
// Otherwise, we are virtually shuffling on sub-warps,
// whose size equals to width. In this case, you can imagine
// a warp only consists of `width` threads. Width is passed
// as an argument to the shuffle primitive, and will be
// lowered to the device code if the target supports.
// A limitation of this sub-warp approach is that users
// cannot shuffle across the sub-warp boundary (i.e. shuffle
// with threadIdx.y or threadIdx.z indices). It can be solved
// via fusing threadIdx.x to the warp size, or improving the
// analyzer to detect both 3 thread axes, which is left for
// future improvements.
// Algorithm
// To implement this rewrite rule, we can do the follow step:
// For each warp memory alloc
// - Use linear pattern detector on load index to find m
// - Deduce n given width and alloc size
// - Now that we have m, n, width, we can proceed with the rewrite
// Visitor to find m in pattern
// store warp_mem[m * warp_index + (width * m) * y + x]
class WarpStoreCoeffFinder : private StmtVisitor {
WarpStoreCoeffFinder(const VarNode* buffer, Var warp_index, arith::Analyzer* analyzer)
: buffer_(buffer), warp_index_(warp_index), analyzer_(analyzer) {}
// find the warp co-efficient in the statement given the warp size
int Find(const Stmt& stmt) {
return warp_coeff_;
/// Visitor implementation
void VisitStmt_(const StoreNode* op) final {
if (op->buffer_var.get() == buffer_) {
if (op->value.dtype().lanes() == 1) {
} else {
arith::PVar<PrimExpr> base;
CHECK(arith::ramp(base, 1, op->value.dtype().lanes()).Match(op->index))
<< "LowerWarpMemory failed due to store index=" << op->index
<< ", can only handle continuous store";
} else {
void UpdatePattern(const PrimExpr& index) {
Array<PrimExpr> m = arith::DetectLinearEquation(index, {warp_index_});
CHECK_EQ(m.size(), 2U) << "LowerWarpMemory failed due to store index=" << index;
PrimExpr mcoeff = analyzer_->canonical_simplify(m[0]);
const auto* mcoeff_as_int =<IntImmNode>();
CHECK(mcoeff_as_int && mcoeff_as_int->value > 0)
<< "LowerWarpMemory failed due to store index=" << index
<< ", require positive constant coefficient on warp index " << warp_index_ << " but get "
<< mcoeff;
if (warp_coeff_ != 0) {
CHECK_EQ(warp_coeff_, mcoeff_as_int->value)
<< "LowerWarpMemory failed due to two different store coefficient to warp index";
} else {
warp_coeff_ = mcoeff_as_int->value;
// The buffer variable
const VarNode* buffer_;
// the warp index
Var warp_index_;
// the coefficient
int64_t warp_coeff_{0};
// analyzer.
arith::Analyzer* analyzer_;
// Visitor to find the warp index
class WarpIndexFinder : private StmtVisitor {
explicit WarpIndexFinder(int warp_size) : warp_size_(warp_size) {}
// find the warp co-efficient and the shuffle width in the statement
std::pair<Var, int> Find(const Stmt& stmt) {
<< "Cannot find warp index(threadIdx.x) within the scope of warp memory";
return std::make_pair(warp_index_->var, width_);
/// Visitor implementation
void VisitStmt_(const AttrStmtNode* op) final {
if (op->attr_key == attr::thread_extent) {
IterVar iv = Downcast<IterVar>(op->node);
if (iv->thread_tag == "threadIdx.x") {
auto* value_as_int = op-><IntImmNode>();
CHECK(value_as_int && value_as_int->value <= warp_size_ &&
warp_size_ % value_as_int->value == 0)
<< "Expect threadIdx.x 's size to be no larger than, and a factor of"
<< " warp size(" << warp_size_ << ")"
<< " to enable warp memory"
<< " but get " << op->value << " instead";
if (warp_index_.defined()) {
<< "Find two instance of " << warp_index_->thread_tag << " in the same kernel. "
<< "Please create it using thread_axis once and reuse the axis "
<< "across multiple binds in the same kernel";
} else {
width_ = value_as_int->value;
warp_index_ = iv;
// warp size
int warp_size_{0};
// number of threads involved in one shuffle
int width_{0};
// the warp index
IterVar warp_index_{nullptr};
// Mutator to change the read pattern
class WarpAccessRewriter : protected StmtExprMutator {
explicit WarpAccessRewriter(int warp_size, arith::Analyzer* analyzer)
: warp_size_(warp_size), analyzer_(analyzer) {}
// Rewrite the allocate statement which transforms
// warp memory to local memory.
