blob: 511f0a901d1132901ad002b68b9e6e892325b596 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "./te_compiler_cache.h"
#include <tvm/driver/driver_api.h>
#include <tvm/ir/name_supply.h>
#include <tvm/ir/type_functor.h>
#include <tvm/meta_schedule/database.h>
#include <tvm/relay/analysis.h>
#include <tvm/relay/attrs/device_copy.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr_functor.h>
#include <tvm/relay/op.h>
#include <tvm/relay/op_attr_types.h>
#include <tvm/relay/op_strategy.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/builtin_fp16.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/device_api.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/te/operation.h>
#include <tvm/te/schedule.h>
#include <tvm/te/schedule_pass.h>
#include <tvm/tir/function.h>
#include <tvm/tir/index_map.h>
#include <tvm/tir/schedule/schedule.h>
#include <tvm/tir/stmt_functor.h>
#include <tvm/tir/transform.h>
#include <tvm/topi/tags.h>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../../printer/text_printer.h"
#include "../../te/operation/create_primfunc.h"
#include "../op/memory/memory.h"
#include "../src/meta_schedule/module_equality.h"
#include "../src/meta_schedule/trace_apply.h"
#include "../transforms/meta_schedule_layout_rewrite.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
namespace tec {
LoweredOutput::LoweredOutput(tvm::Array<te::Tensor> outputs, OpImplementation impl) {
auto n = make_object<LoweredOutputNode>();
n->outputs = std::move(outputs);
n->implementation = std::move(impl);
data_ = std::move(n);
CCacheKey::CCacheKey(Function source_func, Target target, VirtualDevice vd) {
auto n = make_object<CCacheKeyNode>();
n->source_func = std::move(source_func);
n->target = std::move(target);
n->virtual_device = std::move(vd);
data_ = std::move(n);
CachedFunc::CachedFunc(tvm::Target target, GlobalVar prim_fn_var, tvm::Array<te::Tensor> inputs,
tvm::Array<te::Tensor> outputs, te::Schedule schedule,
tir::PrimFunc prim_func, tvm::Array<Integer> shape_func_param_states,
IRModule funcs,
std::unordered_map<const ConstantNode*, te::Tensor> constant_tensors) {
auto n = make_object<CachedFuncNode>();
n->target = target;
n->prim_fn_var = prim_fn_var;
n->inputs = inputs;
n->outputs = outputs;
n->schedule = schedule;
n->prim_func = prim_func;
n->shape_func_param_states = shape_func_param_states;
n->funcs = funcs;
n->constant_tensors = constant_tensors;
data_ = std::move(n);
Array<IndexExpr> GetShape(const Array<IndexExpr>& shape) {
// for now, we always use int32 shape when possible
// even if the result of shape inference becomes int64.
Array<IndexExpr> res;
for (IndexExpr val : shape) {
const int64_t* pval = tir::as_const_int(val);
if (pval != nullptr) {
ICHECK_LE(pval[0], std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())
<< "dimension must be less then int32_t's max value";
ICHECK_GE(pval[0], std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min())
<< "dimension must be less then int32_t's max value";
res.push_back(IntImm(DataType::Int(32), *pval));
} else if (val->IsInstance<tir::AnyNode>()) {
// currently all 'any' we meet in shape function are non-negative.
} else {
return res;
// Helper class that is used during lowering to TE.
// It matches sequence of Ops and lower them into single TOPI operation. All supported patterns are
// enumerated in "supported_patterns_".
class QnnPatternMatcher {
: qnn_conv2d_op_(Op::Get("qnn.conv2d")),
bias_add_op_(Op::Get("add")) {}
// Memoize visited operations
void Register(const CallNode* call_node) {
Op op = Downcast<Op>(call_node->op);
if (op == qnn_conv2d_op_) {
ICHECK(anchor_op_ == nullptr);
anchor_op_ = call_node;
} else if (op == qnn_requantize_op_) {
} else if (op == bias_add_op_) {
} else if (op == qnn_dense_op_) {
ICHECK(anchor_op_ == nullptr);
anchor_op_ = call_node;
} else {
// Check whether given Op is a part of matched pattern.
bool find(const Op& op) {
if (registered_ops_.empty()) return false;
if (op == qnn_conv2d_op_ || op == qnn_requantize_op_ || op == bias_add_op_ ||
op == qnn_dense_op_) {
for (const auto& pat : supported_patterns_) {
auto it =
std::search(registered_ops_.begin(), registered_ops_.end(), pat.begin(), pat.end());
if (it != registered_ops_.end()) return true;
return false;
// returns whether given Op is last in the pattern sequence.
