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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file tvm/arith/analyzer.h
* \brief Algebra expression simplifications.
#include <tvm/arith/int_set.h>
#include <tvm/ir/expr.h>
#include <tvm/support/with.h>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace tvm {
/*! \brief namespace of arithmetic analysis. */
namespace arith {
// Base integer analysis API.
// We have multiple type of analyzers to do relaxed
// integer set analysis(bound analysis, modulo) and
// equivalence checking and simplification.
// Importantly, each analyzer may need result from
// another analyzer.
// Forward declare Analyzer
class Analyzer;
using tir::Var;
enum DivMode {
/*! \brief Truncated division. */
/*! \brief Floor division. */
* \brief The strength used in top-level condition proves
* \note The higher, the more time consuming it can be.
* Do not use level beyond kDefault in internal recursive rewriting in arith
* analysis and only use it at top-level simplification to avoid speed issues.
enum class ProofStrength : int {
/*! \brief default strength, can be used in. */
kDefault = 0,
* \brief Prove using symbolic bound analysis
kSymbolicBound = 1,
* \brief Constant integer up and lower bound(inclusive).
* Useful for value bound analysis.
* set = [min_value, max_value]
class ConstIntBoundNode : public Object {
int64_t min_value;
int64_t max_value;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) {
v->Visit("min_value", &min_value);
v->Visit("max_value", &max_value);
bool SEqualReduce(const ConstIntBoundNode* other, SEqualReducer equal) const {
return equal(min_value, other->min_value) && equal(max_value, other->max_value);
/*! \brief Number to represent +inf */
static const constexpr int64_t kPosInf = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
* \brief Number to represent -inf
* \note We can make use the of fact that -kPosInf == kNegInf in the project.
static const constexpr int64_t kNegInf = -kPosInf;
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "arith.ConstIntBound";
* \brief reference class to ConstIntBoundNode
* \sa ConstIntBoundNode
class ConstIntBound : public ObjectRef {
* \brief constructor by fields.
* \param min_value The mininum value.
* \param max_value The maximum value.
TVM_DLL ConstIntBound(int64_t min_value, int64_t max_value);
static const constexpr int64_t kPosInf = ConstIntBoundNode::kPosInf;
static const constexpr int64_t kNegInf = ConstIntBoundNode::kNegInf;
TVM_DEFINE_OBJECT_REF_METHODS(ConstIntBound, ObjectRef, ConstIntBoundNode);
* \brief Analyzer to get constant integer bound over expression.
class ConstIntBoundAnalyzer {
using BoundMapType = std::unordered_map<PrimExpr, ConstIntBound, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual>;
* \brief analyze the expr
* \param expr The expression of interest.
* \return the result of the analysis.
TVM_DLL ConstIntBound operator()(const PrimExpr& expr) const;
* \brief analyze the expr with the intermediate memorized to avoid redundant computation
* \param expr The expression of interest.
* \param bound The lookup table to store the intermediate results
* \return the result of the analysis.
TVM_DLL ConstIntBound operator()(const PrimExpr& expr, BoundMapType* bound);
* \brief Update constant int bound information of var.
* \param var The variable of interest.
* \param info The bound information.
* \param allow_override whether we allow override of existing information.
TVM_DLL void Update(const Var& var, const ConstIntBound& info, bool allow_override = false);
* \brief Bind variable to a range.
* \param var The variable.
* \param range The range we bind to.
* \param allow_override Whether we allow overriding an existing var's range.
TVM_DLL void Bind(const Var& var, const Range& range, bool allow_override = false);
friend class Analyzer;
friend class ConstraintContext;
explicit ConstIntBoundAnalyzer(Analyzer* parent);
TVM_DLL ~ConstIntBoundAnalyzer();
* \brief Update the internal state to enter constraint.
* \param constraint A constraint expression.
* \return an exit function that must be called to cleanup the constraint can be nullptr.
std::function<void()> EnterConstraint(const PrimExpr& constraint);
struct Entry;
class Impl;
/*! \brief Internal impl */
Impl* impl_;
* \brief Range of a linear integer function.
* Use to do specify the possible index values.
* set = { coeff * x + base | x in Z }
* When coeff != 0, it can also be written as
* set = { n | n % coeff == base }
* This is useful to decide if the index is dividable by certain value.
