blob: 7af84b687f5fd1f0d6828aa66c873bfb2b7c26c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file tvm/ir/module.h
* \brief IRModule that holds the functions and type definitions.
#ifndef TVM_IR_MODULE_H_
#define TVM_IR_MODULE_H_
#include <tvm/ir/adt.h>
#include <tvm/ir/expr.h>
#include <tvm/ir/function.h>
#include <tvm/ir/type.h>
#include <tvm/node/container.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace tvm {
class IRModule;
* \brief IRModule that holds functions and type definitions.
* IRModule is the basic unit for all IR transformations across the stack.
* Many operations require access to the global IRModule.
* We pass the IRModule by value in a functional style as an explicit argument,
* but we mutate the Module while optimizing programs.
* \sa IRModule
class IRModuleNode : public Object {
/*! \brief A map from ids to all global functions. */
Map<GlobalVar, BaseFunc> functions;
/*! \brief A map from global type vars to ADT type data. */
Map<GlobalTypeVar, TypeData> type_definitions;
IRModuleNode() {}
void VisitAttrs(AttrVisitor* v) {
v->Visit("functions", &functions);
v->Visit("type_definitions", &type_definitions);
v->Visit("global_var_map_", &global_var_map_);
v->Visit("global_type_var_map_", &global_type_var_map_);
TVM_DLL bool SEqualReduce(const IRModuleNode* other, SEqualReducer equal) const;
TVM_DLL void SHashReduce(SHashReducer hash_reduce) const;
* \brief Add a function to the global environment.
* \param var The var of the global function.
* \param func The function.
* \param update Controls whether you can replace a definition in the
* environment.
TVM_DLL void Add(const GlobalVar& var, const BaseFunc& func, bool update = false);
* \brief Add a function to the global environment.
* \param var The name of the global function.
* \param func The function.
* It does not do type inference as Add does.
TVM_DLL void AddUnchecked(const GlobalVar& var, const BaseFunc& func);
* \brief Add a type-level definition to the global environment.
* \param var The var of the global type definition.
* \param type The ADT.
* \param update Controls whether you can replace a definition in the
* environment.
TVM_DLL void AddTypeDef(const GlobalTypeVar& var, const TypeData& type, bool update = false);
* \brief Add a type-level definition to the global environment.
* \param var The var of the global type definition.
* \param type The ADT.
* \param update Controls whether you can replace a definition in the
* environment.
* It does not do type checking as AddTypeDef does.
TVM_DLL void AddTypeDefUnchecked(const GlobalTypeVar& var, const TypeData& type,
bool update = false);
* \brief Update a function in the global environment.
* \param var The name of the global function to update.
* \param func The new function.
TVM_DLL void Update(const GlobalVar& var, const BaseFunc& func);
* \brief Update a type definition in the global environment.
* \param var The name of the global type definition to update.
* \param type The new ADT.
TVM_DLL void UpdateTypeDef(const GlobalTypeVar& var, const TypeData& type);
* \brief Remove a function from the global environment.
* \param var The name of the global function to update.
TVM_DLL void Remove(const GlobalVar& var);
* \brief Check if the global_var_map_ contains a global variable.
* \param name The variable name.
* \returns true if contains, otherise false.
TVM_DLL bool ContainGlobalVar(const String& name) const;
* \brief Check if the global_type_var_map_ contains a global type variable.
* \param name The variable name.
* \returns true if contains, otherise false.
TVM_DLL bool ContainGlobalTypeVar(const String& name) const;
* \brief Lookup a global function by its variable.
* \param str The unique string specifying the global variable.
* \returns The global variable.
TVM_DLL GlobalVar GetGlobalVar(const String& str) const;
* \brief Collect all global vars defined in this module.
* \returns An array of global vars
TVM_DLL Array<GlobalVar> GetGlobalVars() const;
* \brief Look up a global function by its name.
* \param str The unique string specifying the global variable.
* \returns The global variable.
TVM_DLL GlobalTypeVar GetGlobalTypeVar(const String& str) const;
* \brief Collect all global type vars defined in this module.
* \returns An array of global type vars
TVM_DLL Array<GlobalTypeVar> GetGlobalTypeVars() const;
* \brief Find constructor of ADT using name
* \param adt name of the ADT the constructor belongs to
* \param cons name of the constructor
* \returns Constructor of ADT, error if not found
TVM_DLL Constructor GetConstructor(const String& adt, const String& cons) const;
* \brief Look up a global function by its variable.
* \param var The global var to lookup.
* \returns The function named by the variable argument.
TVM_DLL BaseFunc Lookup(const GlobalVar& var) const;
* \brief Look up a global function by its string name
* \param name The name of the function.
* \returns The function named by the argument.