bool IsLeafOp(const Op& op) { return op == qnn_requantize_op_; }
const CallNode* GetAnchorOp() { return anchor_op_; }
void Clear() { registered_ops_.clear(); }
const Op& qnn_conv2d_op_;
const Op& qnn_dense_op_;
const Op& qnn_requantize_op_;
const Op& bias_add_op_;
// Main (complicated) operation in the primitive (for example qnn.conv2d, qnn.dense etc.).
const CallNode* anchor_op_ = nullptr;
enum POper { P_QConv2d, P_QDense, P_BiasAdd, P_QRequantize, P_Opaque };
std::deque<POper> registered_ops_;
const std::vector<std::deque<POper>> supported_patterns_ = {
{P_QDense, P_BiasAdd, P_QRequantize}, // Pattern qnn.dense -> bias_add -> qnn.requantize
{P_QDense, P_QRequantize}, // Patter qnn.dense -> qnn.requantize
{P_QConv2d, P_BiasAdd, P_QRequantize}, // Pattern qnn.conv2d -> bias_add -> qnn.requantize
{P_QConv2d, P_QRequantize} // Patter qnn.conv2d -> qnn.requantize
// Lowers Relay primitive Function to TE Compute
class LowerToTECompute : public backend::MemoizedExprTranslator<Array<te::Tensor>> {
LowerToTECompute(Target target, NameSupply constants_name_supply)
: target_(target),
constants_name_supply_(constants_name_supply) {}
Array<te::Tensor> Lower(const Function& relay_func) {
for (Var param : relay_func->params) {
Array<tvm::te::Tensor> inputs;
for (const auto& ttype : FlattenTupleType(param->checked_type())) {
auto name_hint = param->vid->name_hint;
tvm::te::Tensor tensor = tvm::te::placeholder(
GetShape(ttype->shape), ttype->dtype, (name_hint == "") ? "placeholder" : name_hint);
memo_[param] = inputs;
readable_name_stream_ << "fused";
Array<te::Tensor> outputs = this->VisitExpr(relay_func->body);
candidate_name_ = readable_name_stream_.str();
constexpr static size_t kMaxFuncNameLength = 80;
// WARNING: Please make sure to also update TVM_CRT_MAX_STRLEN_FUNCTION_NAME
// whenever the value of kMaxFuncNameLength changes
if (candidate_name_.size() > kMaxFuncNameLength) {
std::stringstream truncated_name;
truncated_name << candidate_name_.substr(0, kMaxFuncNameLength);
truncated_name << "_" << std::hex << std::hash<std::string>{}(candidate_name_) << "_";
candidate_name_ = truncated_name.str();
return outputs;
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const VarNode* op) final {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected free variable " << PrettyPrint(GetRef<Var>(op));
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) final {
using tir::make_const;
void* data = op->data->data;
DataType dtype = DataType(op->data->dtype);
if (op->is_scalar()) {
auto value = te::compute(
[&](const Array<tvm::tir::Var>&) {
if (dtype == DataType::Int(16)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int16_t*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::Int(8)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int8_t*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::UInt(8) || dtype == DataType::Bool()) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const uint8_t*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::Int(32)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int32_t*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::Int(64)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int64_t*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::Float(16)) {
return make_const(dtype, __gnu_h2f_ieee(static_cast<const uint16_t*>(data)[0]));
} else if (dtype == DataType::Float(32)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const float*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::Float(64)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const double*>(data)[0]);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << dtype << " not handled";
"compile_engine_const", topi::kBroadcast);
return {value};
} else {
const auto* ttype = op->checked_type().as<TensorTypeNode>();
std::stringstream ss;
std::string s = readable_name_stream_.str();
std::replace(s.begin(), s.end(), '.', '_');
ss << constants_name_supply_->FreshName(s + "_constant");
tvm::te::Tensor tensor = tvm::te::placeholder(GetShape(ttype->shape), ttype->dtype, ss.str());
constant_tensors_[op] = tensor;
return {tensor};
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call_node) final {
static auto flower_call = tvm::runtime::Registry::Get("relay.backend.lower_call");
ICHECK(flower_call) << "relay.backend.lower_call is not registered.";
Array<te::Tensor> inputs;
// int count_tuple = 0;
for (Expr arg : call_node->args) {
if (arg->checked_type().as<TupleTypeNode>()) {
// ++count_tuple;
for (te::Tensor tensor : VisitExpr(arg)) {
ICHECK(call_node-><OpNode>()) << "Primitive function only allows call into primitive ops";
Op op = Downcast<Op>(call_node->op);
// TODO(mbs): device_copy cleanup
ICHECK_NE(op, device_copy_op_) << "device_copy cannot be lowered";
Array<te::Tensor> outputs;
if (pattern_matcher_.find(op)) {
if (pattern_matcher_.IsLeafOp(op)) {
// Lower anchor op when pattern leaf op was reached
auto anchor_op = pattern_matcher_.GetAnchorOp();
LoweredOutput lowered_out =
(*flower_call)(GetRef<Call>(anchor_op), inputs, target_, call_node->checked_type());
outputs = lowered_out->outputs;
Op a_op = Downcast<Op>(anchor_op->op);
op_implementations_[a_op.operator->()] = lowered_out->implementation;
} else {
// Forward inputs as "outputs" for successor.
