blob: cd208eea5d5c993659842c606082957b7e1e8113 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file
* \brief A parser for TVM IR.
#include <tvm/ir/module.h>
#include <tvm/node/reflection.h>
#include <tvm/parser/parser.h>
#include <tvm/relay/adt.h>
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <tvm/relay/function.h>
#include <tvm/relay/transform.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/logging.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/object.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/target/virtual_device.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "../support/scalars.h"
#include "./meta_ref.h"
#include "./op_table.h"
#include "./span_check.h"
#include "./tokenizer.h"
#include "tvm/runtime/builtin_fp16.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace parser {
using namespace relay;
using Expr = relay::Expr;
/*! \brief The meta table maps from type key to a sequence of objects. */
using MetaTable = Map<String, Array<ObjectRef>>;
using tvm::transform::CreateModulePass;
using tvm::transform::PassContext;
/*! \brief A helper for passing around spans with data structures with
* no span field.
template <typename T>
struct Spanned {
T data;
Span span;
Spanned() = default;
Spanned(const Spanned<T>& other) = default;
Spanned(T data, Span span) : data(data), span(span) {}
/*! \brief A wrapper structure for capturing the result of parsing
* a global definition *before* we add it to the IRModule.
* This enables the parser to parse everything in one pass before
* constructing the IRModule.
struct GlobalFunc {
GlobalVar global;
Function function;
GlobalFunc() : global(), function() {}
GlobalFunc(GlobalVar global, Function function) : global(global), function(function) {}
GlobalFunc(const GlobalFunc& gfunc) {
this->global =;
this->function = gfunc.function;
/*! \brief A wrapper structure for capturing all top-level definitions
* when parsing a module.
struct Definitions {
/*! \brief The set of global functions. */
std::vector<GlobalFunc> funcs;
/*! \brief The set of type definitions. */
std::vector<TypeData> types;
// TODO(@jroesch): contain meta-table below
/*! \brief A structure representing the semantic versioning information
* for a Relay program.
class SemVer {
int major_version;
int minor_version;
int patch_version;
SemVer() : major_version(0), minor_version(0), patch_version(0) {}
SemVer(int major_version, int minor_version, int patch_version)
: major_version(major_version), minor_version(minor_version), patch_version(patch_version) {}
SemVer(const SemVer& other)
: major_version(other.major_version),
patch_version(other.patch_version) {}
/*! \brief A simple wrapper around a mapping from raw string names
* to a TVM variable, type variable or other binder type.
template <typename T>
struct Scope {
/*! \brief The internal map. */
std::unordered_map<std::string, T> name_map;
/*! \brief A stack of scopes.
* In order to properly handle scoping we must maintain a stack of scopes.
* A stack allows users to write programs which contain repeated variable
* names and to properly handle both nested scopes and removal of variables
* when they go out of scope.
* This is the classic approach to lexical scoping.
template <typename T>
class ScopeStack {
std::vector<Scope<T>> scope_stack;
std::unordered_map<std::string, T> free_vars;
/*! \brief Adds a variable binding to the current scope. */
void Add(const std::string& name, const T& value) {
if (!this->scope_stack.size()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "internal issue";
this->scope_stack.back().name_map.insert({name, value});
void AddFreeVar(const std::string& name, const T& value) { free_vars.insert({name, value}); }
/*! \brief Looks up a variable name in the scope stack returning the matching variable
* in most recent scope. */
T Lookup(const std::string& name) {
for (auto scope = this->scope_stack.rbegin(); scope != this->scope_stack.rend(); ++scope) {
auto it = scope->name_map.find(name);
if (it != scope->name_map.end()) {
return it->second;
// Check if we bound a free variable declaration.
auto it = free_vars.find(name);
if (it != free_vars.end()) {
return it->second;
return T();
/*! \brief Adds a fresh scope. */
void PushStack() { this->scope_stack.push_back(Scope<T>()); }
/*! \brief Removes the most recent scope. */
void PopStack() { this->scope_stack.pop_back(); }
struct DuplicateKeyError : public Error {
explicit DuplicateKeyError(const std::string& msg) : Error(msg) {}
/*! \brief A table of interning strings as global function and type names. */
template <typename T>
struct InternTable {
/*! \brief The internal table mapping strings to a unique allocation. */
std::unordered_map<std::string, T> table;
DiagnosticContext* ctx;
/*! \brief Add the unique allocation. */
void Add(const std::string& name, const T& t) {
auto it = table.find(name);
if (it != table.end()) {
throw DuplicateKeyError("duplicate key name in intern table");
} else {
table.insert({name, t});
/*! \brief Return the unique allocation. */
Optional<T> Get(const std::string& name) const {
auto it = table.find(name);
if (it != table.end()) {
return Optional<T>(it->second);
} else {
return Optional<T>();
GlobalVar AddOrGet(InternTable<GlobalVar>* table, const std::string& name) {
auto var = table->Get(name);
if (var) {
return var.value();
} else {
auto gvar = GlobalVar(name);
table->Add(name, gvar);
return gvar;
GlobalTypeVar AddOrGet(InternTable<GlobalTypeVar>* table, const std::string& name,
TypeKind kind = TypeKind::kType) {
auto var = table->Get(name);
if (var) {
auto tvar = var.value();
TypeKind& tvar_kind = const_cast<TypeKind&>(tvar->kind);
tvar_kind = kind;
return tvar;
} else {
auto gvar = GlobalTypeVar(name, kind);
table->Add(name, gvar);
return gvar;
/*! \brief The parser class is the main interface to the parser.
* the parser is not currently exposed beyond this .cc file.
* The parser is initialized with a diagnostic context, an
* operator table, and a token stream.
* The rest of the internal state is used to map the human readable
* form to in-memory IR representation.
* The main entry point to the parser are a set of parsing methods
* such as `ParseModule` and `ParseExpr`.
* As with traditional recursive descent parsers the parsing methods
* are factored recursively just as one would do with a formal language
* grammar.
* You can view a recursive descent parser as a human friendly way to specify
* a state machine, and thus this factoring is necessary as the 'state' of this
* machine is the combination of the current parsing method and the next token.
* Parsing proceeds by matching a token and then dispatching to the appropriate
* method to parse the next tokens in the stream.
* For example if we are parsing a type and encounter a "Tensor" token we switch
* into a mode for parsing `[`, a shape, a comma, a data type and then a `]`.
