blob: e110737d622633bf3e22a935e035a4aeb33f9cf4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file
* \brief Relay type inference and checking.
* This file implements one of the most important passes to the
* Relay IR. In order to do many transformations and generate the
* most efficient code we need to obtain type information for the
* IR.
* Similar to previous computation graph based IRs, the Relay IR leaves
* type information implicit and computes types by performing program
* analysis.
* Given an expression `e` this pass infers a type `t` for
* the expression as well as simultaneously checking the property `e : t`
* (i.e., we can show e has type t).
* If we can not infer a type or there is a conflicting
* constraint it will emit errors.
#include <tvm/ir/error.h>
#include <tvm/ir/type_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/analysis.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/pattern_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/transform.h>
#include "../analysis/type_solver.h"
#include "pass_util.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
// Necessary deferred relation for TupleGetItem
struct TupleGetItemAttrs : public tvm::AttrsNode<TupleGetItemAttrs> {
int index;
TVM_DECLARE_ATTRS(TupleGetItemAttrs, "relay.attrs.TupleGetItemAttrs") { TVM_ATTR_FIELD(index); }
bool TupleGetItemRel(const Array<Type>& types, int num_inputs, const Attrs& attrs,
const TypeReporter& reporter) {
CHECK_EQ(types.size(), 2);
if (types[0].as<IncompleteTypeNode>()) return false;
const auto* data = types[0].as<TupleTypeNode>();
CHECK(data != nullptr) << "TupleGetItem expect input type to be TupleType "
<< " get " << types[0] << " instead";
const auto* param =<TupleGetItemAttrs>();
CHECK(param != nullptr);
CHECK_GE(param->index, 0);
CHECK_LT(param->index, data->fields.size());
reporter->Assign(types[1], data->fields[param->index]);
return true;
struct ResolvedTypeInfo {
explicit ResolvedTypeInfo(Type checked_type, Array<Type> type_args)
: checked_type(checked_type), type_args(type_args) {}
ResolvedTypeInfo() {}
Type checked_type;
// Only allocated when the expression is a call.
Array<Type> type_args = Array<Type>(ObjectPtr<Object>(nullptr));
// The inference algorithm can roughly be devided into three stages:
// - Populate the constraints by visiting the expression (TypeInferencer.GetType)
// - solver.AddConstraint and solver.Unify are called to populate the necessary constraints
// - Solve the constraints (solver_.Solve)
// - Recreate expression with the resolved checked_type (Resolver.VisitExpr)
class TypeInferencer : private ExprFunctor<Type(const Expr&)>,
private PatternFunctor<void(const Pattern&, const Type&)> {
// constructors
explicit TypeInferencer(IRModule mod, GlobalVar current_func)
: mod_(mod),
solver_(current_func, mod, &this->err_reporter) {
CHECK(mod.defined()) << "internal error: Module must be set in the type inferencer";
// inference the type of expr.
Expr Infer(Expr expr);
// type resolver that maps back to type
class Resolver;
// internal environment
IRModule mod_;
// The current function being type checked.
GlobalVar current_func_;
// The error reporter.
ErrorReporter err_reporter;
// map from expression to checked type
// type inferencer will populate it up
std::unordered_map<Expr, ResolvedTypeInfo, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> type_map_;
// The solver used by the inferencer.
TypeSolver solver_;
// relation function
TypeRelationFn tuple_getitem_rel_;
TypeRelationFn make_tuple_rel_;
// Perform unification on two types and report the error at the expression
// or the span of the expression.
Type Unify(const Type& t1, const Type& t2, const ObjectRef& expr) {
try {
return solver_.Unify(t1, t2, expr);
} catch (const dmlc::Error& e) {
expr, ErrorBuilder() << "Error unifying `" << t1 << "` and `" << t2 << "`: " << e.what());
return Type();
// Lazily get type for expr
// expression, we will populate it now, and return the result.
Type GetType(const Expr& expr) {
auto it = type_map_.find(expr);
if (it != type_map_.end() && it->second.checked_type.defined()) {
return it->second.checked_type;
Type ret = this->VisitExpr(expr);
KindCheck(ret, mod_);
ResolvedTypeInfo& rti = type_map_[expr];
rti.checked_type = ret;
return ret;
void ReportFatalError(const ObjectRef& expr, const Error& err) {
this->err_reporter.ReportAt(this->current_func_, expr, err);
// Visitor Logic
Type VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) final {
if (op->type_annotation.defined()) {
return op->type_annotation;
} else {
return IncompleteType(Kind::kType);
Type VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op) final {
GlobalVar var = GetRef<GlobalVar>(op);
if (!mod_.defined()) {
ErrorBuilder() << "Cannot do type inference on global variables "
"without a module");
Expr e = mod_->Lookup(var);
return e->checked_type();
Type VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) final { return op->tensor_type(); }
Type VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) final {
Array<Type> types;
for (Expr field : op->fields) {
return TupleType(types);
Type VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* op) final {
if (!tuple_getitem_rel_.defined()) {
tuple_getitem_rel_ =
Type tuple_type = GetType(op->tuple);
Type rtype = IncompleteType(Kind::kType);
auto attrs = make_object<TupleGetItemAttrs>();
attrs->index = op->index;
solver_.AddConstraint(TypeRelation(tuple_getitem_rel_, {tuple_type, rtype}, 1, Attrs(attrs)),
return rtype;
void VisitPattern_(const PatternConstructorNode* con, const Type& t) {
CHECK(mod_.defined()) << "Cannot do type inference without a environment:"
<< con->constructor->name_hint;
TypeData td = mod_->>constructor->belong_to);
auto pc = GetRef<PatternConstructor>(con);
// we can expect a certain number of arguments
Array<Type> unknown_args;
for (size_t i = 0; i < td->type_vars.size(); i++) {
Type expected = TypeCall(con->constructor->belong_to, unknown_args);
Type unified = Unify(t, expected, GetRef<ObjectRef>(con));
auto* tc =<TypeCallNode>();
if (!tc) {
this->ReportFatalError(pc, ErrorBuilder() << "Expected a type call, got " << unified);
if (td->header != tc->func) {
this->ReportFatalError(pc, ErrorBuilder() << "ADT headers must match, but we have "
<< td->header << " and " << tc->func);
if (td->type_vars.size() != tc->args.size()) {
pc, ErrorBuilder() << "The number of type args must match"
<< "the number of type vars in the type data: " << td->type_vars.size()
<< " != " << tc->args.size());
std::unordered_map<TypeVar, Type, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> type_var_map_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < td->type_vars.size(); ++i) {
type_var_map_[td->type_vars[i]] = tc->args[i];
CHECK(con->constructor->inputs.size() == con->patterns.size()) << "not enough pattern";
if (con->constructor->inputs.size() != con->patterns.size()) {
this->ReportFatalError(pc, ErrorBuilder() << "Not enough inputs for the constructor; "
<< "expected " << con->constructor->inputs.size()
<< ", got " << con->patterns.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < con->constructor->inputs.size(); ++i) {
VisitPattern(con->patterns[i], Bind(con->constructor->inputs[i], type_var_map_));
void VisitPattern_(const PatternTupleNode* tup, const Type& t) {
auto pt = GetRef<PatternTuple>(tup);
// we can expect a certain number of arguments
Array<Type> unknown_args;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tup->patterns.size(); i++) {
Type expected = TupleType(unknown_args);
Type unified = Unify(t, expected, GetRef<ObjectRef>(tup));
