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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# pylint: disable=no-else-return, unidiomatic-typecheck, undefined-variable, invalid-name, redefined-builtin
The Relay Virtual Machine runtime.
Implements a Python interface to executing the compiled VM object.
import numpy as np
import tvm
from tvm._ffi.runtime_ctypes import TVMByteArray
from tvm._ffi import base as _base
from .object import Object
from . import _ffi_api, container
def _convert(arg, cargs):
if isinstance(arg, Object):
elif isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
nd_arr = tvm.nd.array(arg, ctx=tvm.cpu(0))
elif isinstance(arg, tvm.runtime.NDArray):
elif isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)):
field_args = []
for field in arg:
_convert(field, field_args)
elif isinstance(arg, (_base.numeric_types, bool)):
dtype = "int32" if isinstance(arg, (int, bool)) else "float32"
value = tvm.nd.array(np.array(arg, dtype=dtype), ctx=tvm.cpu(0))
raise TypeError("Unsupported type: %s" % (type(arg)))
def convert(args):
cargs = []
for arg in args:
_convert(arg, cargs)
return cargs
class Executable(object):
"""Relay VM executable"""
def __init__(self, mod):
self.mod = mod
self._function_params = {}
self._save = self.mod["save"]
self._get_lib = self.mod["get_lib"]
self._get_bytecode = self.mod["get_bytecode"]
self._get_stats = self.mod["get_stats"]
self._get_function_arity = self.mod["get_function_arity"]
self._get_function_param_name = self.mod["get_function_param_name"]
def save(self):
"""Save the Relay VM Executable.
code : bytearray
The binary blob representing a serialized Relay VM executable. It
can then be saved to disk and later deserialized into a new
lib : :py:class:`~tvm.runtime.Module`
The runtime module that contains the generated code. It is
basically a library that is composed of hardware dependent code.
The returned code is organized with the following sections in order.
- Global section. This section contains the globals used by the
virtual machine.
- Constant section. This section is used to store the constant pool of
a virtual machine.
- Primitive name section. This section is introduced to accommodate
the list of primitive operator names that will be invoked by the
virtual machine.
- Code section. The VM functions, including bytecode, are sitting in
this section.
.. code-block:: python
import numpy as np
import tvm
from tvm import te
from tvm import relay
# define a simple network.
x = relay.var('x', shape=(10, 10))
f = relay.Function([x], x + x)
mod = relay.Module({"main": f})
# create a Relay VM.
ctx = tvm.cpu()
target = "llvm"
executable = relay.vm.compile(mod, target)
code, lib =
# save and load the code and lib file.
tmp = tvm.contrib.util.tempdir()
path_lib = tmp.relpath("")
with open(tmp.relpath(""), "wb") as fo:
loaded_lib = tvm.runtime.load_module(path_lib)
loaded_code = bytearray(open(tmp.relpath(""), "rb").read())
# deserialize.
des_exec = tvm.runtime.vm.Executable.load_exec(loaded_code, loaded_code)
# execute the deserialized executable.
x_data = np.random.rand(10, 10).astype('float32')
des_vm = tvm.runtime.vm.VirtualMachine(des_exec, ctx)
res =
return self._save(), self._get_lib()
def load_exec(bytecode, lib):
"""Construct an executable from saved artifacts.
bytecode : bytearray
The binary blob representing a the Relay VM bytecode.
lib : :py:class:`~tvm.runtime.Module`
The runtime module that contains the generated code.
exec: Executable
An executable constructed using the provided artifacts.
if isinstance(bytecode, (bytes, str)):
code = bytearray(bytecode)
elif not isinstance(bytecode, (bytearray, TVMByteArray)):
raise TypeError(
"bytecode is expected to be the type of bytearray "
+ "or TVMByteArray, but received {}".format(type(code))
if lib is not None and not isinstance(lib, tvm.runtime.Module):
raise TypeError(
"lib is expected to be the type of tvm.runtime.Module"
+ ", but received {}".format(type(lib))
return Executable(_ffi_api.Load_Executable(bytecode, lib))
def lib(self):
"""Get the library that contains hardware dependent code.
ret : :py:class:`~tvm.runtime.Module`
The runtime module that contains hardware dependent code.
return self._get_lib()
def stats(self):
"""Get the statistics of the Relay VM executable.
ret : String
The statistic information of the VM executable.
return self._get_stats()
def primitive_ops(self):
"""Get the name of the primitive ops contained in the executable.
ret : List[String]
The list of primitive ops.
ret = []
num_primitives = _ffi_api.GetNumOfPrimitives(self.module)
for i in range(num_primitives):
ret.append(_ffi_api.GetPrimitiveFields(self.module, i))
return ret
def bytecode(self):
"""Get the bytecode of the Relay VM executable.
ret : String
The bytecode of the executable.