TVM_DLL BaseFunc Lookup(const String& name) const;
* \brief Look up a global type definition by its variable.
* \param var The var of the global type definition.
* \return The type definition.
TVM_DLL TypeData LookupTypeDef(const GlobalTypeVar& var) const;
* \brief Look up a global type definition by its name.
* \param var The name of the global type definition.
* \return The type definition.
TVM_DLL TypeData LookupTypeDef(const String& var) const;
* \brief Look up a constructor by its tag.
* \param tag The tag for the constructor.
* \return The constructor object.
TVM_DLL Constructor LookupTag(const int32_t tag);
* \brief Update the functions inside this environment by
* functions in another environment.
* \param other The other environment.
TVM_DLL void Update(const IRModule& other);
* \brief Import Relay code from the file at path.
* \param path The path of the Relay code to import.
* \note The path resolution behavior is standard,
* if abosolute will be the absolute file, if
* relative it will be resovled against the current
* working directory.
TVM_DLL void Import(const String& path);
* \brief Import Relay code from the file at path, relative to the standard library.
* \param path The path of the Relay code to import.
TVM_DLL void ImportFromStd(const String& path);
* \brief The set of imported files.
TVM_DLL std::unordered_set<String> Imports() const;
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "IRModule";
static constexpr const bool _type_has_method_sequal_reduce = true;
static constexpr const bool _type_has_method_shash_reduce = true;
/*! \brief Helper function for registering a typedef's constructors */
void RegisterConstructors(const GlobalTypeVar& var, const TypeData& type);
/*! \brief A map from string names to global variables that
* ensures global uniqueness.
Map<String, GlobalVar> global_var_map_;
/*! \brief A map from string names to global type variables (ADT names)
* that ensures global uniqueness.
Map<String, GlobalTypeVar> global_type_var_map_;
/*! \brief A map from constructor tags to constructor objects
* for convenient access
std::unordered_map<int32_t, Constructor> constructor_tag_map_;
/*! \brief The files previously imported, required to ensure
importing is idempotent for each module.
std::unordered_set<String> import_set_;
friend class IRModule;
* \brief Managed reference class to IRModuleNode.
* \sa IRModuleNode
class IRModule : public ObjectRef {
* \brief constructor
* \param functions Functions in the module.
* \param type_definitions Type definitions in the module.
* \param import_set Set of imported files in the module
TVM_DLL explicit IRModule(Map<GlobalVar, BaseFunc> functions,
Map<GlobalTypeVar, TypeData> type_definitions = {},
std::unordered_set<String> import_set = {});
/*! \brief default constructor */
IRModule() : IRModule(Map<GlobalVar, BaseFunc>()) {}
* \brief constructor
* \param n The object pointer.
explicit IRModule(ObjectPtr<Object> n) : ObjectRef(n) {}
/*! \return mutable pointers to the node. */
IRModuleNode* operator->() const {
auto* ptr = get_mutable();
CHECK(ptr != nullptr);
return static_cast<IRModuleNode*>(ptr);
* \brief Construct a module from a standalone expression.
* Allows one to optionally pass a global function map and
* map of type definitions as well.
* \param expr The expression to set as the main function to the module.
* \param global_funcs The global function map.
* \param type_definitions Map of global type definitions
* \returns A module with expr set as the main function.
TVM_DLL static IRModule FromExpr(const RelayExpr& expr,
const Map<GlobalVar, BaseFunc>& global_funcs = {},
const Map<GlobalTypeVar, TypeData>& type_definitions = {});
* \brief Parse text format source file into an IRModule.
* \param text A string of Relay source code.
* \param source_path The path to the source file.
* \return A Relay module.
TVM_DLL static IRModule FromText(const String& text, const String& source_path);
/*! \brief Declare the container type. */
using ContainerType = IRModuleNode;
/*! \brief Declare whether Ref is nullable. */
static constexpr bool _type_is_nullable = false;
// allow copy on write.
* \brief Pretty print a node for debug purposes.
* \param node The node to be printed.
* \return The text reperesentation.
* \note This function does not show version or meta-data.
* Use AsText if you want to store the text.
* \sa AsText.
TVM_DLL String PrettyPrint(const ObjectRef& node);
* \brief Render the node as a string in the text format.
* \param node The node to be rendered.
* \param show_meta_data Whether to print meta data section.
* \param annotate An optional callback function for attaching
* additional comment block to an expr.
* \note We support a limited set of IR nodes that are part of
* relay IR and
* \sa PrettyPrint.
* \return The text representation.
TVM_DLL String AsText(const ObjectRef& node, bool show_meta_data = true,
runtime::TypedPackedFunc<String(ObjectRef)> annotate = nullptr);
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_IR_MODULE_H_