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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#include "../utils.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace tir {
using support::NDIntSet;
/******** Error Classes ********/
* \brief An error raised when not all required blocks are under the given loop.
* \tparam is_consumer Indicates if all the required blocks are consumers or producers
template <bool is_consumer>
class NotAllRequiredBlocksAreVisitedError : public ScheduleError {
explicit NotAllRequiredBlocksAreVisitedError(IRModule mod, int num_not_visited,
const Array<StmtSRef>& required)
: mod_(mod), num_not_visited_(num_not_visited) {
for (const StmtSRef& block_sref : required) {
const BlockNode* block = TVM_SREF_TO_BLOCK(block_sref);
String FastErrorString() const final {
return "ScheduleError: Not all required blocks are under the loop scope";
String DetailRenderTemplate() const final {
String relation = is_consumer ? "consumer(s)" : "producer(s)";
std::ostringstream os;
os << "The primitive requires all the " << relation
<< " of the given block to be present under the target loop. However, there are "
<< num_not_visited_ << " " << relation << " not satisfying the constraint. List of the "
<< relation << ":";
for (int i = 0, n = required_.size(); i < n; ++i) {
os << "{" << i << "}";
return os.str();
IRModule mod() const final { return mod_; }
Array<ObjectRef> LocationsOfInterest() const final {
return {required_.begin(), required_.end()};
IRModule mod_;
int num_not_visited_;
Array<Block> required_;
* \brief An error raised when the given block is not in the same block scope as the given loop,
* or the given loop is the ancestor of the given block.
class NotInSameScopeError : public ScheduleError {
static void CheckAndBindLoopDomain(const ScheduleState& self, const StmtSRef& block_sref,
const StmtSRef& loop_sref, const StmtSRef& scope_root_sref,
arith::Analyzer* analyzer) {
for (const StmtSRefNode* p = loop_sref.get();; p = p->parent) {
if (const ForNode* loop = p->StmtAs<ForNode>()) {
analyzer->Bind(loop->loop_var, Range::FromMinExtent(loop->min, loop->extent));
} else if (p != scope_root_sref.get()) {
throw NotInSameScopeError(self->mod, block_sref, loop_sref);
} else {
for (const StmtSRefNode* p = block_sref->parent; p != scope_root_sref.get(); p = p->parent) {
if (p == loop_sref.get()) {
throw NotInSameScopeError(self->mod, block_sref, loop_sref);
String FastErrorString() const final {
return "ScheduleError: Expected the block and loop to be under the same block scope, and loop "
"not to be the ancestor of block";
String DetailRenderTemplate() const final {
return "ScheduleError: Expected the block {0} and loop {1} to be under the same block scope, "
"and loop not to be the ancestor of block";
IRModule mod() const final { return mod_; }
Array<ObjectRef> LocationsOfInterest() const final { return {block_, loop_}; }
explicit NotInSameScopeError(IRModule mod, const StmtSRef& block_sref, const StmtSRef& loop_sref)
: mod_(mod),
loop_(GetRef<For>(loop_sref->StmtAs<ForNode>())) {}
IRModule mod_;
Block block_;
For loop_;
/******** Helper Functions/Classes ********/
* \brief Find a point where the block can be inserted under the loop
* \tparam require_all_producers_visited Requires all producer blocks to be present under the loop
* \tparam require_all_consumers_visited Requires all consumer blocks to be present under the loop
* \param self The schedule state
* \param subtrees The subtrees under the loop, among which the insertion points are sought
* \param producer_srefs The producer blocks
* \param consumer_srefs The consumer blocks
* \param block2realize A cache that maps a block to its realize
* \param index The block index of the loop body subtree blocks:
* - `index = -1` means inserted into the last possible insertion point;
* - `index = -2` means inserted into the first possible insertion point;
* - Otherwise, `index` is a nonnegative number that indicates the insertion point
* \return The possible position the new block can be inserted into, and the
* producer-consumer-relationship is still satisfied.
