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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* \file tvm/arith/
* \brief Solve linear inequalities.
#include <tvm/arith/analyzer.h>
#include <tvm/arith/int_solver.h>
#include <tvm/arith/pattern.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/data_type.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/tir/analysis.h>
#include <tvm/tir/expr.h>
#include <tvm/tir/op.h>
#include <tvm/tir/stmt_functor.h>
#include "int_operator.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace arith {
using namespace tvm::runtime;
using namespace tvm::tir;
struct ExprLess {
bool operator()(const PrimExpr& l, const PrimExpr& r) const {
return CalculateExprComplexity(l) < CalculateExprComplexity(r);
void DebugPrint(const std::vector<PrimExpr>& current_ineq_set,
const std::vector<PrimExpr>& next_ineq_set, const std::vector<PrimExpr>& rest,
const std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, PrimExpr>>& coef_pos,
const std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, PrimExpr>>& coef_neg) {
std::cout << "Current ineq set:\n[";
for (auto& ineq : current_ineq_set) {
std::cout << ineq << ", ";
std::cout << "]\n";
std::cout << "Next ineq set:\n[";
for (auto& ineq : next_ineq_set) {
std::cout << ineq << ", ";
std::cout << "]\n";
std::cout << "coef_pos:\n[";
for (auto& coef : coef_pos) {
std::cout << "(" << coef.first << ", " << coef.second << "), ";
std::cout << "]\n";
std::cout << "coef_neg:\n[";
for (auto& coef : coef_neg) {
std::cout << "(" << coef.first << ", " << coef.second << "), ";
std::cout << "]\n";
* \brief normalize to the form `expr <= 0`
class NormalizeComparisons : public ExprMutator {
PrimExpr VisitExpr_(const EQNode* op) override { return Make<EQ>(op->a, op->b); }
PrimExpr VisitExpr_(const NENode* op) override { return Make<NE>(op->a, op->b); }
PrimExpr VisitExpr_(const LTNode* op) override { return Make<LT>(op->a, op->b); }
PrimExpr VisitExpr_(const LENode* op) override { return Make<LE>(op->a, op->b); }
PrimExpr VisitExpr_(const GTNode* op) override { return Make<LT>(op->b, op->a); }
PrimExpr VisitExpr_(const GENode* op) override { return Make<LE>(op->b, op->a); }
template <class T>
PrimExpr Make(const PrimExpr& a, const PrimExpr& b) {
// rewrite LT to LE for ints
if (std::is_same<T, LT>::value && (a.dtype().is_int() || a.dtype().is_uint())) {
return LE(analyzer_.Simplify(a - b + 1), make_zero(a.dtype()));
return T(analyzer_.Simplify(a - b), make_zero(a.dtype()));
arith::Analyzer analyzer_;
void AddInequality(std::vector<PrimExpr>* inequality_set, const PrimExpr& new_ineq,
Analyzer* analyzer) {
if (analyzer->CanProve(new_ineq) ||
std::find_if(inequality_set->begin(), inequality_set->end(), [&](const PrimExpr& e) {
return StructuralEqual()(e, new_ineq);
}) != inequality_set->end()) {
// redundant: follows from the vranges
// or has already been added
if (const LENode* new_le =<LENode>()) {
for (auto iter = inequality_set->begin(); iter != inequality_set->end();) {
const LENode* le = iter->as<LENode>();
if (le && analyzer->CanProve(new_le->a - le->a <= 0)) {
} else if (le && analyzer->CanProve(le->a - new_le->a <= 0)) {
iter = inequality_set->erase(iter);
} else {
void ClassifyByPolarity(const Var& var, const std::vector<PrimExpr>& current_ineq_set,
std::vector<PrimExpr>* next_ineq_set, std::vector<PrimExpr>* rest,
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, PrimExpr>>* coef_pos,
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, PrimExpr>>* coef_neg, Analyzer* analyzer) {
// Take formulas from current_ineq_set and classify them according to polarity wrt var
// and store to coef_pos and coef_neg respectively.
