blob: 9e3b0f5415ebc0c0118218de6fa9e098019759e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: groovy -*-
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Jenkins pipeline
// See documents at
// Docker env used for testing
// Different image may have different version tag
// because some of them are more stable than anoter.
// Docker images are maintained by PMC, cached in dockerhub
// and remains relatively stable over the time.
// Flow for upgrading docker env(need commiter)
// - Send PR to upgrade build script in the repo
// - Build the new docker image
// - Tag the docker image with a new version and push to a binary cache.
// - Update the version in the Jenkinsfile, send a PR
// - Fix any issues wrt to the new image version in the PR
// - Merge the PR and now we are in new version
// - Tag the new version as the lates
// - Periodically cleanup the old versions on local workers
// Hashtag in the source to build current CI docker builds
// NOTE: these lines are scanned by docker/ Please update the regex as needed. -->
ci_lint = "tlcpack/ci-lint:v0.62"
ci_gpu = "tlcpack/ci-gpu:v0.64"
ci_cpu = "tlcpack/ci-cpu:v0.65"
ci_wasm = "tlcpack/ci-wasm:v0.60"
ci_i386 = "tlcpack/ci-i386:v0.52"
// <--- End of regex-scanned config.
// tvm libraries
tvm_runtime = "build/, build/config.cmake"
tvm_lib = "build/, " + tvm_runtime
// LLVM upstream lib
tvm_multilib = "build/, " +
"build/, " +
"build/, " +
// command to start a docker container
docker_run = 'docker/'
// timeout in minutes
max_time = 120
def per_exec_ws(folder) {
return "workspace/exec_${env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER}/" + folder
// initialize source codes
def init_git() {
// Add more info about job node
sh """
checkout scm
retry(5) {
timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh 'git submodule update --init'
def init_git_win() {
checkout scm
retry(5) {
timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') {
bat 'git submodule update --init'
def cancel_previous_build() {
// cancel previous build if it is not on master.
if (env.BRANCH_NAME != "master") {
def buildNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER as int
// Milestone API allows us to cancel previous build
// with the same milestone number
if (buildNumber > 1) milestone(buildNumber - 1)
stage("Sanity Check") {
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
node('CPU') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/sanity")) {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_lint} ./tests/scripts/"
// Run make. First try to do an incremental make from a previous workspace in hope to
// accelerate the compilation. If something wrong, clean the workspace and then
// build from scratch.
def make(docker_type, path, make_flag) {
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
try {
sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/ ${path} ${make_flag}"
// always run cpp test when build
sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/"
} catch (hudson.AbortException ae) {
// script exited due to user abort, directly throw instead of retry
if (ae.getMessage().contains('script returned exit code 143')) {
throw ae
echo 'Incremental compilation failed. Fall back to build from scratch'
sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/ ${path}"
sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/ ${path} ${make_flag}"
sh "${docker_run} ${docker_type} ./tests/scripts/"
// pack libraries for later use
def pack_lib(name, libs) {
sh """
echo "Packing ${libs} into ${name}"
echo ${libs} | sed -e 's/,/ /g' | xargs md5sum
stash includes: libs, name: name
// unpack libraries saved before
def unpack_lib(name, libs) {
unstash name
sh """
echo "Unpacked ${libs} from ${name}"
echo ${libs} | sed -e 's/,/ /g' | xargs md5sum
stage('Build') {
parallel 'BUILD: GPU': {
node('GPUBUILD') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/build-gpu")) {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/"
make(ci_gpu, 'build', '-j2')
pack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
// compiler test
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/"
make(ci_gpu, 'build2', '-j2')
node('CPU') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/build-cpu")) {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/"
make(ci_cpu, 'build', '-j2')
pack_lib('cpu', tvm_multilib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/"
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/"
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/"
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/"
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/"
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/"
node('CPU') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/build-wasm")) {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_wasm} ./tests/scripts/"
make(ci_wasm, 'build', '-j2')
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_wasm} ./tests/scripts/"
'BUILD : i386': {
node('CPU') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/build-i386")) {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_i386} ./tests/scripts/"
make(ci_i386, 'build', '-j2')
pack_lib('i386', tvm_multilib)
stage('Unit Test') {
parallel 'python3: GPU': {
node('TensorCore') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/ut-python-gpu")) {
unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/"
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/"
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/"
'python3: i386': {
node('CPU') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/ut-python-i386")) {
unpack_lib('i386', tvm_multilib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_i386} ./tests/scripts/"
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_i386} ./tests/scripts/"
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_i386} ./tests/scripts/"
'java: GPU': {
node('GPU') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/ut-java")) {
unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/"
stage('Integration Test') {
parallel 'topi: GPU': {
node('GPU') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/topi-python-gpu")) {
unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/"
'frontend: GPU': {
node('GPU') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/frontend-python-gpu")) {
unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/"
'frontend: CPU': {
node('CPU') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/frontend-python-cpu")) {
unpack_lib('cpu', tvm_multilib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_cpu} ./tests/scripts/"
'docs: GPU': {
node('TensorCore') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/docs-python-gpu")) {
unpack_lib('gpu', tvm_multilib)
timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
sh "${docker_run} ${ci_gpu} ./tests/scripts/"
pack_lib('mydocs', 'docs.tgz')
stage('Build packages') {
parallel 'conda CPU': {
node('CPU') {
sh "${docker_run} tlcpack/conda-cpu ./conda/
'conda cuda': {
node('CPU') {
sh "${docker_run} tlcpack/conda-cuda90 ./conda/
sh "${docker_run} tlcpack/conda-cuda100 ./conda/
// Here we could upload the packages to anaconda for releases
// and/or the master branch
stage('Deploy') {
node('doc') {
ws(per_exec_ws("tvm/deploy-docs")) {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") {
unpack_lib('mydocs', 'docs.tgz')
sh "cp docs.tgz /var/docs/docs.tgz"
sh "tar xf docs.tgz -C /var/docs"