* Certain matches like this are unambiguous and proceed in a straight line fashion
* once the initial token is found. Other parsing is more complex and requires some
* tricks to correctly parse.
* For example when we find a '(' in an expression context, it may be part of
* a tuple, the arguments to a call, or a parenthesized expression. The below code
* disambiguate these cases by factoring expression parsing into a series of methods
* which encode the parsing context and thus how to interpret the parenthesis.
* For more information one should be able to read the code in order starting with
* `ParseModule` or `ParseExpr`.
class Parser {
/*! \brief The version that the parser is parsing. */
SemVer version;
/*! \brief The IRModule we are building. */
IRModule module;
/*! \brief The diagnostic context used for error reporting. */
DiagnosticContext diag_ctx;
const Source& source;
/*! \brief The current position in the token stream. */
int pos;
/*! \brief The token stream for the parser. */
std::vector<Token> tokens;
/*! \brief The configured operator table. */
OperatorTable op_table;
/*! \brief Configure the whitespace mode, right now we ignore all whitespace. */
bool ignore_whitespace;
/*! \brief A global mapping for GlobalVar. */
InternTable<GlobalVar> global_names;
/*! \brief A global mapping for type definitions. */
InternTable<GlobalTypeVar> type_names;
/*! \brief A global mapping for constructor names. */
InternTable<Constructor> ctors;
/*! \brief A mapping from graph variable to expression, i.e., `%0 = expr`. */
std::unordered_map<int, Expr> graph_ctx;
/*! \brief The set of type scopes used for generics. */
ScopeStack<TypeVar> type_scopes;
/*! \brief The set of expression scopes used for lexical scope. */
ScopeStack<Var> expr_scopes;
/*! \brief The metadata section. */
MetaTable meta_table;
Parser(IRModule module, DiagnosticContext ctx, const Source& source, std::vector<Token> tokens,
OperatorTable op_table, MetaTable table)
: module(module),
meta_table(table) {
/*! If we are parsing into a module with previously loaded data types we need to
* map constructor names and variable names in the global tables.
void InitializeTypeDefs() {
for (auto pair : this->module->type_definitions) {
type_names.Add(pair.first->name_hint, pair.first);
for (auto ctor : pair.second->constructors) {
ctors.Add(ctor->name_hint, ctor);
void InitializeGlobals() {
for (auto pair : this->module->functions) {
global_names.Add(pair.first->name_hint, pair.first);
/*! \brief Examine the next token in the stream, the current parser is configured to be
* whitespace insensitive so we will skip all whitespace or comment tokens. */
Token Peek() {
// For now we ignore all whitespace tokens and comments.
// We can tweak this behavior later to enable white space sensitivity in the parser.
while (pos < static_cast<int64_t>(tokens.size()) && ignore_whitespace &&
(>token_type == TokenType::kWhitespace ||>token_type == TokenType::kNewline ||>token_type == TokenType::kLineComment ||>token_type == TokenType::kComment)) {
if (pos < static_cast<int64_t>(tokens.size())) {
return Token(this->;
} else {
return Token::Null();
/*! \brief Lookahead by N tokens.
* \param n The number of tokens to lookahead.
* \return The Nth token.
Token Lookahead(int n) {
ICHECK_GE(n, 1) << "lookahead is only valid when n >= 1";
// We intend to skip n - 1 tokens, then return the nth.
auto old_pos = pos;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
auto tok = Peek();
pos = old_pos;
return tok;
/*! \brief Consume a token, this method is the lowest level way to consume a token
* and will not ignore white space or look ahead in anyway.
* /param token_type The token type to match.
void Consume(const TokenType& token_type) {
if (tokens[pos]->token_type != token_type) {
<< "expected a " << Pretty(token_type) << " found "
<< Pretty(Peek()->token_type));
/*! Match a token in the stream, this will first invoke Peek, ignoring tokens such
* as whitespace or comments returning the first meaningful token.
* We then try and consume the requested token, this will trigger an error if the
* current token does not match the token_type.
Token Match(const TokenType& token_type) {
auto tok = Peek();
return tok;
/*! Conditionally consume a token when it matches, this will never trigger an error
* as we guard against consuming the token before we do.
* Useful for matching optional tokens, effectively looksahead by one.
bool WhenMatch(const TokenType& token_type) {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::WhenMatch: Peek() == " << Peek();
if (Peek()->token_type == token_type) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/* \brief Add a graph binding to the parsing context
* For example if we parse %0 = add(...), map 0 -> add(...), etc.
void AddGraphBinding(const Token& token, const Expr& expr) {
auto graph_no = token.ToNumber();
this->graph_ctx.insert({graph_no, expr});
/* \brief Lookup a previously bound graph variable.
* Note: we take tokens in all lookup methods so that we
* that we can do error reporting based on token location.
Expr LookupGraphBinding(const Token& token) {
auto graph_no = token.ToNumber();
auto it = this->graph_ctx.find(graph_no);
if (it != this->graph_ctx.end()) {
return it->second;
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Local variable %" << graph_no << " has not yet been defined";
/*! \brief Bind a local variable in the expression scope.
* "x" -> Var("x"), these are needed to map from the raw string names
* to unique variable nodes.
* If a virtual device is specified, sets the virtual device of the variable.
Var BindVar(const std::string& name, const relay::Type& type_annotation,
Optional<VirtualDevice> virtual_device = Optional<VirtualDevice>()) {
auto var = Var(name, type_annotation);
var->virtual_device_ = virtual_device.value_or(VirtualDevice::FullyUnconstrained());
VLOG(1) << "Binding var named " << name << " to variable node " << PrettyPrint(var);
this->expr_scopes.Add(name, var);
return var;
/*! \brief Bind a local variable in the expression scope.
* "x" -> Var("x"), these are needed to map from the raw string names
* to unique variable nodes.
Var BindFreeVar(const std::string& name, const relay::Type& type_annotation) {
auto var = Var(name, type_annotation);
this->expr_scopes.AddFreeVar(name, var);
return var;
/*! \brief Bind a type variable in the type scope.
* "A" -> TypeVar("A", ...), these are needed to map from raw string names
* to unique type variable nodes.
TypeVar BindTypeVar(const std::string& name, const TypeKind type_kind) {
auto type_var = TypeVar(name, type_kind);
this->type_scopes.Add(name, type_var);
return type_var;
/*! \brief Lookup a variable in the expression scope.