* \throws ScheduleError if there is no such insertion point found
template <bool require_all_producers_visited, bool require_all_consumers_visited>
int FindInsertionPoint(const ScheduleState& self, const Array<Stmt>& subtrees,
const Array<StmtSRef>& producer_srefs, const Array<StmtSRef>& consumer_srefs,
std::unordered_map<const BlockNode*, const BlockRealizeNode*>* block2realize,
int index) {
ProducerConsumerSplit split =
ProducerConsumerSplit::Find(self, subtrees, producer_srefs, consumer_srefs, block2realize);
// Step 1. Check if all the producers are visited in the subtrees, if required to
if (require_all_producers_visited) {
int num_producers = producer_srefs.size();
if (split.n_producers_visited < num_producers) {
throw NotAllRequiredBlocksAreVisitedError<false>(
self->mod, num_producers - split.n_producers_visited, producer_srefs);
// Step 2. Check if all the consumers are visited in the subtrees, if required to
if (require_all_consumers_visited) {
int num_consumers = consumer_srefs.size();
if (split.n_consumers_visited < num_consumers) {
throw NotAllRequiredBlocksAreVisitedError<true>(
self->mod, num_consumers - split.n_consumers_visited, consumer_srefs);
// Step 3. Check if there is at least one index of the position can be inserted into
// The valid indices are: (last_producer_position, first_consumer_position]
ICHECK(split.last_producer_position < split.first_consumer_position);
// Step 4. Return the possible insertion point according to index
int insert_position;
if (index == -1) {
insert_position = split.first_consumer_position;
} else if (index == -2) {
insert_position = split.last_producer_position + 1;
} else if (index >= 0 && index >= split.last_producer_position + 1 &&
index <= split.first_consumer_position) {
insert_position = index;
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Valid index:(-1, -2, [" << split.last_producer_position + 1 << ", "
<< split.first_consumer_position << "]), "
<< "current index=" << index;
return insert_position;
* \brief Represent the iteration domain to fully cover the required region of Intersect(dom, bound)
* The bound region may not get directly intersected with dom region, instead we try to generate
* extra predicates for non-trivial bound. The domain info class can also union with each other.
struct BlockVarDomainInfo {
arith::IntSet dom{arith::IntSet::Nothing()}; // dom is ensured to be bounded
arith::IntSet bound{arith::IntSet::Nothing()};
/*! \brief Relaxed union operation */
void Union(const BlockVarDomainInfo& other) {
// just relax (d0 ^ b0) v (d1 ^ b1) to (d0 v d1) ^ (b0 v b1)
dom = arith::Union({dom, other.dom});
bound = arith::Union({bound, other.bound});
/*! \brief Simplify domain info */
void Simplify(arith::Analyzer* analyzer) {
auto to_simplified = [analyzer](const arith::IntSet& set) {
PrimExpr min = set.HasLowerBound() ? analyzer->Simplify(set.min()) : set.min();
PrimExpr max = set.HasUpperBound() ? analyzer->Simplify(set.max()) : set.max();
return arith::IntSet::Interval(min, max);
// if no dom specified, try use bound as dom
if (dom.IsNothing()) {
if (bound.HasLowerBound() && bound.HasUpperBound()) {
bound = to_simplified(bound);
std::swap(dom, bound);
// simplify intset
dom = to_simplified(dom);
bound = to_simplified(bound);
// if can proof the dom is within bound, remove bound
auto intersect = to_simplified(arith::Intersect({dom, bound}));
if (analyzer->CanProveEqual(dom.min(), intersect.min()) &&
analyzer->CanProveEqual(dom.max(), intersect.max())) {
bound = arith::IntSet::Nothing();
} else if (analyzer->CanProveEqual(bound.min(), intersect.min()) &&
analyzer->CanProveEqual(bound.max(), intersect.max())) {
dom = bound;
bound = arith::IntSet::Nothing();
* \brief A helper to reconstruct the block scope where the given block is moved under the given
* loop, and the given block's induced loop nest is regenerated to satisfy the required region.
