blob: a960e552f68f8327608aaf8cbb41c55ef8beb667 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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"""Minimum graph runtime that executes graph containing TVM PackedFunc."""
import numpy as np
import tvm._ffi
from tvm.rpc import _ffi_api as _rpc_ffi_api
from tvm.rpc import base as rpc_base
from tvm._ffi.base import string_types
from tvm._ffi.runtime_ctypes import TVMContext
def create(graph_json_str, libmod, ctx):
"""Create a runtime executor module given a graph and module.
graph_json_str : str
The graph to be deployed in json format output by json graph.
The graph can contain operator(tvm_op) that points to the name
of PackedFunc in the libmod.
libmod : tvm.runtime.Module
The module of the corresponding function
ctx : TVMContext or list of TVMContext
The context to deploy the module. It can be local or remote when there
is only one TVMContext. Otherwise, the first context in the list will
be used as this purpose. All context should be given for heterogeneous
graph_module : GraphModule
Runtime graph module that can be used to execute the graph.
See also :py:class:`tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.GraphModule`
for examples to directly construct a GraphModule from an exported
relay compiled library.
assert isinstance(graph_json_str, string_types)
ctx, num_rpc_ctx, device_type_id = get_device_ctx(libmod, ctx)
if num_rpc_ctx == len(ctx):
fcreate = ctx[0]._rpc_sess.get_function("tvm.graph_runtime.create")
fcreate = tvm._ffi.get_global_func("tvm.graph_runtime.create")
return GraphModule(fcreate(graph_json_str, libmod, *device_type_id))
def get_device_ctx(libmod, ctx):
"""Parse and validate all the device context(s).
libmod : tvm.runtime.Module
The module of the corresponding function
ctx : TVMContext or list of TVMContext
ctx : list of TVMContext
num_rpc_ctx : Number of rpc contexts
device_type_id : List of device type and device id
if isinstance(ctx, TVMContext):
ctx = [ctx]
elif not isinstance(ctx, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError("ctx has to be the type of TVMContext or a list of " "TVMContext")
for cur_ctx in ctx:
if not isinstance(cur_ctx, TVMContext):
raise ValueError("ctx has to be the type of TVMContext or a list " "of TVMContext")
# device_type_id[0], device_type_id[1] are used as the primary/fallback
# context type and id. All other ones are used as device context for
# heterogeneous execution.
num_rpc_ctx = 0
device_type_id = []
for cur_ctx in ctx:
device_type = cur_ctx.device_type
if device_type >= rpc_base.RPC_SESS_MASK:
assert libmod.type_key == "rpc"
assert _rpc_ffi_api.SessTableIndex(libmod) == cur_ctx._rpc_sess._tbl_index
num_rpc_ctx += 1
device_type = cur_ctx.device_type % rpc_base.RPC_SESS_MASK
if 0 < num_rpc_ctx < len(ctx):
raise ValueError("Either all or none of the contexts should be rpc.")
return ctx, num_rpc_ctx, device_type_id
class GraphModule(object):
"""Wrapper runtime module.
This is a thin wrapper of the underlying TVM module.
you can also directly call set_input, run, and get_output
of underlying module functions
module : tvm.runtime.Module
The internal tvm module that holds the actual graph functions.
module : tvm.runtime.Module
The internal tvm module that holds the actual graph functions.
.. code-block:: python
import tvm
from tvm import relay
from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime
# build the library using graph runtime
lib =
# load it back as a runtime
lib:tvm.runtime.Module = tvm.runtime.load_module("")
# Call the library factory function for default and create
# a new runtime.Module, wrap with graph module.
gmod = graph_runtime.GraphModule(lib["default"](ctx))
# use the gmod
gmod.set_input("x", data)
def __init__(self, module):
self.module = module
self._set_input = module["set_input"]
self._run = module["run"]
self._get_output = module["get_output"]
self._get_input = module["get_input"]
self._get_num_outputs = module["get_num_outputs"]
self._get_num_inputs = module["get_num_inputs"]
self._load_params = module["load_params"]
self._share_params = module["share_params"]
def set_input(self, key=None, value=None, **params):
"""Set inputs to the module via kwargs
key : int or str
The input key
value : the input value.
The input key
params : dict of str to NDArray
Additional arguments
if key is not None:
v = self._get_input(key)
if v is None:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find '%s' in graph's inputs" % key)
if params:
# upload big arrays first to avoid memory issue in rpc mode
keys = list(params.keys())
keys.sort(key=lambda x:[x].shape))
for k in keys:
# TODO(zhiics) Skip the weights for submodule in a better way.
# We should use MetadataModule for initialization and remove
# params from set_input
val = self._get_input(k)
if val:
def run(self, **input_dict):
"""Run forward execution of the graph
input_dict: dict of str to NDArray
List of input values to be feed to
if input_dict:
def get_num_outputs(self):
"""Get the number of outputs from the graph
count : int
The number of outputs.
return self._get_num_outputs()
def get_num_inputs(self):
"""Get the number of inputs to the graph
count : int
The number of inputs.
return self._get_num_inputs()
def get_input(self, index, out=None):
"""Get index-th input to out
index : int
The input index
out : NDArray
The output array container
if out:
return out
return self._get_input(index)
def get_output(self, index, out=None):
"""Get index-th output to out
index : int
The output index
out : NDArray
The output array container
if out:
self._get_output(index, out)
return out
return self._get_output(index)
def debug_get_output(self, node, out):
"""Run graph up to node and get the output to out
node : int / str
The node index or name
out : NDArray
The output array container
raise NotImplementedError("Please use debugger.debug_runtime as graph_runtime instead.")
def load_params(self, params_bytes):
"""Load parameters from serialized byte array of parameter dict.
params_bytes : bytearray
The serialized parameter dict.
def share_params(self, other, params_bytes):
"""Share parameters from pre-existing GraphRuntime instance.
other: GraphRuntime
The parent GraphRuntime from which this instance should share
it's parameters.
params_bytes : bytearray
The serialized parameter dict (used only for the parameter names).
self._share_params(other.module, bytearray(params_bytes))
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get internal module function
key : str
The key to the module.
return self.module[key]