readable_name_stream_ << '_' << op->name;
return inputs;
} else {
LoweredOutput lowered_out = (*flower_call)(GetRef<Call>(call_node), inputs, target_);
outputs = lowered_out->outputs;
op_implementations_[op.operator->()] = lowered_out->implementation;
if (outputs.size() != 1) {
const auto* tuple_type = call_node->checked_type().as<TupleTypeNode>();
ICHECK(tuple_type) << "Expected output to be a tuple type "
<< PrettyPrint(call_node->checked_type());
ICHECK_EQ(tuple_type->fields.size(), outputs.size());
readable_name_stream_ << '_' << op->name;
return outputs;
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) final {
LOG(FATAL) << "Primitive Functions can not contain nested functions.";
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) final {
Array<te::Tensor> val = VisitExpr(op->value);
memo_[op->var] = val;
return VisitExpr(op->body);
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) final {
Array<te::Tensor> fields;
for (Expr field : op->fields) {
// TODO(mbs): Generalize to be equivalent to FlattenTupleType.
ICHECK(field->checked_type().as<TensorTypeNode>()) << "Only allow Tuple of Tensor";
Array<te::Tensor> res = VisitExpr(field);
ICHECK_EQ(res.size(), 1);
return fields;
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* op) final {
const auto* tuple_type = op->tuple->type_as<TupleTypeNode>();
Array<te::Tensor> tuple = VisitExpr(op->tuple);
ICHECK_EQ(tuple_type->fields.size(), tuple.size());
ICHECK_GE(op->index, 0);
ICHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(op->index), tuple.size());
return {tuple[op->index]};
// Additional outputs
Array<tvm::te::Tensor> fn_inputs_;
Array<te::Operation> scalars_;
std::unordered_map<const ConstantNode*, te::Tensor> constant_tensors_;
std::unordered_map<const OpNode*, OpImplementation> op_implementations_;
std::string candidate_name_;
QnnPatternMatcher pattern_matcher_;
tvm::Target target_;
std::ostringstream readable_name_stream_;
// Cache device copy op for equivalence checking to reduce registry lookup
// overhead for each invocation of call node when retrieving schedules.
const Op& device_copy_op_;
// A NameSupply object passed from a caller, used to assign unique names to constants
// across different invocations of LowerToTECompute.
NameSupply constants_name_supply_;
using namespace tvm::tir;
class LayoutFreeConstantCollector : public StmtVisitor {
Array<runtime::NDArray> constants;
void VisitStmt_(const BlockNode* op) final {
if (Optional<ObjectRef> ann = op->annotations.Get("layout_free_placeholders")) {
for (Buffer buffer : Downcast<Array<Buffer>>(ann)) {
void VisitStmt_(const AllocateConstNode* op) final {
if (auto it = layout_free_buffer_vars_.find(op->buffer_var.get());
it != layout_free_buffer_vars_.end()) {
std::unordered_set<const tir::VarNode*> layout_free_buffer_vars_;
using NDArrayMap =
std::unordered_map<runtime::NDArray, runtime::NDArray, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual>;
// Replace constants in AllocateConst nodes according to the given mapping
class AllocateConstReplaceConstant : public StmtExprMutator {
explicit AllocateConstReplaceConstant(const NDArrayMap& constant_map)
: constant_map_(constant_map) {}
static PrimFunc Rewrite(PrimFunc f, const NDArrayMap& constant_map) {
AllocateConstReplaceConstant rewriter(constant_map);
PrimFuncNode* n = f.CopyOnWrite();
n->body = rewriter(std::move(n->body));
return f;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const AllocateConstNode* op) final {
if (auto it = constant_map_.find(op->data.value()); it != constant_map_.end()) {
auto rewriten_constant = it->second;
Array<PrimExpr> rewritten_extents;
for (auto s : rewriten_constant.Shape()) {
return AllocateConst(op->buffer_var, op->dtype, rewritten_extents, rewriten_constant,
op->body, op->annotations, op->span);
return StmtExprMutator::VisitStmt_(op);
NDArrayMap constant_map_;
// Construct a schedule for a given Relay primitive function and target.
class ScheduleBuilder : public ExprVisitor {
explicit ScheduleBuilder(Target target)
: target_(target),
mod_eq_structural_(meta_schedule::ModuleEquality::Create("ignore-ndarray")) {
// Whether to use auto_scheduler schedule.
use_auto_scheduler_ = backend::IsAutoSchedulerEnabled();
if (backend::IsMetaScheduleEnabled()) {
database_ = meta_schedule::Database::Current();
CHECK(database_.defined()) << "ValueError: `use_meta_schedule` is enabled in Relay "
"build, but no `meta_schedule.Database` context is provided. ";
} else {
database_ = NullOpt;
CachedFunc Create(const Function& relay_func, GlobalVarSupply global_var_supply,
NameSupply constant_name_supply) {
LowerToTECompute lower_te_compute(target_, constant_name_supply);
Array<te::Tensor> tensor_outs = lower_te_compute.Lower(relay_func);
Array<te::Tensor> fn_inputs = lower_te_compute.fn_inputs_;
// TODO(mbs): This should be the definitive global by which the PrimFunc is known and
// no other GlobalVar ctors should appear inside the lowering machinery.
auto prim_fn_var = global_var_supply->FreshGlobal(lower_te_compute.candidate_name_);
prim_fn_var->checked_type_ = relay_func->checked_type();
// Fusion over tupled results may leave identity relationships
// between inputs and outputs, copy identity output tensors,
// since tir lowering do not support aliasing output to input buffer.
for (size_t i = 0; i < tensor_outs.size(); ++i) {
if (tensor_outs[i]-><te::PlaceholderOpNode>()) {
tensor_outs.Set(i, topi::identity(tensor_outs[i]));
te::Schedule schedule{nullptr};
tir::PrimFunc prim_func{nullptr};
// No need to register schedule for device copy op.
if (<DeviceCopyAttrs>() == nullptr) {
if (use_auto_scheduler_) {
const auto* fauto_schedule =
ICHECK(fauto_schedule != nullptr)
<< "auto_scheduler.relay_integration.auto_schedule_topi_compute is not registered";
ObjectRef obj = (*fauto_schedule)(prim_fn_var->name_hint, tensor_outs);
if (obj.defined()) {
schedule = Downcast<te::Schedule>(obj);
if (database_) {
using tvm::meta_schedule::TuningRecord;
using tvm::tir::IndexMap;
using tvm::tir::Instruction;
using tvm::tir::InstructionKind;
using tvm::tir::PrimFunc;
using tvm::tir::Schedule;
backend::FTECompilerTIRConverter tir_converter = backend::GetTIRConverter();
Array<te::Tensor> te_args = Concat(fn_inputs, tensor_outs);
Array<runtime::NDArray> constants;
for (auto [const_node, te_tensor] : lower_te_compute.constant_tensors_) {
if (Optional<PrimFunc> f = tir_converter(te_args, constants)) {
IRModule query_mod = backend::PrimFuncToIRModule(f.value());
if (Optional<TuningRecord> opt_record = database_.value()->QueryTuningRecord(
/*workload_name=*/prim_fn_var->name_hint)) {
LayoutFreeConstantCollector const_collector;
static InstructionKind kind_transform_layout = InstructionKind::Get("TransformLayout");
TuningRecord record = opt_record.value();
for (const Instruction& inst : record->trace->insts) {
if (inst->kind.same_as(kind_transform_layout)) {
ICHECK_EQ(inst->attrs.size(), 4);
auto index_map = Downcast<IndexMap>(inst->attrs[2]);
if (!const_collector.constants.empty()) {
// In this case, RewriteLayout is acting on an AllocateConst node.
// After tuning, we reach this code path twice: First by
// the Relay MetaScheduleLayoutRewrite pass, and next by the final
// compilation (Relay to TE schedule lowering).
// Due to Relay MetaScheduleLayoutRewrite and FoldConstant passes,
// the Relay subgraph for which we query the database during the
// final compilation has its weight tensor transformed according to
// the index map, determined during tuning. For example,
// fn (%p0: Tensor[(1, 56, 56, 64), float32]) {
// %0 = nn.conv2d(%p0, meta[relay.Constant][0],
// /*ty=Tensor[(4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 32, 8), float32]*/, ...);
// add(%0, meta[relay.Constant][1])
// }
// Note that the database does not have an entry corresponding to such subgraphs,
// since an input subgraph to the tuning system always has its weight tensor in
// the original layout, e.g.
// fn (%p0: Tensor[(1, 56, 56, 64), float32]) {
// %0 = nn.conv2d(%p0, meta[relay.Constant][0],
// /*ty=Tensor[(3, 3, 64, 64), float32]*/, ...);
// add(%0, meta[relay.Constant][1])
// }
// Thus, in both of the two cases where we reach this code path, we need careful
// logic to make sure that (1) the database lookup during the final compilation
// succeeds and (2) the application of a schedule trace is well defined.