class ScopeReconstructor : private StmtMutator {
explicit ScopeReconstructor(Block scope_root, Block block, For loop)
: scope_root_(scope_root), block_(block), loop_(loop) {}
using StmtMutator::operator();
* \brief Create the loop nest on top of the block, induced by the given block var's domain
* \param insert_position The position among the subtrees where the block and its induced loop
* nest is inserted
* \param iter_doms The domain of each block var
* \param analyzer The arithmetic analyzer
* \param preserve_unit_loops Whether to generate unit loops where the loop extent is 1
void MakeNewLoop(int insert_position, std::vector<BlockVarDomainInfo> iter_doms,
arith::Analyzer* analyzer, bool preserve_unit_loops) {
int n_iters = iter_doms.size();
Array<Var> loop_vars;
Array<PrimExpr> loop_extents;
Array<PrimExpr> iter_values;
PrimExpr predicate = const_true();
for (int i = 0; i < n_iters; ++i) {
Range iter_dom = iter_doms[i].dom.CoverRange(block_->iter_vars[i]->dom);
if (preserve_unit_loops || !is_one(iter_dom->extent)) {
int bits = std::max(iter_dom->min.dtype().bits(), iter_dom->extent.dtype().bits());
Var var("ax" + std::to_string(loop_vars.size()), DataType::Int(bits));
iter_values.push_back(iter_dom->min + var);
analyzer->Bind(var, Range::FromMinExtent(IntImm(var.dtype(), 0), iter_dom->extent));
} else {
const arith::IntSet& pred_bound = iter_doms[i].bound;
if (!pred_bound.IsNothing()) {
if (pred_bound.HasLowerBound()) {
PrimExpr lower_bound = iter_values[i] >= pred_bound.min();
predicate = predicate && lower_bound;
if (pred_bound.HasUpperBound()) {
PrimExpr upper_bound = iter_values[i] < pred_bound.max() + 1;
predicate = predicate && upper_bound;
this->new_block_realize_ =
BlockRealize(std::move(iter_values), analyzer->Simplify(predicate), std::move(block_));
Stmt new_subtree = this->new_block_realize_;
for (int i = static_cast<int>(loop_vars.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const Var& loop_var = loop_vars[i];
const PrimExpr& loop_extent = loop_extents[i];
new_subtree = For(/*loop_var=*/loop_var,
Array<Stmt> subtrees = AsArray(loop_->body);
subtrees.insert(subtrees.begin() + insert_position, std::move(new_subtree));
ObjectPtr<ForNode> new_loop = make_object<ForNode>(*loop_.get());
new_loop->body = SeqStmt(std::move(subtrees));
this->new_loop_ = For(std::move(new_loop));
Stmt VisitStmt_(const BlockNode* block) final {
if (block != scope_root_.get()) {
return GetRef<Block>(block);
if (block == rm_src_stmt_.get()) {
block = TVM_TYPE_AS(rm_tgt_stmt_, BlockNode);
return StmtMutator::VisitStmt_(block);
Stmt VisitStmt_(const ForNode* loop) final {
if (loop == rm_src_stmt_.get()) {
loop = TVM_TYPE_AS(rm_tgt_stmt_, ForNode);
if (loop == loop_.get()) {
return new_loop_;
return StmtMutator::VisitStmt_(loop);
/*! \brief The root block of the block scope */
Block scope_root_;
/*! \brief The given block to be moved */
Block block_;
/*! \brief The given loop the block and its loop nest to be put under */
For loop_;
/*! \brief The new loop to replace the original loop */
For new_loop_{nullptr};
/*! \brief The new block realize to the moved block */
BlockRealize new_block_realize_{nullptr};
/*! \brief The plan to remove the given block by replacing this loop/block in the AST */
Stmt rm_src_stmt_{nullptr};
/*! \brief The plan to remove the given block by replacing to this loop/block in the AST */
Stmt rm_tgt_stmt_{nullptr};
* \brief Calculate a list of accessed buffer regions under a path of loops
* \tparam relax_storage_scope Whether to relax beyond the path according to the storage and
* execution scope
* \param binding The block binding, used to unbind the buffer regions
* \param buffer_regions The buffer regions to be calculated
* \param relax_path_low_inclusive The lowest point in the loop path, inclusive
