[RELEASE] Update NEWS.md for v0.7 (#6613)

diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 106e056..5554727 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -26,6 +26,1344 @@
 If you check in something that is not reflected in Roadmap issue, please reply
 to that issue so it can get added.
+## 0.7
+v0.7 brings many major features. The community works together to refactor the internal code base to bring an unified IR code structure with a unified IRModule, type system and pass infrastructure. We have also bought many exciting new features, some highlights include:
+* Initial automatic scheduling support
+* Initial command line driver interface
+* WebGPU and webassembly support
+* Better first class rust support in the codebase
+* Intial Hexagon support
+* Bring your own codegen (BYOC) support
+The community also continues to bring high quality improvements to the existing modules including, but not limited to: better frontend coverage, performance, quantization, uTVM and dynamic shape support.
+## New Features
+### Automatic Scheduling (Experimental)
+* Phase 0: Ansor minimum system for auto schedule generating #5962
+* Phase 1: Access Analyzer #6103
+* Phase 1: Add `follow_split` and `follow_fused_split` steps #6142
+* Phase 1: Add `pragma`/`storage_align`/`rfactor` steps #6141
+* Phase 1: Add RPC Runner #6077
+* Phase 1: Add `annotation`/`compute_at`/`compute_root`/`compute_inline` steps #6073
+* Phase 1: Add `cache_read`/`cache_write` steps #6107
+* Phase 1: Rename namspace form `auto_schedule` to `auto_scheduler` #6059
+* Phase 1: The base class for cost models #6187
+* Phase 1: feature extraction for cost models #6190
+* Phase 1: XGBoost Cost Model #6270
+* Phase 2: Basic GPU Sketch Search Policy #6269
+* Phase 2: Evolutionary Search #6310
+* Phase 2: Update heavy operations with `parallel_for` #6348
+* Parallel the InitPopulation (#6512)
+* Tutorial: Using the template-free auto-scheduler on CPU (#6488)
+### BYOC
+* External codegen support in Relay (#4482),(#4544)
+* Bring Your Own Codegen Guide -- Part 1 #4602
+* Bring Your Own Codegen Guide -- Part 2 #4718
+* Relay annotation and partitioning for external compilers #4570
+* JSON Runtime with DNNL End-to-End Flow #5919
+* Handle one symbol for each runtime #5989
+* Run accelerator specific optimizations #6068
+* Arm Compute Library integration #5915
+* Retire the example json runtime #6177
+* `json_node.h` should include `data_type.h` #6224
+* Improve installation tutorial #6170
+* Add support for dense (fully connected) layer #6254
+* Introduce the Ethos-N BYOC integration #6222
+* Enable remote device via environment variables #6279
+* Improved pooling support #6248
+* Add support for quantized convolution #6335
+* CoreML codegen #5634
+### Operator Coverage
+* Add `strided_set` operation (#4303)
+* Add support for conv3d (#4400), pool3d (#4478), 3d upsampling ops (#4584)
+* Add group convolution for VTA (#4421)
+* Add 1d deconvolution op (#4476)
+* Allow batch matmul to be fused into injective ops (#4537)
+* Add native depthtospace and spacetodepth operators (#4566)
+* Add CUDNN conv3d support (#4418)
+* Dilation2D operator support #5033
+* Isfinite operator #4981
+* Unravel Index operator #5082
+* Add thrust support for nms #5116
+* Resize3d, Upsample3d op support #5633
+* Add operator Correlation #5628
+* `affine_grid` and `grid_sample` #5657
+* Sparse to dense operator #5447
+* `Conv3d_transpose` op support added #5737
+* add op `crop_and_resize` #4417
+* Add bitwise ops #4815
+* Sparse to dense operator #5447
+* support dynamic NMS(Non Maximum Suppression), symbolic begin, end, and strides for strided_slice #4312
+* `Conv3d_transpose` op support added #5737
+* ReverseSequence operator #5495
+* Conv1D #4639
+* 1D Pooling #4663
+### Quantization
+* Channel wise quantization - Quantize & Requantize #4629
+* Support QNN ops. #5066
+* Adding support for QNN subtract op #5153
+* TFLite QNN Tutorial #5595
+* Tutorial: Deploy Quantized Model on CUDA #4667
+* Support asymmetric per-layer quantized operators #6109
+### Relay
+* Add convertlayout pass in Relay (#4335, #4600)
+* Added Merge Composite pass #4771
+* Call graph for relay #4922
+* Add inline pass #4927
+* Target annotation for external codegen #4933
+* GradientCell Relay Pass #5039
+* Add MergeCompilerRegions pass #5134
+* Non-recursive Graph Vistor and Rewriter (#4886)
+* [Blocksparse] Pipeline for lowering dense model to sparse-dense (#5377)
+* Relay op strategy #4644
+* Static Tensor Array (#5103)
+* Memory planner (part 1) #5144
+* ONNX codegen #5052
+* Add Parser 2.0 #5932, part 2 #6162
+* Basic block normal form #6152
+* Convert Layout pass. #4664
+* Pattern Language, Matcher, Rewriter, and Function Paritioner #5231
+### Runtime and Backend
+* Add ADTObject POD container type (#4346)
+* TFLite RPC runtime (#4439)
+* Standardized graph runtime export (#4532)
+* MISRA-C compliant TVM runtime #3934
+* Add String container #4628
+* Introduce Virtual Memory Allocator to CRT (#5124)
+* Initial implementation of Hexagon runtime support (#5252)
+* FastRPC interface for Hexagon runtime (#5353)
+* CoreML Runtime (#5283)
+* AutoTVM + uTVM for Cortex-M7 (#5417)
+* Windows Support for cpp_rpc (#4857)
+* Implement TVMDSOOp(TensorFlow custom op) for TVM runtime (#4459)
+* WebGPU support #5545
+* TVM WebAssembly JS Runtime #5506
+* Hexagon driver for offloading kernels to simulator #5492
+* Introduce runtime::Array #5585
+* Allow non-nullable ObjectRef, introduce Optional. (#5314)
+* Introduce static slots for common objects. (#5423)
+* ntroduce RValue reference(move) support to TypedPackedFunc (#5271)
+* Introduce MetadataModule to separate code compilation/interpretation and weight initialization #5770
+* Support module based interface runtime #5753
+* Add TVM application extension with WASM runtime #5892
+* Provide guide to user who has difficulty register SEqualReduce (#5300)
+### Rust Support
+* Revive the Rust + SGX refactor #4976
+* Improve Rust bindings: Map, Array, String, various IR nodes #6339
+* Rust Refactor Stage 4: Rewrite Rust graph runtime to use new APIs #5830
+* Second stage of Rust Refactor #5527
+* tvm crate stage 3 of Rust refactor #5769
+* Add first stage of updating and rewriting Rust bindings. #5526
+### TIR
+* Introduce StructuralHash for the Unified IR. #5160
+* Introduce StructuralEqual Infra for the unified IR. #5154
+* Introduce ExprDeepEqual, Remove IRDeepCompare #5206
+* [TIR] Introduce BufferLoad/Store (#5205)
+* Improved massive build times caused by tir.floormod and tir.floordiv. Fixed Topi testcase. #5666
+* Buffer logger assert removed #6147
+* Enhance VerifyGPUCode #6194
+* HoistIfThenElse added #6066
+* Hybrid Script Support for TIR #6227
+* Migrate Low-level Passes to Pass Manager #5198
+* HoistIfThenElse added #6066
+* Hybrid Script Support for TIR #6227
+* Block scope hoisting added #6238
+### TE
+* reverse-mode autodiff without any optimization #5121
+* Tensor Expression Debug Display (TEDD) #4651
+* Optimize and eliminate the Jacobian tensor for te.autodiff #6078
+### TVMC(Experimental)
+* TVMC - A command line driver for TVM (Part 1) #6112
+* TVMC - Linting error on onnx command line driver frontend #6536
+* TVMC - Command line driver 'compile' (part 2/4) #6302
+* TVMC - Introduce 'tune' subcommand (part 3/4) #6537
+* TVMC - Introduce 'run' subcommand (part 4/4) #6578
+* TVMC - Getting started tutorial for TVMC #6597
+## Feature Improvement
+### Accelerator and Microcontroller Support
+- Cleanup legacy verilog code (#4576)
+- uTVM support for ARM STM32F746XX boards (#4274)
+- Add --runtime=c, remove `micro_dev` target, enable LLVM backend #6145
+### Arithmetic Analysis
+* Linear system and equation solver (#5171)
+* Inequalities solver #5618
+* Improve IntervalSet's floormod (#5367)
+* Remove legacy const pattern functions (#5387)
+* Handle likely in IRMutatorWithAnalyzer #5665
+* ExtendedEuclidean merge impl to int_operator #5625
+* Rewrite simplify fix for Vectorized Cooperative Fetching #5924
+### AutoTVM and Graph Tuner
+* Adding ROCM schedules for TOPI (#4507)
+* NHWC conv2d schedule templates for ARM (#3859)
+* Use VM compile to extract autotvm tasks #4328
+* Download fallback schedule file if it does not exist #4671
+* Ignore error when removing tmpdir #4781