for (const PrimExpr& ineq : current_ineq_set) {
if (const LENode* le =<LENode>()) {
Array<PrimExpr> coef = arith::DetectLinearEquation(le->a, {var});
if (!coef.empty() && is_const_int(coef[0])) {
int64_t coef0 = *as_const_int(coef[0]);
if (coef0 == 0) {
// zero polarity, straight to next_ineq_set
AddInequality(next_ineq_set, ineq, analyzer);
} else if (coef0 > 0) {
coef_pos->push_back({coef0, coef[1]});
} else if (coef0 < 0) {
coef_neg->push_back({coef0, coef[1]});
} else if (const EQNode* eq =<EQNode>()) {
Array<PrimExpr> coef = arith::DetectLinearEquation(eq->a, {var});
if (!coef.empty() && is_const_int(coef[0])) {
int64_t coef0 = *as_const_int(coef[0]);
if (coef0 == 0) {
// zero polarity, straight to next_ineq_set
AddInequality(next_ineq_set, ineq, analyzer);
} else if (coef0 > 0) {
// Equalities may be considered as pairs of two inequalities
coef_pos->push_back({coef0, coef[1]});
coef_neg->push_back({-coef0, -coef[1]});
} else if (coef0 < 0) {
coef_pos->push_back({-coef0, -coef[1]});
coef_neg->push_back({coef0, coef[1]});
// if nothing worked, put it in rest
void MoveEquality(std::vector<PrimExpr>* upper_bounds, std::vector<PrimExpr>* lower_bounds,
std::vector<PrimExpr>* equalities) {
// those exist in both upper & lower bounds will be moved to equalities
for (auto ub = upper_bounds->begin(); ub != upper_bounds->end();) {
auto lb = std::find_if(lower_bounds->begin(), lower_bounds->end(),
[&](const PrimExpr& e) { return StructuralEqual()(e, *ub); });
if (lb != lower_bounds->end()) {
ub = upper_bounds->erase(ub);
} else {
PartialSolvedInequalities SolveLinearInequalities(const IntConstraints& system_to_solve) {
arith::Analyzer analyzer;
// The algorithm consists in doing the following things for each variable v
// - Take formulas from `current_ineq_set_to_solve` and
// classify them according to polarity wrt v.
// - Combine each formula of positive polarity (wrt v)
// with each formula of negative polarity.
// - Put the resulting combinations into `next_ineq_set_to_solve`
// along with unclassifiable formulas.
// - Replace `current_ineq_set_to_solve` with `next_ineq_set_to_solve`
// and move to the next variable.
// normalized inequality
std::vector<PrimExpr> current_ineq_set_to_solve;
std::vector<PrimExpr> next_ineq_set_to_solve;
// A vector of pairs (c, e), c > 0, representing formulas of the form c*v + e <= 0
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, PrimExpr>> coef_pos;
// A vector of pairs (c, e), c < 0, representing formulas of the form c*v + e <= 0
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, PrimExpr>> coef_neg;
// formulas we don't know what to do with
std::vector<PrimExpr> rest;
// Simplify each inequality into the form `expr <= 0` and add to current formulas
for (const PrimExpr& ineq : system_to_solve->relations) {
NormalizeComparisons()(analyzer.Simplify(ineq, kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite)),
Map<Var, IntGroupBounds> res_bounds;
for (const Var& v : system_to_solve->variables) {
<< "Variable " << v
<< " appears more than one time in the `variables` which might be a bug";
// Add bounds from vranges
if (system_to_solve->ranges.count(v)) {
const Range& range = system_to_solve->ranges[v];
PrimExpr range_lbound = analyzer.Simplify(range->min, kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite);
