blob: 60027af80d4af8fa5dded44783966dd227083d1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 by Contributors
* \file topi/reduction.h
* \brief Reduction op constructors
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include "topi/broadcast.h"
#include "topi/elemwise.h"
#include "topi/tags.h"
#include "topi/transform.h"
#include "topi/detail/ravel_unravel.h"
#include "topi/detail/constant_utils.h"
#include "tvm/tvm.h"
namespace topi {
using namespace tvm;
/*! \brief The operation to use for CommReduce */
using FReduce = std::function<Expr(Expr source, const Array<IterVar>& axis)>;
/*! \brief The operation to use for CommReduceIdx */
using FCommReduce = std::function<
Array<Expr>(Array<Expr> exprs, const Array<IterVar>& axis, Expr* condition)>;
* \brief Convert a reduction axis which could be empty or have negative
* elements into a real axis with valid dimension indices.
* \param ndim Number of dimensions in the target.
* \param axis The axis parameter.
* \return A non-empty sorted array of valid dimension indices, with no duplicates.
* If the input axis is empty, the result will be an axis including all dimensions.
* If any input element is negative, it will be treated as an offset from the
* last dimension (same as python indexing rules).
inline std::vector<int> GetRealAxis(int ndim, const Array<Integer>& axis) {
std::vector<int> real_axis;
if (!axis.defined() || axis.size() == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
} else {
// Use a set so duplicates are removed and the dims are sorted
for (auto elem : axis) {
int64_t val = elem->value;
if (val < 0) {
val += ndim;
CHECK_LE(val, ndim) << " exceeds the maximum dimension " << ndim;
CHECK_GE(val, 0);
std::sort(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end());
std::unique(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end()) - real_axis.begin());
return real_axis;
/*! \brief Enumerate the axes for a reduce op */
inline Array<IterVar> MakeReduceAxes(const std::vector<int>& real_axis, const Tensor& data) {
Array<IterVar> reduce_axes;
for (auto i : real_axis) {
std::string name = "k" + std::to_string(i);
tvm::reduce_axis(Range(0, data->shape[i]), name));
return reduce_axes;
/*! \brief Calculate the target shape for a reduce op */
inline Array<Expr> MakeReduceTargetShape(const std::vector<int>& real_axis,
const Tensor& data,
bool keepdims,
bool atleast1d) {
auto ndim = data->shape.size();
Array<Expr> target_shape;
if (keepdims) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
if (std::find(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end(), i) != real_axis.end()) {
// real_axis contains i
} else {
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
if (std::find(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end(), i) == real_axis.end()) {
// real_axis does not contain i
if (target_shape.size() == 0 && atleast1d) {
return target_shape;
* \brief Create a reduction operation.
* \param data The input tensor.
* \param func The reduction function eg. tvm::sum
* \param target_shape The output Tensor shape.
* \param reduce_axes The real axes along which the reduction is performed.
* \param squeeze_axes The real axes to squeeze. Unsqueezed, reduced axes will
* have shape 1 in the output tensor.
* \return The result tensor.
inline Tensor DoCommReduce(const Tensor& data,
FReduce func,
const Array<Expr>& target_shape,
const std::vector<int>& reduce_axes,
const std::vector<int>& squeeze_axes) {
auto r_axes = MakeReduceAxes(reduce_axes, data);
auto compute = [&](const Array<Var>& indices) {
Array<Expr> eval_range;
Array<Var> eval_indices;
int arg_counter = 0;
int red_counter = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data->shape.size(); ++i) {
bool squeeze_i = std::find(squeeze_axes.begin(), squeeze_axes.end(), i) != squeeze_axes.end();
if (std::find(reduce_axes.begin(), reduce_axes.end(), i) != reduce_axes.end()) {
// real_axis contains i
arg_counter += !squeeze_i;
return func(data(eval_range), r_axes);
return tvm::compute(target_shape, compute, data->op->name + "_red", kCommReduce);
* \brief Create a reduction operation.
* \param data The input tensor.
* \param axis The axes along which the reduction is performed.
* \param func The reduction function eg. tvm::sum
* \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
* left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
* to broadcast correctly against the input array.
* \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
* \return The result tensor.
inline Tensor CommReduce(const Tensor& data,
const Array<Integer>& axis,
FReduce func,
bool keepdims,
bool atleast1d) {
auto ndim = data->shape.size();
CHECK_NE(ndim, 0) << "Cannot reduce a 0 dim Tensor";
auto real_axis = GetRealAxis(static_cast<int>(ndim), axis);
auto target_shape = MakeReduceTargetShape(real_axis, data, keepdims, atleast1d);
return DoCommReduce(data, func, target_shape, real_axis,
keepdims ? std::vector<int>() : real_axis);
* \brief Create an index reduction operation.
