blob: abed19f9bc7deb5d911067095d79784603c9a137 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file nnvm/op_attr_types.h
* \brief Data structures that can appear in operator attributes.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
#include "base.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "tuple.h"
#include "layout.h"
namespace nnvm {
// These types are optional attributes in each operator.
// Each attribute can be required by some passes.
* \brief Return list of input arguments names of each operator.
* \param attrs The attributes of the node.
* \return list of inputs
* \note Register under "FListInputNames", default return {"data"}.
* FListInputNames enables automatic variable creation for missing arguments.
using FListInputNames = std::function<std::vector<std::string> (const NodeAttrs& attrs)>;
* \brief Return number of visible outputs by the user.
* \param attrs The attributes of the node.
* \note Register under "FNumVisibleOutputs", default not registered.
* This can be used to hide certain output from the user,
* but the additional outputs can be used to pass information from
* forward to gradient pass.
using FNumVisibleOutputs = std::function<uint32_t (const NodeAttrs& attrs)>;
* \brief Return list of output arguments names of each operator.
* \param attrs The attributes of the node.
* \return list of inputs
* \note Register under "FListOutputNames", default return {"outputs"}.
* FListOutputNames customized naming for operator outputs.
using FListOutputNames = std::function<std::vector<std::string> (const NodeAttrs& attrs)>;
* \brief Check whether operator will mutate k-th input.
* \param attrs The attributes of the node.
* \return list of input indices it mutates.
* \note Register under "FMutateInputs", default return false
* FMutateInputs enables mutation order handling correctly.
using FMutateInputs = std::function<std::vector<uint32_t> (const NodeAttrs& attrs)>;
* \brief Inference function of certain type.
* \tparam AttrType The type of the attribute to be infered.
* \return whether all attributes are inferred.
template<typename AttrType>
using FInferNodeEntryAttr = std::function<bool (const NodeAttrs& attrs,
std::vector<AttrType> *in_attrs,
std::vector<AttrType> *out_attrs)>;
* \brief Get attribute dictionary from node.
* \param attrs The attributes of the node.
* \return The attribute dict.
* \note Register under "FUpdateAttrDict"
using FGetAttrDict = std::function<
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>
(const NodeAttrs& attrs)>;
* \brief Shape inference function.
* Update the shapes given the input shape information.
* TShape.ndim() == 0 means the shape is still unknown.
* \note Register under "FInferShape",
* by default do not update any shapes.
* FInferShape is needed by shape inference
using FInferShape = FInferNodeEntryAttr<TShape>;
* \brief Type inference function.
* Update the type given the known type information.
* \note Register under "FInferType",
* by default set all the output types to 0.
using FInferType = FInferNodeEntryAttr<int>;
* \brief Whether this op is an explicit backward operator,
* If TIsBackward is true:
* - The first control_deps of the node points to the corresponding forward operator.
* \note Register under "TIsBackward"
* This enables easier shape/type inference for backward operators.
using TIsBackward = bool;
* \brief Get possible inplace options.
* This function enables optimization to reuse memory of inputs in output.
* \param attrs The attributes of the node
* \return list of pair of that maps input->output,
* indicating possible in place operations.
* \note Register under "FInplaceOption", by default no inplace can happen.
using FInplaceOption = std::function<
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > (const NodeAttrs& attrs)>;
* \brief Get if the inplace option is an identity
* This function enables inplace optimization even when input reference count
* is greater than one.
* \param attrs The attributes of the node
* \return list of bool indicating whether corresponding pair from FInplaceOption
* is an identity
* \note Register under "FInplaceIdentity", by default no identities.
using FInplaceIdentity = std::function<std::vector<bool> (const NodeAttrs& attrs)>;
* \brief Get list of inputs in the op whose content are actually not used by the operator
* These are dummy input that can be used for example in zeros_like, ones_like.
* \param attrs The attributes of the node
* \return list input index that are not used by the operator.
* \note Register under "FIgnoreInputs".
using FIgnoreInputs = std::function<
std::vector<uint32_t> (const NodeAttrs& attrs)>;
* \brief Get the gradient node of the op node
* This function generates the backward graph of the node
* \param nodeptr The node to take gradient
* \param out_grads Gradient of current node's outputs
* \return gradients of the inputs
* \note Register under "FGradient"
using FGradient = std::function<std::vector<NodeEntry>(
const NodePtr& nodeptr,
const std::vector<NodeEntry>& out_grads)>;
* \brief Set the attributes of input variable.
* Usually used for setting initialization or weight decay.
* \param attrs The attributes of this node.
* \param var the input variable
* \param index index of var in all inputs
using FSetInputVarAttrOnCompose = std::function<void(
const NodeAttrs& attrs,
NodePtr var,
const int index)>;
* \brief Infer & correct function of node layout. See \p Layout for layout convention
* \param attrs The attribute of the node.
* \param ilayouts Given the input layouts produced by ancestor nodes,
* it should be filled by layouts that the node requests.
* If the requested layout is different from what ancestor produces,
* a __layout_transform__ operator will be inserted automatically.
* \param last_ilayouts The input layouts requested by the node
* at the last infer pass (if any).
* This can be useful when an operator wants to keep
* the input layout the same as the original one.
* For example, after the pass of AlterOpLayout,
* transpose(input, axis=[1, 2, 3, 0]) may receive an input of NCHW16c layout,
* with which it cannot calculate with axis=[1, 2, 3, 0].
* Last input layouts allow it to know what the layout it originally inferred,
* i.e., the layout in the imported model.
* \param olayouts Inferred output layouts.
* \return success flag.
using FCorrectLayout = std::function<bool(
const NodeAttrs& attrs,
std::vector<Layout> *ilayouts,
const std::vector<Layout> *last_ilayouts,
std::vector<Layout> *olayouts)>;
* \brief Get a list of inputs that represent graphs instead of data.
* Normally, input symbols are considered as data to the operator. However,
* control flow operators and high-order functions need to interpret symbols
* as graphs.
* \param attrs The attributes of this node.
* \return a list of input index that are interpreted as symbols by the operator.
* \note Register under "FInputGraph".
using FInputGraph = std::function<std::vector<uint32_t>(const NodeAttrs& attrs)>;
} // namespace nnvm