PrimExpr range_ubound =
analyzer.Simplify(range->min + range->extent - 1, kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite);
coef_neg.push_back({-1, range_lbound});
coef_pos.push_back({1, -range_ubound});
ClassifyByPolarity(v, current_ineq_set_to_solve, &next_ineq_set_to_solve, &rest, &coef_pos,
&coef_neg, &analyzer);
// Combine each positive inequality with each negative one (by adding them together)
int64_t gcd_x, gcd_y;
for (const auto& pos : coef_pos) {
for (const auto& neg : coef_neg) {
auto first_gcd = ExtendedEuclidean(pos.first, -neg.first, &gcd_x, &gcd_y);
PrimExpr c_pos = make_const(v.dtype(), neg.first / first_gcd);
PrimExpr c_neg = make_const(v.dtype(), pos.first / first_gcd);
// eliminate the current variable
PrimExpr new_lhs = c_neg * neg.second - c_pos * pos.second;
PrimExpr new_ineq = LE(new_lhs, make_zero(pos.second.dtype()));
// we need rewrite_simplify -> canonical_simplify -> rewrite_simplify
// to help simplify things like (((y + 10) - (-1*(y - 20))) <= 0) => y - 5 <= 0
// with steps = 2 it's (y*2) - 10 <= 0
new_ineq =
NormalizeComparisons()(analyzer.Simplify(new_ineq, kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite));
AddInequality(&next_ineq_set_to_solve, new_ineq, &analyzer);
// Now we have to generate resulting (in)equalities for the variable v
// Find the common denominator in a sense
// We will generate formulas of the form coef_lcm*v <= bound
int64_t coef_lcm = 1;
for (const auto& pos : coef_pos) {
coef_lcm = LeastCommonMultiple(coef_lcm, pos.first);
for (const auto& neg : coef_neg) {
coef_lcm = LeastCommonMultiple(coef_lcm, -neg.first);
// The resulting lower and upper bounds
std::vector<PrimExpr> upper_bounds;
std::vector<PrimExpr> lower_bounds;
for (const auto& pos : coef_pos) {
PrimExpr bound = make_const(v.dtype(), -coef_lcm / pos.first) * pos.second;
bound = analyzer.Simplify(bound, kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite);
// Don't add if any of the existing bounds is better
if (std::any_of(upper_bounds.begin(), upper_bounds.end(),
[&bound, &analyzer](const PrimExpr& o) {
return analyzer.CanProve(o - bound <= 0);
})) {
// Erase all worse bounds
for (auto iter = upper_bounds.begin(); iter != upper_bounds.end();) {
if (analyzer.CanProve(*iter - bound >= 0)) {
iter = upper_bounds.erase(iter);
} else {
// Add the upper bound
for (const auto& neg : coef_neg) {
PrimExpr bound = make_const(v.dtype(), -coef_lcm / neg.first) * neg.second;
bound = analyzer.Simplify(bound, kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite);
// Don't add if any of the existing bounds is better
if (std::any_of(lower_bounds.begin(), lower_bounds.end(),
[&bound, &analyzer](const PrimExpr& o) {
return analyzer.CanProve(o - bound >= 0);
})) {
// Erase all worse bounds
for (auto iter = lower_bounds.begin(); iter != lower_bounds.end();) {
if (analyzer.CanProve(*iter - bound <= 0)) {
iter = lower_bounds.erase(iter);
} else {
// Add the lower bound
std::vector<PrimExpr> equal;
equal.reserve(std::min(upper_bounds.size(), lower_bounds.size()));
MoveEquality(&upper_bounds, &lower_bounds, &equal);
std::vector<PrimExpr> equal_list(equal.begin(), equal.end());
std::sort(equal_list.begin(), equal_list.end(), ExprLess());
// Write it to the result.
