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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Common topi utilities"""
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
from numbers import Integral
import tvm
from tvm import te
from tvm.tir import layout, bijective_layout
from . import tag, cpp
class InvalidShapeError(ValueError):
"""Invalid shape for a topi function. i.e. call winograd template for non-3x3 kernel)"""
def nchw_pack_layout(layout_info):
"""Check whether the layout type is NCHWinic"""
return layout_info[:4] == "NCHW" and "c" in layout_info and "n" in layout_info
def nchw_xc_layout(layout_info):
"""Check whether the layout type is NCHWxc"""
return layout_info[:4] == "NCHW" and "c" in layout_info and layout_info[4:-1].isnumeric()
def traverse_inline(s, final_op, callback):
"""Traverse computation graph and do auto inline
s: schedule
The schedule
final_op: Operation
The final output operator.
callback: callable
The callback function on each op
visited = set()
def _traverse(op):
if op in visited:
if tag.is_injective(op.tag):
if op not in s.outputs:
for tensor in op.input_tensors:
if isinstance(tensor.op, tvm.te.ComputeOp):
def prod(x):
"""Get the product of every items in the tuple.
x: tuple
Input tuple
value : Expr
The result value
if not x:
return tvm.tir.const(1, "int32")
res = x[0]
for i in range(1, len(x)):
res = res * x[i]
return res
def get_const_int(expr):
"""Verifies expr is integer and get the constant value.
expr : tvm.Expr or int
The input expression.
out_value : int
The output.
if isinstance(expr, Integral):
return expr
if not isinstance(expr, tvm.tir.IntImm):
ana = tvm.arith.Analyzer()
expr = ana.simplify(expr)
if not isinstance(expr, tvm.tir.IntImm):
raise ValueError("Expect value to be constant int")
return int(expr.value)
def get_const_float(expr):
"""Verifies expr is a floating point and get the constant value.
expr : tvm.Expr or float
The input expression.
out_value : float
The output.
if isinstance(expr, float):
return float(expr)
if not isinstance(expr, tvm.tir.FloatImm):
ana = tvm.arith.Analyzer()
expr = ana.simplify(expr)
if not isinstance(expr, tvm.tir.FloatImm):
raise ValueError("Expect value to be constant float")
return float(expr.value)
def equal_const_int(expr, value):
"""Returns if expr equals value.
expr : tvm.Expr
The input expression.
equal : bool
Whether they equals.
if isinstance(expr, Integral):
return expr == value
if not isinstance(expr, tvm.tir.IntImm):
ana = tvm.arith.Analyzer()
expr = ana.simplify(expr)
if not isinstance(expr, tvm.tir.IntImm):
return False
return expr.value == value
def get_const_tuple(in_tuple):
"""Verifies input tuple is IntImm or Var, returns tuple of int or Var.
in_tuple : tuple of Expr
The input.
out_tuple : tuple of int
The output.
ret = []
ana = None
for elem in in_tuple:
if isinstance(elem, (tvm.tir.Var, tvm.tir.expr.Any)):
elif not isinstance(elem, (tvm.tir.IntImm, int)):
ana = tvm.arith.Analyzer() if ana is None else ana
elem = ana.simplify(elem)
if not isinstance(elem, tvm.tir.IntImm):
return tuple(ret)
def get_float_tuple(in_tuple):
"""Verifies input tuple is FloatImm, returns tuple of float.
in_tuple : tuple of Expr
The input.
out_tuple : tuple of float
The output.
return tuple(get_const_float(elem) for elem in in_tuple)
def simplify(expr):
"""Simplify the expression if it is Expr, directly return if it is int.
expr : Expr or int
The input.
out : Expr or int
The simplified output
return tvm.arith.Analyzer().simplify(expr) if isinstance(expr, tvm.tir.PrimExpr) else expr
def ravel_index(indices, shape):
"""Flatten the index tuple to 1D
indices : tuple of int or tvm.tir.IntImm
The input coordinates
shape : tuple of int
Shape of the tensor.