* For example, if index = 0 + 4 x, then we know it can be divided by 4.
class ModularSetNode : public Object {
/*! \brief linear co-efficient */
int64_t coeff;
/*! \brief The base */
int64_t base;
void VisitAttrs(tvm::AttrVisitor* v) {
v->Visit("coeff", &coeff);
v->Visit("base", &base);
bool SEqualReduce(const ModularSetNode* other, SEqualReducer equal) const {
return equal(coeff, other->coeff) && equal(base, other->base);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "arith.ModularSet";
* \brief reference of ModularSetNode
* \sa ModularSetNode
class ModularSet : public ObjectRef {
TVM_DLL ModularSet(int64_t coeff, int64_t base);
TVM_DEFINE_OBJECT_REF_METHODS(ModularSet, ObjectRef, ModularSetNode);
* \brief Analyzer to get modular information over expression.
class ModularSetAnalyzer {
* \brief analyze the expr
* \param expr The expression of interest.
* \return the result of the analysis.
TVM_DLL ModularSet operator()(const PrimExpr& expr);
* \brief Update constant int bound information of var.
* \param var The variable of interest.
* \param info The bound information.
* \param allow_override whether we allow override of existing information.
TVM_DLL void Update(const Var& var, const ModularSet& info, bool allow_override = false);
friend class Analyzer;
friend class ConstraintContext;
explicit ModularSetAnalyzer(Analyzer* parent);
TVM_DLL ~ModularSetAnalyzer();
* \brief Update the internal state to enter constraint.
* \param constraint A constraint expression.
* \return an exit function that must be called to cleanup the constraint can be nullptr.
std::function<void()> EnterConstraint(const PrimExpr& constraint);
struct Entry;
class Impl;
/*! \brief Internal impl */
Impl* impl_;
* \brief Rewrite-rule based simplifier.
class RewriteSimplifier {
* \brief analyze the expr
* \param expr The expression of interest.
* \return the result of the analysis.
TVM_DLL PrimExpr operator()(const PrimExpr& expr);
* \brief Update binding of var to a new expression.
* \param var The variable of interest.
* \param new_expr
* \param allow_override Whether we allow override of existing information.
TVM_DLL void Update(const Var& var, const PrimExpr& new_expr, bool allow_override = false);
* \brief Update the internal state to enter constraint.
* \param constraint A constraint expression.
* \return an exit function that must be called to cleanup the constraint can be nullptr.
TVM_DLL std::function<void()> EnterConstraint(const PrimExpr& constraint);
/*! \brief Flags to enable more computationally-intensive simplifications
* These simplifications may be required for specific schedules, but
* would impose too high a compile-time cost to enable by default.
* They can be enabled on an as-needed basis by calling
* `RewriteSimplifier::SetEnabledExtensions` prior to using
* `RewriteSimplifier::operator()`.
* Flags are defined as powers of two to allow future expansion. To
* enable multiple extensions, a user should pass a bitwise OR of the
* flags for each desired extension.
enum Extension {
// No extensions enabled
kNone = 0,
/* When simplifying an inequality, attempt to use scope-based knowns.
* Example:
* if_then_else(i<j && j<k, i<k, false) => if_then_else(i<j && j<k, true, false)
kTransitivelyProveInequalities = (1 << 0),
/* When simplifying a boolean expression, convert to an AND of ORs
* (conjunctive normal form).
* Example:
* (a && b) || c => (a || c) && (b || c)
kConvertBooleanToAndOfOrs = (1 << 1),
/* When simplifying a boolean AND or a boolean OR, simplify each
* branch under the assumption that the other branch does not
* already dominate the result. That is, simplify each branch of
* (A && B) under the assumption that the other branch is true,
* and simplify each branch of (A || B) under the assumption that
* the other branch is false.
* Example:
* (n < 10) && (n < 5) => (n < 10)
* (n < 10) || (n < 5) => (n < 5)
kApplyConstraintsToBooleanBranches = (1 << 2),
/* Special handling for expressions `(A+B)*C < (A*B)*D`
* Expressions of the form `(A+B)*C < (A*B)*D` can occur occur
* when comparing the number of operations required for two
* different orderings in which matrix multiplications can be
* performed. Proving or disproving this conditional allows an
* optimal order of execution to be selected, even for dynamic
* argument shapes.
