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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# pylint: disable=wildcard-import, redefined-builtin, invalid-name
"""The Relay IR namespace containing the IR definition and compiler."""
import os
from sys import setrecursionlimit
from . import base
from . import ty
from . import expr
from . import function
from . import type_functor
from . import expr_functor
from . import adt
from . import prelude
from . import loops
from . import scope_builder
from . import transform
from . import analysis
from . import collage
from .build_module import build, create_executor, optimize
from .transform import build_config
from . import debug
from . import param_dict
from .backend import vm
# Root operators
from .op import nn
from .op import image
from .op import annotation
from .op import vision
from .op import contrib
from .op import dyn
from .op import random
from .op.reduce import *
from .op.tensor import *
from .op.transform import *
from .op.algorithm import *
from . import frontend
from . import backend
from . import quantize
from . import data_dep_optimization
# Dialects
from . import qnn
from .scope_builder import ScopeBuilder
# Load Memory Passes
from .transform import memory_plan
# Required to traverse large programs
# Span
Span = base.Span
SourceName = base.SourceName
# Type
Type = ty.Type
TupleType = ty.TupleType
TensorType = ty.TensorType
TypeKind = ty.TypeKind
TypeVar = ty.TypeVar
ShapeVar = ty.ShapeVar
TypeConstraint = ty.TypeConstraint
FuncType = ty.FuncType
TypeRelation = ty.TypeRelation
IncompleteType = ty.IncompleteType
scalar_type = ty.scalar_type
RefType = ty.RefType
GlobalTypeVar = ty.GlobalTypeVar
TypeCall = ty.TypeCall
Any = ty.Any
# Expr
Expr = expr.RelayExpr
Constant = expr.Constant
Tuple = expr.Tuple
Var = expr.Var
GlobalVar = expr.GlobalVar
Function = function.Function
Call = expr.Call
Let = expr.Let
If = expr.If
TupleGetItem = expr.TupleGetItem
RefCreate = expr.RefCreate
RefRead = expr.RefRead
RefWrite = expr.RefWrite
Pattern = adt.Pattern
PatternWildcard = adt.PatternWildcard
PatternVar = adt.PatternVar
PatternConstructor = adt.PatternConstructor
PatternTuple = adt.PatternTuple
Constructor = adt.Constructor
TypeData = adt.TypeData
Clause = adt.Clause
Match = adt.Match
# helper functions
var = expr.var
const = expr.const
bind = expr.bind
# TypeFunctor
TypeFunctor = type_functor.TypeFunctor
TypeVisitor = type_functor.TypeVisitor
TypeMutator = type_functor.TypeMutator
# ExprFunctor
ExprFunctor = expr_functor.ExprFunctor
ExprVisitor = expr_functor.ExprVisitor
ExprMutator = expr_functor.ExprMutator
# Prelude
Prelude = prelude.Prelude
# Scope Builder
ScopeBuilder = scope_builder.ScopeBuilder
# Param Serialization
save_param_dict = param_dict.save_param_dict
load_param_dict = param_dict.load_param_dict