* \param data The input tensor.
* \param axis The axes along which the reduction is performed.
* \param func The reduction function
* \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
* left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
* to broadcast correctly against the input array.
* \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
* \return The result tensor.
inline Tensor CommReduceIdx(const Tensor& data,
const Array<Integer>& axis,
FCommReduce func,
bool keepdims,
bool atleast1d) {
auto ndim = data->shape.size();
CHECK_NE(ndim, 0) << "Cannot reduce a 0 dim Tensor";
auto real_axis = GetRealAxis(static_cast<int>(ndim), axis);
auto reduce_axes = MakeReduceAxes(real_axis, data);
auto target_shape = MakeReduceTargetShape(real_axis, data, keepdims, atleast1d);
auto compute = [ndim, keepdims, &real_axis, &reduce_axes, &func, &data]
(const Array<Var>& indices) {
Array<Expr> eval_range;
Array<Var> eval_indices;
int arg_counter = 0;
int red_counter = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
if (std::find(real_axis.begin(), real_axis.end(), i) != real_axis.end()) {
// real_axis contains i
} else {
if (!keepdims) {
} else {
Array<Expr> ravel_shape;
for (auto i : real_axis) {
auto idx = detail::RavelIndex(eval_indices, ravel_shape);
return func({ idx, data(eval_range) }, reduce_axes, nullptr);
auto temp_idx_val = tvm::compute(target_shape, compute,
data->op->name + "_red_temp", kCommReduceIdx);
auto temp_idx = temp_idx_val[0];
auto temp_val = temp_idx_val[1];
return tvm::compute(
[&temp_idx](const Array<Var>& indices) { return temp_idx(indices); },
data->op->name + "_red",
/*! \brief A combiner function for a reduction */
using FCombine = std::function<Array<Expr>(Array<Var> lhs, Array<Var> rhs)>;
/*! \brief An initializer function for a reduction */
using FIdentity = std::function<Array<Expr>(std::vector<Type> types)>;
* \brief Create a commutative reducer for a reduction
* \param fcombine A function to combine exprs
* \param fidentity A function to initialize elements
* \param name The name of the operation
* \return A reducer function which creates a reduce expression over an axis.
inline FCommReduce MakeCommReducer(FCombine fcombine,
FIdentity fidentity,
std::string name = "reduce") {
return [fcombine, fidentity, name]
(Array<Expr> exprs, const Array<IterVar>& axis, Expr* condition) {
Array<Var> lhs, rhs;
std::vector<Type> dtypes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
auto dtype = exprs[i].type();
lhs.push_back(var(name + "_lhs_" + std::to_string(i), dtype));
rhs.push_back(var(name + "_rhs_" + std::to_string(i), dtype));
auto result = fcombine(lhs, rhs);
auto id_elem = fidentity(dtypes);
auto cond = condition != nullptr ? *condition : tvm::const_true();
auto combiner = tvm::ir::CommReducerNode::make(lhs, rhs, result, id_elem);
Array<Expr> outputs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
outputs.push_back(tvm::ir::Reduce::make(combiner, exprs, axis, cond, static_cast<int>(i)));
return outputs;
/*! \brief Wrap tvm::min to ensure we get the correct overload */
inline Expr MinOp(Expr source, Array<IterVar> axis) {
return tvm::min(source, axis);
/*! \brief Wrap tvm::max to ensure we get the correct overload */
inline Expr MaxOp(Expr source, Array<IterVar> axis) {
return tvm::max(source, axis); // NOLINT(*)
/*! \brief Wrap tvm::prod to ensure we get the correct overload */
inline Expr ProdOp(Expr source, Array<IterVar> axis) {
return tvm::prod(source, axis); // NOLINT(*)
* \brief Creates an operation that sums array elements over a given axis
* \param data The input tensor
* \param axis The axis to sum over. If axis is empty, the operation will
* sum over all elements of the array.
* \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
* left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
* to broadcast correctly against the input array.
