blob: 23b38173c8c22d0ebe33c1bb6750d6799bffbfad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* \file auto_scheduler/
* \brief Compute declaration graph and its related analysis tools.
#include <tvm/auto_scheduler/compute_dag.h>
#include <tvm/auto_scheduler/loop_state.h>
#include <tvm/auto_scheduler/search_policy.h>
#include <tvm/auto_scheduler/transform_step.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/support/parallel_for.h>
#include <tvm/te/operation.h>
#include <tvm/te/schedule.h>
#include <tvm/te/schedule_pass.h>
#include <tvm/tir/builtin.h>
#include <tvm/tir/stmt_functor.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "../arith/pattern_match.h"
#include "search_policy/utils.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace auto_scheduler {
using namespace tvm::tir;
template <class T>
using OperationMap = AccessAnalyzerNode::OperationMap<T>;
using OperationSet = std::unordered_set<te::Operation, ObjectHash, ObjectEqual>;
// Topo-sort ops from tensors according to their read-write relations.
Array<te::Operation> TopoSortOps(const Array<te::Tensor>& tensors) {
std::unordered_map<const te::OperationNode*, int> degree;
std::unordered_map<const te::OperationNode*, std::vector<const te::OperationNode*>> edge_set;
std::unordered_map<const te::OperationNode*, int> priority;
std::unordered_set<const te::OperationNode*> visited;
// traverse to build edge_set and count degree
std::vector<const te::OperationNode*> stack;
for (const auto& x : tensors) {
int ct = 0;
while (!stack.empty()) {
const te::OperationNode* op = stack.back();
if (visited.count(op)) {
priority[op] = ct;
if (op->IsInstance<te::PlaceholderOpNode>()) {
degree[op] = 0;
} else if (auto cop = GetRef<te::Operation>(op).as<te::ComputeOpNode>()) {
const Array<te::Tensor>& input_tensors = cop->InputTensors();
degree[op] = input_tensors.size();
for (const auto& ten : input_tensors) {
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported op " << GetRef<te::Operation>(op);
// topo sort
Array<te::Operation> ops;
using Item = std::pair<const te::OperationNode*, int>;
auto cmp = [](const Item& left, const Item& right) { return left.second < right.second; };
std::priority_queue<Item, std::vector<Item>, decltype(cmp)> queue(cmp);
for (const auto& iter : degree) {
if (iter.second == 0) {
queue.push(Item(iter.first, priority[iter.first]));
while (!queue.empty()) {
Item item =;
for (const auto& dst : edge_set[item.first]) {
degree[dst] -= 1;
if (degree[dst] == 0) {
queue.push(Item(dst, priority[dst]));
return ops;
// Extract all tensor accesses in an expr
class ReadAccessExtractor : public StmtExprVisitor {
void Extract(PrimExpr expr) { this->VisitExpr(expr); }
void VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op) final {
if (op->op.same_as(builtin::if_then_else())) {
has_branch = true;
void VisitExpr_(const ProducerLoadNode* op) final {
void VisitStmt_(const IfThenElseNode* op) final {
has_branch = true;
void VisitExpr_(const SelectNode* op) final {
has_branch = true;
// All read accesses to all operations
// The innermost vector stores multi-dimensional indices.
// The middle vector stores possible multiple accesses
OperationMap<std::vector<std::vector<PrimExpr>>> read_access;
// Whether this expression has branch
bool has_branch{false};
// Returns whether the expr equals to the var with an optional const shift
bool IsConstShiftEqual(const Var& var, const PrimExpr& expr) {
arith::PVar<PrimExpr> x;
arith::PVar<IntImm> c;
if (((x + c).Match(expr) || (x - c).Match(expr) || (c + x).Match(expr) || x.Match(expr)) &&
x.Eval().same_as(var)) {
return true;
return false;
// Return whether the access to an operation is a simple access
// (i.e. all index is just a variable with an optional constant shift)
// For example, A[i][j], A[i+1][j] are simple accesses but A[i][j+i] is not.
