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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* \file tvm/node/structural_equal.h
* \brief Structural equality comparison.
#include <tvm/node/functor.h>
#include <tvm/node/object_path.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/container/array.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/data_type.h>
#include <string>
namespace tvm {
* \brief Equality definition of base value class.
class BaseValueEqual {
bool operator()(const double& lhs, const double& rhs) const {
// fuzzy float pt comparison
constexpr double atol = 1e-9;
if (lhs == rhs) return true;
double diff = lhs - rhs;
return diff > -atol && diff < atol;
bool operator()(const int64_t& lhs, const int64_t& rhs) const { return lhs == rhs; }
bool operator()(const uint64_t& lhs, const uint64_t& rhs) const { return lhs == rhs; }
bool operator()(const int& lhs, const int& rhs) const { return lhs == rhs; }
bool operator()(const bool& lhs, const bool& rhs) const { return lhs == rhs; }
bool operator()(const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs) const { return lhs == rhs; }
bool operator()(const DataType& lhs, const DataType& rhs) const { return lhs == rhs; }
template <typename ENum, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<ENum>::value>::type>
bool operator()(const ENum& lhs, const ENum& rhs) const {
return lhs == rhs;
* \brief Pair of `ObjectPath`s, one for each object being tested for structural equality.
class ObjectPathPairNode : public Object {
ObjectPath lhs_path;
ObjectPath rhs_path;
ObjectPathPairNode(ObjectPath lhs_path, ObjectPath rhs_path);
static constexpr const char* _type_key = "ObjectPathPair";
class ObjectPathPair : public ObjectRef {
ObjectPathPair(ObjectPath lhs_path, ObjectPath rhs_path);
* \brief Content-aware structural equality comparator for objects.
* The structural equality is recursively defined in the DAG of IR nodes via SEqual.
* There are two kinds of nodes:
* - Graph node: a graph node in lhs can only be mapped as equal to
* one and only one graph node in rhs.
* - Normal node: equality is recursively defined without the restriction
* of graph nodes.
* Vars(tir::Var, TypeVar) and non-constant relay expression nodes are graph nodes.
* For example, it means that `%1 = %x + %y; %1 + %1` is not structurally equal
* to `%1 = %x + %y; %2 = %x + %y; %1 + %2` in relay.
* A var-type node(e.g. tir::Var, TypeVar) can be mapped as equal to another var
* with the same type if one of the following condition holds:
* - They appear in a same definition point(e.g. function argument).
* - They points to the same VarNode via the same_as relation.
* - They appear in a same usage point, and map_free_vars is set to be True.
class StructuralEqual : public BaseValueEqual {
// inheritate operator()
using BaseValueEqual::operator();
* \brief Compare objects via strutural equal.
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \return The comparison result.
TVM_DLL bool operator()(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs) const;
* \brief A Reducer class to reduce the structural equality result of two objects.
* The reducer will call the SEqualReduce function of each objects recursively.
* Importantly, the reducer may not directly use recursive calls to resolve the
* equality checking. Instead, it can store the necessary equality conditions
* and check later via an internally managed stack.
class SEqualReducer {
struct PathTracingData;
/*! \brief Internal handler that defines custom behaviors.. */
class Handler {
* \brief Reduce condition to equality of lhs and rhs.
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \param map_free_vars Whether do we allow remap variables if possible.
* \param current_paths Optional paths to `lhs` and `rhs` objects, for error traceability.
* \return false if there is an immediate failure, true otherwise.
* \note This function may save the equality condition of (lhs == rhs) in an internal
* stack and try to resolve later.
virtual bool SEqualReduce(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, bool map_free_vars,
const Optional<ObjectPathPair>& current_paths) = 0;
* \brief Mark the comparison as failed, but don't fail immediately.
* This is useful for producing better error messages when comparing containers.
* For example, if two array sizes mismatch, it's better to mark the comparison as failed
* but compare array elements anyway, so that we could find the true first mismatch.
virtual void DeferFail(const ObjectPathPair& mismatch_paths) = 0;
* \brief Check if fail defferal is enabled.
* \return false if the fail deferral is not enabled, true otherwise.
virtual bool IsFailDeferralEnabled() = 0;
* \brief Lookup the graph node equal map for vars that are already mapped.
* This is an auxiliary method to check the Map<Var, Value> equality.
* \param lhs an lhs value.
* \return The corresponding rhs value if any, nullptr if not available.
virtual ObjectRef MapLhsToRhs(const ObjectRef& lhs) = 0;
* \brief Mark current comparison as graph node equal comparison.
virtual void MarkGraphNode() = 0;
using PathTracingData = SEqualReducer::PathTracingData;
/*! \brief default constructor */
SEqualReducer() = default;
* \brief Constructor with a specific handler.
* \param handler The equal handler for objects.
* \param tracing_data Optional pointer to the path tracing data.
* \param map_free_vars Whether or not to map free variables.
explicit SEqualReducer(Handler* handler, const PathTracingData* tracing_data, bool map_free_vars)
: handler_(handler), tracing_data_(tracing_data), map_free_vars_(map_free_vars) {}
* \brief Reduce condition to comparison of two attribute values.
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \param paths The paths to the LHS and RHS operands. If
* unspecified, will attempt to identify the attribute's address
* within the most recent ObjectRef. In general, the paths only
* require explicit handling for computed parameters
* (e.g. `array.size()`)
* \return the immediate check result.
bool operator()(const double& lhs, const double& rhs,
Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt) const;
bool operator()(const int64_t& lhs, const int64_t& rhs,
Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt) const;
bool operator()(const uint64_t& lhs, const uint64_t& rhs,
Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt) const;
bool operator()(const int& lhs, const int& rhs, Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt) const;
bool operator()(const bool& lhs, const bool& rhs, Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt) const;
bool operator()(const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs,
Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt) const;
bool operator()(const DataType& lhs, const DataType& rhs,
Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt) const;
template <typename ENum, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<ENum>::value>::type>
bool operator()(const ENum& lhs, const ENum& rhs,
Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt) const {
using Underlying = typename std::underlying_type<ENum>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same<Underlying, int>::value,
"Enum must have `int` as the underlying type");
return EnumAttrsEqual(static_cast<int>(lhs), static_cast<int>(rhs), &lhs, &rhs, paths);
template <typename T, typename Callable,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Callable, const ObjectPath&>, ObjectPath>>>
bool operator()(const T& lhs, const T& rhs, const Callable& callable) {
if (IsPathTracingEnabled()) {
ObjectPathPair current_paths = GetCurrentObjectPaths();
ObjectPathPair new_paths = {callable(current_paths->lhs_path),
return (*this)(lhs, rhs, new_paths);
} else {
return (*this)(lhs, rhs);
* \brief Reduce condition to comparison of two objects.
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \return the immediate check result.
bool operator()(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs) const;
* \brief Reduce condition to comparison of two objects.
* Like `operator()`, but with an additional `paths` parameter that specifies explicit object
* paths for `lhs` and `rhs`. This is useful for implementing SEqualReduce() methods for container
* objects like Array and Map, or other custom objects that store nested objects that are not
* simply attributes.
* Can only be called when `IsPathTracingEnabled()` is `true`.
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \param paths Object paths for `lhs` and `rhs`.
* \return the immediate check result.
bool operator()(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, const ObjectPathPair& paths) const {
ICHECK(IsPathTracingEnabled()) << "Path tracing must be enabled when calling this function";
return ObjectAttrsEqual(lhs, rhs, map_free_vars_, &paths);
* \brief Reduce condition to comparison of two definitions,
* where free vars can be mapped.
* Call this function to compare definition points such as function params
* and var in a let-binding.
