blob: bdecba9afad758586e40aa358677bdde4cf9d6b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* \file relay/backend/
* \brief Token allocation classes for backend
#include "token_allocator.h"
#include <tvm/tir/op.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
size_t TokenAllocator1D::GetMemorySize(StorageToken* prototype) {
TensorType ttype = prototype->ttype;
size_t size = 1;
for (IndexExpr dim : ttype->shape) {
const int64_t* pval = tir::as_const_int(dim);
ICHECK(pval != nullptr) << "Cannot allocate memory symbolic tensor shape " << ttype->shape;
ICHECK_GE(*pval, 0) << "Cannot allocate memory for tensor with negative shape" << *pval;
size *= static_cast<size_t>(pval[0]);
size *= DivRoundUp(ttype->dtype.bits() * ttype->dtype.lanes(), 8);
return size;
StorageToken* TokenAllocator1D::Request(StorageToken* prototype) {
// calculate the size;
size_t size = GetMemorySize(prototype);
// search memory block in [size / match_range_, size * match_range_)
if (match_range_ == 0) {
return nullptr;
auto begin = free_.lower_bound(size / match_range_);
auto mid = free_.lower_bound(size);
auto end = free_.upper_bound(size * match_range_);
// search for memory blocks larger than requested
for (auto it = mid; it != end; ++it) {
StorageToken* tok = it->second;
if (!tok->is_compatible(*prototype)) continue;
ICHECK_EQ(tok->ref_counter, 0);
// Use exect matching strategy
tok->max_bytes = std::max(size, tok->max_bytes);
tok->ref_counter = prototype->ref_counter;
// find a exact match, erase from map and return
return tok;
// then search for memory blocks smaller than requested space
for (auto it = mid; it != begin;) {
StorageToken* tok = it->second;
if (!tok->is_compatible(*prototype)) continue;
ICHECK_EQ(tok->ref_counter, 0);
// Use exect matching strategy
tok->max_bytes = std::max(size, tok->max_bytes);
tok->ref_counter = prototype->ref_counter;
// erase from map and return
return tok;
return nullptr;
StorageToken* TokenAllocator1D::Alloc(StorageToken* prototype, int64_t storage_id) {
size_t size = GetMemorySize(prototype);
prototype->max_bytes = size;
prototype->storage_id = storage_id;
return prototype;
void TokenAllocator1D::CheckForRelease(StorageToken* tok) {
ICHECK_GE(tok->storage_id, 0);
ICHECK_GE(tok->ref_counter, 0);
if (tok->ref_counter == 0) {
free_.insert({tok->max_bytes, tok});
StorageToken* TokenAllocator2D::Request(StorageToken* prototype) {
auto shape = GetSize2D(prototype);
const int64_t max_ratio = 5;
int64_t min_added_size_x = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t min_added_size_y = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t min_wasted_size_x = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t min_wasted_size_y = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t best_storage_id = -1;
MemBlock new_mem;
for (int64_t free_id : free_list_) {
MemBlock& cached = blocks_[free_id];
// Can only reuse texture 2d blocks of the same type
if (cached.token_->ttype->dtype != prototype->ttype->dtype) {
// Can only reuse texture 2d blocks of the same scope
// Because reusing textures with different memory scope may lead to
// accuracy issues, because the data will be packed in a different way for
// different memory scopes.
if (cached.token_->virtual_device->memory_scope != prototype->virtual_device->memory_scope) {
// avoid reusing too small and too big textures
if (shape.width / cached.x_ > max_ratio || cached.x_ / shape.width > max_ratio ||
shape.height / cached.y_ > max_ratio || cached.y_ / shape.height > max_ratio) {
int64_t new_width = std::max(cached.x_, shape.width);
int64_t new_height = std::max(cached.y_, shape.height);
int64_t added_size_x = new_width - cached.x_;
int64_t added_size_y = new_height - cached.y_;
int64_t wasted_size_x = new_width - shape.width;
int64_t wasted_size_y = new_height - shape.height;
// Prioritize minimization of added size first, then minimize
// wasted size among blocks which would not require expansion
if ((min_added_size_x > 0 && added_size_x < min_added_size_x) ||
(min_added_size_y > 0 && added_size_y < min_added_size_y) ||
(min_added_size_x == added_size_x && wasted_size_x < min_wasted_size_x) ||
(min_added_size_y == added_size_y && wasted_size_y < min_wasted_size_y)) {
min_added_size_x = added_size_x;
min_added_size_y = added_size_y;
min_wasted_size_x = wasted_size_x;
min_wasted_size_y = wasted_size_y;
best_storage_id = free_id;
new_mem.x_ = new_width;
new_mem.y_ = new_height;
if (min_added_size_x == 0 && min_added_size_y == 0) {
// use existing block
blocks_[best_storage_id].token_->ref_counter += prototype->ref_counter;
return blocks_[best_storage_id].token_;
} else if (min_added_size_x <= shape.width || min_added_size_y <= shape.height) {
// Reset the reference counter of the now live token
new_mem.token_ = prototype;
new_mem.token_->ref_counter += 1;
new_mem.token_->storage_id = best_storage_id;
blocks_[best_storage_id] = new_mem;
return new_mem.token_;
return nullptr;
StorageToken* TokenAllocator2D::Alloc(StorageToken* prototype, int64_t storage_id) {
auto shape = GetSize2D(prototype);
MemBlock block;
block.x_ = shape.width;
block.y_ = shape.height;
prototype->storage_id = storage_id;
block.token_ = prototype;
blocks_[prototype->storage_id] = block;
return prototype;
void TokenAllocator2D::CheckForRelease(StorageToken* tok) {
ICHECK_GE(tok->storage_id, 0);
ICHECK_GE(tok->ref_counter, 0);
if (tok->ref_counter == 0) {
runtime::Texture2DShape<int64_t> TokenAllocator2D::GetSize2D(StorageToken* prototype) {
TensorType ttype = prototype->ttype;
size_t axis = runtime::DefaultTextureLayoutSeparator(ttype->shape.size(),
struct Shape {
const Array<PrimExpr>& shape;
int64_t operator[](size_t i) const { return *tir::as_const_int(shape[i]); }
return runtime::ApplyTexture2DFlattening<int64_t>(Shape{ttype->shape}, ttype->shape.size(), axis);
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm