blob: 49b1f28e5d8390262383cc6352c78d29af181c18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
* \file tvm/tir/stmt_functor.h
* \brief Functors for tir stmts
* utility functions to call common functors.
#include <tvm/node/functor.h>
#include <tvm/tir/expr.h>
#include <tvm/tir/expr_functor.h>
#include <tvm/tir/function.h>
#include <tvm/tir/stmt.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
namespace tvm {
namespace tir {
* \brief Same as ExprFunctor except it is applied on statements
* \tparam FType The function signature.
* \sa ExprFunctor
template <typename FType>
class StmtFunctor;
{ return VisitStmtDefault_(op, std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
vtable.template set_dispatch<OP>([](const ObjectRef& n, TSelf* self, Args... args) { \
return self->VisitStmt_(static_cast<const OP*>(n.get()), std::forward<Args>(args)...); \
template <typename R, typename... Args>
class StmtFunctor<R(const Stmt& n, Args... args)> {
using TSelf = StmtFunctor<R(const Stmt& n, Args... args)>;
using FType = NodeFunctor<R(const ObjectRef& n, TSelf* self, Args... args)>;
/*! \brief the result type of this functor */
using result_type = R;
/*! \brief virtual destructor */
virtual ~StmtFunctor() {}
* \brief Same as call.
* \param n The stmt node.
* \param args Additional arguments.
* \return The result of the call
R operator()(const Stmt& n, Args... args) { return VisitStmt(n, std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
* \brief The functor call.
* \param n The stmt node.
* \param args Additional arguments.
* \return The result of the call
virtual R VisitStmt(const Stmt& n, Args... args) {
static FType vtable = InitVTable();
return vtable(n, this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Functions that can be overriden by subclass
virtual R VisitStmt_(const LetStmtNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const AttrStmtNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const IfThenElseNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const ForNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const WhileNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const AllocateNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const AllocateConstNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const DeclBufferNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const StoreNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const BufferStoreNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const BufferRealizeNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const AssertStmtNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const ProducerStoreNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const ProducerRealizeNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const PrefetchNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const SeqStmtNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const EvaluateNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const BlockNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmt_(const BlockRealizeNode* op, Args... args) STMT_FUNCTOR_DEFAULT;
virtual R VisitStmtDefault_(const Object* op, Args...) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Do not have a default for " << op->GetTypeKey();
return R();
// initialize the vtable.
static FType InitVTable() {
FType vtable;
return vtable;
* \brief StmtVisitor.
class TVM_DLL StmtVisitor : protected StmtFunctor<void(const Stmt&)> {
using StmtFunctor::operator();
using StmtFunctor::VisitStmt;
* \brief Visitor to Exprs, can be overriden
* to do recursive changes to Exprs.
* \note A common pattern is to call ExprVisitor here,
* or have a class sub-class both StmtVisitor and ExprVisitor
* and redirect Visit to ExprMutator::VisitExpr(Expr)
virtual void VisitExpr(const PrimExpr& e) {}
// statement visitor
void VisitStmt_(const AttrStmtNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const IfThenElseNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const LetStmtNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const ForNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const WhileNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const AllocateNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const AllocateConstNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const DeclBufferNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const StoreNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const BufferStoreNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const BufferRealizeNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const AssertStmtNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const ProducerStoreNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const ProducerRealizeNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const PrefetchNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const SeqStmtNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const EvaluateNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const BlockNode* op) override;
void VisitStmt_(const BlockRealizeNode* op) override;
* \brief StmtMutator that mutates the statements.
class TVM_DLL StmtMutator : protected StmtFunctor<Stmt(const Stmt&)> {
* \brief Mutate stmt.
* \param stmt The input statement to be mutated.
* \return The result of the call
* \note It is important that stmt is passed by value.
* so copy on write can be triggered correctly.
* do mutator(std::move(stmt)) or when copy elison is triggered.