Stmt Rewrite(const AllocateNode* op) {
buffer_ = op->buffer_var.get();
int alloc_size = op->constant_allocation_size();
CHECK_GT(alloc_size, 0) << "warp memory only support constant alloc size";
alloc_size *= op->dtype.lanes();
std::tie(warp_index_, width_) = WarpIndexFinder(warp_size_).Find(op->body);
warp_coeff_ = WarpStoreCoeffFinder(buffer_, warp_index_, analyzer_).Find(op->body);
// Align the local memory size. The number of elements may not
// be a multiple of width_ * warp_coeff_; round it up.
int factor = width_ * warp_coeff_;
warp_group_ = (alloc_size + (factor - 1)) / factor;
alloc_size = warp_group_ * factor;
return Allocate(op->buffer_var, op->dtype, {make_const(DataType::Int(32), alloc_size / width_)},
op->condition, this->VisitStmt(op->body));
PrimExpr VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) override {
CHECK(op != buffer_) << "Cannot access address of warp memory directly";
return StmtExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
Stmt VisitStmt_(const StoreNode* op) override {
if (op->buffer_var.get() == buffer_) {
PrimExpr local_index, group;
std::tie(local_index, group) = SplitIndexByGroup(op->index);
return Store(op->buffer_var, op->value, local_index, op->predicate);
} else {
return StmtExprMutator::VisitStmt_(op);
PrimExpr VisitExpr_(const LoadNode* op) override {
if (op->buffer_var.get() == buffer_) {
PrimExpr local_index, group;
std::tie(local_index, group) = SplitIndexByGroup(op->index);
// invariance: local index must do not contain warp id
CHECK(!ExprUseVar(local_index, warp_index_))
<< "LowerWarpMemory failed to rewrite load to shuffle for index " << op->index
<< " local_index=" << local_index;
PrimExpr load_value = Load(op->dtype, op->buffer_var, local_index, op->predicate);
PrimExpr mask = Call(DataType::UInt(32), builtin::tvm_warp_activemask(), {});
return Call(load_value.dtype(), builtin::tvm_warp_shuffle(),
{mask, load_value, group, width_, warp_size_});
} else {
return StmtExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
// Split the index to the two component
// <local_index, source_index>
// local index is the index in the local
// source index is the corresponding source index
// in this access pattern.
std::pair<PrimExpr, PrimExpr> SplitIndexByGroup(const PrimExpr& index) {
if (index.dtype().lanes() != 1) {
PrimExpr local_index, group;
arith::PVar<PrimExpr> base;
CHECK(arith::ramp(base, 1, index.dtype().lanes()).Match(index));
std::tie(local_index, group) = SplitIndexByGroup(base.Eval());
local_index = Ramp(local_index, make_const(local_index.dtype(), 1), index.dtype().lanes());
return std::make_pair(local_index, group);
PrimExpr m = make_const(index.dtype(), warp_coeff_);
// simple case, warp index is on the highest.