auto* tt =<TupleTypeNode>();
if (!tt) {
this->ReportFatalError(pt, ErrorBuilder() << "Expected a tuple type, got " << unified);
CHECK(tup->patterns.size() == tt->fields.size()) << "not enough pattern";
for (size_t i = 0; i < tup->patterns.size(); ++i) {
VisitPattern(tup->patterns[i], tt->fields[i]);
void VisitPattern_(const PatternVarNode* pv, const Type& t) {
Type vt = GetType(pv->var);
Unify(vt, t, pv->span);
void VisitPattern_(const PatternWildcardNode* wc, const Type& t) {}
Type VisitExpr_(const MatchNode* op) final {
Type dtype = GetType(op->data);
for (const auto& c : op->clauses) {
VisitPattern(c->lhs, dtype);
Type rtype = IncompleteType(Kind::kType);
for (const auto& c : op->clauses) {
rtype = this->Unify(rtype, GetType(c->rhs), op->span);
if (op->complete) {
// check completness
Match match = GetRef<Match>(op);
Array<Pattern> unmatched_cases = UnmatchedCases(match, this->mod_);
if (unmatched_cases.size() != 0) {
ErrorBuilder ss;
ss << "match expression does not handle the following cases: ";
int i = 0;
for (auto cs : unmatched_cases) {
ss << "case " << i++ << ": \n" << PrettyPrint(cs);
this->ReportFatalError(match, ss);
return rtype;
Type VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op) final { return op->op_type; }
Type VisitExpr_(const LetNode* let) final {
// if the definition is a function literal, permit recursion
bool is_functional_literal = let-><FunctionNode>() != nullptr;
Type let_type = IncompleteType(Kind::kType);
if (is_functional_literal) {
let_type = GetType(let->var);
type_map_[let->var].checked_type = let_type;
if (let->var->type_annotation.defined()) {
let_type = Unify(let_type, let->var->type_annotation, GetRef<Let>(let));
Type vtype = GetType(let->value);
let_type = Unify(let_type, vtype, GetRef<Let>(let));
CHECK(is_functional_literal || !type_map_.count(let->var));
// NOTE: no scoping is necessary because var are unique in program
type_map_[let->var].checked_type = let_type;
return GetType(let->body);
Type VisitExpr_(const IfNode* ite) final {
// Ensure the type of the guard is of Tensor[Bool, ()],
// that is a rank-0 boolean tensor.
Type cond_type = this->GetType(ite->cond);
this->Unify(cond_type, TensorType::Scalar(tvm::DataType::Bool()), ite->cond);
Type checked_true = this->GetType(ite->true_branch);
Type checked_false = this->GetType(ite->false_branch);
return this->Unify(checked_true, checked_false, GetRef<If>(ite));
// This code is special-cased for primitive operators,
// which are registered in the style defined in src/relay/op/*.
// The result will be the return type of the operator.
Type PrimitiveCall(const FuncTypeNode* op, Array<Type> arg_types, const Attrs& attrs,
const ObjectRef& loc) {
if (op->type_params.size() != arg_types.size() + 1) return Type();
if (op->type_constraints.size() != 1) return Type();
const TypeRelationNode* rel = op->type_constraints[0].as<TypeRelationNode>();
if (rel == nullptr) return Type();
// validate if the type parameter matches up
for (size_t i = 0; i < op->type_params.size(); ++i) {
if (!op->type_params[i].same_as(rel->args[i])) return Type();
Type rtype = IncompleteType(Kind::kType);
// we can do simple replacement here
solver_.AddConstraint(TypeRelation(rel->func, arg_types, arg_types.size() - 1, attrs), loc);
return rtype;
// substitute the type args in the function type
FuncType InstantiateFuncType(const FuncTypeNode* fn_ty, const Array<Type>& ty_args) {
tvm::Map<TypeVar, Type> subst_map;
// Build a subsitituion map up from the function type and type arguments.
// Eventually allow the type vars to be passed in.