* \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
* \return A Tensor whose op member is the sum operation
inline Tensor sum(const Tensor& data,
const Array<Integer>& axis,
bool keepdims = false,
bool atleast1d = false) {
return CommReduce(data, axis, tvm::sum, keepdims, atleast1d);
inline Tensor collapse_sum(const Tensor& data, Array<Expr> target_shape) {
CHECK_GE(data->shape.size(), target_shape.size());
auto ishape = detail::GetConstIntValues(data->shape, "ishape");
auto oshape = detail::GetConstIntValues(target_shape, "oshape");
std::vector<int> reduce_axes;
std::vector<int> squeeze_axes;
for (int i_ax = ishape.size() - 1,
o_ax = oshape.size() - 1; i_ax >= 0; --i_ax) {
if (o_ax >= 0 && ishape[i_ax] == oshape[o_ax]) {
if (o_ax < 0) { // squeeze o_ax if was added during expansion
} else if (oshape[o_ax] == 1) {
if (reduce_axes.size() == 0) return topi::identity(data, "tensor", kCommReduce);
std::reverse(reduce_axes.begin(), reduce_axes.end());
std::reverse(squeeze_axes.begin(), squeeze_axes.end());
return DoCommReduce(data, tvm::sum, target_shape, reduce_axes, squeeze_axes);
* \brief Creates an operation that finds the minimum of elements over
* a given axis.
* \param data The input tensor
* \param axis The axis to find the minimum over. If axis is empty, the
* operation will find the minimum over all elements of the array.
* \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
* left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
* to broadcast correctly against the input array.
* \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
* \return A Tensor whose op member is the min operation
inline Tensor min(const Tensor& data,
const Array<Integer>& axis,
bool keepdims = false,
bool atleast1d = false) {
return CommReduce(data, axis, MinOp, keepdims, atleast1d);
* \brief Creates an operation that finds the maximum of elements over
* a given axis.
* \param data The input tensor
* \param axis The axis to find the maximum over. If axis is empty, the
* operation will find the maximum over all elements of the array.
* \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
* left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
* to broadcast correctly against the input array.
* \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
* \return A Tensor whose op member is the max operation
inline Tensor max(const Tensor& data,
const Array<Integer>& axis,
bool keepdims = false,
bool atleast1d = false) {
return CommReduce(data, axis, MaxOp, keepdims, atleast1d);
* \brief Creates an operation that finds the indices of the minimum
* values over a given axis.
* \param data The input tensor
* \param axis The axis along which the argmin is performed. If axis is empty,
* the operation will find the minimum index over all elements of the array.
* \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
* left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
* to broadcast correctly against the input array.
* \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
* \return A Tensor whose op member is the argmin operation
inline Tensor argmin(const Tensor& data,
const Array<Integer>& axis,
bool keepdims = false,
bool atleast1d = false) {
auto fcombine = [](Array<Var> lhs, Array<Var> rhs) {
Array<Expr> result;
result.push_back(tvm::ir::Select::make(lhs[1] <= rhs[1], lhs[0], rhs[0])); // idx
result.push_back(tvm::ir::Select::make(lhs[1] <= rhs[1], lhs[1], rhs[1])); // val
return result;
auto fidentity = [](std::vector<Type> types) {
Array<Expr> result;
result.push_back(tvm::make_const(types[0], -1)); // idx
result.push_back(types[1].max()); // val
return result;
auto func = MakeCommReducer(fcombine, fidentity, "argmin");
return CommReduceIdx(data, axis, func, keepdims, atleast1d);
* \brief Creates an operation that finds the indices of the maximum
* values over a given axis.
* \param data The input tensor
* \param axis The axis along which the argmax is performed. If axis is empty,
* the operation will find the maximum index over all elements of the array.
* \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
* left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
* to broadcast correctly against the input array.
* \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
* \return A Tensor whose op member is the argmax operation
inline Tensor argmax(const Tensor& data,
const Array<Integer>& axis,
bool keepdims = false,
bool atleast1d = false) {
auto fcombine = [](Array<Var> lhs, Array<Var> rhs) {
Array<Expr> result;
result.push_back(tvm::ir::Select::make(lhs[1] >= rhs[1], lhs[0], rhs[0])); // idx
result.push_back(tvm::ir::Select::make(lhs[1] >= rhs[1], lhs[1], rhs[1])); // val
return result;
auto fidentity = [](std::vector<Type> types) {
Array<Expr> result;
result.push_back(tvm::make_const(types[0], -1)); // idx
result.push_back(types[1].min()); // val
return result;
auto func = MakeCommReducer(fcombine, fidentity, "argmax");
return CommReduceIdx(data, axis, func, keepdims, atleast1d);
* \brief Creates product operation over given axis.
* \param data The input tensor
* \param axis The axis to do product over. If axis is empty, the
* operation will do the product over all elements of the array.
* \param keepdims If this is set to true, the axes which are reduced are
* left in the result as dimensions with size one. This enables the result
* to broadcast correctly against the input array.
* \param atleast1d Whether the output need to be atleast1d.
* \return A Tensor whose op member is the prod operation
inline Tensor prod(const Tensor& data,
const Array<Integer>& axis,
bool keepdims = false,
bool atleast1d = false) {
return CommReduce(data, axis, ProdOp, keepdims, atleast1d);
} // namespace topi