blob: 10598e26824e0ce2507b74cfe6736572e9dbedf0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
"""Tensor Expression Debug Display (TEDD), visualizing Tensor Expression"""
import html
import json
import warnings
from graphviz import Digraph
from graphviz import Source
import tvm
# Must match enum IterVarType defined in include/tvm/expr.h
0: ("kDataPar", "#FFFFFF"),
1: ("kThreadIndex", "#2980B9"),
2: ("kCommReduce", "#FAD7A0"),
3: ("kOrdered", "#D35400"),
4: ("kOpaque", "#ABB2B9"),
5: ("kUnrolled", "#D2B4DE"),
6: ("kVectorized", "#AED6F1"),
7: ("kParallelized", "#F5B7B1"),
8: ("kTensorized", "#A9DFBF"),
0: "#000000",
1: "#922B21",
2: "#76448A",
3: "#1F618D",
4: "#148F77",
5: "#B7950B",
6: "#AF601A",
7: "#F5B7B1",
8: "#A9DFBF",
def dom_path_to_string(dom_path, prefix=""):
path_string = prefix
for index in dom_path:
path_string = path_string + "_" + str(index)
return path_string
def insert_dot_id(sch):
"""Insert unique ID for each node in the DOM tree.
They are used as Dot node ID.
for stage_idx, stage in enumerate(sch["stages"]):
dom_path = [stage_idx]
stage["id"] = dom_path_to_string(dom_path, stage["type"])
for itervar_idx, itervar in enumerate(stage["all_itervars"]):
dom_path = [stage_idx, itervar_idx]
itervar["id"] = dom_path_to_string(dom_path, itervar["type"])
for rel_idx, rel in enumerate(stage["relations"]):
dom_path = [stage_idx, rel_idx]
rel["id"] = dom_path_to_string(dom_path, rel["type"])
for tensor_idx, tensor in enumerate(stage["output_tensors"]):
dom_path = [stage_idx, tensor_idx]
tensor["id"] = dom_path_to_string(dom_path, tensor["type"])
return sch
class ObjectManager:
"""A helper class tracking schedule objects, e.g. stage, IterVar,
relationship, and tensor, to their DOM path."""
def __init__(self, sch):
self.dict = {}
for stage_idx, stage in enumerate(sch.stages):
self.dict[stage] = [stage_idx]
for itervar_idx, itervar in enumerate(stage.all_iter_vars):
self.dict[itervar] = [stage_idx, itervar_idx]
for rel_idx, rel in enumerate(stage.relations):
self.dict[rel] = [stage_idx, rel_idx]
for tensor_idx in range(stage.op.num_outputs):
self.dict[frozenset({, tensor_idx})] = [stage_idx, tensor_idx]
def get_dom_path(self, obj):
if obj is None:
return None
assert obj in self.dict, "Node is no found."
return self.dict[obj]
def get_or_create_dot_id(obj, prefix="", assert_on_missing=False):
"""If obj's ID has been registered, return it.
If not, either assert or create a unique and legal ID, register and
return it, according to assert_on_missing.
ID must be a unique and legal Dotty ID.
obj : objet
Serve as the key to the ID.
prefix : string
Prefix to attach to the ID. Usually use obj's non-unique
name as prefix.
assert_on_missing : bool
Assert or not if object doesn't have a registered ID.
prefix = prefix.replace(".", "_")
if not hasattr(get_or_create_dot_id, "obj_id_dict"):
get_or_create_dot_id.obj_id_dict = {}
if obj not in get_or_create_dot_id.obj_id_dict:
if assert_on_missing:
assert False, "dot_id " + str(obj) + " has not been registered."
get_or_create_dot_id.obj_id_dict[obj] = prefix + hex(id(obj))
return get_or_create_dot_id.obj_id_dict[obj]
def get_port_id(is_input, index):
return "I_" + str(index) if is_input else "O_" + str(index)
def get_itervar_type_info(iter_type):
assert iter_type < len(ITERVAR_TYPE_STRING_MAP), "Unknown IterVar type: " + str(iter_type)
return ITERVAR_TYPE_STRING_MAP[iter_type]
def get_itervar_label_color(itervar, iv_type):
type_info = get_itervar_type_info(iv_type)
return (
linebrk(str(itervar["name"]) + "(" + type_info[0] + ")", TVMDD_TABLE_BODY_WIDTH),
def linebrk(s, n):
""" Break input string s with <br/> for every n charactors."""