* Note: all lookup methods take tokens intentionally for error reporting information.
Var LookupLocal(const Token& local) {
auto var = this->expr_scopes.Lookup(local.ToString());
if (!var.defined()) {
<< "this local variable has not been previously declared");
return var;
/*! \brief Lookup a variable in the type scope.
* Note: all lookup methods take tokens intentionally for error reporting information.
TypeVar LookupTypeVar(const Token& ident) {
auto var = this->type_scopes.Lookup(ident.ToString());
return var;
/*! \brief Add an expression scope to the scope stack. */
void PushScope() { this->expr_scopes.PushStack(); }
/*! \brief Remove N expression scopes from the scope stack. */
void PopScopes(int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
/*! \brief Add an type scope to the scope stack. */
void PushTypeScope() { this->type_scopes.PushStack(); }
/*! \brief Remove N type scopes from the scope stack. */
void PopTypeScopes(int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
/*! \brief Convert a numeric token to an NDArray for embedding into the Relay program. */
NDArray NumberToNDArray(const Token& token) {
if (token->token_type == TokenType::kInteger) {
return support::IntImmToNDArray(Downcast<tvm::IntImm>(token->data));
} else if (token->token_type == TokenType::kFloat) {
return support::FloatImmToNDArray(Downcast<tvm::FloatImm>(token->data));
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "internal error: should only call this function on numeric tokens";
return {};
[[noreturn]] void ParseError(const Token& token, const std::string& msg) {
throw std::runtime_error(msg);
/*! \brief A parsing helper for a bracketed expression <start> <parser> <stop>. */
template <typename R>
R Bracket(TokenType open, TokenType close, std::function<R()> parser) {
R result = parser();
return result;
/*! \brief Parse `(` parser() `)`. */
template <typename R>
R Parens(std::function<R()> parser) {
return Bracket(TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kCloseParen, parser);
/*! \brief Parse `{` parser() `}`. */
template <typename R>
R Block(std::function<R()> parser) {
return Bracket(TokenType::kLCurly, TokenType::kRCurly, parser);
template <typename R>
R WithSpan(std::function<R()> parser) {
auto start_span = Peek()->span;
VLOG(9) << "WithSpan: start_span = " << start_span;
R ast = parser();
if (ast.defined()) {
// The token at the head of the stream is now 1 past where we parsed. So we find its start
// position as its start and end, so that when we merge we only grow the spanned region
// to the start of the current stream.
auto span_pos = pos - 1;
while ((>token_type == TokenType::kWhitespace ||>token_type == TokenType::kNewline ||>token_type == TokenType::kLineComment ||>token_type == TokenType::kComment)) {
auto end_token =;
VLOG(9) << "WithSpan: end_span = " << end_token->span;
ast->span = start_span.Merge(end_token->span);
return ast;
struct MetaRef {
std::string type_key;
uint64_t node_index;
Span span;
MetaRef(std::string type_key, uint64_t node_index, Span span)
: type_key(type_key), node_index(node_index), span(span) {}
MetaRef MetaRefFromToken(const Token& tok) {
Call ref = Downcast<Call>(tok->data);
auto attrs = ref-><MetaRefAttrs>();
auto type_key = attrs->node_type_key;
auto index = attrs->node_index;
return MetaRef(type_key, index, ref->span);
/*! \brief Parse a meta reference of the form `meta[type_key][node_index]`.
* For example `meta[relay.Constant][0]` references the first constant, `meta[relay.Constant][1]`
* the second, and so on.
ObjectRef ParseMetaRef() {
auto meta_ref_tok = Match(TokenType::kMetaReference);
auto meta_ref = MetaRefFromToken(meta_ref_tok);
auto it = this->meta_table.find(meta_ref.type_key);
if (it != this->meta_table.end()) {
auto nodes = (*it).second;
if (meta_ref.node_index < nodes.size()) {
return nodes[meta_ref.node_index];
} else {
<< "the node index `" << meta_ref.node_index
<< "` is out of bounds for `" << meta_ref.type_key << "`");
return ObjectRef();
} else {
<< "no entry in the meta table for `" << meta_ref.type_key << "`");
return ObjectRef();
/*! \brief Parses a sequence beginning with a start token, seperated by a seperator token, and
* ending with a stop token.
* The simple form being <start> (<parse()> <seperator>)* <stop>.
* This also provides a fourth argument which is allowed to run when the sequence which matches
* the inner sequence can not proceed.
* This is useful for parsing things like attributes which don't match the standard expression
* parsers but are contained within the stop token.
template <typename T>
Array<T> ParseSequence(TokenType start, TokenType sep, TokenType stop, std::function<T()> parse,
std::function<bool()> before_stop = nullptr) {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseSequence: start=" << ToString(start) << " sep=" << ToString(sep)
<< " stop=" << ToString(stop);
// This is for the empty arguments list case, if we have <start> <leftovers> <stop> token stream
// we must parse leftovers, then match a stop token.
if (before_stop) {
auto did_parse = before_stop();
if (did_parse) {
return {};
// This is the case in which we find an empty arguments lists and no leftovers.
if (WhenMatch(stop)) {
return Array<T>();
} else {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseSequence: parse first";
auto data = parse();
Array<T> elements = {data};
if (WhenMatch(stop)) {
return elements;
// parse '( expr ',' * ')'
} else if (WhenMatch(sep)) {
while (true) {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseSequence: parse element";
if (WhenMatch(stop)) {
} else {
// If before stop is
if (before_stop) {
auto did_parse = before_stop();
if (did_parse) {
return elements;
auto data = parse();
return elements;
} else {
auto next = Peek();
<< "expected a " << Pretty(stop) << " found "
<< Pretty(next->token_type));
return Array<T>(nullptr);
/*! \brief Parse a full IRModule. */
IRModule ParseModule() {
// Parse the semver header at the top of the module.
this->version = ParseSemVer();
// Parse the definitions.
auto defs = ParseDefinitions();
// Parse the metadata section at the end.
auto metadata = ParseMetadata();
for (auto type_def : defs.types) {
module->AddTypeDef(type_def->header, type_def);
for (auto func : defs.funcs) {
module->Add(, func.function, true);
return module;
/*! \brief Parse the semantic versioning header. */
SemVer ParseSemVer(bool required = true) {
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kVersion) {
auto version = Match(TokenType::kVersion);
// TODO(@jroesch): we currently only support 0.0.5.