Stmt operator()(Stmt stmt) {
allow_copy_on_write_ = true;
return VisitStmt(stmt);
// We perform copy on write optimizations on the StmtMutator
// so that an unique copy of parent can be mutated inplace
// when some of its children changed.
// We only do such optimization for Stmt nests(instead of Exprs) for now
// as Stmt's parent state is more likely remain unchanged when one of
// its child block changes.
* \brief Internal state to indicate whether copy on write is enabled.
* COW is enabled iff all the parents of the node are unique.
bool allow_copy_on_write_{false};
* \brief Perform copy on write on node.
* If CopyOnWrite is allowed, directly return
* a strong reference to the node container.
* Otherwise, return a copy of the node.
* \return The result object pointer.
template <typename TNode>
ObjectPtr<TNode> CopyOnWrite(const TNode* node) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<StmtNode, TNode>::value,
"StmtMutator:: CopyOnWrite requires us to track uniqueness of all parent "
"nodes during the recursion. Because the child classes do not necessarily "
"check the Array, Expr and other structures during the visit, it is only safe to "
"call this function with StmtNodes for now. "
"Please create a new node directly in other cases.");
if (allow_copy_on_write_) {
// return the old node.
return runtime::GetObjectPtr<TNode>(const_cast<TNode*>(node));
} else {
// Make a new copy of the node.
// need to rely on the default copy constructor
return runtime::make_object<TNode>(*node);
* \brief Internal mutator that everyone calls.
* \note To override mutate's behavior, override VisitExpr instead.
* \param stmt The input stmt.
* \return The mutated results.
Stmt VisitStmt(const Stmt& stmt) override {
if (allow_copy_on_write_ && !stmt.unique()) {
allow_copy_on_write_ = false;
Stmt ret = StmtFunctor::VisitStmt(stmt);
allow_copy_on_write_ = true;
return ret;
} else {
return StmtFunctor::VisitStmt(stmt);
* \brief Visitor to Exprs, can be overriden
* to do recursive changes to Exprs.
* \note A common pattern is to call ExprMutator here,
* or have a class sub-class both StmtMutator and ExprMutator
* and redirect Mutate to ExprMutator::Mutate(Expr)
virtual PrimExpr VisitExpr(const PrimExpr& e) { return e; }
// statement visitor
Stmt VisitStmt_(const AttrStmtNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const IfThenElseNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const LetStmtNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const ForNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const WhileNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const AllocateNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const AllocateConstNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const DeclBufferNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const StoreNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const BufferStoreNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const BufferRealizeNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const AssertStmtNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const ProducerStoreNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const ProducerRealizeNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const PrefetchNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const SeqStmtNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const EvaluateNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const BlockNode* op) override;
Stmt VisitStmt_(const BlockRealizeNode* op) override;
* \brief Alternative advance method for SeqStmtNode.
* This function can be called when a child class override
* VisitStmt_(const SeqStmtNode*) to introduce
* the special behavior to visit
* \param op The sequence.
* \param flatten_before_visit Whether to flatten the sequence before visit.
* \param fmutate The mutate function, can be nullptr, which defaults to Visit.
* \return The mutated result.
Stmt VisitSeqStmt_(const SeqStmtNode* op, bool flatten_before_visit,
std::function<Stmt(const Stmt&)> fmutate = nullptr);
// internal helper.
class Internal;
* \brief Visitor that recursively visit stmts and exprs on them.
class StmtExprVisitor : public StmtVisitor, public ExprVisitor {
using StmtVisitor::operator();
using ExprVisitor::operator();
using ExprVisitor::VisitExpr;
using StmtVisitor::VisitStmt;
void VisitExpr(const PrimExpr& e) override { return ExprVisitor::VisitExpr(e); }
* \brief Mutator that recursively mutates stmts and exprs on them.
class StmtExprMutator : public StmtMutator, public ExprMutator {
using StmtMutator::operator();
using ExprMutator::operator();
using ExprMutator::VisitExpr;
using StmtMutator::VisitExpr;
PrimExpr VisitExpr(const PrimExpr& e) override { return ExprMutator::VisitExpr(e); }
* \brief recursively visit the ir nodes in post DFS order, and transform it
* \param stmt The ir to be transformed.