* \param relax_path_high_exclusive The highest point in the loop path, exclusive
* \param relaxed Where the calculation result is stored
template <bool relax_storage_scope>
void RelaxBufferRegions(const Map<Var, PrimExpr>& binding,
const Array<BufferRegion>& buffer_regions,
const StmtSRef& relax_path_low_inclusive,
const StmtSRef& relax_path_high_exclusive,
std::unordered_map<const BufferNode*, std::vector<NDIntSet>>* relaxed) {
runtime::StorageScope global_scope{runtime::StorageRank::kGlobal, ""};
// We cache the variable domains
runtime::StorageRank previous_rank = runtime::StorageRank::kGlobal;
Optional<Map<Var, arith::IntSet>> var_dom = NullOpt;
// Enumerate every buffer region
for (const BufferRegion& buffer_region : buffer_regions) {
const Buffer& buffer = buffer_region->buffer;
const Array<Range>& region = buffer_region->region;
// Skip the buffer regions we are not interested in
auto it = relaxed->find(buffer.get());
if (it == relaxed->end()) {
std::vector<NDIntSet>& relaxed_regions = it->second;
// Check and update the cached `var_dom`
runtime::StorageScope scope =
relax_storage_scope ? runtime::StorageScope::Create(buffer.scope()) : global_scope;
runtime::StorageRank rank = scope.rank;
if (rank != previous_rank || !var_dom.defined()) {
previous_rank = rank;
var_dom = arith::AsIntSet(LoopDomainOfSRefTreePath(
// Relax the region
Array<arith::IntSet> relaxed_region =
arith::EvalSet(Substitute(region, binding), var_dom.value());
relaxed_regions.push_back({relaxed_region.begin(), relaxed_region.end()});
* \brief Calculate the iteration domain of a provided integer set to fully cover the required
* domain
* \param provided The provided integer set to cover the required domain
* \param required The required domain to be covered
* \param dim_max The maximum index bound by the buffer shape
* \param analyzer The arithmetic analyzer
std::pair<Var, BlockVarDomainInfo> SolveBlockVarDomain(const arith::IntSet& provided,
const arith::IntSet& required,
PrimExpr dim_max,
arith::Analyzer* analyzer) {
PrimExpr provided_min = analyzer->Simplify(provided.min());
PrimExpr provided_max = analyzer->Simplify(provided.max());
PrimExpr required_min = analyzer->Simplify(required.min());
PrimExpr required_max = analyzer->Simplify(required.max());
arith::IntSet var_dom, var_bound;
Optional<Var> var;
arith::PVar<Var> p_v;
arith::PVar<PrimExpr> p_e;
if ((p_v * p_e).Match(provided_min) || (p_e * p_v).Match(provided_min)) {
PrimExpr e = p_e.Eval();
var = p_v.Eval();
var_dom = arith::IntSet::Interval(floordiv(required_min, e), floordiv(required_max, e));
var_bound = arith::IntSet::Interval(0, floordiv(dim_max, e));
} else if (analyzer->CanProveEqual(provided_min, provided_max)) {
if (p_v.Match(provided_min)) {
var = p_v.Eval();
var_dom = arith::IntSet::Interval(required_min, required_max);
var_bound = arith::IntSet::Interval(0, dim_max);
} else {
arith::PVar<PrimExpr> p_f;
if ((floordiv(p_v, p_f)).Match(provided_min)) {
// a <= (x // factor) <= b, fac > 0 ==> (a * fac) <= x <= (b * fac + fac - 1)
PrimExpr fac = p_f.Eval();
if (analyzer->CanProveGreaterEqual(fac, 1)) {
var = p_v.Eval();
var_dom = arith::IntSet::Interval(required_min * fac,
analyzer->Simplify(required_max * fac + fac - 1));
var_bound = arith::IntSet::Interval(0, analyzer->Simplify(dim_max * fac + fac - 1));
} else if ((floormod(p_v, p_f).Match(provided_min))) {
// generally domain of (x % fac) enforce no constraints to domain of x
return {p_v.Eval(), BlockVarDomainInfo()};
ICHECK(var.defined()) << "ValueError: BufferRegion pattern match failed: " << provided_min;
return {var.value(), BlockVarDomainInfo{var_dom, var_bound}};
* \brief Calculate and update the iteration domain info to fully cover the required domain in
* dimension-wise fashion. The region relation on each buffer dimension is independently estimated.