+* Fix a bug in generating the search space #4779
+* Minor bug fixes in AutoTVM for QNN graphs #4797
+* Fix autotvm customized template #5034
+* Add opt out operator for `has_multiple_inputs` for graph tuner #5000
+* Customize SI prefix in logging (#5411)
+* Update XGBoost verbosity option #5649
+* Support range in index based tuners #4870
+* Enable random fill and CPU cache flush for AutoTVM and Ansor (#6391)
+* Auto-scheduler tutorial for GPU and necessary refactor/fix (#6512)
+### BYOC
+* [BYOC] Bind constant tuples in graph partitioner (#5476)
+* [BYOC] Add support for composite functions in BYOC (#5261)
+* [BYOC] Register pattern tables from external codegens (#5262)
+* [BYOC] Enhance partitioning and external codegen (#5310)
+* [BYOC] Refine AnnotateTarget and MergeCompilerRegion Passes (#5277)
+* [BYOC] Use Non-Recursive Visitor/Mutator (#5410)
+* [BYOC] Refine DNNL Codegen (#5288)
+* [BYOC] Add example of Composite + Annotate for DNNL fused op (#5272)
+* [BYOC] Prevent duplicate outputs in subgraph Tuple (#5320)
+* [BYOC] Introduce further operator support (#6355)
+* [BYOC] Support input nodes with multiple entries (#6368)
+* [BYOC] Add maximum support for float32 (#6506)
+### Codegen
+* Intrinsic dispatching with OCML instead of LLVM for ROCm (#4499)
+* Make target codegen take IRModule and PrimFunc. #5107
+* Enhance CUDA codegen for SelectNode #4983
+* Vectorization for intrinsics #5101
+* [LLVM] Do not use `x86_vcvtph2ps_256` intrinsic with LLVM 11+ (#5267)
+* [LLVM] Use llvm::ElementCount with LLVM 11+ when creating vectors (#5265)
+* [LLVM] Use llvm::FunctionCallee in IRBuilder::CreateCall with LLVM 11+ (#5338)
+* [LLVM] Include Support/Host.h for declaration of getDefaultTargetTriple (#5268)
+* [LLVM] Replace calls to Type::getVectorNumElements (#5398)
+* [LLVM] Use ArrayRef in calls to CreateShuffleVector (#5399)
+* [LLVM] Use llvm::Align with LLVM 11+ to avoid warnings (#5264)
+* [CodeGen] Cleanup generated code (#5424)
+* Rename `target_id` => `target_kind` #6199
+* 64-bit RPi4b target #6211
+* Creating Target from JSON-like Configuration #6218
+* Add python binding to new JSON target construction #6315
+* Use target class in all codegens #6347
+* Initial support for Hexagon codegen #6261
+* Add --runtime=c, remove `micro_dev` target, enable LLVM backend #6145
+* Add tvm::support::hexdump() debug utility #6154
+* Adding AMD codegen unit tests (#4509)
+* Support cuda tensorcore subbyte int data type in auto tensorcore #4546
+* Handle empty LLVMModule in GetFunction #5146
+* Support int4/int8 conv2d tensor core with HWNC layout #6121
+### Dynamism Support
+* Add shape function for `zero`, `zeros_like`, `ones`, `ones_like` (#4448), `tile` (#4441)
+* Support symbolic newshape for Reshape #5429
+* Support symbolic TopK, Ones, Zeros and Full #5459
+* Add `shape_of` instruction #5855
+* symbolic `max_output_size` #5844
+* Dynamic TopK Op #6008
+* Dynamic `broadcast_to`, `zeros`, `ones` #6007
+* Add dynamic reshape grad #6080
+* Keep fixed dim when unifying dynamic shape #5795
+* OneHot operation #6209
+* Add Dynamic Resize Op #6198
+* Dynamic full operator #6260
+* Dynamic upsampling relay op #6273
+* Dynamic Tile Op #5983
+### Frontend and User Interface
+* TFLite parser support for `transpose_conv` (#4440), `unpack` (#4447)
+* LLDB pretty printers for relay (#4453)
+* ONNX to Relay converter op support: expand op (#4483)
+* ONNX `auto_pad` in conv and convtranspose (#4563)
+* TF to Relay converter op support (#4504) (#4551) (#4484)
+* Remove unnecessary cast of constants in ONNX converter (#4573)
+* Add support for tf.Keras networks in Relay Keras frontend #4630
+* Add conv3d #4604
+* Fix incorrect calculations in tf SLICE #4518
+* Dynamically calculate `input_stats` of any `fake_quant` range #4789
+* LSTM Support #4825
+* Add `MIRROR_PAD` operator #4822
+* use qnn helper function in softmax #4840
+* Add Resize op converter #4838
+* Add support for `TFLite_Detection_PostProcess` #4543
+* Fix tests for tflite unary elemwise operations #4913
+* GaussianDropout/Noise parsing support #4928
+* Add parser support for 'square' operator #4915
+* `make_loss` operator support #4930
+* Add parser support for `l2_normalization` #4966
+* ReadVariableOp operator support #4952
+* Check graph inputs match expected #4992
+* support multiply outputs #4980
+* TFLite: Using real image for QNN testing. #4816
+* TFLite: `FLOOR_MOD` & `FLOOR_DIV` support #4971
+* PyTorch: Upsampling op support and enable registering a user defined op conversion map #4961
+* PyTorch: fix unordered dictionary problem for python version under 3.6 #4982
+* Operator support NonZero #5073
+* Upsampling op support and enable registering a user defined op conversion map #4961
+* Check graph inputs match expected #4992
+* Add support for quantized models via QNN #4977
+* Add initial control flow support #4964
+* Remove FP32 piggy back and use QNN add/mul/concatenate #5061
+* Add missing upcast to uint8 `avg_pool` conversion #5089
+* Add initial 3D op support and test on Resnet 3D #5075
+* Fix conv2d conversion for group conv (group > 1 but != in channels) #5132
+* Add support for `max_pool1d` #5142
+* Add support for split #5174
+* `FLOOR_MOD` & `FLOOR_DIV` support #4971
+* Activation functions support #4978
+* Round op parsing support added #5022
+* DepthToSpace and SpaceToDepth support #5041
+* `TOP_K` op parser support #5051
+* ReadVariableOp operator support #4952
+* Support multiply outputs #4980
+* `reduce_any` op parsing support #4926
+* TensorFlow Parser Control Flow Enhancement #5020
+* TensorFlow Frontend support with shared params #5042
+* Support for AddV2 in Relay Tensorflow frontend converter. #5046
+* conv3d frontend operator support #5080
+* `max_pool3d` and Averagepool3d operator support #5085
+* Support for Atan/Atan2 in Relay Tensorflow frontend converter. #5104
+* Use leaky by default for LeakyReLU #5192
+* Conv3D ONNX support and `conv3D_ncdhw` x86 schedules #4949
+* Add support for FusedBatchNormV3 #5065
+* Activations for pytorch #5194
+* Dropouts And InstanceNorm support added #5203
+* [Frontend] Asymmetric padding of convolution support (#4803)
+* [ONNX]Pool3d & upsample3d op support (#5135)
+* Add TopK to ONNX Frontend (#5441)
+* Add RoiAlign to Onnx frontend (#5454)
+* [PYTORCH]AvgPool3d, MaxPool3d and Squeeze op support (#5220)
+* [PYTORCH]celu, gelu, selu activations (#5263)
+* [Pytorch]layernorm bug fix and testcase updated (#5257)
+* [PYTORCH]LayerNorm support added (#5249)
+* [PYTORCH]GroupNorm op support added (#5358)
+* [PYTORCH]Logical & Bitwise operator support (#5341)
+* [PYTORCH]Tensor creation ops support (#5347)
+* [PYTORCH]cosh,sinh,log2,log10,log1p op support (#5395)
+* [PYTORCH]Rsub, Embedded, OneHot ops support (#5434)
+* [PYTORCH]Abs, Arange, Softplus ops (#5295)
+* [PYTORCH]isNan, isinf, isfinite, ceil, clamp, round ops (#5316)
+* [PYTORCH]Activations for pytorch (#5194)
+* [PYTORCH]Repeat, Reciprocal & Reshape Op support (#5280)
+* [PYTORCH]`Reduce_ops` support added (#5308)
+* [PYTORCH]Take, Topk op support (#5332)
+* [PYTORCH]Dropouts And InstanceNorm support added (#5203)
+* [PYTORCH]Unary Ops frontend support. (#5378)
+* [Torch] Support Python list, more realistic recurrent networks (#5306)
+* [PYTORCH]where, addcdiv, addcmul op support (#5383)
+* [Torch] Add support for split (#5174)
+* [Torch] Fix up graph input handling (#5204)
+* [TFLITE]Logical not op support (#5475)
+* [TFLITE]Hard Swish & MobilnetV3 model testing (#5239)
+* [TFLITE]Gather, StridedSlice op support added (#4788)
+* [TFLITE] Match TFLite shape for SSD custom op (#5473)
+* Factor out import of common tflite.Operator in tflite frontend. (#5355)
+* [TFLite] support for FILL and `SPLIT_V` operators (#5330)
+* [TFLite] `L2_POOL_2D` operator (#5452)
+* [TFLite] Add config option to specify FlatBuffers location (#5425)
+* [TFLITE]Logical not op support (#5475)
+* [TENSORFLOW]reduce ops updated (#5180)
+* [TENSORFLOW] Fix `gather_nd` indices (#5279)
+* [TensorFlow]Improve TensorFlow Static Shape Tensor Array (#5243)
+* [KERAS]Minimum & AlphaDropout op support (#5380)
+* [KERAS]Embedding layer (#5444)
+* [KERAS]`Max_pool3d` and Averagepool3d operator support (#5085)
+* [CAFFE2]add Mul and ConvTranspose operator (#5302)
+* [MXNET]DepthToSpace & SpaceToDepth Operator (#5408)
+* [MXNET]broadcast and logical op support (#5461)
+* [MXNET] Use leaky by default for LeakyReLU (#5192)
+* [MXNET] support elemwise logic ops (#5361)
+* [Frontend|MXNet] SwapAxis operator support (#5246)
+* [RELAY] Move frontend utils (#5345)
+* [Pytorch] Fix translation of transpose when axis argument is as a list (#5451)
+* LpPool Support added #5696
+* Skip ADD inside Gemm op when vector is zero #5697
+* ReduceL1, ReduceL2, ReduceSumSquare, ReduceLogSum ops added #5721
+* MaxRoiPool, Mod & Xor op support added #5729
+* Skip multiply with 1.0f constant for GEMM import #5800
+* StatefulPartitionedCall/PartitionedCall Ops support added #5617
+* Don't add cast for batch norm when type isn't changing #5731
+* Conv3d Transpose OP added #5775
+* expand bug fix #5576
+* Support `max_pool2d_with_indices` #5549
+* Add prim::device op #5584
+* ImplicitTensorToNum support added #5603
+* Matmul fix for `batch_matmul` #5604
+* ReflectionPad2d op #5624
+* Padding op support #5638
+* Minor bug fixes #5683
+* `floor_divide` support for squeezenet #5702
+* ReplicationPad support added #5708
+* aten::norm support added #5776
+* broadcast and logical op support #5461
+* MaxPool3d and AvgPool3d Ops support added #5614
+* Softmin, trunc op support added #5715
+* conv3d and `conv3d_transpose` addedx #5814
+* Model importer to be compatible with tflite 2.1.0 #5497
+* Nit: Function names made consistent #5515
+* Select op support for tflite frontend #5486
+* `GATHER_ND` #5508
+* Quantize & Dequantize op #5394
+* Fully connected op conversion made in sync with TFLite #5510
+* `ADD_N` operator #5474
+* onnx, mxnet, pytorch mathops added #5561
+* abs, round, reciprocal, sign, softsign, `hard_sigmoid` ops support #5587
+* Gather nd bug fix for one dim support in tensorflow #5588
+* Add parser support for shape and range #5329
+* Darknet support batch size for yolo #5688
+* Improve Control Flow and TensorArray #5699
+* MXNet: Softmin, trunc op support added #5715
+* MXNet: conv3d and `conv3d_transpose` addedx #5814
+* MXNet: Add parser for `contrib.box_decode` #5967
+* Onnx: ReduceL1, ReduceL2, ReduceSumSquare, ReduceLogSum ops added #5721
+* Onnx: MaxRoiPool, Mod & Xor op support added #5729
+* Onnx: Skip multiply with 1.0f constant for GEMM import #5800
+* Onnx: Fix an issue with #5755 and add Batch norm unit tests. #5845
+* TensorFlow: StatefulPartitionedCall/PartitionedCall Ops support added #5617
+* TensorFlow: Don’t add cast for batch norm when type isn’t changing #5731
+* TensorFlow: Conv3d Transpose OP added #5775
+* Add parser support for shape and range #5329
+* Darknet support batch size for yolo #5688
+* Improve Control Flow and TensorArray #5699
+* Improve TF Parser to keep output nodes for `saved_model` #5794
+* Add parser support for `relu6`, `leaky_relu`, `relu_n1_to_1`, `log_softmax` #4805
+* Fix TF Dynamic input shape #5825
+* Support a few contrib ops in mxnet #5819
+* Improve TF Parser to keep output nodes for `saved_model` #5794
+* Add parser support for `relu6`, `leaky_relu`, `relu_n1_to_1`, `log_softmax` #4805
+* Check all unsupported ops before raising an exception #5929
+* Add Pytorch advanced indexing #6318
+* Support `index_select` #6295
+* Fix cast to long #6301
+* Fix dtype handling for modules with integer parameters #6311
+* pytorch frontend support conv1d #6203
+* Add cast to double, fix flatten conversion #6357
+* Fix aten::max and aten::min conversion #6372
+* Match pytorch 1.6 googlenet pretrained model (#6201) #6212Add unbiased variance op and corresponding support in pytorch frontend #6232
+* Implemented PADV2 Operator for TFLite and added support for constant values in PAD. #6167
+* Implemented `ONE_HOT` Operator for TFLite. #6223
+* Implemented `EXPAND_DIMS` Operator for TFLite. #6243
+* Implemented `REVERSE_V2` Operator for TFLite. #6304
+* Implemented `MATRIX_SET_DIAG` Operator for Relay/TOPI and TFLite Frontend. #6303
+* RESHAPE with dynamic shape arg in TFLite frontend #6208
+* Constant input attr added to fully connected operation in TFLite frontend #6228
+* Gather operation with indices as tensor expr in TFLite frontend #6168
+* Added support for tflite quantized maximum and minimum #6018
+* Unary ops support added in frontend #6196
+* Introduce caffe frontend for tvm #6206
+* Keras softmax and prelu fix under NHWC #6278
+* add support for MXNET numpy operators #6054
+* Refine tensorflow frontend 1.x & 2.x compatibility #6240
+* Reduceops support added to frontend #6252
+* Update precision in the ONNX `strided_slice`, update precision of ToScalar #6272
+* NHWC import support. #4899
+* Refine tensorflow frontend 1.x & 2.x compatibility #6240
+* Fix node indices attribute error for tensorflow 2.3 #6288
+* Support NMSv4 #6085
+* Support for PyTorch Non-Maximum Suppression #6314
+* ReplicationPad support added #5708
+* MXNet pre-quantized BERT #6039
+* Keep parameter names from PyTorch #5887
+* Refine LSTMBlockCell to support dynamic rnn #5963
+### Relay
+* Add function attributes to IR hash (#4479)
+* Relay passes lookup overhead optimization (#4594)
+* Add `half_pixel` option to Resize op #4610
+* Skip example json runtime test when config is not set #4614
+* Test `tensor_array` in vm #4608
+* Improve `memory_allocation` pass to support multiple i/o dynamic kernels #4595
+* Add unit test for `tensor_array_split` #4619
+* Add parses support for unary elemwise ops #4634
+* Add parses support for SLICE #4502
+* Added pool autopadding and simplified converters. #4672
+* Fix meaning of `conv2d_transpose` `output_padding` parameter #4318
+* Use packed func macro for external codegen #4710
+* Fix `_parse_param` bug #4711
+* Add constant input support for elemwise ops #4666
+* Add parser support for squared difference #4652
+* Add type check to dense #4724
+* Invoke tvm::build from relay `compile_engine` and interpreter #4723
+* Broadcast condition, x, and y for Where op #4774
+* Add parser support for relational ops #4695
+* Remove duplicated BindParamByName function in VM compiler #4793
+* Use SimplifyInference for L2 Normalization. #4795
+* Expose vm OptimizeModule to Python #4800
+* Add parser support for logical operators #4642
+* Conv2D padding representation #4787
+* Add support for quantized LOGISTIC #4696
+* Fix VM compiler for while loop with free vars #4889
+* Fix bug in re-processing call node in MergeComposite pass #4879
+* Expose FunctionGetAttr to Python #4905
+* Add a PyTorch to Relay Parser #4497
+* Support data types for CSourceModuleCodegen args and output #4934
+* Clean up and refactor PyTorch frontend #4944
+* Relay pass to use fast exp/tanh #4873
+* BatchNorm support with run-time mean and variance calculation #4990
+* Reduce plevel of conv2d winograd implementation on cuda #4987
+* Add operation tan to TVM #4938
+* Outline and inline lifted functions for external codegen #4996
+* Remove primitive attribute from composite function #5014
+* Refactor Relay Python to use new FFI #5077
+* Fix relay node registration after refactor #5083
+* `Codegen_c.h` should include relay.function #5093
+* Move expr.Function to function.py #5087
+* Propagate constant to subgraphs #5094
+* Adjust strategy plevel to achieve expected performance by default #5118
+* Added a AnnotatedRegion utility class #5030
+* Support TupleGetItem in body of pattern #5106
+* Partition graph codestyle fixes #5202
+* Re-wrote the Graph Partitioner to support multiple outputs #5143
+* Fixes to MergeCompilerRegions #5195
+* Refactor build module to take IRModule #4988
+* Separate analysis and transform passes #5035
+* Relay Node::make to constructor #5128
+* relay::StructuralHash to tvm::StructuralHash #5166
+* Conditions updated to cover better user scenarios #5043
+* Replace UseDefaultCompiler with GetAttr #5088
+* Return empty CSourceModule when no `lowered_funcs` exists in Relay mod #4847
+* Clean up for memory pass to enable heterogenous execution support. (#5324)
+* Remove re-exports of tvm.transform (#5337)
+* [Refactor] Add memoized expr translator for use by backend codegen (#5325)
+* Legalize - Use Non-recursive Rewriter. (#5296)
+* Add additional check before re-using the cached match #5552
+* Remove kCompiler attr from external functions #5615
+* Pattern Language MergeComposite #5656
+* Support Tuple Output in C/DNNL Codegen #5701
+* Infer types in MergeComposite #5766