if (version.ToString() != "\"0.0.5\"") {
<< "invalid semantic version `" << version.ToString() << "`");
} else if (required) {
<< "expected text format semantic version, found a "
<< PrettyPrint(Peek()));
<< "you can annotate it as #[version = \"0.0.5\"]");
return SemVer(0, 0, 5);
/*! \brief Parse zero or more Relay definitions. */
Definitions ParseDefinitions() {
Definitions defs;
while (true) {
auto next = Peek();
switch (next->token_type) {
case TokenType::kDefn: {
auto global_tok = Match(TokenType::kGlobal);
auto global_name = global_tok.ToString();
auto global = AddOrGet(&global_names, global_name);
auto func = WithSpan<relay::Function>([&]() { return ParseFunctionDef(); });
ICHECK(func->span.defined()) << "spans must be set in parser";
defs.funcs.push_back(GlobalFunc(global, func));
case TokenType::kTypeDef: {
case TokenType::kExtern: {
auto type_def = ParseTypeDef();
if (type_def->constructors.size()) {
<< "an external type may not have any constructors");
return defs;
/*! \brief Parse zero or more Relay type definitions. */
TypeData ParseTypeDef() {
// Match the `type` keyword.
// Parse the type's identifier.
auto type_tok = Match(TokenType::kIdentifier);
auto type_id = type_tok.ToString();
auto type_global = AddOrGet(&type_names, type_id, TypeKind::kAdtHandle);
Array<TypeVar> generics;
bool should_pop = false;
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kLSquare) {
// If we have generics we need to add a type scope.
should_pop = true;
generics = ParseSequence<TypeVar>(
TokenType::kLSquare, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kRSquare, [&]() {
auto type_var_name = Match(TokenType::kIdentifier).ToString();
return BindTypeVar(type_var_name, TypeKind::kType);
Array<tvm::Constructor> ctors;
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kLCurly) {
// Parse the list of constructors.
ctors = ParseSequence<tvm::Constructor>(
TokenType::kLCurly, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kRCurly, [&]() {
// First match the name of the constructor.
auto ctor_tok = Match(TokenType::kIdentifier);
auto ctor_name = ctor_tok.ToString();
Constructor ctor;
// Match the optional field list.
if (Peek()->token_type != TokenType::kOpenParen) {
ctor = tvm::Constructor(ctor_name, {}, type_global);
} else {
auto arg_types =
ParseSequence<Type>(TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kComma,
TokenType::kCloseParen, [&]() { return ParseType(); });
ctor = tvm::Constructor(ctor_name, arg_types, type_global);
try {
this->ctors.Add(ctor_name, ctor);
} catch (const DuplicateKeyError& e) {
<< "a constructor with the name "
<< "`" << ctor_name << "` "
<< "was previously defined");
return ctor;
// Now pop the type scope.
if (should_pop) {
return TypeData(type_global, generics, ctors);
std::string HackTokensAsString(int n) {
std::stringstream key;
n = std::min(static_cast<int>(tokens.size() - pos), n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
key << ToString( + i)->token_type);
return key.str();
std::vector<Rule> ParseOp() {
std::vector<Rule> matched;
for (int i = 4; i > 0; i--) {
auto key = HackTokensAsString(i);
auto it = this->op_table.this_is_a_hack.find(key);
if (it != this->op_table.this_is_a_hack.end()) {
pos = pos + i;
return matched;
/*! \brief Parse a single Relay expression. */
Expr ParseExpr() {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseExpr";
return WithSpan<Expr>([this] {
std::vector<Expr> exprs;
while (true) {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseExpr: parsing a single expression";
auto next = Peek();
switch (next->token_type) {
// For graph or let, match first rhs, then invoke ParseBindingExpr
// ParseBindingExpression then parse_lhs() parse_rhs() ';' continue
case TokenType::kLCurly: {
// NB: Might need to optimize to remove deep recursion.
// Stack should only grow proportionally to the number of
// nested scopes.
// Parses `{` expression `}`.
auto block = WithSpan<Expr>([&]() {
return Bracket<Expr>(TokenType::kLCurly, TokenType::kRCurly, [&]() {
auto expr = ParseExpr();
return expr;
case TokenType::kFreeVar: {
auto var_token = Match(TokenType::kLocal);
Type type;
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kColon)) {
type = ParseType();
} else {
type = IncompleteType();
BindFreeVar(var_token.ToString(), type);
// Parses `let ...`;
case TokenType::kLet:
case TokenType::kMatch:
case TokenType::kPartialMatch: {
bool is_total = next->token_type == TokenType::kMatch;
// %x ...
case TokenType::kGraph:
if (Lookahead(2)->token_type == TokenType::kEqual) {
// intentional fall through here.
default: {
if (!WhenMatch(TokenType::kSemicolon)) {
ICHECK_GE(exprs.size(), 1);
if (exprs.size() == 1) {
// ICHECK(exprs[0].defined() && exprs[0]->span.defined())
// << "parser must set expression spans.\n"
// << exprs[0];
return exprs[0];
} else {
auto body = exprs.back();
while (exprs.size()) {
auto value = exprs.back();
ICHECK(value->span.defined()) << "parser must set expression spans.";
body = relay::Let(Var("", IncompleteType()), value, body, value->span.Merge(body->span));
ICHECK(body->span.defined()) << "parser must set expression spans.";
return body;
/*! \brief Parse a "binding expression"; an expression where
* a graph or let variable is bound.
* In order to avoid stack overflow this is implemented in a special
* iterative way to keep stack depth constant in a long chain of bindings.
Expr ParseBindingExpr() {
// We use a loop here so that the stack depth
// does not grow linearly with a sequence of
// graph or let bindings.
// Assuming we start at call depth k, we will
// enter k + c call frames to parse the RHS
// of the bindings where `c` is the depth
// of recursion needed by RHS.
// If RHS is a call expresssion the c=1.
// Once we have parsed the RHS we will be
// back at depth K, and will return to
// this loop header to parse another
// graph or let binding.
// This ensures for n sequential bindings
// the call depth will be the same before
// and after parsing the n bindings.