* \param buffer The accessed buffer
* \param provided_region The provided NDIntSet to cover the required domain
* \param required_region The required NDIntSet domain to be covered
* \param analyzer The arithmetic analyzer
* \param iter_doms The result iteration domains to be updated
void UpdateBlockVarDomainDimwise(
const BufferNode* buffer, const NDIntSet& provided_region, const NDIntSet& required_region,
arith::Analyzer* analyzer, std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, BlockVarDomainInfo>* iter_doms) {
size_t ndim = buffer->shape.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
arith::IntSet provided = provided_region[i];
arith::IntSet required = required_region[i];
PrimExpr dim_max = max(buffer->shape[i] - 1, 0);
if (provided.CanProveSinglePoint(analyzer) && is_const_int(provided.min())) {
ICHECK(required.CanProveSinglePoint(analyzer) &&
analyzer->CanProveEqual(provided.min(), required.min()));
auto [var, dom_info] = SolveBlockVarDomain(provided, required, dim_max, analyzer);
auto it = iter_doms->find(var.get());
if (it != iter_doms->end()) {
} else {
ICHECK(analyzer->CanProveEqual(provided.min(), required.min()));
ICHECK(analyzer->CanProveEqual(provided.max(), required.max()));
/*! \brief Helper function to implement intset version of `InverseAffineIterMap`. */
Map<Var, arith::IntSet> InverseAffineIterMap(const Array<arith::IterSumExpr>& iter_map,
const NDIntSet& outputs, arith::Analyzer* analyzer) {
Array<PrimExpr> min_point, max_point;
for (const auto& intset : outputs) {
ICHECK(intset.HasLowerBound() && intset.HasUpperBound());
auto rev_min = InverseAffineIterMap(iter_map, min_point);
auto rev_max = InverseAffineIterMap(iter_map, max_point);
Map<Var, arith::IntSet> dom_map;
for (const auto& kv : rev_min) {
const Var& var = kv.first;
auto it = rev_max.find(var);
ICHECK(it != rev_max.end()); // InverseAffineIterMap's result vars are assumed stable
const PrimExpr& rev_min_point = kv.second;
const PrimExpr& rev_max_point = (*it).second;
arith::IntSet::Interval(analyzer->Simplify(min(rev_min_point, rev_max_point)),
analyzer->Simplify(max(rev_min_point, rev_max_point))));
return dom_map;
* \brief Calculate and update the iteration domain info to fully cover the required domain
* with affine analysis. It requires bijective mapping of block var to provided region points.
* \param buffer The accessed buffer
* \param iter_vars The list of block vars to cover the required region
* \param provided_region The provided NDIntSet to cover the required domain
* \param required_region The required NDIntSet domain to be covered
* \param analyzer The arithmetic analyzer
* \param iter_doms The result iteration domains to be updated
* \returns bool. Denotes whether update success
bool UpdateBlockVarDomainAffine(const BufferNode* buffer, const Array<IterVar>& iter_vars,
const NDIntSet& provided_region, const NDIntSet& required_region,
arith::Analyzer* analyzer,
std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, BlockVarDomainInfo>* iter_doms) {
// we only support single point provided region now, which could cover most cases
for (const auto& intset : provided_region) {
if (!intset.CanProveSinglePoint(analyzer)) return false;
// calculate forward mapping (block vars -> provided region point)
Map<Var, Range> dom_map;
for (const IterVar& iter_var : iter_vars) {
dom_map.Set(iter_var->var, iter_var->dom);
size_t ndim = buffer->shape.size();
Array<PrimExpr> provide_indices;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
auto res = arith::DetectIterMap(provide_indices, dom_map, const_true(),
