blob: c0455a3361e938e67199902f25de7e89afab14f3 [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-import
"""A parser for Relay's text format."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
from collections import deque
from typing import TypeVar, Deque, Tuple, Optional, Union, NamedTuple, List, Callable, Any, Dict
import tvm
from . import module
from .base import Span, SourceName
from . import expr
from . import ty
from . import op
class ParseError(Exception):
"""Exception type for parse errors."""
def __init__(self, message):
# type: (str) -> None
super(ParseError, self).__init__()
self.message = message
PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info.major
from .grammar.py2.RelayVisitor import RelayVisitor
from .grammar.py2.RelayParser import RelayParser
from .grammar.py2.RelayLexer import RelayLexer
from .grammar.py3.RelayVisitor import RelayVisitor
from .grammar.py3.RelayParser import RelayParser
from .grammar.py3.RelayLexer import RelayLexer
except ImportError:
raise ParseError("Couldn't find ANTLR parser. Try building with USE_ANTLR=ON.")
from antlr4 import ParserRuleContext, InputStream, CommonTokenStream
from antlr4.tree.Tree import TerminalNode
except ImportError:
raise ParseError("Couldn't find ANTLR runtime." +
"Try running `pip{} install antlr4-python{}-runtime`."
RelayParser.MUL: op.multiply,
RelayParser.DIV: op.divide,
RelayParser.ADD: op.add,
RelayParser.SUB: op.subtract,
RelayParser.LT: op.less,
RelayParser.GT: op.greater,
RelayParser.LE: op.less_equal,
RelayParser.GE: op.greater_equal,
RelayParser.EQ: op.equal,
RelayParser.NE: op.not_equal,
T = TypeVar("T")
Scope = Deque[Tuple[str, T]]
Scopes = Deque[Scope[T]]
def lookup(scopes, name):
# type: (Scopes[T], str) -> Optional[T]
"""Look up `name` in `scopes`."""
for scope in scopes:
for key, val in scope:
if key == name:
return val
return None
def spanify(f):
"""A decorator which attaches span information
to the value returned by calling `f`.
Intended for use with the below AST visiting
methods. The idea is that after we do the work
of constructing the AST we attach Span information.
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# Assumes 0th arg is self and gets source_name from object.
sn = args[0].source_name
# Assumes 1st arg is an ANTLR parser context.
ctx = args[1]
ast = f(*args, **kwargs)
line, col = ctx.getSourceInterval()
sp = Span(sn, line, col)
return ast
return _wrapper
# TODO(@jmp): Use
# to figure out how to get ANTLR4 to be more unhappy about syntax errors
class ParseTreeToRelayIR(RelayVisitor):
"""Parse Relay text format into Relay IR."""
def __init__(self, source_name):
# type: (str) -> None
self.source_name = source_name
self.module = module.Module({}) # type: module.Module
# Adding an empty scope allows naked lets without pain.
self.var_scopes = deque([deque()]) # type: Scopes[expr.Var]
self.global_var_scope = deque() # type: Scope[expr.GlobalVar]
self.type_param_scopes = deque([deque()]) # type: Scopes[ty.TypeVar]
self.graph_expr = [] # type: List[expr.Expr]
super(ParseTreeToRelayIR, self).__init__()
def enter_var_scope(self):
# type: () -> None
"""Enter a new Var scope so it can be popped off later."""
def exit_var_scope(self):
# type: () -> Scope[expr.Var]
"""Pop off the current Var scope and return it."""
return self.var_scopes.popleft()
def mk_var(self, name, type_):
# type: (str, ty.Type) -> expr.Var
"""Create a new Var and add it to the Var scope."""
var = expr.Var(name, type_)
self.var_scopes[0].appendleft((name, var))
return var
def mk_global_var(self, name):
# type: (str) -> expr.GlobalVar
"""Create a new GlobalVar and add it to the GlobalVar scope."""
var = expr.GlobalVar(name)
self.global_var_scope.append((name, var))
return var
def enter_type_param_scope(self):
# type: () -> None
"""Enter a new TypeVar scope so it can be popped off later."""
def exit_type_param_scope(self):
# type: () -> Scope[ty.TypeVar]
"""Pop off the current TypeVar scope and return it."""
return self.type_param_scopes.popleft()
def mk_typ(self, name, kind):
# (str, ty.Kind) -> ty.TypeVar
"""Create a new TypeVar and add it to the TypeVar scope."""
typ = ty.TypeVar(name, kind)
self.type_param_scopes[0].appendleft((name, typ))
return typ
def visitTerminal(self, node):
# type: (TerminalNode) -> Union[expr.Expr, int, float]
"""Visit lexer tokens that aren't ignored or visited by other functions."""
