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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* \brief gotvm package source for TVMFunction interface.
* \file function.go
package gotvm
//#include "gotvm.h"
import "C"
import (
// Function type in golang hold pointer for the TVMFunction handle.
type Function uintptr
// nativeCPtr returns type freed uintptr for the Function.
func (tvmfunction Function) nativeCPtr() (retVal uintptr) {
retVal = (uintptr)(tvmfunction)
// Invoke calls the TVM packed function referred by the handle with given arguments.
func (tvmfunction *Function) Invoke(args ...interface{}) (retVal *Value, err error) {
funccall := func (fargs ...interface{}) (*Value, error) {
return callNativeFunction(tvmfunction, fargs)
// Check is any args are contain any ValueArray
// Possible is it's a args forward from one packed function to another.
valueArrayFound := false
for ii := range args {
switch args[ii].(type) {
case []*Value:
valueArrayFound = true
if !valueArrayFound {
return funccall(args...)
if len(args) != 1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("Not supported if packed function args are a mix of []Value and other types")
valArray := args[0].([]*Value)
if len(valArray) > 0 {
newArgs := make([]interface{}, len(valArray))
for ii := range valArray {
newVal := newTVMValue()
newArgs[ii] = newVal
return funccall(newArgs...)
return funccall()
// FuncListGlobalNames is used to query global callable packed function names from TVM.
// returns slice of string holding function names and error if any.
func FuncListGlobalNames() (retVal []string, err error) {
var str string
ret := (int32)(C._TVMFuncListGlobalNames(unsafe.Pointer((&str))))
if ret != 0 {
err = errors.New(getTVMLastError())
str = goStringFromNative(*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&str)))
bin := binary.LittleEndian
size := bin.Uint64([]byte(str[:8]))
str = str[8:]
retVal = make([]string, size)
for i := range retVal {
len := bin.Uint64([]byte(str[:8]))
str = str[8:]
retVal[i] = str[:len]
str = str[len:]
// GetGlobalFunction is to get handle to the given global function name.
// `funcname` is the name of global packed function.
// returns a function closure with signature
// func (args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) and error if any.
// The closure function can be used to call Function with arguments directly.
// Variadic arguments can be any type which can be embed into Value.
func GetGlobalFunction(funcname string) (retVal *Function, err error) {
var funp uintptr
cfuncname := C.CString(funcname)
ret := (int32)(C.TVMFuncGetGlobal(cfuncname,
if ret != 0 {
err = errors.New(getTVMLastError())
handle := new(Function)
*handle = Function(funp)
finalizer := func(fhandle *Function) {
fhandle = nil
runtime.SetFinalizer(handle, finalizer)
retVal = handle
// callNativeFunction is routine which calls gotvm native wrapper with given arguments.
// `handle` is the handle for Function.
// `args` are the variadic arguments to the Function.
// returns the interface for the return value from TVM if any and error if any.
func callNativeFunction(handle *Function, args []interface{}) (retVal *Value, err error) {
argsIn := make([]*Value, len(args))
var typeCodes []int32
if len(args) != 0 {
typeCodes = make([]int32, len(args))
} else {
typeCodes = make([]int32, 1)
for ii := range args {
argsIn[ii] = newTVMValue()
if typeCodes[ii], err = argsIn[ii].setValue(args[ii]); err != nil {
retVal = newTVMValue()
argsOut := []*Value{retVal}
retTypeCode := KNull
err = nativeTVMFuncCall(handle, argsIn, typeCodes, argsOut, &retTypeCode)
if err != nil {
retVal = nil
retVal.isLocal = false
retVal.dtype = retTypeCode
// nativeTVMFuncFree free the function handle allocated in TVM runtime.
// `funp` is the Function handle to be freed.
func nativeTVMFuncFree(funp *Function) (retVal int32) {
retVal = (int32) (C.TVMFuncFree(C.TVMFunctionHandle(funp.nativeCPtr())))
// nativeToGoSlice converts native TVMValue array to Golang slice of TVMValue
func nativeToGoSlice(nargValues (*C.void), argValues []*Value, typeCodes []int32) {
for ii := range argValues {
argValues[ii].dtype = typeCodes[ii]
// nativeFromGoSlice converts golang slice of TVMValue to native TVMValue array.
func nativeFromGoSlice(argValues []*Value) (nptr (*C.void)) {
nargValues := ((uintptr)(C.malloc(C.ulong(C.sizeof_TVMValue * len(argValues)))))
for ii := range argValues {
nptr = (*C.void)(unsafe.Pointer(nargValues))
// nativeTVMFuncCall executes the function with given arguments
// `funp` Function handle to the packed function.