arith::IterMapLevel::Bijective, analyzer, false);
if (res->indices.empty()) {
return false;
// calculate backward mapping (required region point -> block vars)
NDIntSet required_bound;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
arith::IntSet::Interval(make_zero(buffer->shape[i]->dtype), max(buffer->shape[i] - 1, 0)));
Map<Var, arith::IntSet> var_dom = InverseAffineIterMap(res->indices, required_region, analyzer);
Map<Var, arith::IntSet> var_bound = InverseAffineIterMap(res->indices, required_bound, analyzer);
for (const auto& kv : var_dom) {
const Var& var = kv.first;
auto it = var_bound.find(var);
ICHECK(it != var_bound.end()); // InverseAffineIterMap's result vars are assumed stable
(*iter_doms)[var.get()].Union(BlockVarDomainInfo{kv.second, (*it).second});
return true;
* \brief Calculate the domain of block vars to cover the required region
* \param iter_vars The list of block vars to cover the required region
* \param provided_regions The region provided by one iteration instance of the block vars
* \param required_regions The region required to be covered
* \param analyzer The arithmetic analyzer
* \return A list of iteration domain info corresponding to the given list of block vars
std::vector<BlockVarDomainInfo> CalculateBlockVarDomain(
const Array<IterVar>& iter_vars,
std::unordered_map<const BufferNode*, std::vector<NDIntSet>> provided_regions,
std::unordered_map<const BufferNode*, std::vector<NDIntSet>> required_regions,
arith::Analyzer* analyzer) {
int n_iters = iter_vars.size();
// Step 1. Construct the mapping from block var to their iteration domain (initialized to empty)
std::unordered_map<const VarNode*, BlockVarDomainInfo> iter_doms;
for (const IterVar& iter_var : iter_vars) {
iter_doms[iter_var->var.get()] = BlockVarDomainInfo();
// Step 2. For each buffer, update the domain according to the provided and required regions
for (const auto& kv : provided_regions) {
const BufferNode* buffer = kv.first;
const std::vector<NDIntSet>& many_provided_regions = kv.second;
// Calculate `provided_region` and `required_region`
auto it = required_regions.find(buffer);
if (it == required_regions.end() || it->second.empty()) {
NDIntSet required_region = support::NDIntSetUnion(it->second);
NDIntSet provided_region = support::NDIntSetUnion(many_provided_regions);
ICHECK_EQ(provided_region.size(), buffer->shape.size());
ICHECK_EQ(required_region.size(), buffer->shape.size());
// Try update iter var domains with current required and provided region pair.
if (!UpdateBlockVarDomainAffine(buffer, iter_vars, provided_region, required_region, analyzer,
&iter_doms)) {
UpdateBlockVarDomainDimwise(buffer, provided_region, required_region, analyzer, &iter_doms);
// Union the iter var domains, put them in the same order of block vars, and return
std::vector<BlockVarDomainInfo> result;
for (const IterVar& iter_var : iter_vars) {
BlockVarDomainInfo& info =>var.get());
if (info.bound.IsNothing()) {
info.bound = arith::IntSet::FromRange(iter_var->dom);
} else {
info.bound = arith::Intersect({info.bound, arith::IntSet::FromRange(iter_var->dom)});
return result;
* \brief Calculate the provided region of the given block by one single of its execution instance,
* as well as the required buffer regions relaxed to the given loop
* \tparam is_compute_at Indicates if the operation is compute-at or reverse-compute-at
* \param block The given block that provides buffer regions
* \param loop_sref The given loop under which the block is going to be moved to