+* Convert PatternGrouper to do pre-order, non-recursive analysis #5653
+* Remove constants from partitioned functions #5663
+* Add a check for null function attributes #5674
+* Add ConstantPattern #5689
+* Conditionally Embedding Constants in Partitioned Functions #5693
+* Simplify Pattern API Implementations #5703
+* Add ShapePattern and DataTypePattern #5760
+* Remove unnecessary print #5642
+* Improve Shape Func handling for Tuple inputs #5467
+* Relay updated with String #5578
+* Fix the creation of tuple of tuples in PartitionGraph #5616
+* Preserve type information in Merge Composite #5640
+* Move `compiler_begin`/`end_op` to local static objects #5622
+* Fix `dataflow_pattern`.rewrite() hang if Match in IR #5680
+* Fix segfault in pretty print when ObjectRef is null #5681
+* Move `fallback_device` to config #5690
+* Replace `build_config` with PassContext #5698
+* Clear compile engine after task extraction #5724
+* Add `storage_order` ignore in pooling layer. #5781
+* Tweak cublas/cudnn priority level #5820
+* Skip Unknown Function Symbols #5888
+* Allow every runtime module to handle constants #5885
+* handle Tuple/TupleGetItem in first order gradient #5946
+* Add resnet-3d & Update network definitions for NHWC layout #5945
+* Use TargetNode::attrs for Target serialization #5993
+* each option of target str should only contain one ‘=’ #5988
+* Rename `target_id` => `target_kind` #6199
+* 64-bit RPi4b target #6211
+* Add resnet-3d & Update network definitions for NHWC layout #5945
+* Small bug fix for Conv1D imports. #5995
+* Move `invoke_tvm_op` and `shape_func` to vm dialect #5958
+* GRU Layer Support #6020
+* Add pass for getting calibration data from a relay module #5997
+* Merge two consecutive reshape ops #6052
+* Add operation `scatter_add` to relay, based on scatter implementation. #6030
+* i64 indices #5235
+* Port `eliminate_common_subexpr` to non-recursive form #6134
+* Fix interpreter for dyanmic shape input of `ndarray_size` #6086
+* Allow to config allocator type and refactor vm code structure #6105
+* Handle `ndarray_size` in FoldConstant #6156
+* when converting constant nodes with types of int64 or float64 #6159
+* Add ReshapeTensor instruction in the VM to replace the reshape op #6089
+* Support combine multiple dense op just into dense #6062
+* Add unbiased variance op and corresponding support in pytorch frontend #6232
+* Specify additional layouts in convert layout pass #5422
+* Safe check added for Merge Composite Call Node #5562
+* Non recursive partitioning #5493
+* Support combine multiple dense op just into dense #6062
+* Make the max number of fused ops configurable #6327
+* Implementation of the dynamic pad operator #6284
+* change device annotation from post DFS to recursive #6124
+* Make check stricter: disallow inserting function with free vars into module #6313
+* Make check stricter by using Feature. Fixed multiple bugs #6326
+* Resize support for NCHW-convertible layouts #6293
+* Make AutoDiff thread through global function #6336
+* Create Interpreter for each constant subgraph #6195
+* Add Dynamic reshape to a dynamic namespace and add DynamicToStatic Pass #5826
+* Expose relay BindParamsByName to Python #4751
+* Implement pass manager tracing API #4782
+* Move Ops in relay.op.contrib #4942
+* Conditions updated to cover better user scenarios #4951
+* [External codegen] Add test cases for fused ops with manual annotation (#4741)
+* Multiple output support, reshape, split ops added #6296
+### Operator Coverage
+* Allow empty tensor for `reshape`, `tile` and `strided_slice` #4618
+* Fix meaning of `conv2d_transpose` `output_padding` parameter"; #4708
+* Remove cpp upsampling and resize op #4769
+* upsample operator 'NCHWinic' format support. #4791
+* Injective schedule improvement #4786
+* Enable vectorization on fp16 type #4867
+* Support for Int8 schedules - CUDA/x86 #5031
+* New PR to re-add tan to TVM #5025
+* Register topi schedule for Relay `fast_exp` and `fast_tanh` #5131
+* Move Dilation2d from nn to image namespace #5110
+* Use Thrust sort for argsort and topk #5097
+* Conv2d and Dense ops support on Tensor Core #5099
+* Setting workload correctly for Depthwise Spatial conv ARM. #5182
+* Adding a few missing math intrin #5011
+* Missing vectorize for depthwise conv2d. #5196
+* [TOPI] Using x86 schedules for ARM conv2d (#5334)
+* [TOPI-ARM] Do not alter layout if layout is NHWC (#5350)
+* [TOPI] Setting workload correctly for Depthwise Spatial conv ARM. (#5182)
+* [OP] Add `fast_erf` implementation (#5241)
+* [Topi] Tensorcore support for Conv3D (#5284)
+* [intrin] a few more math functions (#5468)
+* [Intrinsic] Add log1p, ldexp, atan2, hypot, nextafter, copysign (#5312)
+* [topi] Add operation relay.nn.dilate() which calls topi.nn.dilate() (#5331)
+* [Topi x86] Missing vectorize for depthwise conv2d. (#5196)
+* [TOPI x86] Adding `unroll_kw` config option for depthwise conv2d. (#5197)
+* [Topi] Breakdown topi.cc into smaller files (#5253)
+* ReduceLogSumExp Operator support #5453
+* Math ops added #5502
+* Enable blocking format in x86 conv2d and fold scale axis #5357
+* Add operation gather to relay. #5716
+* Add `storage_order` ignore in pooling layer. #5781
+* Fix bifrost spatial packing conv2d auto tune #5684
+* Fix reshape usage in ARM schedule #5732
+* Block sparse dense on cuda #5746
+* Improve CUDA softmax scheduling #5600
+* block sparse dense on cuda #5746
+* pass-by-value -> pass-by-const-reference #5783
+* Using MKL blas for quantized dense #6115
+* topi -> tvm/topi #6186
+* Use auto-tuner to improve `conv2d_gemm` performance #6117
+* Improve CUDA `conv2d_transpose_nchw` #4762
+* Add CUDA conv2d for NHWC layout #4737
+* `conv3d_ndhwc` schedule #4775
+* Fast exponent #4790
+* Add Scatter to Topi/Relay/ONNX via hybrid script #5619
+* Split MKL from BLAS. #6182
+* Change the meaning of `conv3d_transpose` `output_padding` to match `conv{1,2}d_transpose` #6065
+* Gather op support added #6013
+### Runtime and Backend
+* Cythonize NDArray.copyto (#4549)
+* Unified Object System runtime refactor (#4578, #4581, #4603)
+* VM profiler: sort VM stats by time (#4601)
+* Update RPC runtime to allow remote module as arg (#4462)
+* Refactorying system lib and dso lib into library module (#4481)
+* Improve TSIM virtual memory mapping (#4545)
+* make adt tag signed #4605
+* Improve TVMBackendPackedCFunc to allow return val #4637
+* EdgeTPU runtime for Coral Boards #4698
+* Fix memory leak when using openMP #4811
+* Fix memory leakage of TVMByteArray #4856
+* Fix `TVM_DLL_EXPORT_TYPED_FUNC` to work on Windows #4955
+* Fix memory leak when using openMP #4811
+* Export GraphRuntime in `tvm_runtime.dll` #5002
+* MISRA-C compliant TVM runtime #3934
+* Update the `type_keys` to reflect the code-org #5074
+* Fix AttrEqual for Array and StrMap, double #5054
+* Export GraphRuntime in `tvm_runtime.dll` #5002
+* Fix unused-value warning #5140
+* crt error handling #5147
+* Bundle deployment with static linking #5158
+* Implemented kDLCPUPinned (cudaMallocHost) #4985
+* Explicitly cast min/max operands #5090
+* `ref_counter` -> `ref_counter_` #5184
+* Expose runtime::String to Python (#5212)
+* [FFI] Refactor runtime.String to subclass str (#5426)
+* [RUNTIME] Auto conversion from str to runtime::String in PackedFUnc (#5251)
+* [RUNTIME] Improved Packed FFI for optional. (#5478)
+* [Hexagon] Add `hexagon_posix.cc` to TVM/RT sources in the right place (#5346)
+* [FFI] Refactor runtime.String to subclass str (#5426)
+* Fix workspace #5503
+* Store nullptr PackedFunc as nullptr for better error propagation #5540
+* Improve PackedFunc robustness #5517
+* Seg fault in WorkspacePool's destructor (#5632) #5636
+* Resolve constexpr issue in debug mode. #5651
+* Add `compile_shared` option to linux compile utility fn #5751
+* Call sync in CopyFromRemote and CopyToRemote #5512
+* Fix the multihop cpu case #5522
+* Improve RPCServer AsyncIO support. #5544
+* Modularize the RPC infra #5484
+* Add `compile_shared` option to linux compile utility fn #5751
+* Overload string operators #5806
+* Only initialize required module #5926
+* if a param not in input, we should still consume it’s data #5990
+* init TVMPackedFunc’s name #6044
+* Enable auto conversion `String->DLDataType` #6214
+* Support random fill #5913