The bytecode is in the following format:
func_name reg_file_size num_instructions
param1 param2 ... paramM
Each instruction is printed in the following format:
hash opcode field1 ... fieldX # The text format.
The part starting from # is only used for visualization and debugging.
The real serialized code doesn't contain it, therefore the deserializer
doesn't need to deal with it as well.
return self._get_bytecode()
def globals(self):
"""Get the globals used by the Relay VM executable.
ret : List[String]
The globals contained in the executable.
ret = []
num_globals = _ffi_api.GetNumOfGlobals(self.module)
for i in range(num_globals):
ret.append(_ffi_api.GetGlobalFields(self.module, i))
return ret
def module(self):
"""Return the runtime module contained in a virtual machine executable."""
return self.mod
def get_function_params(self, func_name):
"""Get VM Function parameters"""
if func_name in self._function_params:
return self._function_params[func_name]
arity = self._get_function_arity(func_name)
assert arity >= 0
params = []
for i in range(arity):
p = self._get_function_param_name(func_name, i)
assert p
self._function_params[func_name] = params
return params
class VirtualMachine(object):
"""Relay VM runtime.
exe : Executable
The VM executable.
ctx : tvm.runtime.TVMContext or List[tvm.runtime.TVMContext]
The context to deploy the module
memory_cfg : str or Dict[tvm.runtime.TVMContext, str], optional
Config the type of memory allocator. The allocator type can be ["naive",
"pooled"]. If memory_cfg is None, all contexts will use pooled allocator
by default. If memory_cfg is string, all contexts will use the specified
allocator type. If memory_cfg is a dict, each context uses the allocator
type specified in the dict, or pooled allocator if not specified in the
def __init__(self, exe, ctx, memory_cfg=None):
if not isinstance(exe, Executable):
raise TypeError(
"exe is expected to be the type of Executable, "
+ "but received {}".format(type(exe))
self.module = _ffi_api._VirtualMachine(exe.module)
self._exec = exe
self._init = self.module["init"]
self._invoke = self.module["invoke"]
self._set_input = self.module["set_input"]
self._setup_ctx(ctx, memory_cfg)
def _setup_ctx(self, ctx, memory_cfg):
"""Init context and allocators."""
ctxs = ctx
if not isinstance(ctx, (list, tuple)):
if not isinstance(ctx, tvm.runtime.TVMContext):
raise TypeError(
"ctx is expected to be TVMContext or \
ctxs = [ctx]
# CPU is required for executing shape functions
if not any(c.device_type == tvm.cpu().device_type for c in ctxs):
default_alloc_type = VirtualMachine.POOLED_ALLOCATOR
if memory_cfg is None:
memory_cfg = {}
elif isinstance(memory_cfg, str):
assert memory_cfg in ["naive", "pooled"]
if memory_cfg == "naive":
default_alloc_type = VirtualMachine.NAIVE_ALLOCATOR
memory_cfg = {}
elif not isinstance(memory_cfg, dict):
raise TypeError(
"memory_cfg is expected be string or dictionary, "
+ "but received {}".format(type(memory_cfg))
init_args = []
for context in ctxs:
alloc_type = memory_cfg[context] if context in memory_cfg else default_alloc_type
def set_input(self, func_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set the input to a function.
func_name : str
The name of the function.
args : list[tvm.runtime.NDArray] or list[np.ndarray]
The arguments to the function.
kwargs: dict of str to tvm.runtime.NDArray or np.ndarray
Named arguments to the function.
if kwargs:
# kwargs is a super set of the required function parameters. We
# only find the ones that are needed.
func_params = self._exec.get_function_params(func_name)
new_args = [None] * len(func_params)
cnt = 0
for k in kwargs:
if k in func_params:
idx = func_params.index(k)
new_args[idx] = kwargs[k]
cnt += 1
assert len(args) + cnt == len(func_params)
idx = 0
for i, arg in enumerate(new_args):
if arg is None:
new_args[i] = args[idx]
idx += 1
args = new_args
cargs = convert(args)
self._set_input(func_name, *cargs)
def invoke(self, func_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Invoke a function.
func_name : str
The name of the function.
args : list[tvm.runtime.NDArray] or list[np.ndarray]
The arguments to the function.
kwargs: dict of str to tvm.runtime.NDArray or np.ndarray
Named arguments to the function.
result : Object
The output.
if args or kwargs:
self.set_input(func_name, *args, **kwargs)
return self._invoke(func_name)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run the main function.
args : list[tvm.runtime.NDArray] or list[np.ndarray]
The arguments to the function.
kwargs: dict of str to tvm.runtime.NDArray or np.ndarray
Named arguments to the function.
result : Object
The output.
return self.invoke("main", *args, **kwargs)