blob: 5a98dd456fb2bb1d77554a56e42e243b6c485895 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file nnvm/pass_functions.h
* \brief Pass functions that simply redirect the calls to ApplyPass
* This file serves as documentation on how to use functions implemented in "src/pass".
* It is totally optional to add these functions when you add a new pass, since
* ApplyPass can be directly called.
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base.h"
#include "pass.h"
#include "graph_attr_types.h"
namespace nnvm {
namespace pass {
* \brief Load a graph from JSON string, redirects to "LoadJSON" pass.
* \param json_str The json string.
* \return Loaded graph.
inline Graph LoadJSON(const std::string& json_str) {
Graph ret;
ret.attrs["json"] = std::make_shared<any>(json_str);
return ApplyPass(ret, "LoadJSON");
* \brief Save a graph to json, redirects to "SaveJSON" pass.
* \param graph The graph to be saved as json format.
* \return The json string.
inline std::string SaveJSON(Graph graph) {
Graph ret = ApplyPass(std::move(graph), "SaveJSON");
return ret.GetAttr<std::string>("json");
* \brief Print graph ir
* \param graph The graph to be printed
* \return The graph ir string.
inline std::string PrintGraphIR(Graph graph) {
Graph ret = ApplyPass(std::move(graph), "PrintGraphIR");
return ret.GetAttr<std::string>("graphir");
* \brief Add control flow dependencies between nodes.
* This function will enforce the correct order between
* write (mutable operators) and read (immutable operators)
* to sovle write-after-read and read-after-write problems.
* \param src The input graph.
* \return A graph with proper control flow dependencies added.
inline Graph OrderMutation(Graph src) {
return ApplyPass(std::move(src), "OrderMutation");
* \brief Infer shapes in the graph given the information.
* \param graph The input graph.
* \param shape_inputs The shapes of input symbols to the graph.
* \param shape_attr_key The key to the node attribute that can indicate shape. This is
* the place where manual hint for shapes could be injected.
* \return A graph with new attribute "shape" containing inferred shape of each NodeEntry.
* The index of ShapeVector is given by graph.indexed_graph().entry_id.
inline Graph InferShape(Graph graph,
ShapeVector shape_inputs,
std::string shape_attr_key = "") {
if (shape_inputs.size() != 0) {
graph.attrs["shape_inputs"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(shape_inputs));
if (shape_attr_key.length() != 0) {
graph.attrs["shape_attr_key"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(shape_attr_key));
return ApplyPass(std::move(graph), "InferShape");
* \brief Infer types in the graph given the information.
* \param graph The input graph.
* \param dtype_inputs The types of input symbols to the graph.
* \param dtype_attr_key The key to the node attribute that can indicate types. This is
* the place where manual hint for types could be injected.
* \return A graph with new attribute "dtype" containing inferred type of each NodeEntry.
* The index of ShapeVector is given by graph.indexed_graph().entry_id.
inline Graph InferType(Graph graph,
DTypeVector dtype_inputs,
std::string dtype_attr_key = "") {
if (dtype_inputs.size() != 0) {
graph.attrs["dtype_inputs"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(dtype_inputs));
if (dtype_attr_key.length() != 0) {
graph.attrs["dtype_attr_key"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(dtype_attr_key));
return ApplyPass(std::move(graph), "InferType");
* \brief Place the devices for each operator in the graph.
* Current device placement is quite simple. Each operator is assigned to a "group" (stored
* in `device_group_attr_key` attribute). Each group is assigned to a device (stored in
* `device_assign_map` attribute). Operators will be placed to the device assigned to its
* group. Copy operators will be injected if cross device reference happens.
* \param graph The input graph.
* \param device_group_attr_key The attribute name for hints of device group.
* \param device_assign_map The assignment map of device.
* \param device_copy_op The name of copy op to be inserted when cross device copy happened.
* \return A graph with new attribute "device", cotaining device information of each node.
inline Graph PlaceDevice(Graph graph,
std::string device_group_attr_key,
DeviceAssignMap device_assign_map,
std::string device_copy_op) {
graph.attrs["device_group_attr_key"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(device_group_attr_key));
graph.attrs["device_assign_map"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(device_assign_map));
graph.attrs["device_copy_op"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(device_copy_op));
return ApplyPass(std::move(graph), "PlaceDevice");
* \brief Get the gradient graph whose outputs are gradients of xs wrt to ys.
* \param graph The input graph.
* \param ys The entries we want to take gradient from.
* \param xs The input to take gradient with respect to.
* \param ys_out_grad The symbol for additional gradient to be propagate back to y.
* \param aggregate_fun Aggregation function applied to aggregate the inputs.
* \param mirror_fun Optional mirror function to do mirror optimization and save memory.
* \param attr_hint_fun Optional, hint function to output a node that like src, but its attr is same as like.
* \param zero_ops Optional, list of operators that outputs a single zero array. The first one
* must be zeros_like.
* \param copy_op_str Optional, name of the copy operation required to handle duplicates
* on the edge of the graph
* \return A new graph, whose outputs correspond to inputs of xs.
inline Graph Gradient(
Graph graph,
std::vector<NodeEntry> ys,
std::vector<NodeEntry> xs,
std::vector<NodeEntry> ys_out_grad,
std::function<NodeEntry(std::vector<NodeEntry>&& inputs)> aggregate_fun = nullptr,
std::function<int(const Node& node)> mirror_fun = nullptr,
std::function<NodeEntry(const NodeEntry& src, const NodeEntry &like)>
attr_hint_fun = nullptr,
std::vector<const Op*> zero_ops = std::vector<const Op*>(),
std::string copy_op_str = std::string()) {
graph.attrs["grad_ys"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(ys));
graph.attrs["grad_xs"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(xs));
graph.attrs["grad_ys_out_grad"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(ys_out_grad));
if (aggregate_fun != nullptr) {
graph.attrs["grad_aggregate_fun"] = std::make_shared<any>(aggregate_fun);
if (mirror_fun != nullptr) {
graph.attrs["grad_mirror_fun"] = std::make_shared<any>(mirror_fun);
if (attr_hint_fun != nullptr) {
graph.attrs["attr_hint_fun"] = std::make_shared<any>(attr_hint_fun);
if (zero_ops.size()) {
graph.attrs["zero_ops"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(zero_ops));
if (copy_op_str != std::string()) {
graph.attrs["copy_op"] = std::make_shared<any>(std::move(copy_op_str));
return ApplyPass(std::move(graph), "Gradient");
} // namespace pass
} // namespace nnvm