// `argValues` is the slice of Value which are arguments to the packed function.
// `typeCodes` is the alice of argument type codes corresponding to argValues.
// `retValues` is return argument which is slice of return values from the packed function.
// `retTypeCode` is int32 holding type codes for retValue
// Returns err indicating native error if any.
func nativeTVMFuncCall(funp *Function, argValues []*Value, typeCodes []int32,
retValues []*Value, retTypeCode *int32) (err error) {
nargValues := nativeFromGoSlice(argValues)
nretValues := nativeFromGoSlice(retValues)
result := (int32)(C.TVMFuncCall(C.TVMFunctionHandle(*funp),
nativeToGoSlice(nargValues, argValues, typeCodes)
nativeToGoSlice(nretValues, retValues, (*[1<<31] int32)(unsafe.Pointer(retTypeCode))[:1:1])
if result != 0 {
err = errors.New(getTVMLastError())
// goCallBack is a structure holding the go callback function pointer.
// This wrapping is necessary as cgo doesn't support
// passing golang functions type conversion to native.
type goCallBack struct {
cb func (args ...*Value) (interface{}, error)
//export goTVMCallback
func goTVMCallback(args C.native_voidp, typeCodes C.native_voidp, numArgs int32,
retArg C.native_voidp, resourceHandle C.native_voidp) (ret int32){
fcb := (*goCallBack)(resourceHandle)
// Make Value Sice from native TVMValue pointer.
argValues := make([]*Value, numArgs)
for ii := range argValues {
argValues[ii] = newTVMValue()
argValues[ii].isLocal = false
// Prepare arguments for golang callback function
nativeToGoSlice((*C.void)(unsafe.Pointer(args)), argValues,
(*[1<<31] int32)(unsafe.Pointer(typeCodes))[:numArgs:numArgs])
cbargs := argValues
// Execute the callback
retVal, err := fcb.cb(cbargs...)
if err != nil {
errStr := err.Error()
return -1
// It's possible a packed function directly return
// the return value of another packed function.
// Inside a packed func :
// ```return pfunc.Invoke(args)```
// In this case pfunc returns nil which is
// returned as an interface holding nil *Value.
// Which becomes a valid retVal holding nil *Value.
isRetNull := false
switch retVal.(type) {
case *Value:
pRet := retVal.(*Value)
if pRet == nil {
isRetNull = true
// Handle return value from callback function
if retVal != nil && !isRetNull {
var retTypeCode int32
retValues := []*Value{newTVMValue()}
retTypeCode, err = retValues[0].setValue(retVal)
if err != nil {
errStr := err.Error()
return -1
nretValues := nativeFromGoSlice(retValues)
// Handle KStr, KBytes: Local finalizers shouldn't try freeing them.
retValues[0].isLocal = false
apiRet := (int32) (C.TVMCFuncSetReturn(C.TVMRetValueHandle(retArg),
(*, 1))
if apiRet != 0 {
errStr := string("TVMCFuncSetReturn failed ")
// ConvertFunction converts given golang function to TVM packed function.
// `args[0]` function pointer for a type ```func (args ...interface{}) (interface{})```
// Returns Function handle and err if any.
func ConvertFunction(args ...interface{}) (retVal *Function, err error) {
function := args[0].(func (args ...*Value) (interface{}, error))
fcb := &goCallBack{cb:function}
var funp uintptr
result := (int32) (C._ConvertFunction(unsafe.Pointer(fcb),
if result != 0 {
err = errors.New(getTVMLastError())
handle := new(Function)
*handle = Function(funp)
finalizer := func(fhandle *Function) {
fhandle = nil
runtime.SetFinalizer(handle, finalizer)
retVal = handle
// RegisterFunction registers the golang func in TVM runtime global space.
// `args[0]` function pointer for a type ```func (args ...interface{}) (interface{})```
// `args[1]` Optional argument of function name with which it will be registered.
// If not passed we use function name from reflection.
// Returns err indicating native error if any.
func RegisterFunction(args ...interface{}) (err error) {
fhandle, err := ConvertFunction(args...)
if err != nil {
funcname := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(args[0]).Pointer()).Name()
if len(args) > 1 {
funcname = args[1].(string)
cfuncname := C.CString(funcname)
result := (int32) (C.TVMFuncRegisterGlobal(cfuncname,
0)); // Override = False
if result != 0 {
err = errors.New(getTVMLastError())
// Clear the finalizer as we don't need to control it anymore.
runtime.SetFinalizer(fhandle, nil)