ICHECK(const_collector.constants.size() == 1)
<< "Only one layout-free constant is supported by RewriteLayout for now";
auto constant = const_collector.constants[0];
if (constant.Shape().size() == index_map->initial_indices.size()) {
// This is the first case, reached during the MetaScheduleLayoutRewrite pass.
// A layout-free constant having the same rank as an input to the index map
// is assumed to be transformed by this index map.
// TODO(masahi): If there are multiple layout-free constants in one
// TIR mod (e.g. conv2d -> conv2d fusion), this assumption does not hold.
// We need to determine which constant the given index map acts on.
// We know that, during the final compilation, we will query the database
// for a subgraph that the tuner has never seen. We workaround this problem
// by adding a dummy entry to the database. The dummy entry is carefully
// constructed so that the lookup during the final compilation would succeed.
runtime::NDArray rewritten_constant = index_map->MapNDArray(constant);
auto f_dummy = AllocateConstReplaceConstant::Rewrite(
f.value(), {{constant, rewritten_constant}});
auto workload_dummy =
TuningRecord rec_dummy(record->trace, workload_dummy, record->run_secs,
record->target, record->args_info);
} else {
// The constant is already transformed, so this is the second case, reached
// during the final compilation.
// The schedule trace is supposed to be applied to the weight in its original
// layout. But as explained above, the Relay subgraph we get in this case
// has its weight tensor transformed according to the corresponding index map.
// So effectively, we undo the layout transformation on the weight to restore
// the original PrimFunc that the schedule trace is supposed to act on.
auto inverse_map = Downcast<IndexMap>(index_map->inverse_index_map.value());
ICHECK(constant.Shape().size() == inverse_map->initial_indices.size());
runtime::NDArray orig_constant = inverse_map->MapNDArray(constant);
auto f_ = AllocateConstReplaceConstant::Rewrite(f.value(),
{{constant, orig_constant}});
query_mod = backend::PrimFuncToIRModule(f_);
Schedule sch = Schedule::Traced(query_mod, /*seed=*/-1, /*debug_mask=*/0,
if (!mod_eq_structural_->Equal(query_mod, opt_record.value()->workload->mod)) {
// When the database lookup succeeds while structural equality check fails,
// it implies that the anchor block based equality has been used during tuning.
// The trace in the record cannot directly be applied to this query module.
meta_schedule::ScheduleUsingAnchorTrace(sch, record->trace, target_);
} else {
record->trace->ApplyToSchedule(sch, /*remove_postproc=*/false);
IRModule mod = sch->mod();
ICHECK_EQ(mod->functions.size(), 1);
mod = tir::transform::RemoveWeightLayoutRewriteBlock(/*skip_ndarray_rewrite*/ false)(
prim_func = Downcast<PrimFunc>(mod->Lookup("main"));
// Need to copy attrs from relay function over to prim func. Most notably the structural
// hash.
prim_func = WithAttrs(prim_func, relay_func->attrs->dict);
} else {
int dispatch = backend::UseMetaScheduleDispatch();
// (dispatch & 2): controls whether to print TVMScript for missing TIR
// (dispatch & 4): controls whether to raise fatal errors for missing TIR
if (dispatch & 2) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot find workload: " << prim_fn_var->name_hint << "\n"
<< tir::AsTVMScript(f.value());
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot find workload: " << prim_fn_var->name_hint;
if (dispatch & 4) {
// Use TOPI schedule if user specified, or the function has no auto_scheduler schedule.
if (!schedule.defined() && !prim_func.defined()) {
if (anchor_op_.defined()) {
auto anchor_impl = lower_te_compute.op_implementations_.find(anchor_op_.operator->());
ICHECK(anchor_impl != lower_te_compute.op_implementations_.end());
schedule = anchor_impl->second.Schedule(anchor_attrs_, tensor_outs, target_);
} else {
auto default_sched = GenericFunc::Get("schedule_injective");
ICHECK(default_sched.defined()) << "schedule_injective not registered for " << target_;
With<Target> tctx(target_);
schedule = default_sched(tensor_outs);
if (schedule.defined()) {
for (const auto& scalar : lower_te_compute.scalars_) {
if (schedule->Contain(scalar)) {
IRModule funcs = IRModule(Map<GlobalVar, BaseFunc>({}));
return CachedFunc(target_, prim_fn_var, fn_inputs, tensor_outs, schedule, prim_func, {}, funcs,
void VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call_node) final {
static auto fpattern = Op::GetAttrMap<TOpPattern>("TOpPattern");
ICHECK(call_node-><OpNode>()) << "Primitive function only allows call into primitive ops";
Op op = Downcast<Op>(call_node->op);
for (Expr arg : call_node->args) {
int op_pattern = fpattern[op];
if (!use_auto_scheduler_ && !database_.defined() && op_pattern >= kCommReduce) {
ICHECK(!anchor_op_.defined() || anchor_op_pattern_ < kCommReduce)
<< "Cannot apply TOPI schedule to a primitive function with two complicated ops"
<< " anchor=" << anchor_op_ << " current=" << op;
if (op_pattern >= anchor_op_pattern_) {
anchor_op_ = op;
anchor_attrs_ = call_node->attrs;
anchor_op_pattern_ = op_pattern;
tvm::Target target_;
Op anchor_op_;
Attrs anchor_attrs_;
int anchor_op_pattern_{0};
bool use_auto_scheduler_;
Optional<meta_schedule::Database> database_;
std::unique_ptr<meta_schedule::ModuleEquality> mod_eq_structural_;
* \brief Create schedule for target.