result = ""
j = 0
for i, c in enumerate(s):
if j == n and i != len(s) - 1:
result = result + "\n"
j = 0
j = j + 1
result = result + c
result = html.escape(str(result), quote=True)
result = result.replace("\n", "<br/>")
return result
def create_graph(name="", rankdir="BT"):
graph = Digraph(name=name)
graph.graph_attr["rankdir"] = rankdir
return graph
def itervar_label(itervar, index, index_color, label):
return (
'<TR><TD PORT="'
+ itervar["id"]
+ '" BGCOLOR="'
+ index_color
+ '">'
+ str(index)
+ '</TD><TD BGCOLOR="white" PORT="itervar">'
+ label
+ "<br/>"
+ str(itervar["properties"]["range"])
+ "</TD></TR>"
def stage_label(stage):
return stage["name"] + "<br/>Scope: " + stage["properties"]["scope"]
def legend_label():
"""Generate legend labels."""
for iter_type in ITERVAR_TYPE_STRING_MAP:
name, color = ITERVAR_TYPE_STRING_MAP[iter_type]
label += (
'<TR><TD BGCOLOR="' + color + '"></TD>' + '<TD BGCOLOR="white">' + name + "</TD></TR>"
label += "</TABLE>>"
return label
def leaf_itervars(stage):
filtered = filter(lambda x: (x["index"] >= 0), stage["all_itervars"])
return sorted(filtered, key=lambda x: x["index"])
def legend_dot(g):
with g.subgraph(name="cluster_legend") as subgraph:
label = legend_label()
subgraph.node("legend", label, shape="none", margin="0")
def extract_dom_for_viz(sch, need_range=True):
json_str = dump_json(sch, need_range)
s = json.loads(json_str)
s = insert_dot_id(s)
return s
def dump_graph(dot_string, show_svg=True, dot_file_path="", output_dot_string=False):
"""Output dot_string in various formats."""
if dot_file_path:
dot_file = open(dot_file_path, "w+")
except IOError:
print("Cannot open file: " + dot_file_path)
if show_svg:
from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import SVG
src = Source(dot_string)
if output_dot_string:
return dot_string
return None
def dump_json(sch, need_range):
"""Serialize data for visualization from a schedule in JSON format.
sch : schedule
The schedule object to serialize
json : string
Serialized JSON string
def encode_itervar(itervar, stage, index, range_map):
"""Extract and encode IterVar visualization data to a dictionary"""
ivrange = range_map[itervar] if range_map is not None and itervar in range_map else None
bind_thread = None
tensor_intrin = None
if itervar in stage.iter_var_attrs:
attr = stage.iter_var_attrs[itervar]
iv_type = attr.iter_type
# binding
bind_thread = str(attr.bind_thread.var) if attr.bind_thread is not None else None
# tensorization
if attr.tensor_intrin is not None:
tensor_intrin = str(attr.tensor_intrin.body)
# remove the final \n
tensor_intrin = tensor_intrin[0:-1] if tensor_intrin[-1] == "\n" else tensor_intrin
tensor_intrin = None
iv_type = itervar.iter_type
itervar_dict = {
"type": "IterVar",
"index": index,
"name": str(itervar.var),
"itervar_type": iv_type,
"properties": {
"thread": bind_thread,
"intrin": tensor_intrin,
"range": str(ivrange) if ivrange is not None else "range(N/A)",
return itervar_dict
def encode_itervars(stage, range_map):
"""Extract and encode IterVars visualization data from a stage to a dictionary"""
def get_leaf_itervar_index(itervar, leaf_iv):
for leaf_index, ivar in enumerate(leaf_iv):
if ivar == itervar:
return leaf_index
return -1
itervars = []
for itervar in stage.all_iter_vars:
leaf_index = get_leaf_itervar_index(itervar, stage.leaf_iter_vars)
itervars.append(encode_itervar(itervar, stage, leaf_index, range_map))
return itervars
def encode_itervar_relation(obj_manager, rel):
"""Extract and encode IterVar Relationship visualization data to a dictionary"""
rel_type = type(rel)
if rel_type is tvm.te.schedule.Split:
node_type = "Split_Relation"
rel_dict = {
"type": node_type,
"parent": obj_manager.get_dom_path(rel.parent),
"outer": obj_manager.get_dom_path(rel.outer),
"inner": obj_manager.get_dom_path(rel.inner),
elif rel_type is tvm.te.schedule.Fuse:
node_type = "Fuse_Relation"
rel_dict = {
"type": node_type,
"fused": obj_manager.get_dom_path(rel.fused),
"outer": obj_manager.get_dom_path(rel.outer),
"inner": obj_manager.get_dom_path(rel.inner),
elif rel_type is tvm.te.schedule.Singleton:
node_type = "Singleton_Relation"
rel_dict = {
"type": node_type,
"iter": obj_manager.get_dom_path(rel.iter),
return None
return rel_dict
def encode_itervar_relations(obj_manager, stage):
relations = []
for i in range(len(stage.relations)):
rel = encode_itervar_relation(obj_manager, stage.relations[i])
if rel is not None:
return relations
def encode_tensor(obj_manager, tensor, stage):
"""Extract and encode tensor visualization data to a dictionary"""
tensor_dict = {
"type": "Tensor",
"source": obj_manager.get_dom_path(stage),
"value_index": tensor.value_index,
"shape": str(tensor.op.output(tensor.value_index).shape),
"data_type": tensor.op.output(tensor.value_index).dtype,
return tensor_dict
def encode_tensors(obj_manager, stage):
tensors = []
for i in range(stage.op.num_outputs):
tensor = stage.op.output(i)
tensors.append(encode_tensor(obj_manager, tensor, stage))
tensors.sort(key=lambda tensor: tensor["value_index"])
return tensors
def encode_stage(obj_manager, stage, range_map):
"""Extract and encode stage visualization data to a dictionary"""
stage_dict = {
"type": "Stage",
"attaching_to": obj_manager.get_dom_path(stage.attach_ivar),
"compute": str(stage.op.body) if hasattr(stage.op, "body") else None,
"properties": {
"scope": stage.scope,
"all_itervars": encode_itervars(stage, range_map),
"relations": encode_itervar_relations(obj_manager, stage),
"input_tensors": [
obj_manager.get_dom_path(frozenset({, tensor.value_index}))
for tensor in stage.op.input_tensors
"output_tensors": encode_tensors(obj_manager, stage),
return stage_dict
def encode_schedule(sch, need_range):
"""Extract and encode data from a schedule for visualization to a nested dictionary.
It is useful for JSON to serialize schedule.
sch : schedule
The schedule object to extract
dict : dictionary
A nested dictionary
assert isinstance(
sch, tvm.te.schedule.Schedule
), "Input is not a tvm.te.schedule.Schedule object."
range_map = None
if need_range:
range_map = tvm.te.schedule.InferBound(sch)
except tvm._ffi.base.TVMError as expt:
"Ranges are not available, because InferBound fails with the following error:\n"
+ str(expt)
obj_manager = ObjectManager(sch)
stages = []
for stage in sch.stages:
stages.append(encode_stage(obj_manager, stage, range_map))
return {
"type": "Schedule",
"stages": stages,
return json.dumps(sch, default=lambda s: encode_schedule(s, need_range))
def viz_schedule_tree(sch, show_svg=False, dot_file_path="", output_dot_string=False):
"""Top level API to render schedule tree
sch : schedule
The schedule object to visualize
show_svg : bool
Display graph as SVG, useful for Jupyter notebooks.
dot_file_path : string
Dot file to save the graph.
output_dot_string : bool
Return dot file content or an empty string.
dot_string : string
Dot file content or an empty string according to output_dot_string
The following code writes a schedule tree to a dot file.
.. code-block:: python
tedd.viz_schedule_tree(s, dot_file_path = '/tmp/')
Use the following code to render a SVG graph in a Jupyter notebook.
.. code-block:: python
tedd.viz_schedule_tree(s, show_svg = True)
def create_schedule_tree_graph(name=""):
return create_graph(name=name, rankdir="BT")
def root_dot(g):
g.node("ROOT", "ROOT", shape="oval", margin="0")
def stage_node_dot(g, stage):
node_label = stage_node_label(stage)
g.node(stage["id"], node_label, shape="none", margin="0")
def stage_node_label(stage):
"""Return a html format label for the given stage."""
label = (
'CELLPADDING="4"> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="lightgrey" '
'COLSPAN="2" PORT="stage">' + stage_label(stage) + "</TD></TR>"
for leafiv in leaf_itervars(stage):
iv_type = leafiv["itervar_type"]
var_attr_label = ""
if "thread" in leafiv["properties"] and leafiv["properties"]["thread"] is not None:
var_attr_label = (
+ '<br/><font color="#2980B9">('
+ str(leafiv["properties"]["thread"])
+ ")</font>"
if "intrin" in leafiv["properties"] and leafiv["properties"]["intrin"] is not None:
var_attr_label = (
+ "<br/>"
+ linebrk(
"(tensor_intrin:" + str(leafiv["properties"]["intrin"]) + ")",
var_label, color = get_itervar_label_color(leafiv, iv_type)
label += itervar_label(leafiv, leafiv["index"], color, var_label + var_attr_label)
if stage["compute"] is not None:
label += (
'<TR><TD COLSPAN="2">'
+ linebrk(str(stage["compute"]), TVMDD_TABLE_BODY_WIDTH)
+ "</TD></TR>"
label += "</TABLE>>"
return label
def compute_at_dot(g, stage):
"""If the given stage attaches to another stage, create an edge from it
stage to its attach point; otherwise, create an edge to the ROOT.
src = stage["id"]
dst = (
dom_path_to_string([stage["attaching_to"][0]], "Stage")
+ ":"
+ dom_path_to_string(stage["attaching_to"], "IterVar")
if stage["attaching_to"] is not None
else "ROOT"
color = (
PALETTE[stage["attaching_to"][1] + 1]
if stage["attaching_to"] is not None and stage["attaching_to"][1] < PALETTE_SIZE - 1
else PALETTE[0]
g.edge(src, dst, color=color)
graph = create_schedule_tree_graph("Schedule Tree")
s = extract_dom_for_viz(sch)
for stage in s["stages"]:
stage_node_dot(graph, stage)
for stage in s["stages"]:
compute_at_dot(graph, stage)
return dump_graph(graph.source, show_svg, dot_file_path, output_dot_string)
def viz_itervar_relationship_graph(sch, show_svg=False, dot_file_path="", output_dot_string=False):
"""Top level API to render IterVar relationship graph
sch : schedule
The schedule object to visualize
show_svg : bool
Display graph as SVG, useful for Jupyter notebooks.
dot_file_path : string
Dot file to save the graph.
output_dot_string : bool
Return dot file content or an empty string.
The following code writes Ian tervar relationship graph to a dot file.
.. code-block:: python
tedd.viz_def viz_itervar_relationship_graph(sch,
(s, dot_file_path = '/tmp/')
Use the following code to render a SVG graph in a Jupyter notebook.
.. code-block:: python
tedd.viz_def viz_itervar_relationship_graph(sch,
(s, show_svg = True)
def create_itervar_relation_graph(name=""):
return create_graph(name=name, rankdir="TB")
def itervar_node_dot(g, itervar, iv_type, index):
label = itervar_node_label(itervar, iv_type, index)
g.node(itervar["id"], label, shape="none", margin="0")
def itervar_node_label(itervar, iv_type, index):
label = (
+ itervar_label(
get_itervar_label_color(itervar, iv_type)[1],
get_itervar_label_color(itervar, iv_type)[0],
+ "</TABLE>>"
return label
def itervar_relation_node_dot(g, node_id, node_label, input_ports, output_ports):
label = itervar_relation_node_label(node_label, input_ports, output_ports)
g.node(node_id, label, shape="none", margin="0")
def itervar_relation_node_label(node_label, input_ports, output_ports):
"""Return a html format label for an itervar relationship node
including node_label and input/output ports.
max_port_num = max(len(input_ports), len(output_ports))
for i in range(max_port_num):
if i < len(input_ports):
input_port = input_ports[i]
label += '<TD BGCOLOR="lightgrey" PORT="' + input_port + '">' + input_port + "</TD>"
label += '<TD BGCOLOR="white"></TD>'
label += "</TR>"
label += (
+ str(max_port_num)
+ '" PORT="relation">'
+ node_label
+ "</TD></TR>"
label += "<TR>"
for i in range(max_port_num):
if i < len(output_ports):
output_port = output_ports[i]
label += (
'<TD BGCOLOR="lightgrey" PORT="' + output_port + '">' + output_port + "</TD>"
label += '<TD BGCOLOR="white"></TD>'
label += "</TR>"
label += "</TABLE>>"
return label
def itervar_relation_dot(g, node, node_id):
"""Create an itervar relationship node."""
node_type = node["type"]
if node_type == "Split_Relation":
node_type = "Split"
itervar_relation_node_dot(g, node_id, node_type, ["Input"], ["Outer", "Inner"])
parent = dom_path_to_string(node["parent"], "IterVar")
outer = dom_path_to_string(node["outer"], "IterVar")
inner = dom_path_to_string(node["inner"], "IterVar")
g.edge(parent + ":itervar", node_id + ":Input")
g.edge(node_id + ":Outer", outer + ":itervar")
g.edge(node_id + ":Inner", inner + ":itervar")
elif node_type == "Fuse_Relation":
node_type = "Fuse"
itervar_relation_node_dot(g, node_id, node_type, ["Outer", "Inner"], ["Fused"])
fused = dom_path_to_string(node["fused"], "IterVar")
outer = dom_path_to_string(node["outer"], "IterVar")
inner = dom_path_to_string(node["inner"], "IterVar")
g.edge(outer + ":itervar", node_id + ":Outer")
g.edge(inner + ":itervar", node_id + ":Inner")
g.edge(node_id + ":Fused", fused + ":itervar")
elif node_type == "Singleton_Relation":
node_type = "Singleton"
itervar_relation_node_dot(g, node_id, node_type, [], ["Iter"])
itervar = dom_path_to_string(node["inner"], "IterVar")
g.edge(node_id + ":Iter", itervar + ":itervar")
assert False, "Unknown IterVarRelationNode: " + node_type
def stage_node_dot(g, stage):
"""Create a stage node."""