* \param preorder The function called in before recursive mutation
* If preorder returns None, then the transform will proceed to recursive call.
* If preorder returns a not None Stmt/Expr, the transformer will simply return it and
* won't do further recursion.
* \param postorder The function called after recursive mutation.
* The recursive mutation result is passed to postorder for further mutation.
* \param only_enable List of runtime::String.
* If it is null, all IRNode will call preorder/postorder
* If it is not null, preorder/postorder will only be called
* when the IRNode's type key is in the list.
TVM_DLL Stmt IRTransform(Stmt stmt, const runtime::PackedFunc& preorder,
const runtime::PackedFunc& postorder,
Optional<Array<String>> only_enable = NullOpt);
* \brief Recursively visit the ir in post DFS order node, apply fvisit
* Each node is guaranteed to be visited only once.
* \param node The ir to be visited.
* \param fvisit The visitor function to be applied.
TVM_DLL void PostOrderVisit(const ObjectRef& node, std::function<void(const ObjectRef&)> fvisit);
* \brief Substitute the var specified by vmap.
* \param stmt The source statement to be substituted
* \param vmap returns a new value if re-mapping is needed, otherwise returns nullptr.
* \return The converted form.
TVM_DLL Stmt Substitute(Stmt stmt, std::function<Optional<PrimExpr>(const Var& var)> vmap);
* \brief Substitute the var specified by vmap.
* \param expr The source statement to be substituted
* \param vmap returns a new value if re-mapping is needed, otherwise returns nullptr.
* \return The result.
TVM_DLL PrimExpr Substitute(PrimExpr expr, std::function<Optional<PrimExpr>(const Var& var)> vmap);
* \brief Substitute the var specified by vmap.
* \param region The object whose vars are to be substituted
* \param vmap The map of new values.
* \return The result.
TVM_DLL Array<Range> Substitute(const Array<Range>& region, const Map<Var, PrimExpr>& vmap);
* \brief Sugar for substitute via a given map.
* \param input The input to be updated.
* \param value_map The map of new values.
* \return The result.
* \tparam T the input type, can be PrimExpr or Stmt.
template <typename T>
inline auto Substitute(T input, const Map<Var, PrimExpr>& value_map) {
auto vmap = [&](const Var& var) -> Optional<PrimExpr> {
auto it = value_map.find(var);
if (it != value_map.end()) return (*it).second;
return Optional<PrimExpr>(nullptr);
return Substitute(std::move(input), vmap);
* \brief Sugar for substitute via a given map.
* \param input The input to be updated.
* \param value_map The map of new values.
* \return The result.
* \tparam T the input type, can be PrimExpr or Stmt.
template <typename T>
inline T Substitute(T input, const std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, PrimExpr>& value_map) {
auto vmap = [&](const Var& var) -> Optional<PrimExpr> {
auto it = value_map.find(var.get());
if (it != value_map.end()) return (*it).second;
return Optional<PrimExpr>(nullptr);
return Substitute(std::move(input), vmap);
* \brief Recursively visit the IR in pre DFS order node, apply fvisit.
* If fvisit returns false, it won't visit the children of the node.
* \param stmt_or_expr The ir to be visited.
* \param fvisit The visitor function to be applied. If fvisit returns false, it won't visit the
* children of the node
TVM_DLL void PreOrderVisit(const ObjectRef& stmt_or_expr,
const std::function<bool(const ObjectRef&)>& fvisit);
* \brief Renew the definition nodes for a TIR, including Var, Buffer and IterVar.
* This pass works as a simple DeepCopy to duplicate a function with different Vars and
* Buffers but the same behavior
* \param func The input PrimFunc.
* \return The renewed func.
TVM_DLL PrimFunc RenewDefs(const PrimFunc& func);
} // namespace tir
} // namespace tvm