bool IsSimpleAccess(const te::Operation& op, const std::vector<PrimExpr>& indices,
bool* axis_missing, bool* axis_duplicated, bool* same_order) {
auto cop =<te::ComputeOpNode>();
if (cop == nullptr) {
return false;
std::vector<int> index_to_var_idx;
std::vector<int> var_idx_ct(cop->axis.size(), 0);
for (const auto& expr : indices) {
if (!is_const_int(expr)) {
bool found = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cop->axis.size(); ++i) {
if (IsConstShiftEqual(cop->axis[i]->var, expr)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return false;
*axis_missing = false; // Some axes are missing
*axis_duplicated = false; // Some axes appear more than once
*same_order = true; // The axis order is the same as op->axis
for (int ct : var_idx_ct) {
if (ct == 0) {
*axis_missing = true;
} else if (ct > 1) {
*axis_duplicated = true;
for (size_t i = 1; i < index_to_var_idx.size(); ++i) {
if (index_to_var_idx[i] < index_to_var_idx[i - 1]) {
*same_order = false;
return true;
// Gather all VarNodes in an expr
void GatherVars(const PrimExpr& expr, std::unordered_set<const VarNode*>* vars) {
PostOrderVisit(expr, [&vars](const ObjectRef& node) {
if (const VarNode* op =<VarNode>()) {
// Check whether an expr has expensive operations (e.g. exp)
bool HasExpensiveOp(const PrimExpr& expr) {
bool found = false;
PostOrderVisit(expr, [&found](const ObjectRef& node) {
if (const CallNode* op =<CallNode>()) {
if (op-><OpNode>()->name == "tir.exp") {
found = true;
return found;
AccessAnalyzer::AccessAnalyzer(const Array<te::Tensor>& tensors) {
auto node = make_object<AccessAnalyzerNode>();
OperationMap<bool> has_branch;
// Get all ops in topological order
node->ops_topo_order = TopoSortOps(tensors);
arith::Analyzer analyzer;
// Build read & write access map
for (const auto& op : node->ops_topo_order) {
if (op->IsInstance<te::PlaceholderOpNode>()) {
node->read_from[op] = OperationMap<std::vector<std::vector<PrimExpr>>>();
} else if (auto cop =<te::ComputeOpNode>()) {
ReadAccessExtractor extractor;
for (const auto& exp : cop->body) {
// read_by and read_from map
for (const auto& iter : extractor.read_access) {
std::vector<std::vector<PrimExpr>>& accesses = node->read_by[iter.first][op];
accesses.insert(accesses.begin(), iter.second.begin(), iter.second.end());
node->read_from[op] = std::move(extractor.read_access);
has_branch[op] = extractor.has_branch;
// compute number of common outer iterators
for (const auto& pair : node->read_from[op]) {
const te::Operation& producer = pair.first;
const std::vector<std::vector<PrimExpr>>& access_list = pair.second;
const Array<PrimExpr>& output_shape = op->output_shape(0);
const Array<PrimExpr>& producer_shape = producer->output_shape(0);
int n_common;
for (n_common = 0;
n_common < static_cast<int>(std::min(output_shape.size(), producer_shape.size()));
n_common++) {
if (!is_zero(analyzer.Simplify(output_shape[n_common] - producer_shape[n_common]))) {
bool injective = true;
for (const auto& access : access_list) {
if (!IsConstShiftEqual(cop->axis[n_common]->var, access[n_common])) {
injective = false;
if (!injective) {
node->num_common_outer_iterators[op][producer] = n_common;
node->num_common_outer_iterators[producer][op] = n_common;
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid op: " << op;
// Do some static analysis on ComputeOps
for (const auto& op : node->ops_topo_order) {
if (op->IsInstance<te::PlaceholderOpNode>()) {
node->is_simple_access[op] = true;
node->needs_multi_level_tiling[op] = false;
node->is_strictly_inlineable[op] = false;
node->is_output[op] = false;
} else if (auto cop =<te::ComputeOpNode>()) {
// check whether this op is element-wise and strict-inlineable
bool is_simple_access = true;
bool is_strictly_inlineable = true;
bool axis_missing, axis_duplicated, same_order;
for (const auto& pair : node->read_from[op]) {
const std::vector<std::vector<PrimExpr>>& access_list = pair.second;
for (const auto& access : access_list) {
if (!auto_scheduler::IsSimpleAccess(op, access, &axis_missing, &axis_duplicated,
&same_order)) {
is_simple_access = false;
is_strictly_inlineable = false;
if (!same_order || axis_duplicated) {
// do not strictly inline transpose
is_strictly_inlineable = false;
if (!is_simple_access) {
// don't strictly inline expensive op (e.g. exp)
bool has_expensive_op = false;
for (const auto& expr : cop->body) {
