blob: 7104688aa169750f07b5e5c2cd5365a515f3c86c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file tvm/base.h
* \brief Defines the base data structure
#ifndef TVM_BASE_H_
#define TVM_BASE_H_
#include <dmlc/logging.h>
#include <dmlc/registry.h>
#include <tvm/node/node.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include "runtime/registry.h"
namespace tvm {
using ::tvm::Node;
using ::tvm::NodeRef;
using ::tvm::AttrVisitor;
/*! \brief Macro to make it easy to define node ref type given node */
#define TVM_DEFINE_NODE_REF(TypeName, NodeName) \
class TypeName : public ::tvm::NodeRef { \
public: \
TypeName() {} \
explicit TypeName(::tvm::NodePtr<::tvm::Node> n) : NodeRef(n) {} \
const NodeName* operator->() const { \
return static_cast<const NodeName*>(node_.get()); \
} \
using ContainerType = NodeName; \
}; \
* \brief save the node as well as all the node it depends on as json.
* This can be used to serialize any TVM object
* \return the string representation of the node.
std::string SaveJSON(const NodeRef& node);
* \brief Internal implementation of LoadJSON
* Load tvm Node object from json and return a shared_ptr of Node.
* \param json_str The json string to load from.
* \return The shared_ptr of the Node.
NodePtr<Node> LoadJSON_(std::string json_str);
* \brief Load the node from json string.
* This can be used to deserialize any TVM object.
* \param json_str The json string to load from.
* \tparam NodeType the nodetype
* \code
* Expr e = LoadJSON<Expr>(json_str);
* \endcode
template<typename NodeType,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<NodeRef, NodeType>::value>::type >
inline NodeType LoadJSON(const std::string& json_str) {
return NodeType(LoadJSON_(json_str));
* \brief Registry entry for NodeFactory.
* There are two types of Nodes that can be serialized.
* The normal node requires a registration a creator function that
* constructs an empty Node of the corresponding type.
* The global singleton(e.g. global operator) where only global_key need to be serialized,
* in this case, FGlobalKey need to be defined.
struct NodeFactoryReg {
* \brief creator function.
* \param global_key Key that identifies a global single object.
* If this is not empty then FGlobalKey
* \return The created function.
using FCreate = std::function<NodePtr<Node>(const std::string& global_key)>;
* \brief Global key function, only needed by global objects.
* \param node The node pointer.
* \return node The global key to the node.
using FGlobalKey = std::function<std::string(const Node* node)>;
/*! \brief registered name */
std::string name;
* \brief The creator function
FCreate fcreator = nullptr;
* \brief The global key function.
FGlobalKey fglobal_key = nullptr;
// setter of creator
NodeFactoryReg& set_creator(FCreate f) { // NOLINT(*)
this->fcreator = f;
return *this;
// setter of creator
NodeFactoryReg& set_global_key(FGlobalKey f) { // NOLINT(*)
this->fglobal_key = f;
return *this;
// global registry singleton
TVM_DLL static ::dmlc::Registry<::tvm::NodeFactoryReg> *Registry();
* \brief Register a Node type
* \note This is necessary to enable serialization of the Node.
#define TVM_REGISTER_NODE_TYPE(TypeName) \
static DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED ::tvm::NodeFactoryReg & __make_Node ## _ ## TypeName ## __ = \
::tvm::NodeFactoryReg::Registry()->__REGISTER__(TypeName::_type_key) \
.set_creator([](const std::string&) { return ::tvm::make_node<TypeName>(); })
#define TVM_DESCRIBE(...) describe(__VA_ARGS__ "\n\nFrom:" __FILE__ ":" TVM_STRINGIZE(__LINE__))
* \brief Macro to include current line as string
#define TVM_ADD_FILELINE "\n\nDefined in " __FILE__ ":L" TVM_STRINGIZE(__LINE__)
} // namespace tvm
#endif // TVM_BASE_H_