blob: c8c099171c967d7de0f8b377842ac42280516e89 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file
* \brief Defines functions that build MetadataModules for C++ and C runtimes.
#include "metadata_module.h"
#include <tvm/relay/runtime.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../runtime/const_loader_module.h"
#include "../runtime/meta_data.h"
#include "llvm/llvm_module.h"
#include "source/source_module.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace codegen {
static runtime::metadata::Metadata ConvertMetaData(
relay::backend::ExecutorCodegenMetadata metadata);
static runtime::Module CreateCrtMetadataModule(
runtime::Module target_module, Target target, relay::Runtime runtime, relay::Executor executor,
relay::backend::ExecutorCodegenMetadata metadata,
Array<runtime::Module> non_crt_exportable_modules,
Array<runtime::Module> crt_exportable_modules,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, runtime::NDArray>& const_var_ndarray) {
if (!non_crt_exportable_modules.empty()) {
std::string non_exportable_modules;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < non_crt_exportable_modules.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
non_exportable_modules += ", ";
auto mod = non_crt_exportable_modules[i];
auto pf_sym = mod.GetFunction("get_symbol");
if (pf_sym != nullptr) {
non_exportable_modules += pf_sym().operator std::string();
} else {
non_exportable_modules +=
std::string{"(module type_key="} + mod->type_key() + std::string{")"};
CHECK(false) << "These " << non_crt_exportable_modules.size()
<< " modules are not exportable to C-runtime: " << non_exportable_modules;
if (target->kind->name == "c") {
runtime::metadata::Metadata aot_metadata;
if (executor->GetAttr<String>("interface-api", tvm::String("packed")) == "packed") {
aot_metadata = ConvertMetaData(metadata);
target_module = CreateCSourceCrtMetadataModule(crt_exportable_modules, target, runtime,
metadata, aot_metadata);
} else if (target->kind->name == "llvm") {
target_module = CreateLLVMCrtMetadataModule(crt_exportable_modules, target, runtime);
LOG(FATAL) << "TVM was not built with LLVM enabled.";
return target_module;
// TODO(areusch,masahi): Unify metadata representation and remove the need for this function
static runtime::metadata::Metadata ConvertMetaData(
relay::backend::ExecutorCodegenMetadata metadata) {
std::vector<runtime::metadata::TensorInfo> inputs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < metadata->inputs.size(); ++i) {
auto v = metadata->inputs[i];
auto ttype = metadata->input_tensor_types[i];
v->name_hint, relay::backend::ShapeToJSON(ttype->shape), ttype->dtype)));
std::vector<runtime::metadata::TensorInfo> outputs;
auto output_ttypes = metadata->output_tensor_types;
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_ttypes.size(); ++i) {
auto ttype = output_ttypes[i];
std::stringstream name;
name << "output" << i;
name.str(), relay::backend::ShapeToJSON(ttype->shape), ttype->dtype)));
std::vector<runtime::metadata::TensorInfo> pools;
for (size_t i = 0; i < metadata->pools.size(); ++i) {
auto var = metadata->pools[i];
auto api = metadata->pool_inputs.value()[var];
if (api-><WorkspacePoolInfoNode>()) {
var->name_hint, std::vector<int64_t>{api->allocated_size.IntValue()},
tvm::runtime::DataType{kDLUInt, 8, 1})));
std::vector<ConstantInfo> consts;
for (const auto& kv : metadata->pool_inputs.value()) {
const auto& api = kv.second;
if (const auto* pi = api-><ConstantPoolInfoNode>()) {
if (pi->is_internal) {
for (const auto ci : pi->constant_info_array) {
consts.emplace_back(ci->name_hint, ci->byte_offset, ci->data);
auto n = make_object<target::metadata::InMemoryMetadataNode>(
runtime::metadata::kMetadataVersion, inputs, outputs, pools, consts, metadata->mod_name);
return runtime::metadata::Metadata(std::move(n));
static runtime::Module CreateCppMetadataModule(
runtime::Module target_module, Target target, relay::Runtime runtime,
relay::backend::ExecutorCodegenMetadata metadata,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>& const_vars_by_symbol,
Array<runtime::Module> non_crt_exportable_modules,
Array<runtime::Module> crt_exportable_modules,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, runtime::NDArray>& const_var_ndarray) {
if (!non_crt_exportable_modules.empty()) {
runtime::Module const_loader_mod =
runtime::ConstLoaderModuleCreate(const_var_ndarray, const_vars_by_symbol);
for (const auto& it : non_crt_exportable_modules) {
target_module = const_loader_mod;
if (metadata.defined()) {
runtime::metadata::Metadata runtime_metadata = ConvertMetaData(metadata);
if (metadata->executor == runtime::kTvmExecutorAot && runtime->name == relay::kTvmRuntimeCpp) {
if (target->kind->name == "c") {
auto metadata_module = CreateCSourceCppMetadataModule(runtime_metadata);
target_module = metadata_module;
#ifdef TVM_LLVM_VERSION // defining TVM_LLVM_VERSION indicates TVM was compiled with USE_LLVM ON.