if (warp_group_ == 1) {
PrimExpr x = analyzer_->canonical_simplify(indexmod(index, m));
PrimExpr z = analyzer_->canonical_simplify(indexdiv(index, m));
return std::make_pair(x, z);
} else {
PrimExpr x = analyzer_->canonical_simplify(indexmod(index, m));
PrimExpr y = index / make_const(index.dtype(), warp_coeff_ * width_);
y = y * m + x;
PrimExpr z = indexdiv(indexmod(index, make_const(index.dtype(), warp_coeff_ * width_)), m);
return std::make_pair(analyzer_->canonical_simplify(y), analyzer_->canonical_simplify(z));
// the warp size
int warp_size_{0};
// The buffer variable
const VarNode* buffer_;
// number of threads involved in one shuffle
int width_{0};
// Warp index
Var warp_index_;
// the coefficient m
int warp_coeff_{0};
// the coefficient n
int warp_group_{0};
// Internal analyzer
arith::Analyzer* analyzer_;
// Bind bound information of variables to make analyzer more effective
// TODO(tqchen): consider a pass to inline the bound info into the expr
// so analysis can be context independent.
class BindVarBoundInfo : public StmtVisitor {
explicit BindVarBoundInfo(arith::Analyzer* analyzer) : analyzer_(analyzer) {}
void VisitStmt_(const ForNode* op) final {
const Var& loop_var = op->loop_var;
analyzer_->Bind(loop_var, Range::FromMinExtent(op->min, op->extent));
void VisitStmt_(const AttrStmtNode* op) {
if (op->attr_key == attr::thread_extent || op->attr_key == attr::virtual_thread) {
IterVar iv = Downcast<IterVar>(op->node);
CHECK_NE(iv->thread_tag.length(), 0U);
if (!var_dom_.count(iv->var.get())) {
Range dom = Range::FromMinExtent(0, op->value);
var_dom_[iv->var.get()] = dom;
analyzer_->Bind(iv->var, dom);
// internal analyzer.
arith::Analyzer* analyzer_;
// variable domain
std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, Range> var_dom_;
// Mutator to change the read pattern
class WarpMemoryRewriter : private StmtMutator {
explicit WarpMemoryRewriter(int warp_size) : warp_size_(warp_size) {}
Stmt Rewrite(Stmt stmt) {
if (warp_size_ == 1) return stmt;
BindVarBoundInfo binder(&analyzer_);
stmt = operator()(std::move(stmt));
return stmt;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const AllocateNode* op) {
auto ret = StmtMutator::VisitStmt_(op);
op =<AllocateNode>();
if (warp_buffer_.count(op->buffer_var.get())) {
WarpAccessRewriter rewriter(warp_size_, &analyzer_);
ret = rewriter.Rewrite(op);
return ret;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const AttrStmtNode* op) {
using runtime::StorageScope;
if (op->attr_key == attr::storage_scope) {
const VarNode* buf = op-><VarNode>();
StorageScope scope = StorageScope::Create(op-><StringImmNode>()->value);
if (scope.rank == runtime::StorageRank::kWarp) {
Stmt ret = StmtMutator::VisitStmt_(op);
op =<AttrStmtNode>();
return AttrStmt(op->node, op->attr_key, StringImm("local"), op->body);
return StmtMutator::VisitStmt_(op);
int warp_size_{0};
std::unordered_set<const VarNode*> warp_buffer_;
arith::Analyzer analyzer_;
// variable domain
std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, Range> var_dom_;
namespace transform {
Pass LowerWarpMemory() {
auto pass_func = [](PrimFunc f, IRModule m, PassContext ctx) {
auto* n = f.CopyOnWrite();
auto target = f->GetAttr<Target>(tvm::attr::kTarget);
CHECK(target.defined()) << "LowerWarpMemory: Require the target attribute";
int warp_size = target.value()->GetAttr<Integer>("thread_warp_size", 1).value();
n->body = WarpMemoryRewriter(warp_size).Rewrite(std::move(n->body));
return f;
return CreatePrimFuncPass(pass_func, 0, "tir.LowerWarpMemory", {});
} // namespace transform
} // namespace tir
} // namespace tvm