has_expensive_op |= HasExpensiveOp(expr);
if (has_expensive_op || has_branch[op]) {
is_strictly_inlineable = false;
// constant tensor is strict-inlineable
if (node->read_from[op].empty()) {
is_strictly_inlineable = true;
node->is_simple_access[op] = is_simple_access;
node->is_strictly_inlineable[op] = is_strictly_inlineable;
// check whether the op needs multi-level tiling
bool needs_multi_level_tiling = false;
int n_missing = 0;
for (const auto& pair : node->read_from[op]) {
const std::vector<std::vector<PrimExpr>>& access_list = pair.second;
std::unordered_set<const VarNode*> vars;
for (const std::vector<PrimExpr>& access : access_list) {
for (const PrimExpr& expr : access) {
GatherVars(expr, &vars);
for (const auto& axis : cop->axis) {
if (GetIntImm(axis->dom->extent) > 1 && vars.count(axis->var.get()) == 0) {
if (n_missing >= 2 || (n_missing >= 1 && !cop->reduce_axis.empty())) {
needs_multi_level_tiling = true;
// do not perform multi-level tiling on "fake reduction" with const tensors
if (op->attrs.count(SearchPolicyKey::simplify_const_tensor_indices)) {
needs_multi_level_tiling = false;
node->needs_multi_level_tiling[op] = needs_multi_level_tiling;
// check whether the op is output
node->is_output[op] = node->read_by[op].empty();
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid op" << op;
data_ = std::move(node);
bool AccessAnalyzer::NeedsMultiLevelTiling(const te::Operation& op) const {
return operator->()->;
bool AccessAnalyzer::IsOutput(const te::Operation& op) const {
return operator->()->;
bool AccessAnalyzer::IsSimpleAccess(const te::Operation& op) const {
return operator->()->;
bool AccessAnalyzer::IsStrictlyInlineable(const te::Operation& op) const {
return operator->()->;
OperationSet AccessAnalyzer::GetConsumers(const State& state, const te::Operation& op) const {
OperationSet inlined_ops;
for (const auto& stage : state->stages) {
if (stage->compute_at == ComputeAtKind::kInlined) {
OperationSet consumers;
std::function<void(const te::Operation&)> collect;
collect = [this, &collect, &inlined_ops, &consumers](const te::Operation& op) {
for (const auto& iter : operator->()-> {
if (inlined_ops.count(iter.first)) {
} else {
return consumers;
OperationSet AccessAnalyzer::GetDirectProducers(const te::Operation& op) const {
OperationSet producers;
for (const auto& iter : operator->()-> {
return producers;
OperationSet AccessAnalyzer::GetProducers(const State& state, const te::Operation& op) const {
OperationSet inlined_ops;
for (const auto& stage : state->stages) {
if (stage->compute_at == ComputeAtKind::kInlined) {
OperationSet producers;
std::function<void(const te::Operation&)> collect;
collect = [this, &collect, &inlined_ops, &producers](const te::Operation& op) {
for (const auto& iter : operator->()-> {
if (inlined_ops.count(iter.first)) {
} else {
return producers;
int AccessAnalyzer::GetNumCommonOuterIterator(const te::Operation& op,
const te::Operation& target_op) const {
int ret = INT32_MAX;
bool meet = false;
std::function<void(const te::Operation&, int)> traverse;
traverse = [this, &traverse, &target_op, &ret, &meet](const te::Operation& cur_op, int cur_num) {
if (cur_op == target_op) {
ret = std::min(ret, cur_num);
meet = true;
for (const auto& iter : operator->()-> {
std::min(cur_num, operator->()->;
traverse(op, op->output_shape(0).size());
return meet ? ret : 0;
bool AccessAnalyzer::ElementWiseMatch(const te::Operation& op,
const te::Operation& target_op) const {
te::Operation cur_op = op;
while (cur_op != target_op) {
const AccessAnalyzerNode::OperationMap<std::vector<std::vector<PrimExpr>>>& map =
if (map.size() != 1) {
return false;
te::Operation next_op = map.begin()->first;
// Check condition 1: They have the same output size
auto p_cur =<te::ComputeOpNode>();
auto p_next =<te::ComputeOpNode>();
if (p_cur == nullptr || p_next == nullptr) {
return false;
Array<PrimExpr> output_shape = p_cur->output_shape(0);
for (int i = 1; i < p_cur->num_outputs(); ++i) {
if (!IntArrayEqual(p_cur->output_shape(i), output_shape)) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < p_next->num_outputs(); ++i) {
if (!IntArrayEqual(p_next->output_shape(i), output_shape)) {
return false;
// Check condition 2: The read is elementwise
const std::vector<std::vector<PrimExpr>> reads = map.begin()->second;
bool is_simple_access, axis_missing, axis_duplicated, same_order;