+* Use new to avoid exit-time de-allocation order #6292
+* Add `parallel_for` support to run a loop in parallel #6275
+* Solve ARM BIG.LITTLE heterogeneous multicores #4747
+* [RUNTIME] Quick fix PackedFunc String passing (#5266)
+* Introduce runtime::String::CanConvertFrom #5718
+* Restore the StrMap behavior in JSON/SHash/SEqual #5719
+* Support overriding RPCWatchdog termination behavior on Android and other platforms #6216
+* Set `NDArray::Container.shape_` in NDArray::FromDLPack (#5301)
+* Enable x86 cpu cache flush #5914
+### Quantization
+* Conv2D type checking for kernel per-channel scales. #4732
+* Add missing nullptr check #4773
+* Doc fix on convolution and dequantize #4799
+* Conv2D with dilation support. #4796
+* Making `scale`/`zero_points` as expr instead of attrs. #4611
+* Make calibration faster and more memory usage friendly #4589
+* Doc fix on convolution and dequantize #4799
+* Conv2D with dilation support. #4796
+* Optimize lowering for requantize and FixedPointMultiply. #4798
+* More doc fix on quantize and convolution #4874
+* Add support for per channel weight scale in dense op #4880
+* Add support for quantized models via QNN #4977 #5013
+* Support 4D padding. #5036
+* [Requantize] Cleanup and Optimize Lowering (#5286)
+* [Topi, ARM] Disbale Winograd for quantized tensors. (#5363)
+* Adding support for TFLite QnnSubtract operator. (#5230)
+* Remove developer facing api from frontend exports. (#5375)
+* Add Quantize/Dequantize Partitioning #5940
+* Add support for quantized models via QNN #5016
+* Quanitze operation expanded to take const argument #6127
+* FP32 and Quantized Object Detection Model #5479
+* Support CallNode inputs in qnn.concatenate #5360
+* QNN support for TFLite 2.1.0 quantized models #5848
+### TE
+* Tighten split's extent #4931
+* Set split node's range to minimum of ext and split factor or split np… #5044
+* Support mixing normal and cross-thread reduction (#5193)
+* Inline -> `te/schedule/operation_inline.h` (#5386)
+* Create loops according to storage scope and thread hierarchies (#5190)
+* Fix import in dump pass ir (#5327)
+* Scalar support for te.extern #6079
+### TIR
+* IR readability enhancement (#4501)
+* Introduce tir::PrimFunc #5070
+* Introduce PrimFuncPass. #5139
+* [TIR] Enhance Substitute, python bindings for Substitute/PostOrderVisit (#5400)
+* [TIR] Remove ProducerConsumer and `AllocateNode::new_expr` (#5333)
+* [TRANSFORM] Enable CopyOnWrite for TIR passes. (#5309)
+* [REFACTOR] Migrate LowerTVMBuiltin, InferFragment, LowerThreadAllreduce, ThreadSync to Pass Manager (#5213)
+* [REFACTOR] Remove te::Tensor dependencies from TIR passes. (#5372)
+* [TIR] Refactor MakePackedAPI to target dependent stage. (#5326)
+* [REFACTOR] tvm.hybrid -> te.hybrid (#5223)
+* [REFACTOR] Migrate most of low-level build to use the Pass Manager. (#5225)
+* [REFACTOR] Migrate low-level passes in tvm.lower to the Pass Manager (#5364)
+* [TIR] Migrate VTA TIR passes to the new pass manager. (#5397)
+* [REFACTOR] Migrate all low-level passes to the Pass Manager. (#5233)
+* [REFACTOR] Introduce ExprDeepEqual, Remove IRDeepCompare (#5206)
+* [REFACTOR] RewriteForTensorCore -> te/schedule (#5379)
+* [REFACTOR] Remove `ir_pass` in favor of analysis/transform. (#5415)
+* text format printer considering future parsing use #5483
+* Remove buffer params from pass config. #5652
+* std::string -> String Migration in TIR nodes #5596
+* Remove `CallNode.call_type` in favor of attribute. #5937
+* Remove legacy HoistIfThenElse #5944
+* Improve Let/LetStmt support. #5949
+* Refine side effect analysis. #5954
+* `Provide->ProducerStore`, `Realize->ProducerRealize`. #5750
+* Migrate the tvm/tir/expr.h to constructor #5773
+* Migrate tir/stmt.h to use constructor. #5778
+* Cleanup unused classes #5789
+* Add tir prefix to type keys #5802
+* Enhance VerifyGPUCode #6194
+* Enforce buffer pointer var type to be consistent with dtype. #6317
+* Create a StringImm reference type #4806
+* Add init member to ReduceNode #6138
+* Add dump and print for debugging (NFC) #5207
+* Streamline Function Attr interface. #5045
+* `alpha_equal` to `structural_equal` #5161
+* Remove AttrsEqual and AttrsHash related code #5169
+* [NODE] General serialzation of leaf objects into bytes. (#5299)
+* [POC] Initial stab at `std::string->String` upgrade (#5438)
+* [TIR] Make `lower_warp_memory` support `extent(threadIdx.x) < warp_size` (#5307)
+* [PASS] dtype rewrite for indexing variables (#5092)
+* [PYTHON] Enhance `with_attr` API, cleanup MakeAPILegacy in testcases (#5335)
+* [PYTHON] Make IntImm more like an integer (#5232)
+* [IR] Move to runtime::String (#5276)
+* [IR] kExternalSymbol -> kGlobalSymbol (#5211)
+* [IR] Remove PrimExpr from String (#5311)
+* IRModule is updated with String #5523
+* IR is updated with String #5547
+* Streamline ir/op Registry #5609
+* Migrate IRModule ObjectRef to not-null #5654
+* Migrate BuildConfig to PassContext. #5668
+* relay.op.Op -> tvm.ir.Op #5705
+* Separate ArgTypeCode from DLDataTypeCode #5730
+* Remove legacy `compute_expr.h` #5738
+* Call::Halide => ProducerLoad, DSL/TIR decouple. #5743
+* `Provide->ProducerStore`, `Realize->ProducerRealize`. #5750
+* Migrate the tvm/tir/expr.h to constructor #5773
+* Migrate tir/stmt.h to use constructor. #5778
+* Migrate all Object construction to constructor. #5784
+* Cleanup unused classes #5789
+* Finish `std::string->String` updates #5793
+* Add tir prefix to type keys #5802
+* Change Call.name to Call.op(RelayExpr) #5863
+* Range/IntSet API style consistency. #5953
+* Separate ArgTypeCode from DLDataTypeCode #5730
+* Migrate all Object construction to constructor. #5784
+* Finish `std::string->String` updates #5793
+* Unify StrMapNode and MapNode #5687
+### Performance Improvements
+* Int8 GEMM performance enhancement using Cublas (#4550)
+* Speedup TSIM with multi-threading (#4491)
+* Support cudnn softmax (#5214)
+* Add cuDNN grouped convolution support (#5319)
+* Winograd support for Conv3D (#5186)
+* Improve `get_valid_count` and nms performance for CUDA (#5339)
+* Optimizations of `global_ave_pool` for NHWC layout (#5450)
+* Optimization of Conv2d Winograd algorithm on Tensor #5485
+* Some performance improvement to VM #5901
+* Optimize x86 `conv3d_ndhwc` using data packing approach. #4866
+* Improve NHWC depthwise convolution for AArch64 #6095
+* Improve quantized convolution performance for armv8 architectures #5754
+### Documentation
+* Adding benchmark log format doc (#4366)
+* Add Ninja build system to installation docs (#4554)
+* Doc/comment fixes (#4452, #4463, #4469, #4493, #4397, #4580, #4585, #4591)
+* Fix doc after moving to unified IR #4835
+* Introduction to module serialization #4564
+* ConvertLayout - Call RemoveUnunsedFunctions. #4834
+* Fix bugs that override `n_trials` #4842
+* Update the vm doc #4868
+* Refine the example description of `max/min/sum/tag_scope` #4974
+* Fix vta tutorial #4809
+* Introduce how to add hardware backend to FAQ #4898
+* Update API docs to reflect the status after the refactor. #4907
+* Fix sphinx warnings #4917
+* Fix Sphinx Warnings (RST indent, cross-ref, and image scale) #4920
+* Fix Sphinx Warning: the target found for cross-reference #4925
+* Sphinx -- Introduce alias detection. #4954
+* Fix Warnings from #4942 #4959
+* Fix sphinx precheck #4967
+* Move `git_howto` to rst, add Stage documents to te #5055
+* Add doc for Relay op strategy #5078
+* Update relay docs #5112
+* Include a tarball of docs, add a security faq #5119
+* Cleanup docs before rebuild #5127
+* Minimize necessary doc change #5129
+* Various sphinx related fix. #5168
+* Point docs to the ASF site. #5178
+* Use https link #5183
+* Reduce artifcats generated by sphinx gallery #5208
+* Refine the example description of `max/min/sum/tag_scope` #4974
+* Description updated for pooling attributes #5091
+* [DOCS] Migrate some markdowns to rst, fix sphinx3 warnings (#5416)
+* [DOCS] Misc docs improvements (#5222)
+* [DOCS] Bring relay docs to the top-level flat view (#5343)
+* [DOCS] Reduce artifcats generated by sphinx gallery (#5208)
+* [DOCS] Use https link (#5183)
+* [DOCSTRING]missing function parameters updated (#5228)
+* [DOCS] Migrate HLS documents from md to rst (#5419)
+* [Tutorial, QNN] Add tutorial for loading quantized PyTorch model (#5321)
+* [Docs] VTA install doc migration from md to rst (#5442)
+* [Docs] compiler version in docs (#5281)
+* Remove legacy `compute_expr.h` #5738
+### Bug Fixes
+* Add bfloat16 typeflag support (#4525)
+* MSVC / Windows fixes (#4455, #4569)
+* Fix Makefile for `howto_deploy` (#4457)
+* Fix GCC 4.8 compact (#4461)
+* Fix search path to build `libtvm_topi.so` (#4467)
+* Fix for `conv2d_transpose` CUDA compilation (#4472)
+* Fix for LLVM 10.0 codegen (#4480, #4515)
+* Fix alter op layout when calling global var (#4454)
+* Fix `float2half_rn` support for cuda compute capabilities < 53 (#4489)
+* Fix compile errors for OpenCL backends (#4492)
+* Fix serialization precision loss (#4503)
+* Fix hybrid script to support array of tensors (#4494)
+* Fix annotation for multiply op (#4458)
+* Fix Dockerfile for linter CI (#4506)
+* Fix TF resize for dynamic size models (#4510)
+* Fix `bias_add` gradient (#4516)
+* Fix tanH unit test function call (#4517)
+* Fix extra reshape parameter for ONNX (#4524)
+* Fix crash caused by empty TOPI config (#4520)
+* Fix ONNX shape op type to use int64 (#4528)
+* Fix crash in TSIM virtual memory driver (#4527)
+* Replace deprecated python library in setup script (#4533)
+* Fix NMS `max_output_size` loop (#4541)
+* Fix style in IR mutator and IR visitor (#4561)
+* Fix compiler warning (#4559)
+* Fix to get end to end inference on Chisel VTA (#4574)
+* Fix LLVM build by adding missing intrinsics headers (#4575)
+* Fix context creation in quantization (#4582)
+* Fix NDArray SaveDLTensor signature (#4586)
+* Fix dense pack schedule for x86 (#4539)
+* Fix for broadcast tensor of scalar type (#4577)
+* Datatype refactor (#4513, #4560)
+* Add const qualifiers for NDArray container (#4590)
+* Fix TF <= 1.12 compatibility (#4593)
+* Fix for graph debug runtime (#4598)
+* Disable copy constructor for external codegen (#4597)
+* Make ADT tag signed (#4605)
+* Added declare of aluBits for TensorAlu #4624
+* Get around limitation of g++-4.8 #4626
+* Bugfix StmtMutator IfThenElse #4609
+* Remove unecessary rdynamic #4613
+* Resolve constexpr related link error in debug mode #4641
+* Asymmetric padding #4511
+* Reduce data size of asymmetric padding testcase #4658
+* Fix Base64OutStream portability issue #4668
+* Fix `topi.nn.global_pool` layout="NHWC" #4656
+* Also package core.rly #4679
+* fskip of EliminateCommonSubexpr cannot always return false #4620
+* Fix Python syntax error in `start_rpc_server_to_tracker.py` #4682
+* os.path --> osp to match the import #4681
+* GitHub actions/checkout@v1 --> v2 #4680
+* Fix Python syntax error AGAIN in `start_rpc_server_to_tracker.py` #4685
+* Use ==/!= to compare str, bytes, and int literals #4686
+* Rename `start_rpc_server_to_tracker.py` to `start_rpc_server_to_tracker.sh` #4689
+* GitHub Action lint Python code for syntax errors #4688
+* Generate blob use LLVM directly #4657
+* Reduce input size to fix oom #4653
+* Fix RemoveUnusedFunctions pass #4700
+* Link the math library by default #4713
+* Update mainline version to 0.7.dev0 #4720
+* Add SizeVar representing non-neg valued variable in a tensor shape #4684
+* Fix the compile problem of `cpp_rpc` #4725
+* JSON upgrader to upgrade serialized json. #4730
+* Fallback schedule for Int8 depthwise. #4733
+* Fix dense x86 schedule #4728
+* Fix demo dockerfile build failed #4744
+* Improve CUDA vectorizer #4736
+* Add .asf.yaml for github info #4761
+* Fix padding in pooling op #4738
+* Remove `run_infer_type` duplicates #4766
+* pooling.cc improvements #4767
+* Export `builtin_fp16` on Windows #4731
+* Fix Tensorflow conv3d pad bug, add non-cubic data and kernel tests #4772
+* Bump prebuilt-image version in demo dockerfile #4770
+* Update `tune_simple_template.py` #4778
+* Explicitly link to cublasLt if it exists #4776
+* Fix hasattr by extracting Python error type from Windows error message #4780
+* Replace os.path.exists with try...except...else #4784
+* Make sure to visit the arguments of inlined functions #4783
+* Parse additional exception strings #4785
+* Fix #4670: add bias for fc layer #4801
+* Change color channel from BGR to RGB for darknet preprocessing #4794
+* Fix -Wextra #4804
+* Fix vta tutorial #4809
+* Minor bug fixes in AutoTVM for QNN graphs #4797
+* Fixed subprocess creation under windows #4820
+* Improve tol to resolve flaky case #4836
+* Fixed process termination routine in windows #4844
+* `test_cuddn` flaky #4846
+* Mxnet parser for Qnn dialect #4714
+* Enhance `cc.cross_compiler` #4817
+* Fixed crash caused by reversing bitwise operations #4852
+* Reverse some changes made for `intel_graphics/conv2d.py` in PR #4849 #4853
+* const auto p -> const auto& p #4861
+* Fix onnx import bugs #4750
+* Explicit llvm::StringRef to std::string conversion #4859
+* Update the runtime PackedFunc for module #4871
+* Improve antlr import error message #4888
+* Fix `alpha_equal` bug for attribute check #4897
+* Fix issues in cuda codegen #4876
+* Fixed: Bitwise ops on floats causing wrong code generation and crashes. #4892
+* Fix `tvm.target.generic_func` runtime detection #4910
+* `topi/tests/python/test_topi_sort.py::test_argsort` #4891
+* Use opencv reisze method for preprocessing of image in darknet #4883
+* Fix build breaks with StringRef changes #4923
+* Remove unnecessary spliting in the cached chunk #4935
+* Fixing an Infinite Loop case in UnmatchedChecker. #4881
+* Remove SGX toolchain installation from CI Dockerfile #4948
+* Fix tedd tutorial after strategy change #4947
+* Allow customize MKLDNN library location #4814
+* Added CopyFromBytes and CopyToBytes convenience methods to NDArray. Fixed typos. #4970
+* Fix gcn tutorial failure #4994
+* Fix stride default value None in torch.nn.functional.avg_pool #4984
+* Fix ROCm strategy for winograd conv selection #5001
+* Fix `get_valid_count` flaky test for cuda #4901
+* Change Scala Linter scalafmt => scalastyle #4998
+* Kill from tvm import te #5007
+* Chisel fixes and de10nano support #4986
+* Fix gpu not found when running TVM docker #4975
+* Fixes for pylint==2.4.4 #4849
+* Fix unordered dictionary problem for python version under 3.6 #4982
+* Fix gcn tutorial failure #4994
+* Fix stride default value None in `torch.nn.functional.avg_pool` #4984
+* Fix ROCm strategy for winograd conv selection #5001
+* Early checking added and new test cases added for schedule fuse #5010
+* Fixed div by zero core dump. Fixed rounding intrinsics on int crash #5026
+* Test case modified for int type #5012
+* Bug Fix for ARM CPUs. Lower strict assumption. #5063
+* Triage the testcases to fit the the new namespaces #5071
+* Add colors to `compute_at` edges and thread/block indices. #5111
+* Temporary fix to the stack overflow issue in autotvm task extraction #5019
+* Fix compilation of If-Elses #5040
+* Fix CompilerAttrs #5109
+* Fix the existing test cases before refactoring. #5122
+* Fixed bug where shifting by out-of-bounds value results in no compute code being emitted. #5115
+* Fix for issue #4831. The `data_min_idx` and `data_max_idx` were flipped. #5136
+* Duplicate likely nodes added when loop axis split unevenly #5084
+* Fix incorrect name of calibration mode #5150
+* Remove contrib spatial pack schedule of depthwise convolution #5148
+* Fix annotate pass static variable #5023
+* Fixed ConvTranspose2D parsing #5157
+* Nullptr check #5176
+* rocm: fix miopen convolutions #5179
+* rocm: fix `dense_rocblas` in strategy, topi #5191
+* Fix CRT static test bug (#5293)
+* Fix perf regression of tir refactor (#5258)
+* Bugfix in tensorflow `space_to_batch_nd` (#5175)
+* Compilation warnings fixed for 32bit and 64bit compilation (#5349)
+* Fix hang in MergeCompilerRegions (#5227)
+* Fixes to MergeCompilerRegions (#5195)
+* Fix generation of LLVM intrinsics (#5282)
+* Fix setting up hints for getaddrinfo (#2872)
+* Add ConstantNode to IsAtomic (#5457)
+* Fix String SEqual (#5275)
+* Fix fuse over functions that are handled by external codegen (#5365)
+* Fix memory leak when accessing NDArray (#5413)
+* Remove the duplicate PrintIR pass in Relay (#5403)
+* Fix `lower_warp_memory` (#5247)
+* Fix `lower_warp_memory` when there are >1 warp buffers (#5368)
+* Fix intel conv2d auto tune (#5200)
+* Fix FuseBatchNorm output cast error if `need_cast` is True #4894
+* Fix an assertion exposed by loop vectorizer #4916