CHECK(fn_ty->type_params.size() == ty_args.size())
<< "number of type parameters does not match expected";
for (size_t i = 0; i < ty_args.size(); ++i) {
subst_map.Set(fn_ty->type_params[i], ty_args[i]);
Type ret_type = fn_ty->ret_type;
// If the function type is incomplete, place a new IncompleteType
// This relax the fn_ty to inputs -> Any
// The type checking can still pass when there are additional constraints on the type
// This is a temporary work around to check recursive functions whose
// return type is not yet known.
if (!ret_type.defined()) {
ret_type = IncompleteType(Kind::kType);
Type inst_ty = FuncType(fn_ty->arg_types, ret_type, {}, fn_ty->type_constraints);
inst_ty = Bind(inst_ty, subst_map);
return Downcast<FuncType>(inst_ty);
// instantiates starting from incompletes
FuncType InstantiateFuncType(const FuncTypeNode* fn_ty) {
if (fn_ty->type_params.size() == 0) {
return GetRef<FuncType>(fn_ty);
Array<Type> type_args;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fn_ty->type_params.size(); i++) {
return InstantiateFuncType(fn_ty, type_args);
void AddTypeArgs(const Expr& expr, Array<Type> type_args) {
auto type_info = type_map_.find(expr);
if (type_info == type_map_.end()) {
type_map_.insert({expr, ResolvedTypeInfo(Type(), type_args)});
} else {
type_info->second.type_args = type_args;
// Handle general call node.
Type GeneralCall(const CallNode* call, Array<Type> arg_types) {
Type ftype = GetType(call->op);
auto* fn_ty_node =<FuncTypeNode>();
auto* inc_ty_node =<IncompleteTypeNode>();
if (fn_ty_node == nullptr && inc_ty_node == nullptr) {
ErrorBuilder() << "only expressions with function types can be called, found " << ftype);
// incomplete type => it must be a function taking the arg types
// with an unknown return type
if (inc_ty_node != nullptr) {
Type ret_type = IncompleteType(Kind::kType);
Type func_type = FuncType(arg_types, ret_type, {}, {});
Type unified = this->Unify(ftype, func_type, GetRef<Call>(call));
fn_ty_node =<FuncTypeNode>();
Array<Type> type_args = call->type_args;
if (type_args.size() > fn_ty_node->type_params.size()) {
<< "Incorrect number of type args in " << call->span << ": "
<< "Expected " << fn_ty_node->type_params.size() << "but got "
<< type_args.size());
for (size_t i = type_args.size(); i < fn_ty_node->type_params.size(); i++) {
FuncType fn_ty = InstantiateFuncType(fn_ty_node, type_args);
AddTypeArgs(GetRef<Call>(call), type_args);
size_t type_arity = fn_ty->arg_types.size();
size_t number_of_args = arg_types.size();
if (type_arity != number_of_args) {
if (type_arity < number_of_args) {
<< "the function is provided too many arguments "
<< "expected " << type_arity << ", found " << number_of_args);
} else {
<< "the function is provided too few arguments "
<< "expected " << type_arity << ", found " << number_of_args);
for (size_t i = 0; i < fn_ty->arg_types.size(); i++) {
this->Unify(fn_ty->arg_types[i], arg_types[i], GetRef<Call>(call));
for (auto cs : fn_ty->type_constraints) {
if (const auto* tr =<TypeRelationNode>()) {
solver_.AddConstraint(TypeRelation(tr->func, tr->args, tr->num_inputs, call->attrs),
} else {
solver_.AddConstraint(cs, GetRef<Call>(call));
return fn_ty->ret_type;
Type VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call) final {
Array<Type> arg_types;
for (Expr arg : call->args) {
if (const OpNode* opnode = call-><OpNode>()) {
Type rtype = PrimitiveCall(opnode-><FuncTypeNode>(), arg_types, call->attrs,
if (rtype.defined()) {
AddTypeArgs(GetRef<Call>(call), arg_types);
return rtype;
return GeneralCall(call, arg_types);
Type VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* f) final {
Array<Type> arg_types;
for (auto param : f->params) {
Type rtype = GetType(f->body);
if (auto* ft =<FuncTypeNode>()) {
rtype = InstantiateFuncType(ft);
if (f->ret_type.defined()) {
rtype = this->Unify(f->ret_type, rtype, GetRef<Function>(f));
auto ret = FuncType(arg_types, rtype, f->type_params, {});
return solver_.Resolve(ret);
Type VisitExpr_(const RefCreateNode* op) final { return RelayRefType(GetType(op->value)); }
Type VisitExpr_(const RefReadNode* op) final {
Type it = IncompleteType(Kind::kType);
this->Unify(GetType(op->ref), RelayRefType(it), GetRef<RefRead>(op));
return it;
Type VisitExpr_(const RefWriteNode* op) final {
Type it = IncompleteType(Kind::kType);
this->Unify(GetType(op->ref), RelayRefType(it), GetRef<RefWrite>(op));
this->Unify(GetType(op->value), it, GetRef<RefWrite>(op));
return TupleType::Empty();
Type VisitExpr_(const ConstructorNode* c) final {
CHECK(mod_.defined()) << "Cannot do type inference without a environment:" << c->name_hint;
TypeData td = mod_->LookupTypeDef(c->belong_to);
std::vector<Type> types;
for (const auto& t : td->type_vars) {
return FuncType(c->inputs, TypeCall(c->belong_to, types), td->type_vars, {});
void Solve() {
if (err_reporter.AnyErrors()) {
class TypeInferencer::Resolver : public ExprMutator, PatternMutator {
Resolver(const std::unordered_map<Expr, ResolvedTypeInfo, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual>& tmap,
TypeSolver* solver)
: tmap_(tmap), solver_(solver) {}
Expr VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) final { return VisitVar(GetRef<Var>(op)); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const GlobalVarNode* op) final { return GetRef<GlobalVar>(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const OpNode* op) final { return ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const RefCreateNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const RefReadNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const RefWriteNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const ConstructorNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Expr VisitExpr_(const MatchNode* op) final { return AttachCheckedType(op); }
Pattern VisitPattern(const Pattern& p) final { return PatternMutator::VisitPattern(p); }
Var VisitVar(const Var& v) final {
if (vmap_.count(v) == 0) {
vmap_[v] = GetRef<Var>(AttachCheckedType(<VarNode>()).as<VarNode>());
// attach checked type to the mutated node.
template <typename T>
Expr AttachCheckedType(const T* op) {
auto it = tmap_.find(GetRef<Expr>(op));
CHECK(it != tmap_.end());
Type checked_type = solver_->Resolve(it->second.checked_type);
// TODO(@jroesch): it would be nice if we would report resolution
// errors directly on the program.
CHECK(<IncompleteTypeNode>() == nullptr)
<< "Cannot resolve type of " << GetRef<Expr>(op) << " at " << op->span;
Expr new_e = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
// new_call and new_var's code is only going to be valid for VarNode/CallNode.
// Compiler optimization will likely fold these away for other nodes.
CallNode* new_call = (std::is_base_of<CallNode, T>::value
? const_cast<CallNode*>(static_cast<const CallNode*>(new_e.get()))
: nullptr);
VarNode* new_var = (std::is_base_of<VarNode, T>::value
? const_cast<VarNode*>(static_cast<const VarNode*>(new_e.get()))
: nullptr);
FunctionNode* new_fn =
(std::is_base_of<FunctionNode, T>::value
? const_cast<FunctionNode*>(static_cast<const FunctionNode*>(new_e.get()))
: nullptr);
// check if we need update the new_e
bool need_update_type = !checked_type.same_as(new_e->checked_type_);
bool need_update_call =
(std::is_base_of<CallNode, T>::value && it->second.type_args.defined() &&
bool need_update_var = (std::is_base_of<VarNode, T>::value && update_missing_type_annotation_ &&
bool need_update_fn = (std::is_base_of<FunctionNode, T>::value &&
update_missing_type_annotation_ && !new_fn->ret_type.defined());
if (!need_update_type && !need_update_var && !need_update_call && !need_update_fn) {
return new_e;
if (!new_e.unique()) {
// Copy on write optimization
// If new_e is an old expression,
// we make a copy mutating an existing reference.