for (const auto& read : reads) {
is_simple_access = auto_scheduler::IsSimpleAccess(next_op, read, &axis_missing,
&axis_duplicated, &same_order);
if (!is_simple_access || axis_missing || axis_duplicated || !same_order) {
return false;
cur_op = std::move(next_op);
return true;
// Estimate the number of float operations in an expression
class FlopEstimator : public ExprFunctor<double(const PrimExpr& n)> {
double EstimateFlop(const Array<te::Operation>& ops) {
double ret = 0;
for (const auto& op : ops) {
if (auto pop =<te::ComputeOpNode>()) {
if (pop->attrs.count("FLOP")) {
// Use user-provided FLOP
auto pint = pop->attrs["FLOP"].as<IntImmNode>();
CHECK(pint != nullptr);
ret += pint->value;
} else {
// Estimate by parsing the compute body
double num_element = AxisLengthProd(pop->axis);
if (num_element == -1) {
fail_ = true;
cur_type_code_ = pop->output_dtype(0).code();
double op_per_element = 0;
for (const auto& x : pop->body) {
op_per_element += VisitExpr(x);
ret += num_element * op_per_element;
} else if (op->IsInstance<te::PlaceholderOpNode>()) {
{} // do nothing
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid op type " << op;
return fail_ ? -1 : ret;
double VisitExpr_(const ReduceNode* op) final {
uint64_t num_iter = 1;
for (const auto& x : op->axis) {
if (auto imm = x->dom-><IntImmNode>()) {
num_iter *= imm->value;
} else {
fail_ = true;
num_iter = -1;
double body_flop = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < op->combiner->result.size(); ++i) {
body_flop += VisitExpr(op->combiner->result[i]);
body_flop += VisitExpr(op->source[i]);
return num_iter * body_flop;
double VisitExpr_(const FloatImmNode* op) final { return 0.0; }
double VisitExpr_(const IntImmNode* op) final { return 0.0; }
double VisitExpr_(const ProducerLoadNode* op) final { return 0.0; }
double VisitExpr_(const CastNode* op) final { return VisitExpr(op->value); }
double VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) final { return 0.0; }
double VisitExpr_(const SelectNode* op) final {
return VisitExpr(op->condition) +
std::max(VisitExpr(op->true_value), VisitExpr(op->false_value));
#define VisitBinary(Node) \
double VisitExpr_(const Node* op) final { \
double base = op->dtype.code() == cur_type_code_ ? 1.0 : 0.0; \
return base + VisitExpr(op->a) + VisitExpr(op->b); \
#define VisitUnary(Node) \
double VisitExpr_(const Node* op) final { \
double base = op->dtype.code() == cur_type_code_ ? 1.0 : 0.0; \
return base + VisitExpr(op->a); \
double VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op) final {
double ret = 0.0;
for (const auto& x : op->args) {
ret += VisitExpr(x);
return ret;
double VisitExprDefault_(const Object* op) final {
fail_ = true;
return -1.0;
bool fail_{false};
int cur_type_code_;
ComputeDAG::ComputeDAG(Array<te::Tensor> tensors) {
auto node = make_object<ComputeDAGNode>();
node->tensors = std::move(tensors);
node->access_analyzer = AccessAnalyzer(node->tensors);
node->ops = node->access_analyzer->ops_topo_order;
node->flop_ct = FlopEstimator().EstimateFlop(node->ops);
node->init_state = State(node->ops);
data_ = std::move(node);
class IndexRewriter : public StmtExprMutator {
IndexRewriter(const te::Operation& placeholder_op, const std::string& new_layout)
: placeholder_op_(placeholder_op) {
ParseKernelLayout(new_layout, &new_shape_, &new_names_);
PrimExpr Rewrite(PrimExpr expr) { return this->VisitExpr(expr); }
PrimExpr VisitExpr_(const ProducerLoadNode* op) final {
te::Tensor t = Downcast<te::Tensor>(op->producer);
if (t->op == placeholder_op_) {
std::unordered_map<std::string, PrimExpr> name_to_arg;
for (const auto& arg : op->indices) {
std::string axis_name;
if (const auto* int_imm =<IntImmNode>()) {
CHECK_EQ(int_imm->value, 0);
axis_name = "IntImm";
} else {
axis_name = AxisBaseName(CleanName(Downcast<Var>(arg)->name_hint));
CHECK_EQ(name_to_arg.count(axis_name), 0);
name_to_arg[axis_name] = arg;
std::unordered_map<std::string, PrimExpr> div_factors;
std::vector<PrimExpr> r_new_args;
for (int i = new_names_.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
auto ori_iter_name = new_names_[i];
auto name_it = name_to_arg.find(ori_iter_name);
CHECK(name_it != name_to_arg.end());
PrimExpr ori_arg = name_it->second;
PrimExpr mod_factor = new_shape_[i];
PrimExpr div_factor = 1;
if (div_factors.count(ori_iter_name)) {
div_factor = div_factors[ori_iter_name];
div_factors[ori_iter_name] = div_factor * new_shape_[i];
PrimExpr new_arg = indexmod(indexdiv(ori_arg, div_factor), mod_factor);
Array<PrimExpr> new_args(std::make_move_iterator(r_new_args.rbegin()),
return ProducerLoad(op->producer, new_args);
return GetRef<PrimExpr>(op);
const te::Operation& placeholder_op_;
Array<PrimExpr> new_shape_;
std::vector<std::string> new_names_;
std::string GetOrigLayout(std::set<std::string>* placeholder_axis_names, const te::Operation& op,
const te::Tensor& placeholder) {
ReadAccessExtractor extractor;
for (const auto& exp :<te::ComputeOpNode>()->body) {
std::ostringstream os;
uint32_t i = 0;
const auto& placeholder_op = placeholder->op;
CHECK_GT(extractor.read_access.count(placeholder_op), 0);
for (const auto& ev : extractor.read_access[placeholder_op]) {
for (const auto& e : ev) {
std::string axis_name;
if (const auto* int_imm =<IntImmNode>()) {
CHECK_EQ(int_imm->value, 0);
axis_name = "IntImm";
} else {
axis_name = AxisBaseName(CleanName(Downcast<Var>(e)->name_hint));
os << placeholder->shape[i++] << axis_name;
CHECK_EQ(placeholder_axis_names->size(), placeholder->shape.size());
std::string orig_layout = os.str();
// TODO(minmin): uncomment this line for relay integration
// ::tvm::relay::KernelLayoutTransformer::global_orig_layouts_queue.push_back(orig_layout);
return orig_layout;
std::string GetNewLayout(Array<PrimExpr>* new_shape, const State& state, const int stage_id,
const Stage& stage, const te::Operation& op, const te::Tensor& placeholder,
const std::set<std::string>& placeholder_axis_names) {
std::ostringstream os;
Array<Iterator> stage_iters;
auto attach_it = state->attach_map->stage_to_attach_iter.find(stage_id);
int attach_pos = -1;
size_t iters_before_attach = 0;
if (attach_it != state->attach_map->stage_to_attach_iter.end()) {
auto attach = attach_it->second;
const auto& attach_stage = state->stages[attach.first];
attach_pos = attach.second;
stage_iters.insert(stage_iters.end(), attach_stage->iters.begin(),
attach_stage->iters.begin() + attach_pos + 1);
stage_iters.insert(stage_iters.end(), stage->iters.begin(), stage->iters.end());
std::vector<Iterator> iters;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stage_iters.size(); ++i) {
const auto& iter = stage_iters[i];
if (iter->orig_iters.empty()) {
} else {
for (const Iterator& ori_iter : iter->orig_iters) {
if (static_cast<int>(i) == attach_pos) {
iters_before_attach = iters.size();
std::vector<std::string> new_names;
std::vector<std::string> new_axis_names;
for (const Iterator& iter : iters) {
std::set<std::string> ori_iter_names;
ExtractOriginalIterators(iter->name, &ori_iter_names);
// fused iters have been replaced with iter->orig_iters.
// So there should be only one ori iter name extracted from iter->name.
CHECK_EQ(ori_iter_names.size(), 1);
auto ori_iter_name = AxisBaseName(*ori_iter_names.begin());
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_axis_names.size(); ++i) {
auto iter = iters[i];
std::string ori_iter_name;
if (i < iters_before_attach) {
ori_iter_name = new_axis_names[i + iters_before_attach];
} else {
ori_iter_name = new_axis_names[i];
if (placeholder_axis_names.count(ori_iter_name)) {
os << iter->range->extent << ori_iter_name;
std::string new_layout = os.str();
// TODO(minmin): uncomment this line for relay integration
// ::tvm::relay::KernelLayoutTransformer::global_new_layouts_queue.push_back(new_layout);
return new_layout;
void ComputeDAG::RewriteLayout(const Array<Step>& transform_steps) {
ComputeDAGNode* p_dag = this->CopyOnWrite();
auto node = make_object<StateNode>();
node->transform_steps = transform_steps;
node->concrete = true;
const State& state = InferBound(State(node));
OperationSet handled_ops;
int stage_id = -1;
for (const auto& stage : state->stages) {
stage_id += 1;
const te::Operation& op = stage->op;
if (!op->IsInstance<te::ComputeOpNode>()) {
const Map<String, ObjectRef>& attrs = op->attrs;
if (attrs.count(layout_free_placeholders_key) == 0) {
const ObjectRef& attr_value = attrs[layout_free_placeholders_key];
Array<te::Tensor> placeholders = Downcast<Array<te::Tensor>>(attr_value);
for (const auto& placeholder : placeholders) {
const auto& placeholder_op = placeholder->op;
// Check whether this placeholder has already been handled
if (handled_ops.count(placeholder_op)) {
// Skip the op that is not direct consumer of this placeholder.
// This is usually caused by cache read/write.
bool direct_consumer = false;
for (auto& t : op->InputTensors()) {
if (t->op == placeholder_op) {
direct_consumer = true;
if (!direct_consumer) {
std::set<std::string> placeholder_axis_names;
GetOrigLayout(&placeholder_axis_names, op, placeholder);
Array<PrimExpr> new_shape;
std::string new_layout =
GetNewLayout(&new_shape, state, stage_id, stage, op, placeholder, placeholder_axis_names);
Array<te::Operation> old_ops = p_dag->ops;
ArrayNode* pops = p_dag->ops.CopyOnWrite();
// Create new placeholder
te::Operation new_placeholder_op;
new_placeholder_op = te::PlaceholderOp(placeholder_op->name, new_shape,<te::PlaceholderOpNode>()->dtype);
te::Operation new_compute_op, old_compute_op;
Array<PrimExpr> new_body;
IndexRewriter index_rewriter(placeholder_op, new_layout);
for (auto& op : old_ops) {
if (auto* pop =<te::ComputeOpNode>()) {
bool need_update = false;
for (auto& t : op->InputTensors()) {
if (t->op == placeholder_op) {
need_update = true;
if (need_update) {
for (auto& body : pop->body) {
old_compute_op = op;
new_compute_op = te::ComputeOp(pop->name, pop->tag, pop->attrs, pop->axis, new_body);
// construct the map from old_op to new_op
std::unordered_map<te::Operation, te::Operation> updated_ops;
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_ops.size(); ++i) {
auto old_op = old_ops[i];
if (old_op == placeholder_op) {
pops->SetItem(i, new_placeholder_op);
updated_ops[placeholder_op] = new_placeholder_op;
} else if (old_op == old_compute_op) {
pops->SetItem(i, new_compute_op);
updated_ops[old_compute_op] = new_compute_op;
} else {
pops->SetItem(i, old_op);
// Because ops is sorted in topo-order, only do one pass linear scan here.
for (size_t i = 0; i < pops->size(); ++i) {
auto old_op = Downcast<te::Operation>(pops->at(i));
if (auto* pop =<te::ComputeOpNode>()) {
auto inputs = pop->InputTensors();
std::unordered_map<te::Tensor, te::Tensor> rmap;
for (auto input : inputs) {
auto it = updated_ops.find(input->op);
te::Operation new_op;
while (it != updated_ops.end()) {
new_op = it->second;
it = updated_ops.find(new_op);
if (new_op.defined()) {
int index = input->value_index;
rmap[input] = new_op.output(index);
if (!rmap.empty()) {
te::Operation new_op = pop->ReplaceInputs(old_op, rmap);
updated_ops[old_op] = new_op;
pops->SetItem(i, new_op);
p_dag->init_state = State(p_dag->ops);
Array<te::Tensor> old_tensors = p_dag->tensors;
ArrayNode* p_tensors = p_dag->tensors.CopyOnWrite();
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_tensors.size(); ++i) {
const auto& old_tensor = old_tensors[i];
auto it = updated_ops.find(old_tensor->op);
te::Operation new_op;
while (it != updated_ops.end()) {
new_op = it->second;
it = updated_ops.find(new_op);
if (new_op.defined()) {
auto index = old_tensor->value_index;
p_tensors->SetItem(i, new_op.output(index));
} // end for placeholder
} // end for stage
p_dag->access_analyzer = AccessAnalyzer(p_dag->tensors);
p_dag->ops = p_dag->access_analyzer->ops_topo_order;
p_dag->flop_ct = FlopEstimator().EstimateFlop(p_dag->ops);
std::pair<te::Schedule, Array<te::Tensor>> ComputeDAG::ApplySteps(
const Array<Step>& transform_steps, Array<te::Stage>* stages, StageToAxesMap* stage_to_axes,
bool layout_rewrite) const {
if (layout_rewrite && !transform_steps.empty()) {
ComputeDAG new_dag = *this;
return new_dag.ApplySteps(transform_steps, stages, stage_to_axes, false);
// Temporal object to be used if the input pointer is nullptr
Array<te::Stage> temp_stages;
StageToAxesMap temp_stage_to_axes;
if (stages == nullptr) {
stages = &temp_stages;
if (stage_to_axes == nullptr) {
stage_to_axes = &temp_stage_to_axes;
Array<te::Operation> out_ops;
for (const auto& op : operator->()->ops) {
if (operator->()->access_analyzer.IsOutput(op)) {
// Create the initial schedule
te::Schedule schedule = te::create_schedule(out_ops);
// init axes
for (const auto& x : operator->()->ops) {
const te::Stage& stage = schedule[x];
UpdateStageToAxesMap(stage, stage_to_axes);