} else if (target->kind->name == "llvm") {
auto metadata_module = CreateLLVMCppMetadataModule(runtime_metadata, target, runtime);
target_module = metadata_module;
} else {
CHECK(false) << "Don't know how to create MetadataModule for target type " << target->str();
return target_module;
* \brief Create a metadata module wrapper. The helper is used by different
* codegens, such as graph executor codegen and the vm compiler.
* \param params The metadata for initialization of all modules.
* \param target_module the internal module that is compiled by tvm.
* \param ext_modules The external modules that needs to be imported inside the metadata
* module(s).
* \param target The target that all the modules are compiled for
* \return The created metadata module that manages initialization of metadata.
runtime::Module CreateMetadataModule(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, runtime::NDArray>& const_var_ndarray,
tvm::runtime::Module target_module, const Array<runtime::Module>& ext_modules, Target target,
tvm::relay::Runtime runtime, tvm::relay::Executor executor,
relay::backend::ExecutorCodegenMetadata metadata) {
// Here we split modules into two groups:
// 1. Those modules which can be exported to C-runtime. These are DSO-exportable
// (i.e. llvm or c) modules which return nothing from get_const_vars().
// 2. Other modules.
Array<runtime::Module> crt_exportable_modules;
Array<runtime::Module> non_crt_exportable_modules;
bool is_targeting_crt = runtime->name == "crt";
// Wrap all submodules in the initialization wrapper.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> const_vars_by_symbol;
for (tvm::runtime::Module mod : ext_modules) {
auto pf_sym = mod.GetFunction("get_symbol");
auto pf_var = mod.GetFunction("get_const_vars");
std::vector<std::string> symbol_const_vars;
if (pf_sym != nullptr && pf_var != nullptr) {
String symbol = pf_sym();
Array<String> variables = pf_var();
for (size_t i = 0; i < variables.size(); i++) {
symbol_const_vars.push_back(variables[i].operator std::string());
ICHECK_EQ(const_vars_by_symbol.count(symbol), 0U) << "Found duplicated symbol: " << symbol;
const_vars_by_symbol[symbol] = symbol_const_vars;
// We only need loading of serialized constant data
// if there are constants present and required by the
// runtime module to be initialized by the binary
// metadata module. If not rest of the modules are
// wrapped in c-source metadata module.
// TODO(@manupa-arm) : we should be able to use csource_metadata
// if the variables are empty when all the runtime modules implement get_func_names
if (symbol_const_vars.empty() && is_targeting_crt && mod->IsDSOExportable() &&
(target->kind->name == "c" || target->kind->name == "llvm")) {
} else {
if (is_targeting_crt) {
return CreateCrtMetadataModule(target_module, target, runtime, executor, metadata,
non_crt_exportable_modules, crt_exportable_modules,
} else {
return CreateCppMetadataModule(target_module, target, runtime, metadata, const_vars_by_symbol,
non_crt_exportable_modules, crt_exportable_modules,
} // namespace codegen
} // namespace tvm