ObjectPtr<ExprNode> ptr = make_object<T>(*<T>());
new_e = Expr(ptr);
new_call =
(std::is_base_of<CallNode, T>::value ? static_cast<CallNode*>(ptr.get()) : nullptr);
new_var = (std::is_base_of<VarNode, T>::value ? static_cast<VarNode*>(ptr.get()) : nullptr);
new_fn = (std::is_base_of<FunctionNode, T>::value ? static_cast<FunctionNode*>(ptr.get())
: nullptr);
// attach the information.
if (need_update_type) {
new_e->checked_type_ = checked_type;
if (need_update_call) {
new_call->type_args = it->second.type_args;
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_call->type_args.size(); i++) {
new_call->type_args.Set(i, solver_->Resolve(new_call->type_args[i]));
if (need_update_var) {
new_var->type_annotation = checked_type;
if (need_update_fn) {
auto* fn_type =<FuncTypeNode>();
CHECK(fn_type != nullptr);
new_fn->ret_type = fn_type->ret_type;
return new_e;
Type VisitType(const Type& t) final { return solver_->Resolve(t); }
std::unordered_map<Var, Var, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> vmap_;
const std::unordered_map<Expr, ResolvedTypeInfo, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual>& tmap_;
TypeSolver* solver_;
// whether attach the checked type as type_annotation
// if original type anntation is missing.
bool update_missing_type_annotation_{true};
Expr TypeInferencer::Infer(Expr expr) {
// Step 1: Populate the constraints.
// Step 2: Solve the constraints.
// Step 3: Attach resolved types to checked_type field.
auto resolved_expr = Resolver(type_map_, &solver_).VisitExpr(expr);
return resolved_expr;
struct AllCheckTypePopulated : ExprVisitor {
void VisitExpr(const Expr& e) {
if (<OpNode>()) {
if (<GlobalVarNode>()) {
if (<ConstructorNode>()) {
CHECK(e->checked_type_.defined()) << "Expression: " << e;
return ExprVisitor::VisitExpr(e);
void EnsureCheckedType(const Expr& e) { AllCheckTypePopulated().VisitExpr(e); }
Expr InferType(const Expr& expr, const IRModule& mod) {
auto main = mod->GetGlobalVar("main");
auto inferencer = TypeInferencer(mod, main);
auto e = inferencer.Infer(expr);
auto free_tvars = FreeTypeVars(e, mod);
CHECK(free_tvars.size() == 0) << "Found unbound type variables in " << e << ": " << free_tvars;
return e;
Function InferType(const Function& func, const IRModule& mod, const GlobalVar& var) {
CHECK(mod.defined()) << "internal error: module must be set for type inference";
Function func_copy = Function(make_object<FunctionNode>(*func.operator->()));
func_copy->checked_type_ = func_copy->func_type_annotation();
mod->AddUnchecked(var, func_copy);
Expr func_ret = TypeInferencer(mod, var).Infer(func_copy);
auto free_tvars = FreeTypeVars(func_ret, mod);
CHECK(free_tvars.size() == 0) << "Found unbound type variables in: " << std::endl
<< AsText(func, true) << std::endl
<< free_tvars;
return Downcast<Function>(func_ret);
namespace transform {
Pass InferType() {
runtime::TypedPackedFunc<Function(Function, IRModule, PassContext)> pass_func =
[=](Function f, IRModule m, PassContext pc) { return Downcast<Function>(InferType(f, m)); };
return CreateFunctionPass(pass_func, 0, "InferType", {});
TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("relay._transform.InferType").set_body_typed([]() { return InferType(); });
} // namespace transform
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm