blob: 84d861cb59c3d3eac45e786ee43a9c642903dbd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
#include "./utils.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace meta_schedule {
* \brief Find the entry function of the given IRModule, i.e, functions marked by
* `tir::attr::kIsEntryFunc`, whose name is `main` or being the only PrimeFunc.
* \param mod The IRModule to find the entry function.
* \return The entry function.
inline tir::PrimFunc FindEntryFunc(const IRModule& mod) {
// Priority 1: PrimFunc marked as `tir::attr::kIsEntryFunc`
int num_prim_func = 0;
const tir::PrimFuncNode* main_func = nullptr;
const tir::PrimFuncNode* last_func = nullptr;
for (const auto& kv : mod->functions) {
GlobalVar gv = kv.first;
BaseFunc base_func = kv.second;
if (const auto* func =<tir::PrimFuncNode>()) {
last_func = func;
if (func->HasNonzeroAttr(tir::attr::kIsEntryFunc)) {
return GetRef<tir::PrimFunc>(func);
if (gv->name_hint == "main") {
main_func = func;
// Priority 2: PrimFunc whose name is `main`
if (main_func != nullptr) {
return GetRef<tir::PrimFunc>(main_func);
// Priority 3: The only PrimFunc in the IRModule
if (num_prim_func == 0) {
LOG(FATAL) << "ValueError: Cannot find any PrimFunc in the given IRModule: "
<< tir::AsTVMScript(mod);
if (num_prim_func > 1) {
LOG(FATAL) << "ValueError: Multiple PrimFuncs exist in the IRModule, but none of them are "
"annotated with `kIsEntryFunc`, i.e. `tir.is_entry_func`"
<< tir::AsTVMScript(mod);
return GetRef<tir::PrimFunc>(last_func);
/******** ArgInfo ********/
ArgInfo ArgInfo::FromJSON(const ObjectRef& json_obj) {
// The JSON object is always an array whose first element is a tag. For example:
// `['TENSOR', 'float32', [1, 224, 224, 3]]
// Step 1. Extract the tag
String tag{runtime::ObjectPtr<runtime::StringObj>(nullptr)};
try {
const ArrayNode* json_array =<ArrayNode>();
CHECK(json_array && json_array->size() >= 1);
tag = Downcast<String>(json_array->at(0));
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { // includes tvm::Error and dmlc::Error
LOG(FATAL) << "ValueError: Unable to parse the JSON object: " << json_obj
<< "\nThe error is: " << e.what();
// Step 2. Dispatch the tag to corresponding subclass of ArgInfo
if (tag == "TENSOR") {
return TensorInfo::FromJSON(json_obj);
LOG(FATAL) << "ValueError: Unable to parse the JSON object: " << json_obj;
Array<ArgInfo> ArgInfo::FromPrimFunc(const tir::PrimFunc& func) {
using support::AsVector;
Array<ArgInfo> result;
for (const tir::Var& arg : func->params) {
if (Optional<tir::Buffer> _buffer = func->buffer_map.Get(arg)) {
tir::Buffer buffer = _buffer.value();
/*shape=*/AsVector<PrimExpr, int64_t>(buffer->shape)));
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "ValueError: Unsupported argument type: " << arg;
return result;
Array<ArgInfo> ArgInfo::FromEntryFunc(const IRModule& mod, bool remove_preproc) {
if (remove_preproc) {
IRModule new_mod = tir::transform::RemoveWeightLayoutRewriteBlock()(mod);
return ArgInfo::FromPrimFunc(FindEntryFunc(new_mod));
return ArgInfo::FromPrimFunc(FindEntryFunc(mod));
/******** TensorInfo ********/
TensorInfo::TensorInfo(runtime::DataType dtype, runtime::ShapeTuple shape) {
ObjectPtr<TensorInfoNode> n = make_object<TensorInfoNode>();
n->dtype = dtype;
n->shape = shape;
this->data_ = std::move(n);
ObjectRef TensorInfoNode::AsJSON() const {
static String tag = "TENSOR";
String dtype = DLDataType2String(this->dtype);
Array<Integer> shape = support::AsArray(this->shape);
return Array<ObjectRef>{tag, dtype, shape};
TensorInfo TensorInfo::FromJSON(const ObjectRef& json_obj) {
DLDataType dtype;
Array<Integer> shape;
try {
const ArrayNode* json_array =<ArrayNode>();
CHECK(json_array && json_array->size() == 3);
// Load json[1] => dtype
String dtype_str = Downcast<String>(json_array->at(1));
dtype = runtime::String2DLDataType(dtype_str);
// Load json[2] => shape
shape = AsIntArray(json_array->at(2));
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { // includes tvm::Error and dmlc::Error
LOG(FATAL) << "ValueError: Unable to parse the JSON object: " << json_obj
<< "\nThe error is: " << e.what();
std::vector<int64_t> s;
std::transform(shape.begin(), shape.end(), std::back_inserter(s),
[](Integer i) { return i.IntValue(); });
return TensorInfo(DataType(dtype), ShapeTuple(s.begin(), s.end()));
/******** Repr ********/
TVM_STATIC_IR_FUNCTOR(ReprPrinter, vtable)
.set_dispatch<TensorInfoNode>([](const ObjectRef& n, ReprPrinter* p) {
const auto* self =<TensorInfoNode>();
p->stream << "TensorInfo(\"" << self->dtype << "\", " << self->shape << ")";
/******** FFI ********/
.set_body_typed([](runtime::DataType dtype, runtime::ShapeTuple shape) -> TensorInfo {
return TensorInfo(dtype, shape);
} // namespace meta_schedule
} // namespace tvm