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \return the immediate check result.
bool DefEqual(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs);
* \brief Reduce condition to comparison of two arrays.
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \return the immediate check result.
template <typename T>
bool operator()(const Array<T>& lhs, const Array<T>& rhs) const {
if (tracing_data_ == nullptr) {
// quick specialization for Array to reduce amount of recursion
// depth as array comparison is pretty common.
if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.size(); ++i) {
if (!(operator()(lhs[i], rhs[i]))) return false;
return true;
// If tracing is enabled, fall back to the regular path
const ObjectRef& lhs_obj = lhs;
const ObjectRef& rhs_obj = rhs;
return (*this)(lhs_obj, rhs_obj);
* \brief Implementation for equality rule of var type objects(e.g. TypeVar, tir::Var).
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \return the result.
bool FreeVarEqualImpl(const runtime::Object* lhs, const runtime::Object* rhs) const {
// var need to be remapped, so it belongs to graph node.
// We only map free vars if they corresponds to the same address
// or map free_var option is set to be true.
return lhs == rhs || map_free_vars_;
/*! \return Get the internal handler. */
Handler* operator->() const { return handler_; }
/*! \brief Check if this reducer is tracing paths to the first mismatch. */
bool IsPathTracingEnabled() const { return tracing_data_ != nullptr; }
* \brief Get the paths of the currently compared objects.
* Can only be called when `IsPathTracingEnabled()` is true.
const ObjectPathPair& GetCurrentObjectPaths() const;
* \brief Specify the object paths of a detected mismatch.
* Can only be called when `IsPathTracingEnabled()` is true.
void RecordMismatchPaths(const ObjectPathPair& paths) const;
bool EnumAttrsEqual(int lhs, int rhs, const void* lhs_address, const void* rhs_address,
Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt) const;
bool ObjectAttrsEqual(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, bool map_free_vars,
const ObjectPathPair* paths) const;
static void GetPathsFromAttrAddressesAndStoreMismatch(const void* lhs_address,
const void* rhs_address,
const PathTracingData* tracing_data);
template <typename T>
static bool CompareAttributeValues(const T& lhs, const T& rhs,
const PathTracingData* tracing_data,
Optional<ObjectPathPair> paths = NullOpt);
/*! \brief Internal class pointer. */
Handler* handler_ = nullptr;
/*! \brief Pointer to the current path tracing context, or nullptr if path tracing is disabled. */
const PathTracingData* tracing_data_ = nullptr;
/*! \brief Whether or not to map free vars. */
bool map_free_vars_ = false;
/*! \brief The default handler for equality testing.
* Users can derive from this class and override the DispatchSEqualReduce method,
* to customize equality testing.
class SEqualHandlerDefault : public SEqualReducer::Handler {
SEqualHandlerDefault(bool assert_mode, Optional<ObjectPathPair>* first_mismatch,
bool defer_fails);
virtual ~SEqualHandlerDefault();
bool SEqualReduce(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, bool map_free_vars,
const Optional<ObjectPathPair>& current_paths) override;
void DeferFail(const ObjectPathPair& mismatch_paths) override;
bool IsFailDeferralEnabled() override;
ObjectRef MapLhsToRhs(const ObjectRef& lhs) override;
void MarkGraphNode() override;
* \brief The entry point for equality testing
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \param map_free_vars Whether or not to remap variables if possible.
* \return The equality result.
virtual bool Equal(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, bool map_free_vars);
* \brief The dispatcher for equality testing of intermediate objects
* \param lhs The left operand.
* \param rhs The right operand.
* \param map_free_vars Whether or not to remap variables if possible.
* \param current_paths Optional paths to `lhs` and `rhs` objects, for error traceability.
* \return The equality result.
virtual bool DispatchSEqualReduce(const ObjectRef& lhs, const ObjectRef& rhs, bool map_free_vars,
const Optional<ObjectPathPair>& current_paths);
class Impl;
Impl* impl;
} // namespace tvm