* The default behavior of `ConstIntBounds` assumes that each term
* in an expression is independent, and is insufficient to prove
* these inequalities. For example, the maximum value of `(A+B)*C
* - (A*B)*D` is determined by taking the maximum value of
* `(A+B)*C` and subtracting the minimum value of `(A*B)*D`.
* While this algorithm can be applied in all cases, the bound it
* provides is looser than strictly required.
* This extension adds a check for this case. When `A`, `B`, `C`,
* and `D` are all positive values, as is the case for tensor
* shapes, the inequality can be written as `1/A + 1/B < D/C`. If
* this inequality holds for the minimum values of `A`, `B`, and
* `D`, along with the maximum value of `C`, then the inequality
* holds for all values.
* This extension requires little to no performance overhead, and
* may be enabled by default in future releases.
kComparisonOfProductAndSum = (1 << 3),
/*! \brief Enable an optional extension or extensions
* \param flags A bitwise OR of all optional extensions that should
* be enabled.
TVM_DLL void SetEnabledExtensions(Extension flags);
/*! \brief Return the currently enabled extensions */
TVM_DLL Extension GetEnabledExtensions() const;
/*! \brief Return the statistics counters */
TVM_DLL ObjectRef GetStatsCounters() const;
/*! \brief Reset the statistics counters */
TVM_DLL void ResetStatsCounters();
/*! \brief Set the maximum allowed number of rewrite steps
* By default, the simplifier may perform as many steps as are
* required. If a positive limit is set, then the simplifier will
* throw an exception when exceeding that number of rewrite steps.
* This allows tests to guard against performance regressions.
* Note: To maintain accurate usage counters, `Analyzer` instances
* should be re-used wherever possible. For example, TIR
* transformations should declare a single `Analyzer` that is used
* throughout the pass, and utility functions should receive an
* `Analyzer*` from their calling scope.
TVM_DLL void SetMaximumRewriteSteps(int64_t maximum);
friend class Analyzer;
friend class ConstraintContext;
friend class CanonicalSimplifier;
explicit RewriteSimplifier(Analyzer* parent);
TVM_DLL ~RewriteSimplifier();
class Impl;
/*! \brief Internal impl */
Impl* impl_;
* \brief Canonical-form based simplifier.
class CanonicalSimplifier {
* \brief analyze the expr
* \param expr The expression of interest.
* \return the result of the analysis.
TVM_DLL PrimExpr operator()(const PrimExpr& expr);
* \brief Update binding of var to a new expression.
* \param var The variable of interest.
* \param new_expr
* \param allow_override whether we allow override of existing information.
TVM_DLL void Update(const Var& var, const PrimExpr& new_expr, bool allow_override = false);
friend class Analyzer;
friend class ConstraintContext;
explicit CanonicalSimplifier(Analyzer* parent);
TVM_DLL ~CanonicalSimplifier();
class Impl;
/*! \brief Internal impl */
Impl* impl_;
/*! \brief Structure for representing result of known
* Values are assigned to allow these flags to be used in bitwise
* operations.
enum class CompareResult : int {
kInconsistent = 0,
kEQ = 1,
kLT = 2,
kLE = 3,
kGT = 4,
kGE = 5,
kNE = 6,
kUnknown = 7
inline constexpr CompareResult operator&(CompareResult lhs, CompareResult rhs) {
return CompareResult(static_cast<int>(lhs) & static_cast<int>(rhs));
inline constexpr CompareResult operator|(CompareResult lhs, CompareResult rhs) {
return CompareResult(static_cast<int>(lhs) | static_cast<int>(rhs));
* \brief Using previously specified knowns, compare the expressions provided
* Given known expressions [(a OP b), (b OP c), ..., (y OP z)], search
* for a known result for `(a OP z)`.
class TransitiveComparisonAnalyzer {
/* \brief Using previously specified knowns, compare the expressions provided
* \param lhs The left-hand side of the comparison
* \param rhs The right-hand side of the comparison
* \param propagate_inequalities If true, attempt to find a sequence
* of transitive inequalities that allow the lhs and rhs to be
* compared. If false, only use the known comparison that have been
* directly provided. Using `propagate_inequalities = false` is
* roughly equivalent to comparing against all known inequality
* expressions using `ExprDeepEqual`, but also allows for constant
* offsets on either side of the inequality.
* \return The most specific result that can be proven about the
* comparison. If nothing can be proven, returns kUnknown.
TVM_DLL CompareResult TryCompare(const PrimExpr& lhs, const PrimExpr& rhs,
bool propagate_inequalities = true);
/*! \brief Bind a variable as being equal to a known expression
* \param var The variable of interest.
* \param expr The bound expression
* \param allow_override Whether to allow override of existing information.
TVM_DLL void Bind(const Var& var, const PrimExpr& expr, bool allow_override = false);
/*! \brief Bind a variable as being within a specified range
* \param var The variable of interest.
* \param range The known range
* \param allow_override Whether to allow override of existing information.
TVM_DLL void Bind(const Var& var, const Range& range, bool allow_override = false);
* \brief Update the internal state to enter constraint.
* \param constraint A constraint expression.
* \return an exit function that must be called to cleanup the constraint can be nullptr.
TVM_DLL std::function<void()> EnterConstraint(const PrimExpr& constraint);
friend class Analyzer;
friend class ConstraintContext;
TVM_DLL ~TransitiveComparisonAnalyzer();
class Impl;
/*! \brief Internal impl */
std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl_;
* \brief Constraint context.
* \code
* Var("x");
* arith::Analyzer analyzer;
* {
* With<arith::ConstraintContext> scope(&analyzer, x % 3 == 0);
* ICHECK_EQ(analyzer.modular_set(x)->coeff, 3);
* }
* // constraint no longer in effect.
* ICHECK_NE(analyzer.modular_set(x)->coeff, 3);
* \endcode
class ConstraintContext {
// declare friend to enable with.
friend class With<ConstraintContext>;
* \brief Construct a constraint context.
* \param analyzer The analyzer.
* \param constraint The constraint to be applied.
ConstraintContext(Analyzer* analyzer, PrimExpr constraint)
: analyzer_(analyzer), constraint_(constraint) {}
// enter the scope.
void EnterWithScope();
// exit the scope.
void ExitWithScope();
/*! \brief The analyzer */
Analyzer* analyzer_;
/*! \brief The constraint */
PrimExpr constraint_;
/*! \brief function to be called in recovery */
std::vector<std::function<void()>> recovery_functions_;
* \brief Integer set analyzer.
class IntSetAnalyzer {
* \brief Find a symbolic integer set that contains all possible values of
* expr given the domain of each variables.
* \param expr The expression of interest.
* \param dom_map The domain map to indicate which variable to relax.
* \return the result of the analysis.
TVM_DLL IntSet operator()(const PrimExpr& expr, const Map<Var, IntSet>& dom_map);
* \brief Find a symbolic integer set that contains all possible
* values of expr given the domain of each variables, using
* the domain map defined by bound variables.
* \param expr The expression of interest.
* \return the result of the analysis.
TVM_DLL IntSet operator()(const PrimExpr& expr);
* \brief Update binding of var to a new expression.
* \param var The variable of interest.
* \param new_interval_set The set of allowed values for this var.
* \param allow_override whether we allow override of existing information.
TVM_DLL void Update(const Var& var, const IntSet& new_interval_set, bool allow_override = false);
* \brief Update binding of var to a new expression.
* \param var The variable of interest.
* \param new_range The range of allowed values for this var.
* \param allow_override whether we allow override of existing information.
TVM_DLL void Bind(const Var& var, const Range& new_range, bool allow_override = false);
std::function<void()> EnterConstraint(const PrimExpr& constraint);
friend class Analyzer;
explicit IntSetAnalyzer(Analyzer* parent);
TVM_DLL ~IntSetAnalyzer();
class Impl;
/*! \brief Internal impl */
Impl* impl_;
* \brief Analyzer that contains bunch of sub-analyzers.
* Each sub-analyzer can make use of another sub-analyzer
* by weak reference of this.
* NOTE for sub-analyzer developers:
* If the analyzer uses memoization, we need to clear the internal
* cache when information about a Var has been overridden.
class TVM_DLL Analyzer {
* Disable copy constructor.
Analyzer(const Analyzer&) = delete;
Analyzer& operator=(const Analyzer&) = delete;
/*! \brief sub-analyzer: const integer bound */
ConstIntBoundAnalyzer const_int_bound;
/*! \brief sub-analyzer: modular set */
ModularSetAnalyzer modular_set;
/*! \brief sub-analyzer rewrite simplify */
RewriteSimplifier rewrite_simplify;
/*! \brief sub-analyzer canonical simplify */
CanonicalSimplifier canonical_simplify;
/*! \brief sub-analyzer: int set */
IntSetAnalyzer int_set;
/*! \brief sub-analyzer transitive comparisons */
TransitiveComparisonAnalyzer transitive_comparisons;
/*! \brief constructor */
* \brief Mark the value as non-negative value globally in analyzer.