// Apply the history steps to TVM schedule
// Call each step's ApplyToSchedule method
for (const auto& step : transform_steps) {
StepApplyToSchedule(step, stages, stage_to_axes, &schedule, transform_steps);
return std::make_pair(schedule, operator->()->tensors);
String ComputeDAG::PrintStepsAsPython(const Array<Step>& transform_steps) const {
Array<te::Stage> stages;
StageToAxesMap stage_to_axes;
Array<te::Operation> out_ops;
for (const auto& op : operator->()->ops) {
if (operator->()->access_analyzer.IsOutput(op)) {
// Create the initial schedule
te::Schedule schedule = te::create_schedule(out_ops);
// init axes
for (const auto& x : operator->()->ops) {
const te::Stage& stage = schedule[x];
UpdateStageToAxesMap(stage, &stage_to_axes);
std::stringstream ss;
for (const auto& stage : stages) {
if (stage->op->IsInstance<te::ComputeOpNode>()) {
auto op_name = CleanName(stage->op->name);
for (size_t i = 0; i < stage->leaf_iter_vars.size(); ++i) {
ss << CleanName(stage->leaf_iter_vars[i]->var->name_hint, op_name);
if (i != stage->leaf_iter_vars.size() - 1) {
ss << ", ";
ss << " = "
<< "tuple(" << op_name << ".op.axis)"
<< " + "
<< "tuple(" << op_name << ".op.reduce_axis)\n";
// Call each step's PrintAsPythonAPI method
for (const auto& step : transform_steps) {
ss << StepPrintAsPythonAPI(step, &stages, &stage_to_axes, &schedule, transform_steps);
return ss.str();
State ComputeDAG::InferBound(const State& state) const {
CHECK(state->concrete) << "Only concrete state can be processed to get bound info.";
State ret_state;
StateNode* pstate;
if (state->stages.empty()) {
// If the input state is incomplete with empty operation stage
// create a new state from init_state and update it first
ret_state = operator->()->init_state;
pstate = ret_state.CopyOnWrite();
pstate->transform_steps = state->transform_steps;
for (const auto& step : pstate->transform_steps) {
StepApplyToState(step, &ret_state, *this);
} else {
ret_state = state;
pstate = ret_state.CopyOnWrite();
Array<te::Stage> stages;
StageToAxesMap stage_to_axes;
te::Schedule sch;
Array<te::Tensor> tensors;
// Replay steps to tvm::Schedule
std::tie(sch, tensors) = ApplySteps(pstate->transform_steps, &stages, &stage_to_axes);
sch = sch.normalize();
// Get bound information from TVM schedule
Map<IterVar, Range> bounds = te::InferBound(sch);
// Update the state bound information
for (size_t i = 0; i < pstate->stages.size(); ++i) {
const Stage& stage = pstate->stages[i];
if (stage->compute_at == ComputeAtKind::kInlined) {
Array<Iterator> new_iters;
// Get bound information from schedule
// the StageToAxesMap is used to find the corresponding IterVar in TVM schedule result
for (size_t j = 0; j < stage->iters.size(); ++j) {
const Iterator& iter = stage->iters[j];
const IterVar& axis =[i])[j];
auto find_res = bounds.find(axis);
if (find_res != bounds.end()) {
new_iters.push_back(Iterator(iter->name, (*find_res).second, iter->iter_kind,
iter->annotation, &iter->orig_iters));
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Infer bound fails";
i, Stage(stage->op, stage->op_type, new_iters, stage->compute_at, stage->attrs));
return ret_state;
Array<State> ComputeDAG::InferBound(const Array<State>& states) const {
Array<State> out_states(states.size(), State());
support::parallel_for(0, states.size(), [this, &states, &out_states](int i) {
try {
out_states.Set(i, this->InferBound(states[i]));
} catch (dmlc::Error& e) {
LOG(WARNING) << "InferBound fails on the state:\n"
<< states[i] << "\n"
<< "with: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return out_states;
ComputeDAG ComputeDAG::ReplayAndGetDAG(const Array<Step>& transform_steps) const {
te::Schedule sch;
Array<te::Tensor> old_tensors;
std::tie(sch, old_tensors) = ApplySteps(transform_steps);
Array<te::Tensor> new_tensors;
for (auto stage : sch->stages) {
if (stage->op->IsInstance<te::PlaceholderOpNode>() || stage->is_output) {
for (auto i = 0; i < stage->op->num_outputs(); ++i) {
return ComputeDAG(new_tensors);
TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR(ReprPrinter, vtable)
