blob: a87bb92c483b7689db6eac6350579e030f97a609 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file src/target/
* \brief Target kind registry
#include <tvm/ir/expr.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/device_api.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/target/target.h>
#include <tvm/target/target_kind.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "../node/attr_registry.h"
#include "./parsers/cpu.h"
namespace tvm {
TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR(ReprPrinter, vtable)
.set_dispatch<TargetKindNode>([](const ObjectRef& obj, ReprPrinter* p) {
const TargetKind& kind = Downcast<TargetKind>(obj);
p->stream << kind->name;
/********** Registry-related code **********/
using TargetKindRegistry = AttrRegistry<TargetKindRegEntry, TargetKind>;
Array<String> TargetKindRegEntry::ListTargetKinds() {
return TargetKindRegistry::Global()->ListAllNames();
Map<String, String> TargetKindRegEntry::ListTargetKindOptions(const TargetKind& target_kind) {
Map<String, String> options;
for (const auto& kv : target_kind->key2vtype_) {
options.Set(kv.first, kv.second.type_key);
return options;
TargetKindRegEntry& TargetKindRegEntry::RegisterOrGet(const String& target_kind_name) {
return TargetKindRegistry::Global()->RegisterOrGet(target_kind_name);
void TargetKindRegEntry::UpdateAttr(const String& key, TVMRetValue value, int plevel) {
TargetKindRegistry::Global()->UpdateAttr(key, kind_, value, plevel);
const AttrRegistryMapContainerMap<TargetKind>& TargetKind::GetAttrMapContainer(
const String& attr_name) {
return TargetKindRegistry::Global()->GetAttrMap(attr_name);
Optional<TargetKind> TargetKind::Get(const String& target_kind_name) {
const TargetKindRegEntry* reg = TargetKindRegistry::Global()->Get(target_kind_name);
if (reg == nullptr) {
return NullOpt;
return reg->kind_;
/********** Utility functions **********/
* \brief Extract a number from the string with the given prefix.
* For example, when `str` is "sm_20" and `prefix` is "sm_".
* This function first checks if `str` starts with `prefix`,
* then return the integer 20 after the `prefix`
* \param str The string to be extracted
* \param prefix The prefix to be checked
* \return An integer, the extracted number. -1 if the check fails
static int ExtractIntWithPrefix(const std::string& str, const std::string& prefix) {
if (str.substr(0, prefix.size()) != prefix) {
return -1;
int result = 0;
for (size_t i = prefix.size(); i < str.size(); ++i) {
char c = str[i];
if (!isdigit(c)) {
return -1;
result = result * 10 + c - '0';
return result;
* \brief Using TVM DeviceAPI to detect the device flag
* \param device The device to be detected
* \param flag The device flag to be detected
* \param val The detected value
* \return A boolean indicating if detection succeeds
static bool DetectDeviceFlag(Device device, runtime::DeviceAttrKind flag, TVMRetValue* val) {
using runtime::DeviceAPI;
DeviceAPI* api = DeviceAPI::Get(device, true);
// Check if compiled with the corresponding device api
if (api == nullptr) {
return false;
// Check if the device exists
api->GetAttr(device, runtime::kExist, val);
int exists = *val;
if (!exists) {
return false;
// Get the arch of the device
DeviceAPI::Get(device)->GetAttr(device, flag, val);
return true;
void CheckOrSetAttr(Map<String, ObjectRef>* attrs, const String& name, const String& value) {
auto iter = attrs->find(name);
if (iter == attrs->end()) {
attrs->Set(name, value);
} else {
const auto* str = (*iter)<StringObj>();
ICHECK(str != nullptr && GetRef<String>(str) == value)
<< "ValueError: Expects \"" << name << "\" to be \"" << value
<< "\", but gets: " << (*iter).second;
/********** Target kind attribute updaters **********/
* \brief Update the attributes in the CUDA target.