* Only call this function if the non-neg condition is global and
* not context-dependent.
* This function does best-effort propagations to the sub-analyzers
* \note We expose this function because non-negative global values,
* such as symbolic buffer shapes in function arguments are really
* important to ensure the best simplification, and usually they
* can be handled in a simpler way than the generic constraints.
* This function may call into the Update function of the sub-analyzers.
void MarkGlobalNonNegValue(const PrimExpr& value);
* \brief Notify all the sub-analyzers that var
* is created and binded to expr.
* Each var can only be bound once.
* \param var The variable.
* \param expr The expression we bind to.
* \param allow_override Whether we allow overriding an existing var's
* expression. This option should not be used if there is any dependency
* between variables.
void Bind(const Var& var, const PrimExpr& expr, bool allow_override = false);
* \brief Notify all the sub-analyzers that var
* is created and bound to a range.
* Each var can only be bound once.
* \param var The variable.
* \param range The range we bind to.
* \param allow_override Whether we allow overriding an existing var's
* expression. This option should not be used if there is any dependency
* between variables.
void Bind(const Var& var, const Range& range, bool allow_override = false);
* \brief Bind all the vars in the Map
* \param variables The {variable -> range} map.
* \param allow_override Whether we allow overriding an existing var's
* expression. This option should not be used if there is any dependency
* between variables.
void Bind(const Map<Var, Range>& variables, bool allow_override = false);
* \brief Whether can we prove expr >= val.
* Non-negative proof is very useful in integer analysis
* to lower divisions and mods given difference in trunc and ceil mode.
* \param expr The expression.
* \param lower_bound The lower bound.
* \return Whether we can prove it.
* \note Analyzer will call into sub-analyzers to get the result.
bool CanProveGreaterEqual(const PrimExpr& expr, int64_t lower_bound);
* \brief Whether can we prove expr < val.
* Non-negative proof is very useful in integer analysis
* to lower divisions and mods given difference in trunc and ceil mode.
* \param expr The expression.
* \param upper_bound The upper bound.
* \return Whether we can prove it.
* \note Analyzer will call into sub-analyzers to get the result.
bool CanProveLess(const PrimExpr& expr, int64_t upper_bound);
* \brief Whether can we prove lhs == rhs.
* \param lhs The input lhs.
* \param rhs The input rhs.
* \return Whether we can prove lhs == rhs.
* \note Analyzer will call into sub-analyzers to get the result.
bool CanProveEqual(const PrimExpr& lhs, const PrimExpr& rhs);
* \brief Whether we can prove lhs is smaller than possibly symbolic shape.
* By calling this function, the caller gives an extra hint that shape > 0,
* because it appeared in buffer shape.
* This is useful to prove condition such as 32 <= 32 * n where the 32 * n
* is known to be a shape. Use this routine to reduce the symbolic comparisons
* in buffer compaction.
* The underlying analyzer will use the kSymbolicBound proof.
* \param lhs The input lhs.
* \param shape The symbolic shape.
* \return Whether we can prove lhs <= shape.
bool CanProveLessEqualThanSymbolicShapeValue(const PrimExpr& lhs, const PrimExpr& shape);
* \brief Whether can we prove condition.
* \param cond The expression to be proved.
* \param strength the strength of the prove.
* \return The result.
* \note Analyzer will call into sub-analyzers to get the result.
* Do not use strength beyond default in sub-analyzers and
* only use it in top-level predicate analysis.
bool CanProve(const PrimExpr& cond, ProofStrength strength = ProofStrength::kDefault);
* \brief Simplify expr.
* \param expr The expression to be simplified.
* \param steps The simplification runs in the order of
* rewrite_simplify (step 1) -> canonical_simplify (step 2) ->
* rewrite_simplify (step 3) -> canonical_simplify (step 4) -> ...
* param steps controls how many steps to run.
* Default is 2, i.e., rewrite_simplify + canonical_simplify.
* \return The result.
* \note Analyzer will call into sub-analyzers to get the result.
PrimExpr Simplify(const PrimExpr& expr, int steps = 2);
} // namespace arith
} // namespace tvm