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#include "../src/arith/pattern_match.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <tvm/tir/analysis.h>
TEST(Pattern, Basic) {
using namespace tvm;
using namespace tvm::tir;
using namespace tvm::arith;
tvm::tir::Var x("x"), y("y"), z("z");
arith::PVar<PrimExpr> px, py, pz;
arith::PVar<DataType> pt;
arith::PVar<int> planes;
// arithmetics
auto r = 1 + (y + 1);
ICHECK(!(px + (px + px)).Match(r));
ICHECK(!(px + (py + py)).Match(r));
ICHECK((px + (py + pz)).Match(r));
auto pattern = px + (py + pz);
ICHECK((px + (py + px)).Match(r));
auto rr = (px + py).Eval();
ICHECK(tir::ExprDeepEqual()(rr, 1 + y));
ICHECK(tir::ExprDeepEqual()(px.Eval() + py.Eval(), 1 + y));
ICHECK((px + max(py, px)).Match((x + 1) + max(y, (x + 1))));
ICHECK(tir::ExprDeepEqual()(px.Eval(), x + 1));
ICHECK(!(px + min(py, px)).Match((x + 1) + max(y, (x + 1))));
ICHECK((px + min(py, px)).Match(z + min(y, z)));
ICHECK((px + truncdiv(py, px * py)).Match(x + truncdiv(2, x * 2)));
ICHECK((px - truncmod(py, px * pz)).Match(x - truncmod(2, x * 2)));
ICHECK((px - floormod(py, px * PConst<PrimExpr>(2))).Match(x - floormod(2, x * 2)));
// logicals
ICHECK((px == pz).Match(x == 1));
ICHECK((px != pz).Match(x != 1));
ICHECK((px > py).Match(x > y));
ICHECK((px < py).Match(x < y));
ICHECK((px <= py).Match(x <= y));
ICHECK((px >= py).Match(x >= y));
ICHECK((px >= py && px < pz).Match(x >= y && x < z));
ICHECK((!(px > py || px != py)).Match(!(x > y || x != y)));
ICHECK(select(px >= pz, py, py + pz).Match(tir::Select((x + 1) >= 1, y, y + 1)));
ICHECK(tir::ExprDeepEqual()(px.Eval(), x + 1));
// bit intrinsics
ICHECK((px >> pz).Match(x >> 1));
ICHECK(is_const_int(pz.Eval(), 1));
ICHECK(!(px >> pz).Match(x << 1));
ICHECK((px << pz).Match(x << 1));
ICHECK((px & pz).Match(x & 1));
ICHECK((px | pz).Match(x | 1));
ICHECK((px ^ pz).Match(x ^ 1));
ICHECK((px - (~(py | (px * pz)))).Match(x - (~(2 | (x * 2)))));
// select
ICHECK(select(px > pz, py, py + pz).Match(tir::Select(x > 1, y, y + 1)));
ICHECK(is_const_int(pz.Eval(), 1));
ICHECK(!select(px > pz, py, py + pz).Match(tir::Select(x > 2, y, y + 1)));
ICHECK(!select(px > pz, py, py).Match(tir::Select(x > 2, y, y + 1)));
ICHECK(select(px, py, pz).Match(tir::Select(x > 2, y, y + 1)));
ICHECK(tir::ExprDeepEqual()(pz.Eval(), y + 1));
// if_then_else
ICHECK(if_then_else(px > pz, py, py + pz).Match(if_then_else(x > 1, y, y + 1)));
ICHECK(is_const_int(pz.Eval(), 1));
// cast pattern
ICHECK(!cast(PConst<DataType>(DataType::Int(32)), px).Match(tir::Cast(DataType::Float(64), x)));
ICHECK(cast(pt, px).Match(tir::Cast(DataType::Float(64), x)));
ICHECK(pt.Eval() == DataType::Float(64));
auto zz = cast(pt, px).Eval();
ICHECK((cast(pt, px) - cast(pt, py))
.Match(tir::Cast(DataType::Float(64), x) - tir::Cast(DataType::Int(64), x)));
auto expr = tir::Cast(DataType::Int(32), tir::Cast(DataType::Float(64), x));
ICHECK(!(cast(pt, cast(pt, px))).Match(expr));
// ramp pattern
ICHECK(ramp(px, PConst<PrimExpr>(1), planes).Match(tir::Ramp(x, 1, 10)));
ICHECK(planes.Eval() == 10);
ICHECK(!ramp(px, PConst<PrimExpr>(1), planes).Match(tir::Ramp(x, 2, 10)));
// broadcast pattern
ICHECK(broadcast(px, planes).Match(tir::Broadcast(x, 10)));
ICHECK(planes.Eval() == 10);
ICHECK(broadcast(px * py, planes).Match(tir::Broadcast(x * 10, 10)));
TEST(Pattern, IntImm) {
using namespace tvm;
tir::Var tx, ty;
arith::PVar<IntImm> c;
arith::PVar<tir::Var> v;
// We can match integer and Var, both of which are
// special case container of Expr
ICHECK((v * c).Match(tx * 3));
ICHECK_EQ(c.Eval()->value, 3);
ICHECK((v * 3).Match(tx * 3));
// cannot match c to ty
ICHECK(!(v * c).Match(tx * ty));
// cannot match tx + 1 to v
ICHECK(!(v * c).Match((tx + 1) * 3));
TEST(Pattern, MatchWithType) {
using namespace tvm;
// match expr with specified dtype
arith::PVarWithDataType<PrimExpr, arith::PConst<DataType>> pat(DataType::Float(32));
tir::Var x("x", DataType::Float(32));
tir::Var y("y", DataType::Float(32));
tir::Var x_int("x", DataType::Int(32));
tir::Var y_int("y", DataType::Int(32));
ICHECK(pat.Match(x + y * 2.0f));
ICHECK(!pat.Match(x_int + y_int * 2));
// match vectorized expr with specified element dtype
arith::PVecDataType vec_ty(DataType::Float(32));
arith::PVarWithDataType<PrimExpr, arith::PVecDataType> vpat(vec_ty);
tir::Var vx = tir::Var("x", DataType::Float(32, 8));
tir::Var vy("y", DataType::Float(32, 8));
tir::Var vx_int("x", DataType::Int(32, 8));
tir::Var vy_int("y", DataType::Int(32, 8));
ICHECK(vpat.Match(vx + vy * tir::Broadcast(2.0f, 8)));
ICHECK(!vpat.Match(vx_int + vy_int * tir::Broadcast(2, 8)));