* \param target The Target to update
* \return The updated attributes
TargetJSON UpdateCUDAAttrs(TargetJSON target) {
// Update -arch=sm_xx
int archInt;
if (target.count("arch")) {
// If -arch has been specified, validate the correctness
String archStr = Downcast<String>("arch"));
archInt = ExtractIntWithPrefix(archStr, "sm_");
ICHECK(archInt != -1) << "ValueError: CUDA target gets an invalid CUDA arch: -arch=" << archStr;
} else {
// Use the compute version of the first CUDA GPU instead
TVMRetValue version;
if (!DetectDeviceFlag({kDLCUDA, 0}, runtime::kComputeVersion, &version)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to detect CUDA version, default to \"-arch=sm_20\" instead";
archInt = 20;
} else {
archInt = std::stod(version.operator std::string()) * 10 + 0.1;
target.Set("arch", String("sm_") + std::to_string(archInt));
return target;
* \brief Update the attributes in the LLVM NVPTX target.
* \param target The Target to update
* \return The updated attributes
TargetJSON UpdateNVPTXAttrs(TargetJSON target) {
CheckOrSetAttr(&target, "mtriple", "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda");
// Update -mcpu=sm_xx
int arch;
if (target.count("mcpu")) {
// If -mcpu has been specified, validate the correctness
String mcpu = Downcast<String>("mcpu"));
arch = ExtractIntWithPrefix(mcpu, "sm_");
ICHECK(arch != -1) << "ValueError: NVPTX target gets an invalid CUDA arch: -mcpu=" << mcpu;
} else {
// Use the compute version of the first CUDA GPU instead
TVMRetValue version;
if (!DetectDeviceFlag({kDLCUDA, 0}, runtime::kComputeVersion, &version)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to detect CUDA version, default to \"-mcpu=sm_20\" instead";
arch = 20;
} else {
arch = std::stod(version.operator std::string()) * 10 + 0.1;
target.Set("mcpu", String("sm_") + std::to_string(arch));
return target;
* \brief Update the attributes in the LLVM ROCm target.
* \param target The Target to update
* \return The updated attributes
TargetJSON UpdateROCmAttrs(TargetJSON target) {
CheckOrSetAttr(&target, "mtriple", "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-hcc");
// Update -mcpu=gfx
int arch;
if (target.count("mcpu")) {
String mcpu = Downcast<String>("mcpu"));
arch = ExtractIntWithPrefix(mcpu, "gfx");
ICHECK(arch != -1) << "ValueError: ROCm target gets an invalid GFX version: -mcpu=" << mcpu;
} else {
TVMRetValue val;
if (!DetectDeviceFlag({kDLROCM, 0}, runtime::kGcnArch, &val)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to detect ROCm compute arch, default to \"-mcpu=gfx900\" instead";
arch = 900;
} else {
arch = val.operator int();
target.Set("mcpu", String("gfx") + std::to_string(arch));
// Update -mattr before ROCm 3.5:
// Before ROCm 3.5 we needed code object v2, starting
// with 3.5 we need v3 (this argument disables v3)
TVMRetValue val;
int version;
if (!DetectDeviceFlag({kDLROCM, 0}, runtime::kApiVersion, &val)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to detect ROCm version, assuming >= 3.5";
version = 305;
} else {
version = val.operator int();
if (version < 305) {
Array<String> mattr;
if (target.count("mattr")) {
mattr = Downcast<Array<String>>("mattr"));
target.Set("mattr", mattr);
return target;
* \brief Test Target Parser
* \param target The Target to update
* \return The updated attributes
TargetJSON TestTargetParser(TargetJSON target) {
Map<String, ObjectRef> features = {{"is_test", Bool(true)}};
target.Set("features", features);
return target;
/********** Register Target kinds and attributes **********/
// Fast math flags, see
.add_attr_option<Bool>("fast-math") // implies all the below
// LLVM command line flags, see below
// Force the external codegen kind attribute to be registered, even if no external
// codegen targets are enabled by the TVM build.
.set_attr<Bool>(tvm::attr::kIsExternalCodegen, Bool(false))
// Note regarding the "cl-opt" attribute:
// Each string in the array has the format
// -optionname[[:type]=value]
// where
// * optionname is the actual LLVM option (e.g. "unroll-threshold")
// * type is one of "bool", "int", "uint", or "string"
// * value is the corresponding option value (for "bool" type is can be 0 or "false"
// for false value, or 1 or "true" for true value)
// If type is omitted, it is assumed to be "bool". If value is omitted, it is assumed
// to be "true".
// The type must match the option type in LLVM. To find the type, search the LLVM
// repository ( for optionname, and look for
// its definition: it will be a declaration of a variable of type cl::opt<T> with
// optionname being an argument to the constructor. The T in the declaration is
// the type.
// For example, for unroll-threshold, we get the following declaration:
// static cl::opt<unsigned>
// UnrollThreshold("unroll-threshold", cl::Hidden,
// cl::desc("The cost threshold for loop unrolling"));
// Hence the type is "uint".
.add_attr_option<Integer>("thread_warp_size", Integer(32))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_num_threads", Integer(1024)) // TODO(@zxybazh): deprecate it
.set_default_keys({"cuda", "gpu"})
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_num_threads", Integer(1024))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("thread_warp_size", Integer(32))
.set_default_keys({"cuda", "gpu"})
// TODO(masahi): Support querying from a target device
// On RDNA cards, thread_warp_size should be 32
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_num_threads", Integer(256))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_threads_per_block", Integer(256))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_shared_memory_per_block", Integer(65536))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("thread_warp_size", Integer(64))
.set_default_keys({"rocm", "gpu"})
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_num_threads", Integer(256))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("thread_warp_size", Integer(1))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("texture_spatial_limit", Integer(16384))
.set_default_keys({"opencl", "gpu"});
// The metal has some limitations on the number of input parameters. This is why attribute
// `max_function_args` was introduced. It specifies the maximum number of kernel argumetns. More
// information about this limitation can be found here:
// See also
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_num_threads", Integer(256))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_threads_per_block", Integer(256))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_shared_memory_per_block", Integer(32768))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("thread_warp_size", Integer(16))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_function_args", Integer(31))
.set_default_keys({"metal", "gpu"});
// Feature support
.add_attr_option<Bool>("supports_float32", Bool(true))
.add_attr_option<Bool>("supports_int32", Bool(true))
// Physical device limits
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_num_threads", Integer(256))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_threads_per_block", Integer(256))
.add_attr_option<Integer>("thread_warp_size", Integer(1))
// Other device properties
// Tags
.set_default_keys({"vulkan", "gpu"});
.add_attr_option<Integer>("max_num_threads", Integer(256))
.set_default_keys({"webgpu", "gpu"});
TVM_REGISTER_TARGET_KIND("sdaccel", kDLOpenCL) // line break
.set_default_keys({"sdaccel", "hls"});
TVM_REGISTER_TARGET_KIND("aocl", kDLAOCL) // line break
.set_default_keys({"aocl", "hls"});
TVM_REGISTER_TARGET_KIND("aocl_sw_emu", kDLAOCL) // line break
.set_default_keys({"aocl", "hls"});
TVM_REGISTER_TARGET_KIND("composite", kDLCPU) // line break
TVM_REGISTER_TARGET_KIND("test", kDLCPU) // line break
/********** Registry **********/
.set_body_typed([](TargetKind kind, String attr_name) -> TVMRetValue {
auto target_attr_map = TargetKind::GetAttrMap<TVMRetValue>(attr_name);
TVMRetValue rv;
if (target_attr_map.count(kind)) {
rv = target_attr_map[kind];
return rv;
.set_body_typed([](String target_kind_name) {
TargetKind kind = TargetKind::Get(target_kind_name).value();
return TargetKindRegEntry::ListTargetKindOptions(kind);
} // namespace tvm