* \param source_func The primitive function to be lowered.
* \param target The target we want to create schedule for.
* \return Pair of schedule and cache.
* The funcs field in cache is not yet populated.
CachedFunc PrimFuncFor(const Function& source_func, const Target& target,
GlobalVarSupply global_var_supply, NameSupply constant_name_supply) {
return ScheduleBuilder(target).Create(source_func, global_var_supply, constant_name_supply);
// Creates shape function from functor.
class MakeShapeFunc : public backend::MemoizedExprTranslator<Array<te::Tensor>> {
MakeShapeFunc() {}
CachedFunc Create(const Function& prim_func, const Target& target,
GlobalVarSupply global_var_supply) {
VLOG_CONTEXT << "MakeShapeFunc";
TShapeDataDependent shape_func_param_states;
for (auto param : prim_func->params) {
param_states_[param] = kNoNeed;
Array<tvm::te::Tensor> data_inputs;
Array<tvm::te::Tensor> shape_inputs;
for (const auto& ttype : FlattenTupleType(param->checked_type())) {
// Add data placeholder (in case we discover we need it below)
Shape shape = GetShape(ttype->shape);
tvm::te::Tensor data_tensor =
tvm::te::placeholder(shape, ttype->dtype, "data_" + param->vid->name_hint);
// Add shape placeholder (in case we discover we need it below)
int64_t ndim = shape.size();
Shape sshape;
if (ndim > 0) {
tvm::te::Tensor shape_tensor =
tvm::te::placeholder(sshape, DataType::Int(64), "shape_" + param->vid->name_hint);
param_data_[param] = data_inputs;
param_shapes_[param] = shape_inputs;
// Setup the name;
readable_name_stream_ << "shape_func";
// Create the tensor expressions representing the output shapes.
Array<te::Tensor> outputs = VisitExpr(prim_func->body);
// Generate a name.
auto candidate_name = readable_name_stream_.str();
constexpr static size_t kMaxFuncNameLength = 80;
// WARNING: Please make sure to also update TVM_CRT_MAX_STRLEN_FUNCTION_NAME
// whenever the value of kMaxFuncNameLength changes
if (candidate_name.size() > kMaxFuncNameLength) {
std::stringstream truncated_name;
truncated_name << candidate_name.substr(0, kMaxFuncNameLength);
truncated_name << "_" << std::hex << std::hash<std::string>{}(candidate_name) << "_";
candidate_name = truncated_name.str();
// Set all the inputs correctly, and accumulate their types from the p.o.v. of the
// shape function rather than the primitive it is derived for.
Array<te::Tensor> inputs;
Array<Type> shape_function_arg_types;
for (auto param : prim_func->params) {
int state = param_states_[param];
shape_func_param_states.push_back(IntImm(DataType::Int(32), state));
if (state & kNeedInputData) {
// Pass the primitive arguments directly (though in flattened form and on the host)
for (auto t : param_data_[param]) {
shape_function_arg_types.push_back(TensorType(t->GetShape(), t->GetDataType()));
if (state & kNeedInputShape) {
// Pass the shapes of the primitive arguments (also on the host)
for (auto t : param_shapes_[param]) {
shape_function_arg_types.push_back(TensorType(t->GetShape(), t->GetDataType()));
// TODO(mbs): This should be the definitive global by which the PrimFunc is known and
// no other GlobalVar ctors should appear inside the lowering machinery.
auto prim_fn_gvar = global_var_supply->FreshGlobal(candidate_name);
// Gather the result types, again from the p.o.v. of the shape function rather than
// the primitive it is derived for.
Array<Type> shape_function_res_types;
for (const auto& t : outputs) {
shape_function_res_types.push_back(TensorType(t->GetShape(), t->GetDataType()));
// Assign the shape function its true type.
FuncType type(shape_function_arg_types, TupleType(shape_function_res_types),
/*type_params=*/{}, /*type_constraints=*/{});
VLOG(1) << "shape function '" << prim_fn_gvar->name_hint << "' has type:" << std::endl
<< PrettyPrint(type) << std::endl
<< "corresponding to primitive of type:" << std::endl
<< PrettyPrint(prim_func->checked_type());
prim_fn_gvar->checked_type_ = std::move(type);
// generate schedule for shape func
Array<te::Operation> out_ops;
for (auto t : outputs) {
te::Schedule schedule = te::create_schedule(out_ops);
for (const auto& scalar : scalars_) {
auto scalar_op = scalar->op;
if (schedule->Contain(scalar_op)) {
Array<te::Tensor> all_args = Array<te::Tensor>(inputs);
for (te::Tensor arg : outputs) {
using tvm::transform::PassContext;
With<PassContext> fresh_pass_ctx_scope(PassContext::Create());
std::unordered_map<te::Tensor, tir::Buffer> binds;
IRModule lowered_module =
tvm::LowerSchedule(schedule, all_args, prim_fn_gvar->name_hint, binds, global_var_supply);
return CachedFunc(target, prim_fn_gvar, inputs, outputs, schedule, tir::PrimFunc{nullptr},
shape_func_param_states, lowered_module);
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr(const Expr& expr) final {
if (<VarNode>()) {
// Do not memoize vars because shape functions could use either the data
// or the shape of a var each time.
return ExprFunctor::VisitExpr(expr);
// For other case, do memoized visit
return backend::MemoizedExprTranslator<Array<te::Tensor>>::VisitExpr(expr);
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const VarNode* var_node) final {
auto var = GetRef<Var>(var_node);
auto it = param_arg_map_.find(var);
if (it != param_arg_map_.end()) {
// This var is a parameter of a nested function. Visit the corresponding argument in the
// function call site.
return VisitExpr(it->second);
if (param_states_.find(var) == param_states_.end()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected free variable " << PrettyPrint(var);
} else {
auto data_dependent = data_dependents_per_input_.back();
if (data_dependent) {
param_states_[var] |= kNeedInputData;
return param_data_[var];
} else {
param_states_[var] |= kNeedInputShape;
return param_shapes_[var];
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const ConstantNode* op) final {
using tir::make_const;
bool data_dependent = data_dependents_per_input_.back();
if (!op->is_scalar()) {
// This is a constant weight, extract the shape of the weight tensor.
// This can not be data dependent.
auto ttype = op->checked_type().as<TensorTypeNode>();
int ndim = static_cast<int>(ttype->shape.size());
Array<PrimExpr> out_shape{ndim};
te::Tensor value = tvm::te::compute(
[&](const Array<tvm::tir::Var>& indices) {
auto idx = indices[0];
PrimExpr ret = make_const(DataType::Int(64), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
ret = tvm::if_then_else(idx == i, ttype->shape[i], ret);
return ret;
"shape_const", topi::kBroadcast);
return {value};
if (data_dependent) {
void* data = op->data->data;
DataType dtype = DataType(op->data->dtype);
auto value = tvm::te::compute(
[&](const Array<tvm::tir::Var>&) {
if (dtype == DataType::Int(32)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int32_t*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::Int(64)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const int64_t*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::Float(32)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const float*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::Float(64)) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const double*>(data)[0]);
} else if (dtype == DataType::Bool()) {
return make_const(dtype, static_cast<const uint8_t*>(data)[0]);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "not handled";
"data_const", topi::kBroadcast);
return {value};
} else {
auto value = tvm::te::compute(
{}, [&](const Array<tvm::tir::Var>&) { return tir::make_const(DataType::Int(64), 0); },
"shape_const", topi::kBroadcast);
return {value};
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call_node) final {
VLOG(1) << "considering call:" << std::endl << PrettyPrint(GetRef<Call>(call_node));
if (auto* func = call_node-><FunctionNode>()) {
VLOG(1) << "user function";
for (size_t i = 0; i < func->params.size(); ++i) {
param_arg_map_[func->params[i]] = call_node->args[i];
return VisitExpr(func->body);
static auto fshape_func = Op::GetAttrMap<FShapeFunc>("FShapeFunc");
static auto tshape_data_dependent = Op::GetAttrMap<TShapeDataDependent>("TShapeDataDependent");
ICHECK(call_node-><OpNode>()) << "Primitive function only allows call into primitive ops";
Op op = Downcast<Op>(call_node->op);
ICHECK(data_dependents_per_input_.empty() || !data_dependents_per_input_.back())
<< "Error in op fusion: output of the shape func is fed to a "
<< "data-dependent shape func";
ICHECK_GT(fshape_func.count(op), 0) << "Internal error, cannot find ShapeFunc for " << op->name;
ICHECK_GT(tshape_data_dependent.count(op), 0)
<< "Internal error, cannot find TShapeDataDependent for " << op->name;
Array<Integer> dep_spec = tshape_data_dependent[op];
if (dep_spec.size() == 1) {
// This is for cases when data dependence is specified per op
// Replicate 0 or 1 flag to all arguments
for (size_t i = 1; i < call_node->args.size(); ++i) {
// Visit all inputs
Array<te::Tensor> inputs;
int count_tuple = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < call_node->args.size(); ++i) {
Expr arg = call_node->args[i];
if (arg->checked_type().as<TupleTypeNode>()) {
data_dependents_per_input_.push_back(dep_spec[i]->value != 0);
for (te::Tensor tensor : VisitExpr(arg)) {
if (count_tuple) {
ICHECK_EQ(call_node->args.size(), 1U) << "Only allow function with a single tuple input";
// Get output ndims
auto ret_type = call_node->checked_type();
Array<IndexExpr> out_ndims;
for (const auto& ttype : FlattenTupleType(ret_type)) {
out_ndims.push_back(IntImm(DataType::Int(32), ttype->shape.size()));
// Call shape function
Array<te::Tensor> outputs = fshape_func[op](call_node->attrs, inputs, out_ndims);
VLOG(1) << "shape function for '" << op->name << "' with inputs:" << std::endl
<< inputs << std::endl
<< "yielded outputs:" << std::endl
<< outputs;
readable_name_stream_ << "_" << op->name;
return outputs;
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) final {
LOG(FATAL) << "Nested functions are not allowed to be visited.";
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) final {
Array<te::Tensor> val = VisitExpr(op->value);
memo_[op->var] = val;
return VisitExpr(op->body);
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) final {
Array<te::Tensor> fields;
for (Expr field : op->fields) {
<< "Expected a Tuple of Tensor, but got " << PrettyPrint(field->checked_type());
Array<te::Tensor> res = VisitExpr(field);
ICHECK_EQ(res.size(), 1);
return fields;
Array<te::Tensor> VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* op) final {
Array<te::Tensor> input_shapes = VisitExpr(op->tuple);
Array<te::Tensor> out;
return out;
/*! \brief String stream for function name */
std::ostringstream readable_name_stream_;
/*! \brief Map from parameter to its shape function usage state */
std::unordered_map<Expr, int, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> param_states_;
/*! \brief Map from parameter to list of data placeholder */
std::unordered_map<Expr, Array<te::Tensor>, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> param_data_;
/*! \brief Map from parameter to list of shape placeholder */
std::unordered_map<Expr, Array<te::Tensor>, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> param_shapes_;
/*! \brief Stack of data dependencies for shape function, specified per each op input */
std::vector<bool> data_dependents_per_input_;
/*! \brief Scalars used in the shape function */
Array<te::Tensor> scalars_;
/*! \brief Map from parameters of a nested function to corresponding arguments in a function
* call site.
std::unordered_map<Var, Expr, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual> param_arg_map_;
CachedFunc ShapeFuncFor(const Function& prim_func, const Target& target,
GlobalVarSupply global_var_supply) {
return MakeShapeFunc().Create(prim_func, target, global_var_supply);
std::tuple<Array<te::Tensor>, Array<runtime::NDArray>, std::string> LowerTECompute(
const Function& source_func, Target target, NameSupply constant_name_supply,
bool return_inputs) {
LowerToTECompute lower_te_compute(target, constant_name_supply);
Array<te::Tensor> outputs = lower_te_compute.Lower(source_func);
// Following ScheduleBuilder, remove placeholder ops from outputs.
tvm::Array<te::Tensor> tensor_outs;
for (const auto& tensor : outputs) {
if (!tensor-><te::PlaceholderOpNode>()) {
tvm::Array<runtime::NDArray> constants;
for (auto [const_node, te_tensor] : lower_te_compute.constant_tensors_) {
if (return_inputs) {
return std::make_tuple(Concat(lower_te_compute.fn_inputs_, tensor_outs), constants,
return std::make_tuple(tensor_outs, constants, lower_te_compute.candidate_name_);
TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("relay.backend.LowerToTE").set_body_typed([](Function prim_func) {
auto tgt = tvm::Target("ext_dev");
LowerToTECompute lower_te_compute(tgt, NameSupply(""));
auto outputs = lower_te_compute.Lower(prim_func);
return CachedFunc(tgt, GlobalVar(lower_te_compute.candidate_name_), lower_te_compute.fn_inputs_,
outputs, te::Schedule(), tir::PrimFunc(), {},
IRModule(Map<GlobalVar, BaseFunc>({})), lower_te_compute.constant_tensors_);
} // namespace tec
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm