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# pylint: disable=unused-variable
"""Transposed convolution in python"""
import numpy as np
import scipy
import tvm.topi.testing
from tvm.topi.nn.util import get_pad_tuple
def conv2d_transpose_nchw_python(a_np, w_np, stride, padding, output_padding):
"""Transposed convolution operator in NCHW layout.
a_np : numpy.ndarray
4-D with shape [batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width]
w_np : numpy.ndarray
4-D with shape [in_channel, num_filter, filter_height, filter_width]
stride : int or a list/tuple of two ints
Stride size, or [stride_height, stride_width]
padding : int or str
Padding size, or ['VALID', 'SAME']
output_padding : int or a list/tuple of two ints
Use to disambiguate the output shape.
b_np : np.ndarray
4-D with shape [batch, out_channel, out_height, out_width]
batch, in_c, in_h, in_w = a_np.shape
_, out_c, filter_h, filter_w = w_np.shape
if isinstance(stride, int):
stride_h = stride_w = stride
stride_h, stride_w = stride
if isinstance(output_padding, int):
opad_h = opad_w = output_padding
opad_h, opad_w = output_padding
assert opad_h < stride_h and opad_w < stride_w
# dilate stage
dilated_a_np = tvm.topi.testing.dilate_python(a_np, [1, 1, stride_h, stride_w])
# padding stage
fpad_top, fpad_left, fpad_bottom, fpad_right = get_pad_tuple(padding, (filter_h, filter_w))
bpad_top = filter_h - 1 - fpad_top
bpad_bottom = filter_h - 1 - fpad_bottom + opad_h
bpad_left = filter_w - 1 - fpad_left
bpad_right = filter_w - 1 - fpad_right + opad_w
padded_a_np = np.zeros(
dilated_a_np.shape[2] + bpad_top + bpad_bottom,
dilated_a_np.shape[3] + bpad_left + bpad_right,
bpad_top : dilated_a_np.shape[2] + bpad_top,
bpad_left : dilated_a_np.shape[3] + bpad_left,
] = dilated_a_np
# convolution stage
out_h = (in_h - 1) * stride_h - fpad_top - fpad_bottom + filter_h + opad_h
out_w = (in_w - 1) * stride_w - fpad_left - fpad_right + filter_w + opad_w
b_np = np.zeros((batch, out_c, out_h, out_w))
for n in range(batch):
for f in range(out_c):
for c in range(in_c):
out = scipy.signal.convolve2d(padded_a_np[n, c], w_np[c, f], mode="valid")
b_np[n, f] += out
return b_np
def conv2d_transpose_nhwc_python(
a_nhwc, weight, weight_format, stride, padding, output_padding=(0, 0)
"""Transposed convolution operator in NHWC layout.
a_nhwc : numpy.ndarray
4-D with shape [batch, in_height, in_width, in_channel]
weight : numpy.ndarray
4-D in formats HWIO, HWOI, OIHW or IOHW
weight_format : str
['HWIO', 'HWOI', 'OIHW', 'IOHW']
stride : int or a list/tuple of two ints
Stride size, or [stride_height, stride_width]
padding : int or str
Padding size, or ['VALID', 'SAME']
b_np : np.ndarray
4-D with shape [batch, out_channel, out_height, out_width]
assert a_nhwc.ndim == 4, "a_nhwc number of dimensions should be 4"
assert weight.ndim == 4, "weight number of dimensions should be 4"
a_nchw = np.transpose(a_nhwc, (0, 3, 1, 2))
# conv2d_transpose_nchw_python needs kernel layout to be IOHW
if weight_format == "HWIO":
w_iohw = np.transpose(weight, (2, 3, 0, 1))
elif weight_format == "HWOI":
w_iohw = np.transpose(weight, (3, 2, 0, 1))
elif weight_format == "OIHW":
w_iohw = np.transpose(weight, (1, 0, 2, 3))
elif weight_format == "IOHW":
w_iohw = weight
raise ValueError("Valid weight_formats are HWIO, HWOI, OIHW or IOHW")
res_nchw = conv2d_transpose_nchw_python(
a_nchw, w_iohw, stride, padding, output_padding=output_padding
res_nhwc = np.transpose(res_nchw, (0, 2, 3, 1))
return res_nhwc