node_type = node.getSymbol().type
node_text = node.getText()
name = node_text[1:]
# variables
if node_type == RelayLexer.GLOBAL_VAR:
return lookup(deque([self.global_var_scope]), node_text[1:])
elif node_type == RelayLexer.LOCAL_VAR:
# Remove the leading '%' and lookup the name.
var = lookup(self.var_scopes, name)
if var is None:
raise ParseError("Couldn't resolve `{}`.".format(name))
return var
elif node_type == RelayLexer.GRAPH_VAR:
return self.graph_expr[int(name)]
except IndexError:
raise ParseError("Couldn't resolve `{}`".format(name))
# data types
elif node_type == RelayLexer.NAT:
return int(node_text)
elif node_type == RelayLexer.FLOAT:
return float(node_text)
elif node_type == RelayLexer.BOOL_LIT:
if node_text == "True":
return True
elif node_text == "False":
return False
raise ParseError("Unrecognized BOOL_LIT: `{}`".format(node_text))
raise ParseError("todo: {}".format(node_text))
def visit_list(self, ctx_list):
# type: (List[ParserRuleContext]) -> List[Any]
""""Visit a list of contexts."""
return [self.visit(ctx) for ctx in ctx_list]
def getType_(self, ctx):
# type: (Optional[RelayParser.Type_Context]) -> Optional[ty.Type]
"""Return a (possibly None) Relay type."""
if ctx is None:
return None
return self.visit(ctx)
def visitProg(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.ProgContext) -> Union[expr.Expr, module.Module]
if ctx.defn():
return self.module
return self.visit(ctx.expr())
# Exprs
def visitOpIdent(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.OpIdentContext) -> op.Op
return op.get(ctx.CNAME().getText())
# pass through
def visitParens(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.ParensContext) -> expr.Expr
return self.visit(ctx.expr())
# pass through
def visitBody(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.BodyContext) -> expr.Expr
return self.visit(ctx.expr())
def visitScalarFloat(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.ScalarFloatContext) -> expr.Constant
return expr.const(self.visit(ctx.FLOAT()))
def visitScalarInt(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.ScalarIntContext) -> expr.Constant
return expr.const(self.visit(ctx.NAT()))
def visitScalarBool(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.ScalarBoolContext) -> expr.Constant
return expr.const(self.visit(ctx.BOOL_LIT()))
def visitNeg(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.NegContext) -> Union[expr.Constant, expr.Call]
val = self.visit(ctx.expr())
if isinstance(val, expr.Constant) and == 0:
# fold Neg in for scalars
return expr.const(
return op.negative(val)
def visitTuple(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.TupleContext) -> expr.Tuple
tup = self.visit_list(ctx.expr())
return expr.Tuple(tup)
# Currently doesn't support mutable sequencing.
def visitLet(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.SeqContext) -> expr.Let
"""Desugar various sequence constructs to Relay Let nodes."""
if ctx.MUT() is not None:
raise ParseError("Mutation is currently unsupported.")
if ctx.var() is None or ctx.var().ident() is None:
# anonymous identity
ident = "_"
type_ = None
local_var = ctx.var().ident().LOCAL_VAR()
if local_var is None:
raise ParseError("Only local ids may be used in `let`s.")
ident = local_var.getText()[1:]
type_ = self.getType_(ctx.var().type_())
var = self.mk_var(ident, type_)
value = self.visit(ctx.expr(0))
body = self.visit(ctx.expr(1))
return expr.Let(var, value, body)
def visitBinOp(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.BinOpContext) -> expr.Call
"""Desugar binary operators."""
arg0, arg1 = self.visit_list(ctx.expr())
relay_op = BINARY_OPS.get(ctx.op.type)
if relay_op is None:
raise ParseError("Unimplemented binary op.")
return relay_op(arg0, arg1)
def visitVar(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.VarContext) -> expr.Var
"""Visit a single variable."""
ident = ctx.ident().LOCAL_VAR()
if ident is None:
raise ParseError("Only local ids may be used in vars.")
type_ = self.getType_(ctx.type_())
return self.mk_var(ident.getText()[1:], type_)
def visitVarList(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.VarListContext) -> List[expr.Var]
return self.visit_list(ctx.var())
# TODO: support a larger class of values than just Relay exprs
def visitAttr(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.AttrContext) -> Tuple[str, expr.Expr]
return (ctx.CNAME().getText(), self.visit(ctx.expr()))
def visitAttrList(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.AttrListContext) -> Dict[str, expr.Expr]
return dict(self.visit_list(ctx.attr()))
def visitArgList(self,
ctx # type: RelayParser.ArgListContext
# type: (...) -> Tuple[Optional[List[expr.Var]], Optional[Dict[str, expr.Expr]]]
var_list = self.visit(ctx.varList()) if ctx.varList() else None
attr_list = self.visit(ctx.attrList()) if ctx.attrList() else None
return (var_list, attr_list)
def mk_func(self, ctx):
# type: (Union[RelayParser.FuncContext, RelayParser.DefnContext]) -> expr.Function
"""Construct a function from either a Func or Defn."""