with g.subgraph(name="cluster_" + stage["id"]) as subgraph:
if stage["all_itervars"]:
for itervar in stage["all_itervars"]:
iv_type = itervar["itervar_type"]
itervar_node_dot(subgraph, itervar, iv_type, itervar["index"])
for rel in stage["relations"]:
node_id = rel["id"]
itervar_relation_dot(subgraph, rel, node_id)
subgraph.node(stage["name"] + "_placeholder", style="invis")
graph = create_itervar_relation_graph("IterVar Relationship Graph")
s = extract_dom_for_viz(sch)
for stage in s["stages"]:
stage_node_dot(graph, stage)
return dump_graph(graph.source, show_svg, dot_file_path, output_dot_string)
def viz_dataflow_graph(sch, show_svg=False, dot_file_path="", output_dot_string=False):
"""Top level API to render dataflow graph
sch : schedule
The schedule object to visualize
show_svg : bool
Display graph as SVG, useful for Jupyter notebooks.
dot_file_path : string
Dot file to save the graph.
output_dot_string : bool
Return dot file content or an empty string.
The following code writes a dataflow graph to a dot file.
.. code-block:: python
tedd.viz_dataflow_graph(s, dot_file_path = '/tmp/')
Use the following code to render a SVG graph in a Jupyter notebook.
.. code-block:: python
tedd.viz_dataflow_graph(s, show_svg = True)"""
def create_dataflow_graph(name=""):
return create_graph(name=name, rankdir="LR")
def tensor_node_dot(g, tensor):
"""Create a tensor node."""
label = tensor_node_label(tensor)
g.node(tensor["id"], label, shape="oval", margin="0")
def tensor_node_label(tensor):
"""Return a html format label for the given tensor."""
label = str(tensor["shape"]) + "\n" + str(tensor["data_type"])
return label
def stage_node_dot(g, stage):
"""Create a stage node."""
label = stage_node_label(stage)
g.node(stage["id"], label, shape="none", margin="0")
def stage_node_label(stage):
"""Return a html format label for the given stage."""
rows = max(1, max(len(stage["output_tensors"]), len(stage["input_tensors"])))
for i in range(rows):
label += "<TR>"
if i < len(stage["input_tensors"]):
port_id = get_port_id(True, i)
label += (
'<TD BGCOLOR="lightgrey" COLSPAN="2" PORT="' + port_id + '">' + str(i) + "</TD>"
label += '<TD BGCOLOR="white" COLSPAN="2"></TD>'
if i == 0:
label += (
+ str(rows)
+ '">'
+ stage_label(stage)
+ "</TD>"
if i < len(stage["output_tensors"]):
port_id = get_port_id(False, i)
label += (
'<TD BGCOLOR="lightgrey" COLSPAN="2" PORT="' + port_id + '">' + str(i) + "</TD>"
label += '<TD BGCOLOR="white" COLSPAN="2"></TD>'
label += "</TR>"
label += "</TABLE>>"
return label
def dfg_dot(g, sch):
"""Create edges among stages."""
stages = sch["stages"]
for stage in stages:
for i in range(len(stage["input_tensors"])):
src = dom_path_to_string(stage["input_tensors"][i], "Tensor")
dst = stage["id"] + ":" + get_port_id(True, i)
g.edge(src, dst)
for i in range(len(stage["output_tensors"])):
src = stage["id"] + ":" + get_port_id(False, i)
dst = stage["output_tensors"][i]["id"]
g.edge(src, dst)
graph = create_dataflow_graph("Dataflow Graph")
s = extract_dom_for_viz(sch, need_range=False)
for stage in s["stages"]:
stage_node_dot(graph, stage)
for tensor in stage["output_tensors"]:
tensor_node_dot(graph, tensor)
dfg_dot(graph, s)
return dump_graph(graph.source, show_svg, dot_file_path, output_dot_string)