blob: 5cd7a247d02524128e894fbe8731179fa5d638f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
* \file ir/
* \brief Utilities for error tracking and reporting.
#include <tvm/ir/error.h>
#include <tvm/ir/module.h>
// NOTE: reverse dependency on relay.
// These dependencies do not happen at the interface-level,
// and are only used in minimum cases where they are clearly marked.
// Rationale: use relay's printer for astext.
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
// clang-format off
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <rang.hpp>
// clang-format on
namespace tvm {
template <typename T, typename U>
using NodeMap = std::unordered_map<T, U, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual>;
void ErrorReporter::RenderErrors(const IRModule& module, bool use_color) {
// First we pick an error reporting strategy for each error.
// TODO(@jroesch): Spanned errors are currently not supported.
for (auto err : this->errors_) {
CHECK(!err.span.defined()) << "attempting to use spanned errors, currently not supported";
NodeMap<GlobalVar, NodeMap<ObjectRef, std::string>> error_maps;
// Set control mode in order to produce colors;
if (use_color) {
for (auto pair : this->node_to_gv_) {
auto node = pair.first;
auto global = Downcast<GlobalVar>(pair.second);
auto has_errs = this->node_to_error_.find(node);
CHECK(has_errs != this->node_to_error_.end());
const auto& error_indicies = has_errs->second;
std::stringstream err_msg;
err_msg << rang::fg::red;
err_msg << " ";
for (auto index : error_indicies) {
err_msg << this->errors_[index].what() << "; ";
err_msg << rang::fg::reset;
// Setup error map.
auto it = error_maps.find(global);
if (it != error_maps.end()) {
it->second.insert({node, err_msg.str()});
} else {
error_maps.insert({global, {{node, err_msg.str()}}});
// Now we will construct the fully-annotated program to display to
// the user.
std::stringstream annotated_prog;
// First we output a header for the errors.
annotated_prog << rang::style::bold << std::endl
<< "Error(s) have occurred. The program has been annotated with them:" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< rang::style::reset;
// For each global function which contains errors, we will
// construct an annotated function.
for (auto pair : error_maps) {
auto global = pair.first;
auto err_map = pair.second;
auto func = module->Lookup(global);
// We output the name of the function before displaying
// the annotated program.
annotated_prog << rang::style::bold << "In `" << global->name_hint << "`: " << std::endl
<< rang::style::reset;
// We then call into the Relay printer to generate the program.
// The annotation callback will annotate the error messages
// contained in the map.
annotated_prog << AsText(func, false, [&err_map](const ObjectRef& expr) {
auto it = err_map.find(expr);
if (it != err_map.end()) {
CHECK_NE(it->second.size(), 0);
return it->second;
} else {
return std::string("");
auto msg = annotated_prog.str();
if (use_color) {
// Finally we report the error, currently we do so to LOG(FATAL),
// it may be good to instead report it to std::cout.
LOG(FATAL) << annotated_prog.str() << std::endl;
void ErrorReporter::ReportAt(const GlobalVar& global, const ObjectRef& node, const Error& err) {
size_t index_to_insert = this->errors_.size();
auto it = this->node_to_error_.find(node);
if (it != this->node_to_error_.end()) {
} else {
this->node_to_error_.insert({node, {index_to_insert}});
this->node_to_gv_.insert({node, global});
} // namespace tvm