# Enter var scope early to put params in scope.
# Capture type params in params.
var_list, attr_list = self.visit(ctx.argList())
ret_type = self.getType_(ctx.type_())
type_params = list(self.exit_type_param_scope())
if type_params:
_, type_params = zip(*type_params)
body = self.visit(ctx.body())
attrs = tvm.make.node("DictAttrs", **attr_list) if attr_list is not None else None
return expr.Function(var_list, body, ret_type, type_params, attrs)
def visitFunc(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.FuncContext) -> expr.Function
return self.mk_func(ctx)
# TODO: how to set spans for definitions?
# @spanify
def visitDefn(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.DefnContext) -> None
ident = ctx.ident().GLOBAL_VAR()
if ident is None:
raise ParseError("Only global ids may be used in `def`s.")
ident_name = ident.getText()[1:]
ident = self.mk_global_var(ident_name)
self.module[ident] = self.mk_func(ctx)
def visitCall(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.CallContext) -> expr.Call
visited_exprs = self.visit_list(ctx.expr())
func = visited_exprs[0]
args = visited_exprs[1:]
return expr.Call(func, args, None, None)
def visitIfElse(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.IfElseContext) -> expr.If
"""Construct a Relay If node. Creates a new scope for each branch."""
cond = self.visit(ctx.expr())
true_branch = self.visit(ctx.body(0))
false_branch = self.visit(ctx.body(1))
return expr.If(cond, true_branch, false_branch)
def visitGraph(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.GraphContext) -> expr.Expr
"""Visit a graph variable assignment."""
if ctx.ident().GRAPH_VAR() is None:
raise ParseError("Expected a graph var, but got `{}`".format(ctx.ident().getText()))
graph_nid = int(ctx.ident().GRAPH_VAR().getText()[1:])
value = self.visit(ctx.expr(0))
if graph_nid != len(self.graph_expr):
raise ParseError(
"Expected new graph variable to be `%{}`,".format(len(self.graph_expr)) + \
"but got `%{}`".format(graph_nid))
kont = self.visit(ctx.expr(1))
return kont
# Types
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def visitIncompleteType(self, ctx):
# type (RelayParser.IncompleteTypeContext) -> None:
return None
def visitIdentType(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.IdentTypeContext) -> Union[ty.TensorType, str]
ident_type = ctx.CNAME().getText()
# look through all type prefixes for a match
for type_prefix in TYPE_PREFIXES:
if ident_type.startswith(type_prefix):
return ty.scalar_type(ident_type)
raise ParseError("Unknown builtin type: {}".format(ident_type))
# def visitCallType(self, ctx):
# # type: (RelayParser.CallTypeContext) -> Union[expr.Expr, ty.TensorType]
# ident_type = ctx.identType().CNAME().getText()
# args = self.visit_list(ctx.type_())
# if not args:
# raise ParseError("Type-level functions must have arguments!")
# func_type = TYPE_FUNCS.get(ident_type)(args)
# if func_type is None:
# raise ParseError("Unknown type-level function: `{}`".format(ident_type))
# else:
# return func_type
def visitParensShape(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.ParensShapeContext) -> int
return self.visit(ctx.shape())
def visitShapeSeq(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.ShapeSeqContext) -> List[int]
return self.visit_list(ctx.shape())
def visitTensorType(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.TensorTypeContext) -> ty.TensorType
"""Create a simple tensor type. No generics."""
shape = self.visit(ctx.shapeSeq())
dtype = self.visit(ctx.type_())
if not isinstance(dtype, ty.TensorType):
raise ParseError("Expected dtype to be a Relay base type.")
dtype = dtype.dtype
return ty.TensorType(shape, dtype)
def visitTupleType(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.TupleTypeContext) -> ty.TupleType
return ty.TupleType(self.visit_list(ctx.type_()))
def visitFuncType(self, ctx):
# type: (RelayParser.FuncTypeContext) -> ty.FuncType
types = self.visit_list(ctx.type_())
arg_types = types[:-1]
ret_type = types[-1]
return ty.FuncType(arg_types, ret_type, [], None)
def make_parser(data):
# type: (str) -> RelayParser
"""Construct a RelayParser a given data stream."""
input_stream = InputStream(data)
lexer = RelayLexer(input_stream)
token_stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
return RelayParser(token_stream)
__source_name_counter__ = 0
def fromtext(data, source_name=None):
# type: (str, str) -> Union[expr.Expr, module.Module]
"""Parse a Relay program."""
global __source_name_counter__
if source_name is None:
source_name = "source_file{0}".format(__source_name_counter__)
if isinstance(source_name, str):
source_name = SourceName(source_name)
tree = make_parser(data).prog()
return ParseTreeToRelayIR(source_name).visit(tree)