blob: e419377e76644a167b6903ce0ec2a5eb5d087a4a [file] [log] [blame]
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* \brief Logics related to cross thread reduction, used by ComputeOpNode.
* \file
#include <tvm/tir/builtin.h>
#include "compute_op.h"
#include "op_utils.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace te {
using namespace tir;
// Cross thread reduction transformation.
// The input loop nest in generic form (single reduction/thread case)
// let m be the reduction extent
// let N be the thread extent
// let input_pred be the predicate on the reduction
// B[..] = 0
// for (tid, 0, N)
// for (i, 0, floordiv(m+N-1, N))
// if (i + tid * floordiv(m+N-1, N) < m)
// if (input_pred)
// B[..] = op(B[..], A[i + tid * floordiv(m+N-1,N)])
// The threaded reduction looks like
// (1) normal reductions (leaves)
// for (i, 0, floordiv(m+N-1, N))
// if (i + tid * floordiv(m+N-1, N) < m)
// if (input_pred)
// B_temp[0] = op(B_temp[0], A[i + tid * floordiv(m+N-1,N)])
// (2) threaded reduction does not require predicates as an identity
// element will be filled if out of bounds.
// tvm_thread_allreduce(size, B_temp, (bool)1, tid)
// The last step is to write the final reduction variable,
// which should be predicated by the existing input_pred if any
// The consequence is that input_pred should be independent of
// the reduction axis. Otherwise, we need to seperate it into
// dependent part and independent one.
// (3) write back
// if (input_pred)
// B[..] = B_temp[0]
// In summary, we are going to need two predicates
// * the original input_pred from reduction itself
// * the normal reduction axis predicate
// normal_pred = (i + tid * floordiv(m+N-1,N)) < m
// this predicate depends on the normal reduction variable.
// input_pred will be applied to both normal reduction and
// the writeback step.
Stmt MakeCrossThreadReduction(const ComputeOpNode* self, const Stage& stage,
const std::unordered_map<IterVar, Range>& dom_map,
bool debug_keep_trivial_loop) {
Array<PrimExpr> args;
for (IterVar iv : self->axis) {
std::unordered_map<IterVar, PrimExpr> value_map;
auto nest = MakeLoopNest(stage, dom_map, 0, false, std::unordered_set<IterVar>(), &value_map,
size_t size = self->body.size();
ICHECK_GT(size, 0);
std::vector<const ReduceNode*> reduces(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
const ReduceNode* reduce = self->body[i].as<ReduceNode>();
<< "Cannot perform cross_thread_reduction for reductions with init";
reduces[i] = reduce;
// This computes the bound checking predicates in normal reduction.
auto normal_preds =
MakeBoundCheck(stage, dom_map, value_map, false, std::unordered_set<IterVar>());
// normal_pred = input_pred && normal_pred
PrimExpr input_pred = reduces[0]->condition;
normal_preds.erase(std::remove_if(normal_preds.begin(), normal_preds.end(),
[](const PrimExpr& e) { return !e.defined(); }),
std::vector<std::vector<Stmt>> common, normal_red;
for (size_t i = 0, n = stage->leaf_iter_vars.size(); i < n; ++i) {
IterVar iv = stage->leaf_iter_vars[i];
IterVarAttr attr;
auto it = stage->iter_var_attrs.find(iv);
if (it != stage->iter_var_attrs.end()) {
attr = (*it).second;
if (iv->iter_type == kCommReduce) {
if (attr.defined() && attr->bind_thread.defined()) {
common.emplace_back(nest[i + 1]);
} else {
normal_red.emplace_back(nest[i + 1]);
} else {
common.emplace_back(nest[i + 1]);
// If we load from and then store into the same res_handles in the thread_allreduce intrinsic,
// something goes wrong, so we use an extra variable here for normal reduction.
std::vector<Buffer> normal_res_buffers;
std::vector<Stmt> normal_init, normal_update;
if (!normal_red.empty()) {
const CommReducerNode* combiner = reduces[0]-><CommReducerNode>();
Array<PrimExpr> lhs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
decl_buffer({1}, reduces[i]->dtype, "normal_reduce_temp" + std::to_string(i), "local"));
lhs.push_back(BufferLoad(normal_res_buffers[i], {0}));
Array<PrimExpr> init_value = combiner->identity_element;
Array<PrimExpr> update_value = (*combiner)(lhs, reduces[0]->source);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
normal_init.emplace_back(BufferStore(normal_res_buffers[i], init_value[i], {0}));
normal_update.emplace_back(BufferStore(normal_res_buffers[i], update_value[i], {0}));
Array<PrimExpr> freduce_args;
freduce_args.push_back(make_const(DataType::UInt(32), static_cast<uint32_t>(size)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (!normal_red.empty()) {
freduce_args.push_back(BufferLoad(normal_res_buffers[i], {0}));
} else {
// No constraints on the thread reduction step. It may have redundent
// computation for rare cases. TODO(tvm-team): revisit this.
std::vector<Buffer> res_buffers(size);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) {
res_buffers[idx] =
decl_buffer({1}, reduces[idx]->dtype, "reduce_temp" + std::to_string(idx), "local");
// Make a BufferLoad object so that we can pass the entire Buffer
// object through to LowerThreadAllreduce. The index here is
// unused.
PrimExpr dummy_load = BufferLoad(res_buffers[idx], {0});
for (IterVar iv : stage->leaf_iter_vars) {
if (iv->iter_type == kCommReduce) {
auto it = stage->iter_var_attrs.find(iv);
if (it != stage->iter_var_attrs.end() && (*it).second->bind_thread.defined()) {
IterVar tv = (*it).second->bind_thread;
// Checks for the thread.
std::vector<PrimExpr> output_preds;
if (stage->store_predicate.defined()) {
// Apply the existing input predicate if any.
Stmt reduce_body =
Evaluate(Call(DataType::Handle(), tir::builtin::tvm_thread_allreduce(), freduce_args));
reduce_body = AttrStmt(reduces[0]->combiner, tir::attr::reduce_scope,
make_zero(DataType::Handle()), reduce_body);
if (!normal_red.empty()) {
Stmt init_body = SeqStmt::Flatten(normal_init);
Stmt update_body = SeqStmt::Flatten(normal_update);
update_body = MergeNest(MakeIfNest(normal_preds), update_body);
update_body = MergeNest(normal_red, update_body);
reduce_body = SeqStmt::Flatten(init_body, update_body, reduce_body);
std::vector<Stmt> assigns(size);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) {
assigns[idx] = ProducerStore(stage->op.output(idx), BufferLoad(res_buffers[idx], {0}), args);
Stmt assign_body = SeqStmt::Flatten(assigns);
assign_body = MergeNest(MakeIfNest(output_preds), assign_body);
Stmt body = SeqStmt::Flatten(reduce_body, assign_body);
for (size_t idx = size; idx != 0; --idx) {
const auto& res_buffer = res_buffers[idx - 1];
body = Allocate(res_buffer->data, res_buffer->dtype, res_buffer->shape, const_true(), body);
if (!normal_red.empty()) {
const auto& normal_res_buffer = normal_res_buffers[idx - 1];
body = Allocate(normal_res_buffer->data, normal_res_buffer->dtype, normal_res_buffer->shape,
const_true(), body);
body = Substitute(body, value_map);
return MergeNest(common, body);
} // namespace te
} // namespace tvm