idx : int or Expr
The index after flattening
idx = None
for i, (shape_val, ind) in enumerate(zip(shape, indices)):
if i != 0:
idx = idx * shape_val + ind
idx = ind
return idx
def unravel_index(idx, shape):
"""Convert the flattened ind to the coordinate array
idx : int or tvm.tir.IntImm
The 1D index
shape : tuple of int
Shape of the tensor
indices : tuple of int or tvm.tir.IntImm
Corresponding coordinate of the 1D index
idxd = tvm.tir.indexdiv
idxm = tvm.tir.indexmod
indices = []
for i in range(len(shape) - 1, -1, -1):
indices.append(idxm(idx, shape[i]))
idx = idxd(idx, shape[i])
indices = indices[::-1]
return indices
def const_matrix(matrix, name="const_matrix"):
"""convert a const numpy 2-dimensional matrix to tvm tensor
matrix: numpy.ndarray
Const input array
name: str, optional
The name of output op
tensor: Tensor
The created tensor
row, col = matrix.shape
dtype = str(matrix.dtype)
idxm = tvm.tir.indexmod
def select_array(i, j):
now = tvm.tir.const(0.0, dtype)
for ii in range(row):
for jj in range(col):
now = tvm.tir.Select(
tvm.tir.all(idxm(i, row) == ii, idxm(j, col) == jj),
tvm.tir.const(matrix[ii][jj], dtype),
return now
return te.compute(matrix.shape, select_array, name=name)
def get_max_power2_factor(n, max_value=None):
"""Get max factor of n in power of 2. If max_value is specificed, max factor
value will be no more max_value,
n : int
The input value
max_value : int, optional
The max value for the factor
factor : int
The max factor in power of 2.
x = 1
while n % 2 == 0:
if max_value is not None and max_value < x * 2:
x *= 2
n /= 2
return x
def get_shape(src_shape, src_layout, dst_layout):
"""Given a source shape, a source layout and a destination layout, infer
the destination shape.
src_shape : tuple of int or IntImm
Source shape
src_layout : str or Layout
Source layout
dst_layout : str or Layout
Destination layout
dst_shape : tuple of int
Destination shape
if src_layout == dst_layout:
return get_const_tuple(src_shape)
if isinstance(src_layout, str):
src_layout = layout(src_layout)
if isinstance(dst_layout, str):
dst_layout = layout(dst_layout)
assert len(src_layout) == len(dst_layout), "Incompatible layout %s vs %s" % (
layout_mapping = bijective_layout(src_layout, dst_layout)
dst_indices = layout_mapping.forward_index(tvm.runtime.convert(list(range(len(src_layout)))))
return get_const_tuple(tuple([src_shape[i.value] for i in dst_indices]))
def within_index(b, e, s, i):
"""Return a boolean value that indicates if i is within the given index.
b : Expr
beginning of the index
e : Expr
end of the index
s : Expr
strides of index
i : Expr
array position
selected: Expr
bool expression that is True is the array position would be selected
by the index and False otherwise
bc = tvm.tir.Select(s < 0, i <= e, i < b)
ec = tvm.tir.Select(s < 0, i > b, i >= e)
ss = te.if_then_else(s < 0, ((i - e) + (e % te.abs(s)) + 1) % te.abs(s), (i - b) % s)
return tvm.tir.Select(tvm.tir.Or(bc, ec), tvm.tir.const(False), ss.equal(0))
def make_idx(b, e, s, z, i):
"""Return the array position in the selection that corresponds to an
array position in the full array.
The returned value is only meaningful if within_index() returns True
for the same set of parameters.
b : Expr
beginning of the index
e : Expr
end of the index
s : Expr
strides of index
z : Expr
size of the indexed dimension
i : Expr
array position
postion: Expr
int expression that corresponds to an array position in the selection.
bc = tvm.tir.Select(s < 0, i <= e, i < b)
ec = tvm.tir.Select(s < 0, i > b, i >= e)
# Clamp to array size
b = tvm.tir.Select(z < b, z - 1, b)
ss = tvm.tir.if_then_else(s < 0, (b - i) // te.abs(s), (i - b) // s)
return tvm.tir.if_then_else(tvm.tir.Or(bc, ec), 88, ss)
def is_empty_shape(shape):
"""Check whether an input shape has dimesion with size 0.
shape : list of Expr
Input shape
is_empty: bool
Whether input shape is empty or has dimesion with size 0.
return cpp.util.is_empty_shape(shape)