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseBindingExpr";
std::vector<std::tuple<Var, Expr, Span>> bindings;
int scopes = 0;
while (true) {
auto next = Peek();
if (next->token_type == TokenType::kGraph && Lookahead(2)->token_type == TokenType::kEqual) {
auto val = this->ParseExprBinOp();
AddGraphBinding(next, val);
} else if (next->token_type == TokenType::kLet) {
auto span = next->span;
// Parse the 'let'.
// Parse the local '%<id>'.
auto local_tok = Match(TokenType::kLocal);
auto string = local_tok.ToString();
// Parse the optional type annotation (':' <type>).
Type type;
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kColon)) {
type = ParseType();
auto var = BindVar(string, type);
// Parse the '=';
// Parse the body, and the ';'.
auto val = this->ParseExprBinOp();
// Add the bindings to the local data structure.
std::tuple<relay::Var, relay::Expr, Span> tuple(var, val, span);
} else {
// This is the only case we will increase the stack
// depth.
// If we parse a program which is a sequence of N bindings
// followed by a single body expression we will end up with
// a call depth of 3, the first call to ParseExpr, then
// ParseBindingExpr, then finally ParseExpr once more.
auto body = this->ParseExpr();
// Remove the same number of scopes we added.
if (bindings.size() == 0) {
return body;
} else {
// We can now build the let binding up backwards.
for (auto binding = bindings.rbegin(); binding != bindings.rend(); binding++) {
auto span = body->span.Merge(std::get<2>(*binding));
body = relay::Let(std::get<0>(*binding), std::get<1>(*binding), body, span);
return body;
/*! Parse a function definition without a leading keyword or identifier.
* Handles things of the form [T1, ..., TN](arg1: U1, ..., argN : UN) -> Ret { body }.
Function ParseFunctionDef() {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseFunctionDef";
return WithSpan<Function>([&]() {
Array<TypeVar> generics;
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kLSquare) {
generics = ParseSequence<TypeVar>(
TokenType::kLSquare, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kRSquare, [&]() {
auto type_var_name = Match(TokenType::kIdentifier).ToString();
return BindTypeVar(type_var_name, TypeKind::kType);
Map<String, ObjectRef> raw_attrs;
auto params = ParseSequence<Var>(
TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kCloseParen,
[&]() {
auto token = Match(TokenType::kLocal);
auto string = token.ToString();
// The fake attributes where the virtual device is specified.
VirtualDevice virtual_device;
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kLCurly)) {
Map<String, ObjectRef> fake_attrs = ParseAttrs();
VLOG(9) << "Fake attributes for function parameter: " << fake_attrs;
if (fake_attrs.size() == 1 && fake_attrs.count(kVirtualDevice)) {
<< "Expected the " << kVirtualDevice
<< " to have type VirtualDeviceNode, but got " << virtual_device->GetTypeKey();
virtual_device = Downcast<VirtualDevice>(fake_attrs[kVirtualDevice]);
Type type;
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kColon)) {
type = ParseType();
return BindVar(string, type, virtual_device);
[&] {
auto is_ident = Lookahead(1)->token_type == TokenType::kIdentifier;
auto next_is_equal = Lookahead(2)->token_type == TokenType::kEqual;
if (is_ident && next_is_equal) {
raw_attrs = ParseAttrs();
return true;
return false;
Type ret_type;
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kMinus)) {
ret_type = ParseType();
auto body = Block<Expr>([&]() { return ParseExpr(); });
// TODO(@jroesch): attributes should never be null, they should always be empty.
if (raw_attrs.size()) {
// Promote kVirtualDevice to first-class
if (raw_attrs.count(kVirtualDevice)) {
ObjectRef vid =;
<< "Expected the " << kVirtualDevice << " to have type VirtualDeviceNode, but got "
<< vid->GetTypeKey();
DictAttrs attrs;
// Don't fill the raw_attrs in if there's nothing other than kVirtualDevice in the
// attributes
if (raw_attrs.size() > 1) {
attrs = DictAttrs(raw_attrs);
Function func = relay::Function(params, body, ret_type, generics, attrs);
func->virtual_device_ = vid;
return func;
} else {
return relay::Function(params, body, ret_type, generics, DictAttrs(raw_attrs));
} else {
return relay::Function(params, body, ret_type, generics, tvm::DictAttrs());
/*! \brief Parse an if-expression. */
Expr ParseIf() {
return WithSpan<Expr>([&]() {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseIf";
auto guard = WithSpan<Expr>([&] { return Parens<Expr>([&] { return ParseExpr(); }); });
auto true_branch = Block<Expr>([&] {
auto expr = ParseExpr();
return expr;
auto false_branch = Block<Expr>([&] {
auto expr = ParseExpr();
return expr;
return relay::If(guard, true_branch, false_branch);
/* This factors parsing a list of patterns for both tuples, and constructors. */
Array<Pattern> ParsePatternList() {
return ParseSequence<Pattern>(TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kCloseParen,
[&] { return ParsePattern(); });
/*! \brief Parses a pattern for a match expression.
* A pattern is either a wildcard `_`, a local `%name`,
* a constructor `C(p1, ..., pn)` or tuple `(p1, ..., pn).
* This function recursively parses a pattern.
Pattern ParsePattern() {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParsePattern";
auto next = Peek();
switch (next->token_type) {
case TokenType::kUnderscore: {
return PatternWildcard();
case TokenType::kLocal: {
auto id = Match(TokenType::kLocal);
Type type_annotation;
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kColon)) {
type_annotation = ParseType();
auto var = BindVar(id.ToString(), type_annotation);
return PatternVar(var);
case TokenType::kIdentifier: {
auto id = Match(TokenType::kIdentifier);
auto ctor = ctors.Get(id.ToString());
if (!ctor) {
// TODO(@jroesch): split into error and help
// deal with multiple rendering
<< "undefined constructor name `" << id.ToString()
<< "`, perhaps you intended to write a"
<< "pattern variable, considering changing this to `%" << id.ToString() << "`");
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kOpenParen) {
auto fields = ParsePatternList();
return PatternConstructor(ctor.value(), fields);
} else {
return PatternConstructor(ctor.value(), {});
return PatternTuple(ParsePatternList());
Clause ParseMatchArm() {
auto pattern = ParsePattern();
auto expr = ParseExpr();
return Clause(pattern, expr);
Expr ParseMatch(bool is_total) {
return WithSpan<Expr>([&]() {
Expr scrutinee = ParseAtomicExpr();
Array<Clause> clauses =
ParseSequence<Clause>(TokenType::kLCurly, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kRCurly,
[&] { return ParseMatchArm(); });
return relay::Match(scrutinee, clauses, is_total);
Expr ParseExprBinOp() {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseExprBinOp";
return WithSpan<Expr>([this] {
// We must parse at least one expression, the default
// case is that there is no operator and we will fall
// through.
std::vector<Expr> exprs;
Expr expr = WithSpan<Expr>([this] { return ParseCallExpr(); });
// Now we parse an optional op.
std::vector<Rule> ops;
// We will now parse 0 or more operator occurrences.
while (true) {
auto opt_op = ParseOp();
// If we didn't parse one we done.
if (opt_op.size() == 0) {
// Read the operation we parsed;
auto op = opt_op[0];
Expr right = WithSpan<Expr>([this] { return ParseCallExpr(); });
// If the operator stack is empty
// we parse an operator and expression
// and push them to stacks, then
// continue.
if (ops.size() == 0) {
if (op.precedence > ops.back().precedence ||
(op.precedence == ops.back().precedence && op.left_assoc == false)) {
while (ops.size() && (op.precedence < ops.back().precedence ||
(op.precedence == ops.back().precedence && op.left_assoc == true))) {
Rule new_op = ops.back();
Expr right = exprs.back();
Expr left = exprs.back();
ICHECK(new_op.op.defined()) << "a call op must be set " << new_op.op;
relay::Call(new_op.op, {left, right}, Attrs(), {}, left->span.Merge(right->span)));
while (ops.size()) {
Rule new_op = ops.back();
Expr right = exprs.back();
Expr left = exprs.back();
ICHECK(new_op.op.defined()) << "a call op must be set " << new_op.op;
relay::Call(new_op.op, {left, right}, Attrs(), {}, left->span.Merge(right->span)));
ICHECK_EQ(ops.size(), 0) << "No operations should be left on the operation stack.";
ICHECK_EQ(exprs.size(), 1)
<< "Only a single expression should be left on the expression stack.";
return exprs[0];
ObjectRef ParseAttributeValue() {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseAttributeValue";
auto next = Peek();
switch (next->token_type) {
case TokenType::kFloat:
case TokenType::kInteger:
case TokenType::kBoolean:
case TokenType::kStringLiteral:
return Match(next->token_type)->data;
case TokenType::kMetaReference:
return ParseMetaRef();
case TokenType::kLSquare: {
return ParseSequence<ObjectRef>(TokenType::kLSquare, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kRSquare,
[&]() { return ParseAttributeValue(); });
case TokenType::kOpenParen: {
// TODO(@jroesch: need to figure out bracket vs. sequence)
// return ParseSequence<ObjectRef>(TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kComma,
// TokenType::kCloseParen,
// [&]() { return ParseAttributeValue(); });
return Bracket<ObjectRef>(TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kCloseParen,
[&]() { return ParseAttributeValue(); });
// TODO(@jroesch): not sure about this being the right way to handle nulls.
case TokenType::kIdentifier: {
if (auto text = next-><tvm::StringObj>()) {
std::string id = GetRef<String>(text);
if (id == "nullptr") {
return ObjectRef();
if (id == "None") {
return Optional<ObjectRef>();
return ParseAtomicExpr();
Map<String, ObjectRef> ParseAttrs() {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseAttrs";
Map<String, ObjectRef> kwargs;
while (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kIdentifier) {
auto key = GetHierarchicalName(ParseHierarchicalName().data);
// TOOD(@jroesch): syntactically what do we allow to appear in attribute right hand side.
auto value = ParseAttributeValue();
// TODO(@jroesch): we need a robust way to handle this writing dtypes as strings in text
// format is bad.
kwargs.Set(key, value);
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseAttrs: kwargs=" << kwargs;
return kwargs;
Expr ParseCallArgs(Expr op) {
ICHECK(op.defined()) << "the operator must be defined";
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseCallArgs";
Attrs attrs;
std::string op_key;
bool is_op = false;
if (auto op_node =<OpNode>()) {
is_op = true;
op_key = op_node->attrs_type_key;
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kOpenParen) {
Array<Expr> args = ParseSequence<Expr>(
TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kCloseParen,
[&] { return ParseExpr(); },
[&] {
auto is_ident = Lookahead(1)->token_type == TokenType::kIdentifier;
auto next_is_equal = Lookahead(2)->token_type == TokenType::kEqual;
auto is_pretty_attrs = is_ident && next_is_equal;
auto is_meta_next = Lookahead(1)->token_type == TokenType::kMetaReference;
// TODO(@jroesch): might not handle trailing comma
auto last_meta = Lookahead(2)->token_type == TokenType::kCloseParen;
auto is_meta_attrs = is_meta_next && last_meta;
if (is_pretty_attrs || is_meta_attrs) {
if (is_meta_attrs) {
auto meta_ref = ParseMetaRef();
if (<BaseAttrsNode>()) {
attrs = Downcast<Attrs>(meta_ref);
} else {
// Not awesome parsing code here.
return false;
} else {
auto raw_attrs = ParseAttrs();
if (is_op && op_key.size()) {
auto attr_obj = tvm::ReflectionVTable::Global()->CreateObject(op_key, raw_attrs);
attrs = Downcast<Attrs>(attr_obj);
} else if (raw_attrs.count("attrs_type_key")) {
String attr_key = Downcast<String>(raw_attrs["attrs_type_key"]);
if (attr_key.size()) {
auto attr_obj =
tvm::ReflectionVTable::Global()->CreateObject(attr_key, raw_attrs);
attrs = Downcast<Attrs>(attr_obj);
} else {
<< "unable to determine the 'attrs_type_key' with which "
"to represent the call attributes for this operator");
return true;
return false;
if (!attrs.defined()) {
if (is_op && op_key.size()) {
auto attr_obj = tvm::ReflectionVTable::Global()->CreateObject(op_key, {});
attrs = Downcast<Attrs>(attr_obj);
// TODO(@jroesch): in a secondary pass adjust spans.
return Expr(Call(op, args, attrs, {}));
} else {
return Expr();
return Expr();
Expr ParseCallExpr() {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseCallExpr";
return WithSpan<Expr>([this] {
Expr expr = ParseAtomicExpr();
// Parse as many call args as possible, building up expression
// NB(@jroesch): this seems like a hack but in order to parse curried functions
// and avoid complex grammar we will parse multiple call lists in a row.
while (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kOpenParen) {
auto new_expr = ParseCallArgs(expr);
if (new_expr.defined()) {
expr = new_expr;
} else {
// We need a zero-arity case for constructors.
if (auto ctor_node =<ConstructorNode>()) {
if (ctor_node->inputs.size() == 0) {
return Expr(Call(expr, {}));
return expr;
Expr GetOp(const std::string& op_name, const Span& span) {
VLOG(9) << "op_name=" << op_name << " span=" << span;
try {
return Op::Get(op_name);
} catch (const Error& e) {
// we can relax this, but probably need to relax checks or return non-null here.
<< "operator `" << op_name
<< "` not found, perhaps you forgot to register it?");
return Expr();
Expr ParseAtomicExpr() {
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseAtomicExpr";
Expr expr = WithSpan<Expr>([this] {
auto next = Peek();
switch (next->token_type) {
case TokenType::kInteger:
case TokenType::kFloat: {
auto number = NumberToNDArray(next);
Expr e = Constant(number, next->span);
ICHECK(e->span.defined()) << "constant spans must be defined";
return e;
case TokenType::kBoolean: {
int64_t value = Downcast<tvm::Integer>(next->data).IntValue();
Expr e = Constant(support::BoolToNDArray(value), next->span);
ICHECK(e->span.defined()) << "constant spans must be defined";
return e;
// Parse a local of the form `%x`.
case TokenType::kLocal: {
return Expr(LookupLocal(next));
// Parse a local of the form `@x`.
case TokenType::kGlobal: {
auto global_name = next.ToString();
auto global = AddOrGet(&global_names, global_name);
return Expr(global);
// Parse a local of the form `x`.
// Right now we fail to parse `x.y`.
case TokenType::kIdentifier: {
auto ctor = ctors.Get(next.ToString());
if (ctor) {
return Expr(ctor.value());
} else {
auto spanned_idents = ParseHierarchicalName();
auto idents =;
auto span = spanned_idents.span;
return GetOp(GetHierarchicalName(idents), span);
case TokenType::kGraph: {
return LookupGraphBinding(next);
case TokenType::kMetaReference: {
return Downcast<Expr>(ParseMetaRef());
case TokenType::kFn: {
Expr e = ParseFunctionDef();
ICHECK(e->span.defined()) << "function spans must be defined.\n" << e;
return e;
case TokenType::kIf: {
Expr e = ParseIf();
return e;
case TokenType::kRef: {
auto ref_value = ParseExpr();
return static_cast<Expr>(RefCreate(ref_value));
case TokenType::kRefRead: {
return WithSpan<Expr>([&]() {
auto ref = ParseExpr();
return static_cast<Expr>(RefRead(ref));
case TokenType::kRefWrite: {
return WithSpan<Expr>([&]() {
auto ref = ParseExpr();
auto value = ParseExpr();
return static_cast<Expr>(RefWrite(ref, value));
case TokenType::kOpenParen: {
Span sp = next->span;
// parse '(' ')'
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kCloseParen)) {
return Expr(Tuple(Array<Expr>()));
} else {
Expr subexpr = ParseExpr();
// parse '(' expr ')'
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kCloseParen)) {
return subexpr;
// parse '( expr ',' * ')'
} else if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kComma)) {
Array<Expr> exprs = {subexpr};
while (true) {
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kCloseParen)) {
} else {
auto element = ParseExpr();
auto comma = Peek();
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kComma)) {
sp = sp.Merge(element->span.Merge(comma->span));
} else {
sp = sp.Merge(element->span);
Expr tuple = Tuple(exprs, sp);
ICHECK(tuple->span.defined()) << "tuple span should be defined";
return tuple;
default: {
<< "expected an expression found " << Pretty(next->token_type));
return Expr();
if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kPeriod)) {
auto token = Match(TokenType::kInteger);
auto index = token.ToNumber();
auto span = token->span.Merge(expr->span);
VLOG(9) << "Parser::ParseAtomicExpr: tuple get item";
return relay::TupleGetItem(expr, index, span);
} else {
return expr;
/*! \brief Parse a hierarchical name.
* The tokenizer produces a token stream of <id1> . <id2>
* and so on for names of the form `nn.conv2d`.
* Currently we only use string names everywhere instead
* of a notion of a hierarchical name.
* The below utility reassembles a token stream into a
* single stream inserting the required periods needed
* to look up registered names.
Spanned<Array<String>> ParseHierarchicalName() {
Array<String> idents;
Span span;
while (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kIdentifier) {
auto token = Peek();
if (span.defined()) {
span = span.Merge(token->span);
} else {
span = token->span;
auto name = token.ToString();
// Keep parsing while we see a trailing period.
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kPeriod) {
} else {
// No more periods means we are done!
return Spanned<Array<String>>(idents, span);
std::string GetHierarchicalName(Array<String> idents) {
ICHECK_NE(idents.size(), 0);
std::stringstream hierarchical_name;
int i = 0;
int periods = idents.size() - 1;
for (auto ident : idents) {
hierarchical_name << ident;
if (i < periods) {
hierarchical_name << ".";
return hierarchical_name.str();
/*! \brief Parse a shape. */
Array<tvm::PrimExpr> ParseShape() {
auto dims = ParseSequence<tvm::PrimExpr>(
TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kCloseParen, [&]() {
tvm::PrimExpr dim;
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kMetaReference) {
dim = Downcast<tvm::PrimExpr>(ParseMetaRef());
} else if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kQuestion)) {
dim = tvm::tir::Any();
} else {
dim = Downcast<tvm::PrimExpr>(Match(TokenType::kInteger)->data);
return dim;
return dims;
/*! \brief Parse a function type. */
Type ParseFunctionType() {
auto ty_params = ParseSequence<Type>(TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kComma,
TokenType::kCloseParen, [&]() { return ParseType(); });
auto ret_type = ParseType();
return relay::FuncType(ty_params, ret_type, {}, {});
// Parses a user defined ADT or type variable.
Type ParseNonPrimitiveType(const Token& tok) {
return WithSpan<Type>([&]() {
auto name = tok.ToString();
Type head_type = LookupTypeVar(tok);
if (!head_type.defined()) {
// head_type = type_names.Get(name);
head_type = AddOrGet(&type_names, name, TypeKind::kAdtHandle);
if (!head_type.defined()) {
<< "the type constructor `" << name << "` is undefined");
Array<Type> arg_types;
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kLSquare) {
arg_types = ParseSequence<Type>(TokenType::kLSquare, TokenType::kComma, TokenType::kRSquare,
[&]() { return ParseType(); });
if (arg_types.size()) {
return static_cast<Type>(TypeCall(head_type, arg_types));
} else {
if (<GlobalTypeVarNode>()) {
return static_cast<Type>(TypeCall(head_type, {}));
} else {
return static_cast<Type>(head_type);
/*! \brief Parses a TVM type.
* This matches either a `Tensor[shape, dtype]`, a user defined ADT, a tuple type,
* a scalar type or an incomplete type `_`.
Type ParseType() {
return WithSpan<Type>([&]() -> Type {
auto tok = Peek();
if (tok->token_type == TokenType::kOpenParen) {
auto tys =
ParseSequence<relay::Type>(TokenType::kOpenParen, TokenType::kComma,
TokenType::kCloseParen, [&]() { return ParseType(); });
return relay::TupleType(tys);
} else if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kFn)) {
return ParseFunctionType();
} else if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kIdentifier)) {
auto id = tok.ToString();
if (id == "Tensor") {
auto shape = ParseShape();
auto dtype_tok = Match(TokenType::kIdentifier);
auto dtype = DataType(String2DLDataType(dtype_tok.ToString()));
return TensorType(shape, dtype);
} else {
auto ty = tok.ToString();
if (ty.rfind("int", 0) == 0 || ty.find("float", 0) == 0 || ty.find("uint", 0) == 0 ||
ty.find("bool", 0) == 0) {
// Need to do better error handling here.
auto dtype = DataType(String2DLDataType(tok.ToString()));
return TensorType({}, dtype);
} else {
return ParseNonPrimitiveType(tok);
} else if (WhenMatch(TokenType::kUnderscore)) {
return IncompleteType();
} else {
<< "failed to parse type found " << tok);
return Type();
template <typename R>
R ConsumeWhitespace(std::function<R()> func) {
auto old = this->ignore_whitespace;
this->ignore_whitespace = true;
while (tokens[pos]->token_type == TokenType::kWhitespace) {
auto res = func();
this->ignore_whitespace = old;
return res;
Map<String, Array<ObjectRef>> ParseMetadata() {
if (Peek()->token_type == TokenType::kMetadata) {
return Match(TokenType::kMetadata).ToMetadata();
} else {
return Map<String, Array<ObjectRef>>();
/*! \brief A helper for debugging the parser, displays the next N tokens in the token stream. */
void DisplayNextN(int n) {
std::cout << "remaining tokens: " << std::endl;
auto bound = std::min(pos + n, static_cast<int>(tokens.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < bound - pos; i++) {
std::cout << tokens[pos + i] << std::endl;
// A function for debugging the operator parser.
void DebugStack(const std::vector<Expr>& exprs, const std::vector<Rule>& rules) {
std::cout << "Expr Stack: ";
for (auto expr : exprs) {
std::cout << expr << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Op Stack: ";
for (auto rule : rules) {
std::cout << rule.op << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
Parser InitParser(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& file_content,
const Optional<IRModule>& init_module, const MetaTable& init_meta_table) {
VLOG(9) << "InitParser: file_name: " << file_name << "file_content_size: " << file_content.size();
SourceName src_name = SourceName::Get(file_name);
Source source(src_name, file_content);
IRModule module;
if (!init_module) {
SourceMap source_map;
module = IRModule({}, {}, {}, source_map);
} else {
module = init_module.value();
auto diag_ctx = DiagnosticContext::Default(module);
auto tokens_and_table = Tokenize(diag_ctx, source);
auto tokens = tokens_and_table.first;
MetaTable meta_data_table = tokens_and_table.second.ToMetadata();
// Merge any entries in init_meta_table into anything captured in the #[metadata] section
// of the file_content. Metadata references within file_content must use indexes which account
// for this ordering.
for (const auto& pair : init_meta_table) {
Array<ObjectRef> items;
if (meta_data_table.count(pair.first)) {
items = meta_data_table[pair.first];
for (const auto& obj : pair.second) {
meta_data_table.Set(pair.first, items);
return Parser(module, diag_ctx, source, tokens, DefaultOpTable(), std::move(meta_data_table));
IRModule ParseModule(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& file_content,
const Optional<IRModule>& init_module, const MetaTable& init_meta_table) {
VLOG_CONTEXT << "ParseModule";
VLOG(9) << "parsing and type-checking " << file_name;
auto parser = InitParser(file_name, file_content, init_module, init_meta_table);
auto mod = parser.ParseModule();
ICHECK(mod.defined()) << "The parser must return a non-null module.";
// NB(@jroesch): it is very important that we render any errors before we proceed
// if there were any errors which allow the parser to proceed we must render them
// here.
auto infer_type = tvm::relay::transform::InferType();
ICHECK(infer_type.defined()) << "The type inferencer must be non-null.";
return infer_type(mod);
Expr ParseExpr(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& file_content) {
VLOG(9) << "ParseExpr";
auto parser = InitParser(file_name, file_content, Optional<IRModule>(), MetaTable());
auto expr = parser.ParseExpr();
// NB(@jroesch): it is very important that we render any errors before we proceed
// if there were any errors which allow the parser to proceed we must render them
// here.
return expr;
.set_body_typed([](const std::string& file_name, const std::string& file_content,
const Optional<IRModule>& init_module, const MetaTable& init_meta_table) {
return ParseModule(file_name, file_content, init_module, init_meta_table);
.set_body_typed([](const std::string& file_name, const std::string& file_content) {
return ParseModule(file_name, file_content);
.set_body_typed([](tvm::String file_name, tvm::String file_content) {
return ParseExpr(file_name, file_content);
* \brief This pass pretty-prints mod then parses it back so as to establish spans and sources
* for all Relay sub-expressions. This improves error and debugging diagnostics downstream for
* modules constructed programaticaly rather than textually.
Pass AnnotateSpans() {
auto pass_func = [](const IRModule& mod, const PassContext& ctx) {
String text = AsText(mod, /*show_meta_data=*/true);
VLOG(1) << "AnnotateSpans intermediate text:" << std::endl << text;
return ParseModule("GeneratedSource", text);
return CreateModulePass(pass_func, 0, "AnnotateSpans", {});
} // namespace parser
} // namespace tvm