IntGroupBounds bnds(make_const(v.dtype(), coef_lcm),
Array<PrimExpr>(lower_bounds.begin(), lower_bounds.end()),
Array<PrimExpr>(equal_list.begin(), equal_list.end()),
Array<PrimExpr>(upper_bounds.begin(), upper_bounds.end()));
res_bounds.Set(v, bnds);
std::swap(current_ineq_set_to_solve, next_ineq_set_to_solve);
// Everything that is left goes to res.relations
Array<PrimExpr> other_conditions;
for (const PrimExpr& e : current_ineq_set_to_solve) {
PrimExpr e_simp = analyzer.Simplify(e, kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite);
if (is_const_int(e_simp, 0)) {
// contradiction detected
other_conditions = {const_false()};
} else if (is_const_int(e_simp, 1)) {
} else {
for (const PrimExpr& e : rest) {
return {res_bounds, other_conditions};
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma optimize("g", off)
IntConstraints SolveInequalitiesToRange(const IntConstraints& inequalities) {
// Resulting ranges will contain ranges for the new variables and for the variables that are
// not in the inequalities->variables but are in inequalities->ranges
// It will be useful when solving Jacobian axes jac_xxx)
Map<Var, Range> res_ranges;
// we get a set of equality, lower, upper bound of each variable.
auto solved_system = SolveLinearInequalities(inequalities);
Map<Var, IntGroupBounds> solved_bounds = solved_system.first;
Array<PrimExpr> solved_other_relations = solved_system.second;
Array<PrimExpr> res_relations;
// this keeps being updated during determining the range of each variable.
Map<Var, Range> vranges;
for (std::pair<Var, Range> vr : inequalities->ranges) {
vranges.Set(vr.first, vr.second);
// We process variables in the reverse direction to start with the most independent one.
// This order is needed to compute new ranges.
for (auto it = inequalities->variables.rbegin(); it != inequalities->variables.rend(); ++it) {
arith::Analyzer analyzer;
const Var& var = *it;
auto bnd = solved_bounds[var];
if (is_one(bnd->coef) && !bnd->equal.empty()) {
// There is an equation of the form `v == expr`, so this variable can be completely removed.
// Note that we use the 0-th expression because they are ordered by complexity,
// so it must be the simplest one.
// The MSVC compiler optimization must be disabled for the expression `bnd->equal[0]` which
// triggers an internal compiler error.
Range best_range(bnd->equal[0],
analyzer.Simplify(bnd->equal[0] + 1, kSimplifyRewriteCanonicalRewrite));
res_ranges.Set(var, best_range);
vranges.Set(var, best_range);
} else {
if (vranges.count(var) > 0) {
bnd = bnd + vranges[var];
auto best_range = bnd.FindBestRange(vranges);
if (best_range.defined()) {
if (analyzer.CanProveGreaterEqual(-best_range->extent, 0)) {
// range.extent <= 0 implies the input inequality system is unsolvable
return IntConstraints(/*variables=*/{}, /*ranges=*/{},
res_ranges.Set(var, best_range);
vranges.Set(var, best_range);
// Add the original conditions to the resulting conditions
arith::Analyzer analyzer;
for (const PrimExpr& old_cond :
AsConditions(inequalities->variables, solved_bounds, solved_other_relations)) {
if (!analyzer.CanProve(old_cond)) {
// those not represented in vranges (res_ranges)
IntConstraints system(inequalities->variables, res_ranges, res_relations);
return system;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma optimize("g", on)
IntConstraintsTransform SolveInequalitiesDeskewRange(const IntConstraints& inequalities) {
// Resulting ranges will contain ranges for the new variables and for the variables that are
// not in the inequalities->variables but are in inequalities->ranges (jac_xxx)
Map<Var, Range> res_ranges;
// we get a set of equality, lower, upper bound of each variable.
auto solved_system = SolveLinearInequalities(inequalities);
Map<Var, IntGroupBounds> solved_bounds = solved_system.first;
Array<PrimExpr> solved_other_relations = solved_system.second;
arith::Analyzer analyzer;
Map<Var, PrimExpr> res_src_to_dst;
Map<Var, PrimExpr> res_dst_to_src;
Array<Var> res_variables;
Array<PrimExpr> res_relations;
// this keeps being updated during determining the range of each variable.
Map<Var, Range> vranges;
for (std::pair<Var, Range> vr : inequalities->ranges) {
vranges.Set(vr.first, vr.second);
// We process variables in the reverse direction to start with the most independent one.
// This order is needed to compute new ranges.
for (auto it = inequalities->variables.rbegin(); it != inequalities->variables.rend(); ++it) {
const Var& var = *it;
auto bnd = solved_bounds[var];
// Note that we replace old vars with new ones
bnd = bnd.Substitute(res_src_to_dst);
if (is_one(bnd->coef) && !bnd->equal.empty()) {
// There is an equation of the form `v == expr`,
// so this variable can be completely removed.
// Note that we use the 0-th expression because they are ordered by complexity,
// so it must be the simplest one.
res_src_to_dst.Set(var, bnd->equal[0]);
} else {
if (vranges.count(var) > 0) {
bnd = bnd + vranges[var];
auto best_range = bnd.FindBestRange(vranges);
Var new_var = var.copy_with_suffix(".shifted");
if (!best_range.defined()) {
res_src_to_dst.Set(var, var);
res_dst_to_src.Set(var, var);
} else if (is_const_int(best_range->extent, 1)) {
// Don't create an itervar, just replace it everywhere with its min
res_src_to_dst.Set(var, best_range->min);
} else if (analyzer.CanProveGreaterEqual(-best_range->extent, 0)) {
// range.extent <= 0 implies the input inequality system is unsolvable
return IntConstraintsTransform(inequalities,
{}, {});
} else {
// created new_var starts from 0
res_src_to_dst.Set(var, new_var + best_range->min);
// Note that we are substituting old with new, so best_range contains new var,
// that is we have to substitute new with old in best_range here
analyzer.Simplify(var - Substitute(best_range->min, res_dst_to_src)));
// Add the new var to the resulting axis
auto range = Range(make_zero(new_var.dtype()), best_range->extent);
res_ranges.Set(new_var, range);
vranges.Set(new_var, range);
analyzer.Bind(new_var, range);
// Add the original conditions (with variables substituted) to the resulting conditions
for (const PrimExpr& old_cond :
AsConditions(inequalities->variables, solved_bounds, solved_other_relations)) {
PrimExpr new_cond = analyzer.Simplify(Substitute(old_cond, res_src_to_dst));
if (!is_const_int(new_cond, 1)) {
// those not represented in vranges (res_ranges)
// Reverse the axis so that it matches the order of the original variables
res_variables = Array<Var>(res_variables.rbegin(), res_variables.rend());
IntConstraints new_inequalities(res_variables, res_ranges, res_relations);
IntConstraintsTransform transform(inequalities, new_inequalities, res_src_to_dst, res_dst_to_src);
return transform;
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) {
IntConstraints problem;
PartialSolvedInequalities ret_ineq;
if (args.size() == 1) {
problem = args[0];
ret_ineq = SolveLinearInequalities(problem);
} else if (args.size() == 3) {
problem = IntConstraints(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
ret_ineq = SolveLinearInequalities(problem);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "arith.SolveInequalitiesAsCondition expects 1 or 3 arguments, gets "
<< args.size();
*ret = AsConditions(problem->variables, ret_ineq.first, ret_ineq.second);
TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("arith.SolveInequalitiesToRange").set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) {
if (args.size() == 1) {
*ret = SolveInequalitiesToRange(args[0]);
} else if (args.size() == 3) {
IntConstraints problem(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
*ret = SolveInequalitiesToRange(problem);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "arith.SolveInequalitiesToRange expects 1 or 3 arguments, gets " << args.size();
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* ret) {
if (args.size() == 1) {
*ret = SolveInequalitiesDeskewRange(args[0]);
} else if (args.size() == 3) {
IntConstraints problem(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
*ret = SolveInequalitiesDeskewRange(problem);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "arith.SolveInequalitiesDeskewRange expects 1 or 3 arguments, gets "
<< args.size();
} // namespace arith
} // namespace tvm