* \param block2realize Maps a block to its corresponding BlockRealize
* \param producer_srefs The producers of the given block
* \param consumer_srefs The consumers of the given block
* \param provided_regions The calculated regions provided by the block
* \param required_regions The calculated regions required by its consumers (in compute-at) or
* producers (in reverse-compute-at)
template <bool is_compute_at>
void CalculateProvidedRequiredRegions(
const BlockNode* block, const StmtSRef& loop_sref,
std::unordered_map<const BlockNode*, const BlockRealizeNode*> block2realize,
Array<StmtSRef> producer_srefs, Array<StmtSRef> consumer_srefs,
std::unordered_map<const BufferNode*, std::vector<NDIntSet>>* provided_regions,
std::unordered_map<const BufferNode*, std::vector<NDIntSet>>* required_regions) {
// Step 1. Calculate the region provided by a single execution instance of `block`
const Array<BufferRegion>& provided_buffers = is_compute_at ? block->writes : block->reads;
for (const BufferRegion& provided_buffer_region : provided_buffers) {
const BufferNode* buffer = provided_buffer_region->buffer.get();
const Array<Range>& region = provided_buffer_region->region;
// Step 2. Calculate the region required by dependent blocks under `loop`
for (const StmtSRef& required_block_sref : is_compute_at ? consumer_srefs : producer_srefs) {
const BlockNode* required_block = TVM_SREF_TO_BLOCK(required_block_sref);
/*buffer_regions=*/is_compute_at ? required_block->reads : required_block->writes,
/*relax_path_high_exclusive=*/loop_sref, /*relaxed=*/required_regions);
/******** Main Implementation ********/
template <bool is_compute_at>
void ComputeAtOrReverseComputeAtImpl(ScheduleState self, const StmtSRef& block_sref,
const StmtSRef& loop_sref, bool preserve_unit_loops,
arith::Analyzer* analyzer, bool check_only = false,
int index = -1) {
const BlockNode* block = TVM_SREF_TO_BLOCK(block_sref);
const ForNode* loop = TVM_SREF_TO_FOR(loop_sref);
// Step 1. Bunch of checks
// Check condition 1) : scope stage pipeline
StmtSRef scope_root_sref = GetScopeRoot(self, block_sref,
Block scope_root = GetRef<Block>(scope_root_sref->StmtAs<BlockNode>());
BlockScope scope = self->GetBlockScope(scope_root_sref);
Array<StmtSRef> producer_srefs = GetProducers(block_sref, scope);
Array<StmtSRef> consumer_srefs = GetConsumers(block_sref, scope);
// Check condition 2) : `block` is a complete or reduction block
CheckCompleteOrReductionBlock(self, block_sref, scope_root_sref);
// Check condition 3): `block` and `loop` are under the same scope,
// and `loop` is not the ancestor of `block`
NotInSameScopeError::CheckAndBindLoopDomain(self, block_sref, loop_sref, scope_root_sref,
// Check condition 4): `block` is not an output block
if (is_compute_at) {
CheckNotOutputBlock(self, block_sref, scope_root_sref);
// Step 2. Plan for the removal of `block`
ScopeReconstructor reconstructor(scope_root, GetRef<Block>(block), GetRef<For>(loop));
LeafBlockRemovalPlan(self, block_sref, &reconstructor.rm_src_stmt_, &reconstructor.rm_tgt_stmt_);
// Step 3. Find the insertion point under `loop`
// Check condition 5): all the required block are under the given loop
std::unordered_map<const BlockNode*, const BlockRealizeNode*> block2realize;
int insert_position = FindInsertionPoint<!is_compute_at, is_compute_at>(
/*consumer_srefs=*/consumer_srefs, /*block2realize=*/&block2realize,
// Step 4. Calculate the region provided by a single execution instance of `block`,
// as well as the region required by dependent blocks under `loop`.