+* Fix error message #4945
+* Fix for recursive let #5757
+* Fix Calibration Pass to Support Modules with Multiple Functions #5768
+* Fix what looks like bizzare copy-paste issue #6010
+* Fix bug in `transpose_shape_func` #6180
+* Fix bugs in CUDA codegen (#5209)
+* Don’t remove() TemporaryFile in del. (#5414)
+* Fix `test_ir_type`. (#5390)
+* Fix multiple identical inputs bug (#5389)
+* Add cuda target check to dense tensorcore schedule. (#5376)
+* T2 test fixups (#5391)
+* Fix miopen padding (#5433)
+* Misc fixes for ROCm (#5431)
+* Fix copy constructor (#5237)
+* Corrected TVM autotuning on GPU (#5432)
+* Fix vector load (#5226)
+* Minor bugfix in `message_passing.cc` (#5254)
+* Fix a bug when vectorized load&store was involved for… (#5428)
+* Fix to skip node not in graph. (#5238)
+* Fix #5388 [VULKAN] vkBuffer released before memory copy command se… (#5418)
+* Fix a minor error in `device_annotation` (#5291)
+* Fix scalar’s ndim is 0 (#5344)
+* Fix the runtime raise error #5586
+* Fixed bug in attribute parsing for pool layers. #5582
+* AutoTVM incorrect measurement #5511
+* fix a min/max simplify bug #5761
+* Rename `tvm_dso_op` to `libtvm_dso_op` #5714
+* Fix generating types like float44 and float88 #5722
+* Avoid downloading when `TOPHUB_LOCATION` is NONE #5720
+* codegen llvm: move nvptx-specific intrinsic handling into `codegen_nvptx` #5726
+* ROCm warp shuffles and reductions #5727
+* fix small bug about `dense_grad` #5695
+* Clarify downstream consistency of TVMArgTypeCode #5742
+* Fix gelu in PyTorch frontend, tighten numerical checks #5763
+* Make batch matrix multiplication on GPU tunable #5752
+* update vulkan build rule #5777
+* aten::norm support added #5776
+* Edit onnx parser to infer values in post order #5755
+* Support symbolic inputs of Fill #5762
+* support `aten::type_as` in the pytorch frontend #5787
+* Temporary disable fp16 `type_as` test for PyTorch Frontend #5799
+* Add config switch for nn.dense layer type. #5801
+* Move cpu-only frontend tests to a CPU stage #5807
+* Pin hand landmark network to version 0.7.4. #5813
+* Limit number of threads in all jobs #5815
+* Error msg update #5818
+* fix relay.build to not change the module argument in place #5822
+* Fix InferType when module contains Prelude #5797
+* Add a combine `batch_matmul` pass #5791
+* RepeatVector, Conv3DTranspose op support added #5833
+* Fix converting serialized quantized models #5839
+* ffi (Object): make class dict visible in instances #5843
+* Additional canonicalization added for AddNode #5846
+* Suppress the warning messages when compile engine selects impls #5821
+* fix #5849 #5851
+* Introduce POD-C Compliant tvm::Map #5740
+* Add bfloat16 #5601
+* Add Python Classes for all Attrs #5853
+* Fix map assign issue in CI test #5854
+* Introduce Target Id Registry #5838
+* Update `has_dtype/has_shape` to pattern lang doc #5847
+* Add `nn.batch_flatten` as quantizable. #5805
+* Fail early before running invalid dynamic graphs #5856
+* Improve type handling in PyTorch frontend #5834
+* HotFix the python intrin rule #5895
+* add a few gradients #5899
+* Add Binary Intrinsic ops to TIR Ops in C++ #5900
+* Allow implicit conversion in TVM FFI to tvm::Bool #5907
+* PyTorch frontend: fix handling of duplicate use of a model weight #5897
+* Don’t multiply by constant 1 uselessly in dense #5911
+* Support any index matching for TupleGetItem #5909
+* Add MicroTVM tutorial using the STM32F746 discovery board #5655
+* Fix serialization of inf float value #5912
+* Fix CPU Thread Binding for Multiple Sockets #5918
+* CUDA device API & VerifyGPUCode pass update #5898
+* Update install.rst #5858
+* Two small fixes to AMDCPU codegen for LLVM 10+ and ROCm 3.5+ #5920
+* Add LegalizeInvalidAttach to legalize the `compute_at` location after split or fuse #591
+* Don’t rewrite expressions used outside of the pattern #5930
+* Add TupleGetItem to CSE #5931
+* Various update for CoreML codegen #5934
+* Update date in the NOTICE #5943
+* Raise right error in tensorflow split op #5951
+* Add rm xla attributes in tf docs #5950
+* Fix OpenCL `get_valid_counts` errors due to intrinsic `atomic_add` #5857
+* Amendments for gradients #5941
+* Fix the meaning of `conv{1,2}d_transpose` `output_padding` parameter. #5758
+* Make first order gradient graphs more efficient #5959
+* Raise an exception when extern function does not return Stmt #5964
+* Improve docker/bash.sh to handle git worktrees #5970
+* Install DNNL (OneDNN) to CI Environment #5936
+* Add Dynamic reshape to a dynamic namespace and add DynamicToStatic Pass #5826
+* Add meshgrid op in Relay, TOPI, Pytorch frontend #5961
+* Print right number of parentheses for LoadNode #5965
+* Migrate data structure of TargetNode #5960
+* Remove redundant function CreateBufferVecPtr #5982
+* Fix string argument mismatch in GraphRuntimeCodegen #5933
+* VectorType::get with two parameters is deprecated in LLVM 11+ #5984
+* Fix Compilation Error in CRT #5713
+* Fix runtime::String backward compatibility in JSON #5725
+* Allow RPCWrappedFunc to rewrite runtime::String as std::string #5796
+* Fix reshape #5739
+* Fix building with LLVM-10 on macOS #5859
+* Add cuda 11 to `contrib.nvcc.find_libdevice_path()` #5902
+* Fix sequential cpp test #5745
+* Infer types in MergeComposite #5766
+* Fix recursive let for well formed check #5780
+* Recover global state after `test_util.py` #5824
+* Fix bug in rpc ring buffer shrink #5516
+* Fix remote device sync #5538
+* Fix bug in rpc ring buffer shrink (#5516) #5537
+* RPC Server error fix on Pynq FPGA #5607
+* Fix FloorMod Simplifier #5509
+* Fix Python debugger segfaults with TVM built with LLVM #5685
+* Fix Compilation Error in CRT #5713
+* Fix runtime::String backward compatibility in JSON #5725
+* Allow RPCWrappedFunc to rewrite runtime::String as std::string #5796
+* Fix reshape #5739
+* Make "none" DataType explicit #5491
+* Change "scalar" and "stack" in IDL from "inrout" to "in" #5487
+* Link necessary libraries when building runtime for Android #5496
+* Fixes for wasm32 target #5489
+* Reset target and wait for runtime initialization on connect. #5499
+* Bump tophub rocm version #5504
+* Improve commentary for RingBuffer #5518
+* Add unit tests for ONNX PRelu and fix importer to pass them. #5521
+* LRN only supports 4D tensors, remove it from `alter_op_layout` #5520
+* Fix an issue with ONNX Upsample #5530
+* Cache PrimExpr instead of raw pointers in bound analyzer #5533
+* fix a few bugs with shape inference and types in the ONNX importer #5534
+* Add Onnx Pad v11 #5539
+* Changes to `cpp_rpc` to make it work on Android (+ Hexagon offloading) #5535
+* Fix to reduce RAM size during loading model #5507
+* Fix MakeLoopNest for warp memory #5382
+* Load platform specific lib for tvmdsoop instead of the hard-coded tvm_dso_op.so #5542
+* Add tests for running micro on native arm hardware #5546
+* Apparently, ONNX Conv with no 'pads' defaults to zero padding #5548
+* clang-format the h,cc,m files. #5557
+* Fix conv2d alter op for arm cpu #5532
+* Fix topi test for non tensorcore CI. #5563
+* Add clang-format and nodejs to ci-lint #5567
+* Enable clang-format. #5572
+* Allow `ubuntu_install_darknet.sh` to work in both 18.04 and 16.04 #5574
+* Add a quantized conv2 unit test for the tflite front-end #5558
+* Fix JSON graph dumping. #5591
+* Warp level reduction support for CUDA #5498
+* One more fix for concurrency count #5589
+* Improve robustness of the docs build #5583
+* Phase out WebGL #5570
+* Fix vulkansdk in the ci-gpu and upgrade to 1.2.135 #5566
+* Update ci-cpu to bionic #5554
+* Overestimate binary size for microTVM compiled binaries. #5590
+* Fix bug and re-enable RPC execution test #5436
+* Add ostream formatters for TargetPtr/TargetVal. #5592
+* Fix cross thread reduction #5551
+* Fix TVMArray layout on device #5599
+* Add debug mode to tempdir() #5581
+* Represent alignment information in LLVM IR #5598
+* Fix codegen for warp shuffle intrinsics #5606
+* Fix Topological Order calculation for DFPattern Language #5612
+* Global MaxPool3d and AvgPool3d support #5098
+* Fix build error of iOS RPC #5621
+* isn't a CallNode sometimes #5623
+* Introduce config to PassContext. #5631
+* CMAKE fix #5630
+* Label Pattern Partitions #5627
+* Extend AttrPattern to support CallNode and FunctionNode attributes #5637
+* Increase bss section size. #5660
+* Add buffer name when creating tensor bindings #5670
+* µtvm debug improvements #5648
+* enable `amd_apu` device on vulkan target #5659
+* Support TupleWrapper as direct ancestor of control flow ops #5639
+* add tvm.micro pydoc to sphinx #5661
+* Add a regression testcase for #5674 #5677
+* Fix C++ RPC build problem on Linux #5671
+* Add a check Callback to the Pattern Paritioner #5646
+* Call previous excepthook in `tvm_excepthook`. #5675
+* Fix the shift column for `scale_shift_nchw` and `scale_shift_nhwc` in C topi #5679
+* Support more dtypes for TVMDSOOp #5694
+* In `memory_plan`, check if value is not None, instead of just checking value as boolean. #5700
+* Fix flaky `test_topi_pooling.py:test_adaptive_pool` #5736
+* Fix the values for `test_fmod` since it fails way too often otherwise #5723
+* fix small bug about `dense_grad` #5695
+* Fix sequential cpp test #5745
+* Add Scatter to Topi/Relay/ONNX via hybrid script #5619
+* Clean WASM environment before build #5759
+* Fix gelu in PyTorch frontend, tighten numerical checks #5763
+* fix #5686: remove a overstrict assert in MakeAllreduce (#5686) #5785
+* Improve Pattern Language Docs #5676
+* Add missing expr visitor for any #6082
+* Remove the tvm web from version update #6122
+* Clear relay cache after every build & Clear warning message cache after autotvm task extraction #6131
+* avoid unexpected throw in AttrInitEntry #6128
+* Verify that tensor reshape is valid. #6215
+* Use LocalRunner by default in the tutorial tune_relay_cuda.py #6001
+* Undefined names: import os for line 324 & import re for line 308 #6003
+* GitHub Actions upgrade to actions/setup-python@v2 #6002
+* Only pass pythonpath for ci images #6005
+* Auto-convert shuffle with single index to “extract element” #6006
+* Cache object refs in loop partitioner instead of object pointers #6004
+* Fix `test_arith_solve_linear_inequality.py::test_multi_equal` #6014
+* MXNet frontend support for AMP cast op #5976
+* Demo showing how to run a pruned model. #5975
+* Move compiler related registry items to `vta/build_module.py` #6012
+* Pin keras version #6032
+* Fix in `arm_cpu/conv2d_alter_op` for NHWC quantized #6027
+* Add creation of Hexagon device in RPC client #6035
+* Terminate basic block after “ret” instruction #6036
+* µTVM CRT modifications for on-device RPC server #5921
+* Create TBAA information based on the unrelying buffer type #6046
+* Add support for tflite `arg_min` and `arg_max` #5992
+* Fix `fully_connected` converter when batch size is not 1 #6038
+* Fix a primitive check error #5991
+* Refactor to expose MakeOp functions to C++ #6047
+* Fix `conv2_gemm` after target structure update #6037
+* Remove use of designated initializers from `hexagon_module.cc` #6055
+* Build crttest and cpptest separately. #6057
+* Fix pytorch frontend prim::Constant issue #6051
+* update frontend tutorials to new model based runtime interface #6063
+* Remove unnecessary std::cout #6072
+* Fix error message in Buffer::vstore, NFC #6056
+* Fix FSIM Compile Error. #6070
+* Improve vector simplification for float operands #6043
+* Fix LocalBuilder on macOS with python 3.8. #6083
+* Add missing test for fast erf #6058
+* Fixed point multiplication improvements for AArch64 #5980
+* Fix code generation bugs for C/CUDA & Improve VerifyGPUCode pass #6041
+* Delete declaration of unused `op_node` #6102
+* Load configs even it has no entity #6100
+* Update SGX example Cargo.toml #6067
+* Add default value for option `USE_DNNL_CODEGEN` in the cmake #6099
+* Update installation doc with minor improvements #6104
+* lint: add opencl .cl file type #6092
+* Clean up conversions between TVM and Rust functions #6114
+* Improve reduction schedule on arm CPUs #6110
+* Register Shape Func for Some Operators to Handle Dynamic Shapes #5955
+* Fix variable name conflict with OpenCL keyword #6048
+* Some rust cleanups #6116
+* Option to specify alternate directory to output build to #6016
+* Add `get_num_inputs` to GraphRuntime #6118
+* TFLite quantized conv test #6084
+* Fix autotvm on the `conv2d_nchw_winograd.mali` operator #6130
+* add attr option mfloat-abi for arm32 #6123
+* Fix CUDA Library Tuning #6132
+* Add missing RPC sources after refactor #6113
+* Correct `runtime.load_module` #6161
+* Improve error messages in graph tuner, graph runtime, and module loader. #6148
+* Fix some shape mismatches between TF and Relay #6166
+* Improve doc string #6176
+* Fix incorrect function signature in header #6172
+* Fix alignment of note #6181
+* Implemented PADV2 Operator for TFLite and added support for constant values in PAD. #6167
+* Unary ops support added in frontend #6196
+* Change the meaning of `conv3d_transpose` `output_padding` to match `conv{1,2}d_transpose` #6065
+* Fix compile warnings. #6204
+* Fix -mfloat-abi=soft compilation for ARM with OpenCL target #6150
+* Match pytorch 1.6 googlenet pretrained model (#6201) #6212
+* Mod operator, bug fix #6160
+* RESHAPE with dynamic shape arg in TFLite frontend #6208
+* Fix compilation error with cuda 11 #6213
+* Fix `port_end` wrong default value 9199 to 9099 for keeping same with source code #6220
+* Std op without specified dimensions support #6226
+* fix crt building and running error #6231
+* Implemented `ONE_HOT` Operator for TFLite. #6223)
+* Avoid unexpected throw in AttrInitEntry #6128
+* Added casting to hybrid script doc and fixed pass infra doc #6174
+* Fix compile warnings. #6204
+* Fix -mfloat-abi=soft compilation for ARM with OpenCL target #6150
+* Mod operator, bug fix #6160
+* Fix compilation error with cuda 11 #6213
+* Fix `port_end` wrong default value 9199 to 9099 for keeping same with source code #6220
+* Std op without specified dimensions support #6226
+* Verify that tensor reshape is valid. #6215
+* Fix crt building and running error #6231
+* Fix `conv2d_transpose` output padding #6236
+* Fix cuda half math function is undefined: hpow, htanh #6225
+* Fix division range estimation error in simplifier #6244
+* Fix newer GCC compiler warnings. #6257
+* Support `_contrib_SyncBatchNorm` #6245
+* Fix reduction #6250
+* Add apt repository for clang-11 and llvm-11 #6256
+* Update tutorial to new TARGET as `micro_dev` is no more #6262
+* Fix clang-format #6264
+* Trivial fix, up the rodata section for the discovery board to 512 bytes. #6259
+* Fix cuda half math function is undefined: hpow, htanh #6253
+* Add dilation in x86 NCHWc depthwise conv support #6267
+* Decrease test times by introducing testing model #6235
+* Add support for parsing the any dimension. #6277
+* Improve error messages for memory verifier and gpu memory verifier #6281
+* Reflect Compile-Time CMake Options into libtvm.so #6280
+* Add cmake options into libinfo #6286
+* Update slice to infer attributes when not graph inputs #6276
+* Use rpc.LocalSession for simple tests #6294
+* Fix random fail #6312
+* Fix resize test #6298
+* Fix cython FFI compact with np.int64 #6321
+* Fix relay vm optimize #6322
+* Changed TVMCTVMContext to TVMContext #6306
+* Make able to compile with MSVC #6341
+* ROCm changed name of library and removed the old one in ROCm 3.7 release. #6345
+* Compatible for ROCm before 3.7 #6359
+* Use clear name that is separate from ASF brand for cache #6360
+* Fix `Dockerfile.demo_android` #6361
+* Fx sparse dense schedule on cuda #5803
+* Fix strategy for sparse dense cuda #5782
+* Fix x86 conv2d template when tuning with unpacked layout #5938
+* Fix the filter width parameter in `depthwise_conv2d` #6081
+* Fix reshape usage in ARM schedule #5732
+* Missing header #4865
+* Fix `conv2d_transpose` output padding #6236
+* Simplify reduce expression in te.gradient #6611
+## API Changes
+* `tvm.module` -> `tvm.runtime.module`
+* `tvm.module.load` -> `tvm.runtime.load_module`
+* `tvm.module.enabled` -> `tvm.runtime.enabled`
+* `tvm.module.system_lib` -> `tvm.runtime.system_lib`
+* `tvm.relay.Module` -> `tvm.IRModule`
+* `tvm.create_schedule` -> `tvm.te.create_schedule`
+* `tvm.placeholder` -> `tvm.te.placeholder`
+* `tvm.compute` -> `tvm.te.compute`
+## Deprecation
+* Deprecate NNVM (#4535, #4562, #4565, #4571)
+* Deprecate FreeStmt #5890
+* Remove legacy `compute_expr.h` #5738
+* Deprecate OpenGL #5711, #5712
 ## 0.6
 ### Relay in Production