.set_dispatch<AccessAnalyzerNode>([](const ObjectRef& ref, ReprPrinter* p) {
auto* node = static_cast<const AccessAnalyzerNode*>(ref.get());
for (const auto& op : node->ops_topo_order) {
p->stream << op << std::endl;
p->stream << "is_simple_access:\t" << node-> << "\t\t";
p->stream << "needs_multi_level_tiling:\t" << node->
<< std::endl;
p->stream << "is_strictly_inlinable:\t" << node-> << "\t";
p->stream << "is_output:\t" << node-> << std::endl;
p->stream << "Read from:\t";
for (const auto& pair : node-> {
for (const auto& index : pair.second) {
p->stream << pair.first->name << Array<PrimExpr>(index) << ", ";
p->stream << std::endl;
p->stream << "Read by:\t";
for (const auto& pair : node-> {
for (const auto& index : pair.second) {
p->stream << pair.first->name << Array<PrimExpr>(index) << ", ";
p->stream << std::endl;
p->stream << Chars('=', 50) << std::endl;
AccessAnalyzer ana = GetRef<AccessAnalyzer>(node);
p->stream << "ElementwiseMatch: \n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->ops_topo_order.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < node->ops_topo_order.size(); ++j) {
if (i == j) {
if (ana.ElementWiseMatch(node->ops_topo_order[i], node->ops_topo_order[j])) {
p->stream << node->ops_topo_order[i]->name << " -> " << node->ops_topo_order[j]->name
<< std::endl;
p->stream << Chars('=', 50) << std::endl;
p->stream << "NumCommonOuterIterators: \n";
for (const auto& src_pair : node->num_common_outer_iterators) {
for (const auto& dst_pair : src_pair.second) {
p->stream << src_pair.first->name << " " << dst_pair.first->name << " " << dst_pair.second
<< std::endl;
p->stream << Chars('=', 50) << std::endl;
TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR(ReprPrinter, vtable)
.set_dispatch<ComputeDAGNode>([](const ObjectRef& ref, ReprPrinter* p) {
auto* node = static_cast<const ComputeDAGNode*>(ref.get());
std::stringstream ss;
for (const auto& op : node->ops) {
if (op->IsInstance<te::PlaceholderOpNode>()) {
ss << op->name << " = PLACEHOLDER " << op.output(0)->shape << "\n";
} else if (auto pop =<te::ComputeOpNode>()) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < pop->body.size(); ++k) {
ss << op->name << "(";
for (size_t i = 0; i < pop->axis.size(); i++) {
ss << pop->axis[i]->var->name_hint;
if (i != pop->axis.size() - 1) {
ss << ", ";
ss << ")";
if (pop->body.size() > 1) {
ss << ".v" << k;
if (auto preduce = pop->body[k].as<ReduceNode>()) {
CHECK_LT(k, preduce->combiner->result.size());
PrimExpr combiner = preduce->combiner->result[k];
if (combiner->IsInstance<AddNode>()) {
ss << " += " << preduce->source[0] << "\n";
} else if (combiner->IsInstance<MaxNode>()) {
ss << " max= " << preduce->source[0] << "\n";
} else if (combiner->IsInstance<MinNode>()) {
ss << " min= " << preduce->source[0] << "\n";
} else if (combiner->IsInstance<SelectNode>()) {
const auto& select =<SelectNode>();
ss << " select(" << select->condition << ", " << select->true_value << ", "
<< select->false_value << ")= " << '(' << preduce->source[0] << ','
<< preduce->source[1] << ")\n";
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported reduction operator" << combiner;
} else {
ss << " = " << pop->body[k] << "\n";
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid op";
p->stream << ss.str();
TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("auto_scheduler.ComputeDAG").set_body_typed([](Array<te::Tensor> tensors) {
return ComputeDAG(tensors);
.set_body_typed([](const ComputeDAG& dag, const State& state, const bool layout_rewrite) {
te::Schedule sch;
Array<te::Tensor> return_tensors;
std::tie(sch, return_tensors) =
dag.ApplySteps(state->transform_steps, nullptr, nullptr, layout_rewrite);
return Array<ObjectRef>{sch, return_tensors};
.set_body_typed([](const ComputeDAG& dag, const State& state) {
return dag.PrintStepsAsPython(state->transform_steps);
.set_body_typed([](const ComputeDAG& dag, const State& state) {
return dag.InferBound(state);
} // namespace auto_scheduler
} // namespace tvm