// Here is the definition of `provide` and `require`:
// - In compute-at, `provide` means `produce`, and `require` means `consume`
// - In reverse-compute-at, `provide` means `consume`, and `require` means `produce`
std::unordered_map<const BufferNode*, std::vector<NDIntSet>> provided_regions;
std::unordered_map<const BufferNode*, std::vector<NDIntSet>> required_regions;
/*block=*/block, /*loop_sref=*/loop_sref, /*block2realize=*/std::move(block2realize),
/*provided_regions=*/&provided_regions, /*required_regions=*/&required_regions);
// Step 5. Calculate the iteration domain for each block var
std::vector<BlockVarDomainInfo> iter_doms =
// Step 6. Create the new scope according to the iteration domain
reconstructor.MakeNewLoop(/*insert_position=*/insert_position, /*iter_doms=*/std::move(iter_doms),
/*analyzer=*/analyzer, /*preserve_unit_loops=*/preserve_unit_loops);
Block new_scope_root = Downcast<Block>(reconstructor(scope_root));
// Step 7. Do the actual replacement
if (check_only) {
self->Replace(scope_root_sref, new_scope_root, {{scope_root, new_scope_root}});
// Step 8. Update the cached flags
BlockInfo& block_info = self->block_info[block_sref];
block_info.affine_binding = IsAffineBinding(
void ComputeAt(ScheduleState self, const StmtSRef& block_sref, const StmtSRef& loop_sref,
bool preserve_unit_loops, int index) {
arith::Analyzer analyzer;
ComputeAtOrReverseComputeAtImpl<true>(self, block_sref, loop_sref, preserve_unit_loops, &analyzer,
false, index);
void ReverseComputeAt(ScheduleState self, const StmtSRef& block_sref, const StmtSRef& loop_sref,
bool preserve_unit_loops, int index) {
arith::Analyzer analyzer;
ComputeAtOrReverseComputeAtImpl<false>(self, block_sref, loop_sref, preserve_unit_loops,
&analyzer, false, index);
bool CanComputeAt(const ScheduleState& self, const StmtSRef& block_sref, const StmtSRef& loop_sref,
bool preserve_unit_loops) {
arith::Analyzer analyzer;
try {
ComputeAtOrReverseComputeAtImpl<true>(self, block_sref, loop_sref, preserve_unit_loops,
&analyzer, true);
} catch (const tvm::runtime::Error& e) {
return false;
return true;
bool CanReverseComputeAt(const ScheduleState& self, const StmtSRef& block_sref,
const StmtSRef& loop_sref, bool preserve_unit_loops) {
arith::Analyzer analyzer;
try {
ComputeAtOrReverseComputeAtImpl<false>(self, block_sref, loop_sref, preserve_unit_loops,
&analyzer, true);
} catch (const tvm::runtime::Error& e) {
return false;
return true;
/******** InstructionKind Registration ********/
struct ComputeAtTraits : public UnpackedInstTraits<ComputeAtTraits> {
static constexpr const char* kName = "ComputeAt";
static constexpr bool kIsPure = false;
static constexpr size_t kNumInputs = 2;
static constexpr size_t kNumAttrs = 2;
static constexpr size_t kNumDecisions = 0;
static void UnpackedApplyToSchedule(Schedule sch, BlockRV block_rv, LoopRV loop_rv,
Bool preserve_unit_loops, IntImm index) {
return sch->ComputeAt(block_rv, loop_rv, preserve_unit_loops.operator bool(), index->value);
static String UnpackedAsPython(Array<String> outputs, String block_rv, String loop_rv,
Bool preserve_unit_loops, IntImm index) {
PythonAPICall py("compute_at");
py.Input("block", block_rv);
py.Input("loop", loop_rv);
py.Input("preserve_unit_loops", preserve_unit_loops.operator bool());
py.Input("index", index);
return py.Str();
template <typename>
friend struct ::tvm::tir::UnpackedInstTraits;
struct ReverseComputeAtTraits : public UnpackedInstTraits<ReverseComputeAtTraits> {
static constexpr const char* kName = "ReverseComputeAt";
static constexpr bool kIsPure = false;
static constexpr size_t kNumInputs = 2;
static constexpr size_t kNumAttrs = 2;
static constexpr size_t kNumDecisions = 0;
static void UnpackedApplyToSchedule(Schedule sch, BlockRV block_rv, LoopRV loop_rv,
Bool preserve_unit_loops, IntImm index) {
return sch->ReverseComputeAt(block_rv, loop_rv, preserve_unit_loops.operator bool(),
static String UnpackedAsPython(Array<String> outputs, String block_rv, String loop_rv,
Bool preserve_unit_loops, IntImm index) {
PythonAPICall py("reverse_compute_at");
py.Input("block", block_rv);
py.Input("loop", loop_rv);
py.Input("preserve_unit_loops", preserve_unit_loops.operator bool());
py.Input("index", index);
return py.Str();
template <typename>
friend struct ::tvm::tir::UnpackedInstTraits;
} // namespace tir
} // namespace tvm